ZMobDB Advanced插件线

Updated: 07-30-16 10:45 PM
Compatibility:Legion (7.0.3)Fury of Hellfire (6.2)The Adventure Continues (6.1)Warlords of Draenor (6.0.3)Warlords of Draenor Pre-Patch (6.0.2)
Updated:07-30-16 10:45 PM
ZMobDB Advanced6&
Version: 6.9.2alphaby:
COUTION: Needs to Disable &Zuxana Model Citizen&
COUTION: ver6.9.1 or Later Needs
All Animation 3D Models for UnitFrames and User original view Database
(models only.not include another Unit Informations)
Supported unit :
player,pet,pet target
target,target of target
party,party pet,party target
focus,focus target
All models will use default camera position when you find 1st time.
But you can change camera(zoom,rotation,position) settings.
Zmob will save your original camera setting and Auto-Load next time you find that model.
fullbody,halfbody,shoulder up,fullface as you like.
---- Mouse controls ----
CTRL Key + Left Mouse Button = Rotate and Zoom in on the model.
CTRL Key + Right Mouse Button = Pan the model horizontally or vertically.
ALT Key + Left Mouse Button = increace/decreace model scale.
SHIFT Key + Left Mouse Button = Drag the bounding box around.
SHIFT Key + Right Mouse Button = Resize the bounding box.
CTRL + SHIFT + Left Mouse Button = Auto Portrait ON
CTRL + SHIFT + Right Mouse Button = Auto Portrait OFF
CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + Left Mouse Button = Refresh Model View
Right Mouse Button or ALT Key + Right Mouse Button = Reflesh All Models.
---- Features ----
* Model Database (Common / UnitFrame Specific / PvP Faction Specific)
* Portrait / Auto Portrait Mode
* Clique Supported
* Event Animation
* Random Animation
* Selectable Pannel Style
* Eye Catch Animation
* Raid Target Icon
* UI Compilations Author Support
---- Command ----
/ZMOB delete DataName :delete data from database (&/ZMOB delete Undead_male& etc)
/ZMOB copy DataName1,DataName2 : copy DataName1 setting to DataName2 (&/ZMC copy Undead_male,Troll_female& etc)
/ZMOB config : pop up Config Window
/ZMOB copymenu : pop up Copy Menu
/ZMOB cleardatabase : clear all model data
/ZMOB refresh :Refresh All Models (or mouse right-crick)
/ZMOB testbox op up Animation Test Window
/ZMOB resetbox : reset window position/size when next login
for UI Compilations Authors:
ZMobDB profile has your(author's) character/server name.
so I prepare command when building UI Compilation.
plz check README.txt
up to stage6
rebuild and unite ZMC and ZMobDB,
this addon not &Plug In&. now &Standalone&
* update TOC
* update for 3.0.2 (all options reset but Model Database keeping old data)
* add New Feature &PvP Icon&
6.1 6.1beta2
* add &PvP Position Adjust Control&
* Fix Small Bugs
* add Key Bind &Open/Close Animation Test Window&
* Add New Feature &UI Compilations Author Support&
check README.txt for Detail
* Fix Small Bugs
* Change and add &UnitFrame Tooltip& Option
* Fix Small Bugs
* Support Vehicle Menu
* ZMobDB will not change alpha rate while stealth animation OFF
* Database will auto save data when find new model
* Add Option &Notice New Data& (default OFF)
notice when find new model
* FixBug: Alpha Rate will not back to default
* Add command
/ZMOB resetbox : reset window position/size when next login
* FixBug: cant change model settings while Player Window OFF
* Add corde for lag issues
* Fix small bugs
* Delete &Template& Feature
* model maximum scale has been increased. (ALT+Left Mouse)
* Add Mouse Control
CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + Right Mouse Button = Save Model View Compulsory
* Fix Small bugs while in Raid group
* Stop Bug for 3.0.9
(bug stop only, still have sissues)
* update for 3.0.9
* Fix Flame Error,Taint Error
* delete Mouse Control CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+RightMouse command
* Fix Mouse Control Error
* Fix Profile Issues
* Fix Option Saving Issues
* Animation TestBox re-work
* decrease FPS Issues
* Fix &Enable Mouse& Error
* Stop Auto Save when ALT+RightMouse
* Fix issues about Raid
* Fix &Enable Mouse& Option Issue
* Fix Error if change model while UI OFF
6.4beta12 HotFix1
* Fix Error when change target
* Implubed reflesh count when window pop
* Update TOC
* BugFix : PartyMember DropDown Menu
* Change Option &Simple Data Mode& Feature
* Add code for patch 4.0.1
