
CS是什么意思 CS在线翻译 CS什么意思 CS的意思 CS的翻译 CS的解释 CS的发音 CS的同义词 CS的反义词 CS的例句 CS的相关词组 CS意思是什么
CS['si:?es] CS 基本解释abbr.Cable Ship 电缆敷设船; 一种国内流行的***战类游戏911查询?英语单词CS 网络解释1. 片选:其中,片选(CS)、读信号(RD)控制转换结果读取;启动转换(CONVST)控制启动转换过程;忙信号(BUSY)标志AD7482正处于转换过程. AD7482满额度工作时的转换时间(conversion time)为300 ns,其中,2. 铯:(一)碱金属元素:元素周期表中IA族元素(除H外)称为碱金属,包括锂(Li)、钠(Na)、钾(K)、铷(Rb)、铯(Cs)、钫(Fr). 由于它们的氢氧化物(MOH)均易溶于水,呈强碱性,因而统称碱金属. 碱金属是典型的活泼金属,在自然界没有单质存在,3. 芯片选择:AD7304的双缓冲串行数据接口利用数据输入(SDI)、时钟(CLK)和芯片选择(CS) 引脚,提供高速、三线式、SPI和微控制器兼容型输入. 通电时,内部上电复位功能使两款器件均处于零电平状态. 将AD7304上的SDI/SHDN引脚和AD7305上的A0/SHDN地址引脚设为三态,4. cs:customers ′ 顾客满意度5. 5. cs: 控制系统6. 911查询·英语单词6. cs:customers ’ 顾客满意7. cs: 颈椎病CS 双语例句1. For both the theoretical and actual procession show that reflection coefficient and wavelet convolution can not get synthetic record seismic trace on the scale of 2〓, so, all forward calculation should be projected from the scale of 2〓 to the scale of 2〓.&&&&2将2〓尺度的Cr〓、Cs〓、Cb〓、Cr〓插值到原2〓尺度的长度,因为理论和实际处理均表明,尺度为2〓的反射系数与尺度为2〓的子波褶积得不到尺度为2〓的合成记录地震道,所以一切的正演计算必须从2〓尺度投影到2〓尺度才能实现2. 2. Expansion bed process can be used to sulfurize pyrolysis gasoline two-stage hydrofining catalyst, regenerated wax hydrofining catalyst, prefining catalyst for hydrocraking, and diesel oil hydrofining catalyst.&&&&结果表明:膨胀床器外预硫化工艺,优于CS2器内硫化工艺,对裂解汽油二段加氢精制催化剂、石蜡加氢再生剂、加氢裂化预精制剂和柴油加氢精制剂均具有较好的硫化效果。3. 3. But at least i got no Cs. by the way, there are three terms here in Canada.&&&&我的分数很低,但至少我通过了,顺便说一下,在加拿大有三个学期。4. They only now start to work within the programming environment, however, the first beta of the new Creative Suite 5 remain incomplete and unstable.&&&&他们从现在才开始在Cocoa环境下编译程式,但是第一个CS5的beta版仍然不完整而且不稳定。5. Using stepwise excitation of the cesium 8S atomic level in Cs vapor, the cross sections for the collisional processes of 6P+5D→6S+nL(nL=9S, 5F) have been measured.&&&&二步激发Cs原子至8S态,测量了碰撞转移过程Cs(6P)+Cs(5D)→Cs(6S)+Cs(nL=9S,5F)的截面值σ(9S)和σ(5F)分别为8.7×10-15和1.3×10-14cm2。6. You can use the feature by dropping the following line into the AssemblyInfo. cs&&&&您可以通过拖放到AssemblyInfo.cs中以下行功能7. As many of you know, I`ve spent the better part of 3 years working on Brush Pilot, a Photoshop brush previewer for OS X. We are about to come out with a major update that not only adds 4 languages (Spanish, French, Swedish, and Italian), but we are also in the process of fixing two major CS3 bugs.&&&&正如你们许多人的都知道,我花了3年的工作更好地部分刷试点,一为OS X的Photoshop笔刷预览工具,我们将要来法国进行了重大更新,不仅增加了4种语言(西班牙语,瑞典和意大利),但我们是在两个主要的固定CS3的错误的过程也。8. The forest is thick with trees-- beech(SS13), oak (SS15, CS15, OP28), pine(OP30), sycamore(CS15), and yew(OP21) are mentioned, as well as undergrowth such as knotgrass and thorns(OP30)-- but there are paths, brooks, and some clearings.