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The Killing & TV Episode Recaps & News
Episode 11/12
From Up Here/The Road to Hamelin
And now we know who did the killing on The Killing.
'Six Minutes'
Now, that was a great episode.&
Is this show actually about a pair of cops that are terrible at their jobs?&
This season has both raced and crawled by.&
'Hope Kills'
It&s episodes like this one that make us wish the Killing weren&t a show about trying to solve a single case.&
'Eminent Domain'
No matter how important a clue that turns up is, the investigation doesn&t seem to progress.&
'Scared and Running'
So what are we thinking about this Joe Mills character?&
Honestly, we're a little relieved that things appear to be getting back to normal with this show.&
'The Jungle/That You Fear the Most'
And we&re back. With the rain that never stops falling.&
'What I Know'
So now we know who killed Rosie Larsen. But we still don't know why we continued to watch this show. Regardless, here we are.&
'Donnie or Marie'
We're this close to figuring out who killed Rosie Larsen, y'all.&
Just because this show can get away with phoning it in doesn&t mean that it should.&
'72 Hours'
Oh, this show!&
'Sayonara, Hiawatha'
&She came here to say good-bye.& Right.&
'Off The Reservation'
Finally, an episode full of action, relatively speaking.&
It&s becoming a trademark on this show to solve the simplest problems in the most convoluted of ways.&
Shouldn't they just change the name of this show to The Red Herring?&
'Ghosts of the Past'
Honestly, at this point with this show, I&m just trying to understand basic logistics.&
It appears that Linden has finally learned how to silence her cell phone.&
Drawing out the "drama," one sick-bed scene at a time.&
'Reflections/My Lucky Day'
Season two, and The Killing still isn't easy. Or particularly good.&
'Orpheus Descending'
'Beau Soleil'
In the penultimate episode, the detectives do some email reading.&
'The Missing'
The show takes a break from the murder, and it's all for the best. &
'I’ll Let You Know When I Get There'
Bennet Ahmed's in a coma. Time to round up some new suspects.&
Things happen this week, but they're no good. &
On this episode, the scope gets wider still. &
Some red herrings get dispatched, and it all ends with a plot twist. &
'What You Have Left'
Resolution or red herrings in this week's episode. &
FORECAST: Partly cloudy with a chance of varnish.&
'A Soundless Echo'
We start recapping, on Day 4 of the murder investigation. &
Sundays, 10 p.m.
‘Sarah Linden’
‘Darren Richmond’
‘Stephen Holder’
‘Mitch Larsen’
‘Stanley Larsen’
‘Gwen Eaton’
‘Jamie Wright’
‘Belko Royce’
‘Terry Marek’
Ron French, Dawn Prestwich, and Nicole Yorkin
April 3, 2011
Official Site
The Latest OnThe Killing
8/4/14 at 12:30 PM
Mamas, don&t send your kids to military school.
8/1/14 at 5:35 PM
The show returned today for its final season on Netflix.
7/2/14 at 3:30 PM
Linden? Holder? Those dead ladies on the crazy wall?
1/16/14 at 2:15 PM
As the head of a military school.
11/15/13 at 6:26 PM
For six more episodes.
8/5/13 at 12:45 PM
How about ... no more killing?
6/3/13 at 4:00 PM
But those still watching are older.
5/31/13 at 2:45 PM
The AMC procedural sometimes carries itself as if it's the greatest series in the history of American television.
"My jaw gets so tight."
Mina Hochberg
The procedural still plays like CBS crime-show hackwork wrapped in art-house pretension.
Matt Zoller Seitz
Boy did those detectives like to work their jaws.
Sarah Frank
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