* Add code for patch 4.1
* update Animation System script
* re-build Dwarf Male's DEAD animation
* re-build Draenei's DEAD animation
Update Desc
* BugFix : Unitframe &Enable& option
* update TOC
* decreace FPS issue
* find bug: some EventAnimations not work correctly
6.7.2 6.7.3
* update for 5.0.4API Changes
* update TOC
* update Model Scale Range, all models can set more Small
6.8.1 alpha
* update TOC
* Swapped from &SetCamera& to &SetPortraitZoom& for Fix portrait model issue
* small bugs has occurred (not tested :/
Archived Files (9)
08-17-15 06:06 AM
12-22-12 08:58 AM
6.7.3 beta2
10-06-12 09:38 PM
6.7.1 alpha
10-05-12 09:29 PM
09-17-11 04:24 AM
6.6.1 beta2
05-03-11 02:26 AM
6.6.1 beta1
04-30-11 07:36 AM
6.6.0 beta1
10-29-10 05:04 AM
04-04-09 03:12 AM
A Murloc Raider
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broken in bfa
I'm extremely sad to see this addon broken in BfA. here's the error.
If you're looking for a replacement, you can try Stuf unitframes and just disable everything except the animated portrait.
Last edited by Xepla : 07-23-18 at .
A Kobold Labourer
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Just wanna say Thanks!
Super happy to see the update.
A Murloc Raider
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*Update for 7.0.3pre patch
this ver needs
not include,plz install FileDataLib addon
*update TOC
*only fix error, tested only self,target,ToT,Eye Catch,event animations
plz report if you find issue. I'll wait 2weeks to go out
Last edited by Dant : 07-31-16 at .
A Murloc Raider
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Re: ZIP folder
sorry too late,
I re-install WoW starter edition and test ZMobDB, but its NOT work correctly
and Im still sleeping under the grave
I'll challenge , but plz not expect
Originally Posted by methylamine
the latest version of this mod doesn't come packaged with a folder to place under Interface\AddOns\, which may result in the mod not working when installed (as it did for me).
Dant, please update the available .zip file to include the files in a folder called ZMobDB.
To have the mod work, the folder must be the same name as the files: ZMoBDB
For example, my toc file is at E:\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ZMoBDB\ZMoBDB.toc
A Kobold Labourer
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ZIP folder
the latest version of this mod doesn't come packaged with a folder to place under Interface\AddOns\, which may result in the mod not working when installed (as it did for me).
Dant, please update the available .zip file to include the files in a folder called ZMobDB.
To have the mod work, the folder must be the same name as the files: ZMoBDB
For example, my toc file is at E:\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ZMoBDB\ZMoBDB.toc
A Murloc Raider
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6.8.1 alpha
6.8.1 alpha on stage
* update TOC
* Swapped from &SetCamera& to &SetPortraitZoom& for Fix portrait model issue
* small bugs has occurred (not tested
tested only Lv1,Single charactor at Start zone
because Im not in WoW now :/
if you find issue, plz back to pre ver.
6.8.1alpha fix &portrait& model issue but has small bugs occurred.
A Murloc Raider
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Im surprised that there are few players who are still using my addon /lol
I create test account and check ZMobDB, found same issues
but sorry I already dead and its more than two years ago I saw addon code
ZMobDB use model:SetCamera(0) API when model use Portrait view.if that API will not work, all races has same issue.
I recommend &Auto Portrait Mode& for you. ( checked and still work)
CTRL + SHIFT + Left Mouse Button = Auto Portrait ON
CTRL + SHIFT + Right Mouse Button = Auto Portrait OFF
* need set unitframe setting : portrait OFF
* ONLY model that you set &ON& will use Portrait view
Use ZMobDB &full body view ( can change model view)& basically.and set &Auto Portrait ON& if you find model that needs to use portrait view. ( eg: Undead Female can set model view LIKES Portrait)
a priest found Dant's grave in Undercity. she cast resurrect spell on the spur of the not worked but brought a change only slightly.Dant muttered to himself and went to sleep again.