&&&&森林中满是各种的树木----榉树橡树(法石,第十五章,密室,第十五章,凤凰社,第二十八章)无花果树紫杉在书中被提到,还有类似软花,荆棘之类的低矮植物--但是在森林中,有一些小路,溪流和空旷地。9. Primary study concluded that crude extracts of strain CS211 are natural products with antibiotic activity against Bacillus cereus, Sarcina Lutea, Bacillus subitilis, and Staphylococcus aureus.&&&&国内有关粘细菌生物活性物质的研究报道很少。本文对中国西南地区土壤中种类丰富的粘细菌进行分离和纯化,得到一株紫褐色粘细菌CS262和一株粉红色粘细菌CS211。10. Especially in the noisy environment, but also fully enjoy the pleasure of music, if you are a loyal CS players, then heard the footsteps and the sound of delicate, is not it let you play the game more thoroughly.&&&&特别是在嘈杂的环境下,也能完全享受音乐快感,如果你是CS的忠实玩家,那么听到脚步声与***声的微妙,是不是让你在游戏里发挥的更加淋漓尽致。11. Rb and Cs were always exist together with lithium in nature, especially in lithia mica Recently, the rare alkali metals Rb and Cs as well as their compounds have found wide application in new energy and new materials, especially in the field of catalytic performance to the formation of organic and inorganic compounds.&&&&&&近年来,稀碱金属铷、铯及其化合物在新能源、新材料中的应用受到广泛重视,在无机及有机配合物催化性能方面的研究日益增多。12. 12. Materials and methods:From June 2008 to November 9 units whole blood were collected in ACD-B bags in the Blood Center of Zhejiang Province. Then they were centrifugated by 4790×g for 12 minutes to prepare red blood cell suspensions. They were stored at 2-6℃in the refrigeratory. According to the hospital appointments, blood products were irradiated using 25Gy ~(137)Csγ-ray(Gammacell 3000ELAM, MDS Nordion, Canada)for 2 minutes 50 seconds. A sample of RBCs unit, approximately 20ml was collected from each blood bag of 173 RBCS units with a sterile connecting system before and after irradiation to monitor the quality.&&&&&&材料与方法:2008年6月~2008年11月间,浙江省血液中心ACD-B采集的45249单位的无偿献血者血液,经4790×g离心12分钟,制备成红细胞悬液,储存于2-6℃的冷库,根据医院预约,应用137Csγ射线辐照(Gammacell 3000 ELAM,MDSNordion,Canada),剂量为25Gy,校准时间2分钟50秒,对其中173份RBCs悬液,辐照前后利用无菌接管机留取10ml样本进行质量监测。13. It have been carried out that the investigation of the natural insect enemy in Ningxia and the research of a most effictive enemy, Dastarcus helophoroides.&&&&&&CS 11对家蚕的安全性测定表明,对大量养蚕不制蚕种的桑园来说,可以使用该不育剂1%以下浓度的溶液在桑园喷雾防治该叶螨。14. In this example, multiple summed matrix of uniform random variable multiplied by a constant standard deviation as noise, and rectangular time varying as a voltage signal are signal AM modulated in CS ratio and noise modulated phase in SN ratio to form an AM modulated signal with phase noise.&&&&&&本例以多重相加均随机变数矩阵乘以标准差为常数代表杂讯,及方波时变代表讯号,依载波讯号比调幅及以讯杂依讯杂比调变相位合成含相位杂讯之调幅讯号。15. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD15. This paper has investigated effect of arsenic ion, (NH2)2CS and glue on the balance potential of copper cathode.