
[ 00:38 ]Cooper begins in the lower right of the map as red Protoss, while Kim starts in the top left as blue Terrans. Cooper的红色神族出现在右下,Kim的蓝色人族出现在左上
[ 00:50 ]This map is called Kulas Ravine, and some of the features of the map include a narrow choke point for access into the base. 这个地图叫做Kulas Ravine,这个地图的特点之一是进入基地的入口狭窄
[ 00:58 ]There's also an easily defended expansion area on high ground near each starting point. This expansion area is blocked by destructible rocks on two sides. 起始点附近有一块易于防守的分矿区,但是两侧的入口都有可以破坏的石块阻塞着。
[ 01:13 ]A regular expansion point is available near each base that is easier to access but also easier for the enemy to get to as well. 每个主矿附近还另有一块便于进入的分矿区,但是敌人也很容易进入……
[ 01:28 ]The middle of the map features a number of Xel'Naga watch towers, which reveal a huge area when captured by the player. Control of the towers is often critical over the course of a match. 地图中央有一些萨尔那加瞭望塔,控制它的玩家可以获得很广的视野。控制这些塔往往是比赛的关键。
[ 01:52 ]High yield expansions are also available on the map, which include high-yield mineral fields for faster resource gathering. These are highly desirable for players to control, but also difficult to defend. 这张地图上还有高能矿区,那里的高能矿有更高的采集效率,玩家会渴望控制这些矿区,但防御也不容易。
[ 02:23 ]The players' scouts are going to see each other at this early stage. The protoss player has also built an assimilator to gather vespene gas, suggesting he'll try to quickly research the warp gate technology. 侦查单位相互发现了对方基地,神族建了采气井,估计他要较早的研究次元门科技。
[ 02:58 ]The protoss player has still not built any zealots from his gateway, using early resources to try and quickly build a cybernetics core for the warp gate technology. He'll be relying on the vast size of the map to keep protected from early attack. 神族依然没有造叉子,他用初期资源造了操控核心,地图尺寸比较大,这保护了他免遭速攻。
[ 03:26 ]The protoss player's probe scout runs into a marine, but some deft maneuvering allows him to get by the marine, and gain some valuable information scouting the terran base. 神族的侦查农民撞上了一个机***兵,不过它灵活的逃脱了,侦查了人族的基地并获得了一些有用的信息。
[ 04:13 ]The terran player is producing marauder infantry, which is a good counter to the stalkers that the protoss player is producing – the marauder's concussion missiles do bonus damage to armored units like stalkers. The stalker can shoot ground and air, and can also be upgraded with the blink technology, which allows it to teleport short distances. 人族在生产掠夺者,掠夺者可以克制神族正在生产的追踪者——掠夺者的震荡导弹对追踪者这样的装甲单位有攻击加成。追踪者可以对空对地射击,研究闪烁科技后还可以进行短距离传送。
[ 05:18 ]The terran player is building a command center to create an expansion base. The command center, like many terran structures, can be lifted off the ground and flown – he'll park this command center on his protected plateau expansion. The protoss player may be unaware of this expansion until he produces air units. 人族正在建造指挥中心准备开分矿。指挥中心和人族大部分建筑一样都可以起飞,他可以把基地飞上有保护的高地分矿,这样神族在拥有飞行单位前是不会发现这个分基地的。
[ 05:33 ]The protoss player is spending heavily on technology – another gateway and assimilator, along with a twilight council. This structure allows the protoss to build immortals, tech up to dark templars, and opens up a lot of other choices for the protoss player. 神族在科技上投入比较多,他又建造了一个兵营和一个采气井,以及黄昏议会,这个建筑是生产不朽者的前提,还是生产黑暗圣堂的过路建筑。这让神族有了更多的选择。
[ 06:08 ]The protoss player has built a forward, or “proxy” pylon. Combined with the warp gate technology, the power radius provided by the pylon will allow the protoss player to quickly field reinforcements, further up in the battlefield, which is a big advantage. 神族建造了一座前沿水晶塔,研究了次元门科技后,神族部队可以迅速布置到水晶塔的能量覆盖范围内,这使得神族能快速的支援前线。这可是非常有利的。
[ 06:28 ]The charge ability for the protoss being researched, which will allow zealots to close distances quickly, for even greater effectiveness against the marauders. 神族正在研究冲锋技能,这个技能使得叉子可以迅速接近敌人,对付掠夺者的效果会更好。
[ 06:53 ]Superior numbers and a little bit of maneuvering allow the protoss player to win an early battle. 数量优势和灵活机动是神族赢得初期战斗的本钱