Last edited by Dant : 08-11-15 at .
A Defias Bandit
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I love this addon and have yet to find a replacement for it, tried weakauras but just can't get a stable portrait view with it.
An issue that bother's me a fair bit is that some models will not enter portrait mode, but stays at full body. These include: Human female, Dwarf male, Undead female.
Non-Canadian Luzer!
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Re: known issues
Originally Posted by Dant
Blizz set value of max buttons of DropDown Menu to 8 ( users cant change those )
you will get taint log about & CompactRaidFrame1:Show() &
but Zmob will not stop and can use DropDown Menu include more 8 buttons
It's producible sans addons:
A Murloc Raider
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known issues
Blizz set value of max buttons of DropDown Menu to 8 ( users cant change those )
you will get taint log about & CompactRaidFrame1:Show() &
but Zmob will not stop and can use DropDown Menu include more 8 buttons
Non-Canadian Luzer!
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Anyone else getting zmobdb related taint? (version Version: 6.7.4)
[ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn &ZMobDB& tried to call the protected function &CompactRaidFrame1:Show()&.
!BugGrabber-r191-release\BugGrabber.lua:587: in function &!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:587&
&in C code&
FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:279: in function &CompactUnitFrame_UpdateVisible&
FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:237: in function &CompactUnitFrame_UpdateAll&
FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:47: in function &FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:44&
3/17 09:42:07.970 Interface\FrameXML\WorldMapFrame.lua:356
3/17 09:42:07.970 An action was blocked in combat because of taint from ZMobDB - CompactRaidFrame3:Show()
3/17 09:42:07.970 Interface\FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:279 CompactUnitFrame_UpdateVisible()
3/17 09:42:07.970 Interface\FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:237 CompactUnitFrame_UpdateAll()
3/17 09:42:07.970 Interface\FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:97
Last edited by VincentSDSH : 03-17-13 at .
A Murloc Raider
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* update TOC
* update Model Scale Range, all models can set more Small
update model scale limit.
all models can set more small scale when use ALT Key + Left Mouse Button Command
A Defias Bandit
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Re: big models
Originally Posted by Dant
Originally Posted by Melfving
Hey, great addon Dant! Used it a lot when i played back in wotlk(?).
Anyways jsut started ot play a pandaria abit. Nothing to do hueuhe.
I really love to make my UI special.
And i got this idea that i would have
constantly on the screen. Know its silly but would like to try. How can i modify Zmob to show the same npc constantly?
I wrote about that but explain again
User API can only change rotation and size.
And some & big & models likes Dragon,Giant,Big Boss,Elementals has wrong home-position
so Users cant modify those
so I present you &Auto Portrait Mode&
CTRL + SHIFT + Left Mouse Button = Auto Portrait ON
CTRL + SHIFT + Right Mouse Button = Auto Portrait OFF
that &model file& you set Auto Portrait ON,will use &Portrait View& even if that window use full body view
Dant I am trying to create a thin 3 portrait, but I am being limited to the height. I want to make it thinner. What can I edit to remove the height cap?
A Murloc Raider
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big models
Originally Posted by Melfving
Hey, great addon Dant! Used it a lot when i played back in wotlk(?).
Anyways jsut started ot play a pandaria abit. Nothing to do hueuhe.
I really love to make my UI special.
And i got this idea that i would have
constantly on the screen. Know its silly but would like to try. How can i modify Zmob to show the same npc constantly?
I wrote about that but explain again
User API can only change rotation and size.
And some & big & models likes Dragon,Giant,Big Boss,Elementals has wrong home-position
so Users cant modify those
so I present you &Auto Portrait Mode&
CTRL + SHIFT + Left Mouse Button = Auto Portrait ON
CTRL + SHIFT + Right Mouse Button = Auto Portrait OFF
that &model file& you set Auto Portrait ON,will use &Portrait View& even if that window use full body view
A Kobold Labourer
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Hey, great addon Dant! Used it a lot when i played back in wotlk(?).
Anyways jsut started ot play a pandaria abit. Nothing to do hueuhe.
I really love to make my UI special.
And i got this idea that i would have
constantly on the screen. Know its silly but would like to try. How can i modify Zmob to show the same npc constantly?
Last edited by Melfving : 10-15-12 at .
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