&&&&&&用稳态法研究了砷离子、硫脲及骨胶等对铜电解液中阴极铜极化曲线平衡电位的影响。16. Six plant varieties of the Amaranthaceae grown for 42 days in a nutrient solution were treated with different 134Cs activities.&&&&&&对营养液栽培 42d后的 6种苋科植物用不同13 4 Cs比活度处理,1周后收获并分析13 4 Cs比活度。17. The research result of removal of CS2 in coking pure benzene with granular active carbon is presented.&&&&&&介绍了采用粒状活性炭脱除焦化纯苯中CS2的研究结果。18. 18. CS College not only brings us American business courses, broadening our horizons, but also creates an agreeable environment for language learning, improving our ability in this area, paving the way for us to work well in a multinational corporation.&&&&&&PCEC华星学院不仅为我们带来了美国工商管理课程,打开了我们的眼界,同时也为我们提供了全英语授课的环境,强化了我们的语言能力,为我们在外企工作开创了极为有利的条件。19. Where additional semantics apply to a function, the material is identified by use of the CS margin legend.&&&&&&在额外语义适用於函数时,由CS边限图示的使用来识别。20. 20. On the basis of sulfonation reaction, in order to improve the sulfur content of chitosan derivatives as possible, chitosan was xanthated.&&&&&&在磺化反应的基础上,为了尽可能地提高壳聚糖衍生物的硫含量,将壳聚糖黄原酸化,并找出了最佳工艺条件为:1g壳聚糖,NaOH溶液用量5ml,NaOH溶液浓度30%,CS2用量12ml,反应时间6小时,反应温度80℃。CS 单语例句1. William Fong is the General Manager of CS Surveyors, providing services to real estate developers.2. Recently a new game called CS true man show has become popular among Beijing young white collars.3. Imagine a concert where every singer shoots for high Cs every three minutes.4. Some of them could work on Airbus 380, which will soon be delivered to CS.5. As long as it gets paid, the Shenzhen Consumer Goods Quality Promotion Association will issue the CS signs to anyone.6. Wumart will place new shares to CS Investment, which owns Jiangsu Times.7. Who would resist reading a novel of CS Forester, or PG Wodehouse?CS的反义词CS是什么意思,CS在线翻译,CS什么意思,CS的意思,CS的翻译,CS的解释,CS的发音,CS的同义词,CS的反义词,CS的例句,CS的相关词组,CS意思是什么,CS怎么翻译,单词CS是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 cs里扔雷时候喊的那声英文,翻译成中文是什么意思?
Fire in the hold:是“小心手雷”的意思.源头是这样的:在CS和一些美国战争片里经常见到这句话比如说兄弟连这是美国军队在战争中的专用暗号,表示我在扔雷了,提醒同伴注意Counter Strike里fire in the hole 是提醒战友隐蔽,自己要扔雷.是"小心手雷".但是在阿诺德?施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger) 的The Terminator 2终结者2中 说是 小心就是洞里有人在打仗,于是就会扔手榴弹,后来就演变为扔手榴弹就说fire in the hole
Cover Me! 掩护我You Take the Point!你守在这里Hold This Position!仔细搜索这个地区Regroup Team!重新组队 Follow Me!跟着我 Taking Fire.. Need Assistance!火力支援 GOGOGO前进Team,fall back! 全体撤退Stick Together Team!注意前面Get in position and wait for my go!守在这里直到我命令离开 Storm the Front!扫清前面Report in,team!汇报的你位置Affirmative/Reger!收到!/了解!Enemy Spotted!发现敌人 Need Backup!请求支援 Sector Clear!这个区域已清理! I'm in position! 我已到达指定位置She's gonna Blow!赶快离开这里,炸弹即将爆炸Negative!无法实现Enemy Down!目标已消灭
fire in the hole小心手雷go go go 冲锋cover me 掩护我还有别的想不起来了