[ 07:18 ]The protoss player attempts to push into the terran base, but is repelled easily when two marauders unexpectedly join the fight from the rear. 神族试图攻入人族基地,但是由于两只掠夺者突然从后方加入战斗,神族被轻易的击败了。
[ 07:43 ]More zealots warp in to continue pressure on the terran player. The zealots are much more dangerous against the marauder, as the concussion missiles don't do as much damage against lightly armored units like zealots. 更多的叉子传送过来继续压制人族,叉子对掠夺者来说更危险,因为掠夺者的导弹对叉子这样的轻甲目标伤害不高。
[ 08:08 ]The zealots' charge ability allows it to more easily chase down and destroy the slower-moving mauraders. 叉子的冲锋技能使得他们能轻易接近并消灭移动缓慢的掠夺者
[ 08:28 ]The zealots attack straight into the line of terran scvs, trying to kill as many as possible to slow down the terran resource gathering. The scvs fight back and eventually repel the attack but not before a number of scvs are destroyed. The protoss player now has 33 gatherers compared to the terrans' 25. 叉子径直冲向SCV群,希望尽可能多的杀掉scv以减缓人族的资源采集,scv抵抗并且最终击退了神族,但损失了不少,现在人族只有25农民,神族是33。
[ 08:58 ]The protoss player is still apparently unaware of the terran expansion base, but has begun his own expansion and is building a robotics facility for higher tech units. 神族仍然没有发现人族的分矿,但他自己也开始分矿,并开始建造机械工厂以获取更先进的单位。
[ 09:23 ]Another zealot attack sweeps into the scv line of the terrans. Marines retreat from the front line to defend as the scvs run for safety. Newly built marauders help fend off the attack. 另一只叉子冲进了scv的工作区,机***兵从前线撤回来防守,scv跑路保命,新造出来的掠夺者挫败了进攻者。
[ 10:08 ]The terran player makes a push on the protoss proxy pylon, looking to destroy it and alleviate some of the pressure on his base. The marauders kite the first wave of defenders away but newly-warped-in units finish off the terran attack. Warp-in technology is allowing the protoss player to maintain control of the middle of the map. 人族进攻神族的矩阵水晶,试图摧毁它以减轻基地的压力,掠夺者干掉了第一批防御部队,但是新传送过来的部队终结了人族的进攻,传送科技让神族牢牢控制了地图中部。
[ 11:08 ]The protoss player has completed an expansion. Two robotics facilities are up, and a colossus unit is being built. The colossus can be upgraded to have siege range, can walk up and down cliffs, and has an area effect beam, but it's not particularly effective against marauders. 神族开好了一个分矿。起了二个机械工厂,正在造巨像,巨像可以通过升级获得比炮台远的射程,可以走上或走下悬崖,并且有范围杀伤的激光,但是对掠夺者的效果并不很好。
[ 11:43 ]A protoss observer, a cloaked, flying unit, has scouted the terran expansion. 一只神族叮当——一种隐身的飞行单位——侦查了人族的分矿
[ 12:13 ]The protoss player brings zealots, stalkers, and a colossus to attack the terran expansion base. Since the terran player has control of the watch tower, he's well aware of the impending attack and is struggling to break through rocks on the other side to bring defenders into play. 人族派出叉子,追踪者和一只巨像攻击人族的分矿,由于人族控制了瞭望塔,他得以预知这次攻击,并且开始砸另一侧的石头,以便让防御部队进入。
[ 12:33 ]The colossus walks right up the cliff and scatters the terran scvs, but the marauders break through the rocks just in time to take out the colossus before it does much damage. 巨像迈上了高地开始扫射SCV,但是掠夺者及时的轰开了堵路的石头,在巨像造成严重破坏前干掉了它。
[ 12:53 ]Terran hellion vehicles sneak into the probe line of the protoss expansion. The area-effect flame attack of the hellion is very effective against light units. After taking out a couple probes, the protoss player warps in a stalker, chasing the hellions into a freshly-built colossus. 人族恶徒偷袭了神族分矿,恶徒的范围攻击火焰对轻型单位十分有效,在干掉了一群农民后,神族追踪者传送过来,把恶徒赶向了一只刚造出来的巨像
[ 13:13 ]Zealots and stalkers attack the cluster of terran scvs, killing a few of them off before being chased away by marauder and scv attack. 叉子和追踪者攻击了scv群,干掉了少量scv然后被掠夺者和scv共同击退了。
[ 13:38 ]The terran player is researching cloak for banshee air units. The banshees can attack ground units and cloak themselves, making them invisible to all units but detectors like the protoss observer and photon cannon. 人族研究了女妖的隐形,女妖是对地攻击型的飞行单位,可以隐身,隐身后只有叮当和光炮等反隐单位能发现它。
[ 14:08 ]Terran infantry and hellions make a push against the protoss position in the middle of the map. As the protoss player retreats to an elevated position, his zealots get stuck behind the stalkers, rendering them unable to attack. The terrans eventually destroy the proxy pylon. 人族的步兵和恶徒向地图中间的神族据点推进,由于神族玩家撤退到一处高地,叉子被卡在追踪者后面冲不上来,人族终于摧毁了矩阵水晶。
[ 14:38 ]Two stalkers try to sneak into the terran expansion for harassment, but a newly-built banshee is able to fend off the attack because of careless control by the protoss player. 二只追踪者试图潜入人族分矿骚扰,但是由于神族操作失误,一只新造出来的女妖挫败了这次进攻。
[ 15:08 ]Zealots and a pair of colossus force the remaining terran infantry in the middle to retreat. 叉子和两台巨像逼退了地图中间的人族步兵。
[ 15:38 ]The terrans regroup with more hellions and marauders, while the protoss try to set down another expansion in the high-yield mineral area. 人族带着更多的恶徒和掠夺者卷土重来,此时神族正企图在高产矿区开新的分矿。
[ 16:03 ]Terran banshees head toward the protoss expansion for harassment while an scv wanders the map, scouting for other expansion bases. 人族派出女妖骚扰神族的分矿,同时一只SCV在搜索地图寻找其他的分基地
[ 16:38 ]The terrans discover a second protoss expansion in the high-yield area. The protoss player lays down a few photon cannon defenses as the terran army moves in. The banshees cloak and attack the colossi as the terran ground forces decimate the protoss infantry. 人族找到了神族在高产矿区的二号分基地,当人族部队杀进去时,神族已经放下了若干光子炮台。女妖隐身去攻击神族的巨像,同时地面部队杀死了大量神族的步兵。
[ 17:08 ]The cloaked banshees are forced to retreat when the protoss observer moves in, allowing the stalkers to see the invisible aircraft. 神族叮当过来了,追踪者们看到了隐身的飞机,隐身女妖撤退了。
[ 17:23 ]Terran marauders and hellions flood into the protoss expansion, easily cutting through the defenses. 大票人族掠夺者和恶徒杀进神族分矿,轻易击溃了那里的防御。
[ 18:23 ]The marauders sweep into the last remaining protoss expansion, with the probes desperately trying to chase off the attackers. Many probes get picked off by the marauders as they're kited away from the base. 掠夺者涌入剩下的神族分矿,农民努力抵抗,许多农民在逃离基地时被干掉了。
[ 19:38 ]Another force of hellions and marauders sweeps across the map to finish off the protoss. 另一批恶徒+掠夺者的部队横扫了地图,神族被击败了。
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  15:20 A pair of banshees take out the third Zerg base before it can be established. The banshees move into the Zerg base to attack an infestation pit, but a nearby infestor creates some infested marines to chase off the banshees.
  15:20 两架轰炸机摧毁了还在建造中的第 3 个虫族基地。轰炸机接著前往虫族基地攻击一座殖染温室,但附近的一只殖染虫制造了一些被寄生感染的陆战队来驱逐轰炸机。
  16:00 As the banshees retreat from the Zerg base, they stumble upon a group of roaches and zerglings. This zerg force can’t shoot air units, so they’re forced to burrow underground to safety. Some Terran nighthawks immediately fly in, and with their passive detection ability they’re able to spot the burrowed Zerg, allowing the banshees to attack and chase the roaches and zerglings into their own base. The banshees attempt to pursue but are turned away by a queen and some hydralisks.
  16:00 轰炸机从虫族基地撤退的途中,遇到了一群蟑螂和异化虫。这支虫族部队无法射击空中部队,因此他们被迫钻入地底以求安全。某些人类的夜鹰工程机立刻趋前,使用被动式侦测技能探查钻入地面的虫族,让轰炸机可以宰割蟑螂和异化虫并把他们驱赶到虫族基地。轰炸机企图继续追补,但受到一只女皇和一些刺螅蛇的突击所以掉头折返。
  16:30 Meanwhile a group of marines takes on some roaches camped outside the Terran base. Banelings make short work of of the marines, but another group of Terran infantry, backed by nighthawks, cleans up the remaining Zerg forces, including a burrowed infestor.
  16:30 这时,一小队的陆战队对盘据在人类基地外的一些蟑螂展开攻击。毒爆虫迅速地解决掉了那支小队,而另一队有夜鹰工程机援助的人类步兵连则铲除了剩下的虫族部队,包括一只钻入地底的殖染虫。
  17:00 The combat shield upgrade for Terran marines finishes, giving marines an additional 10 hit points. Banshees continue to harass Zerg forces, this time next to the northwestern watch tower. Hydralisks chase off the banshees
  17:00 人类陆战队的战斗防护罩完成升级,陆战队因此多了额外 10 点生命值。轰炸机则持续骚扰虫族部队,而且这次目标是靠近西北方监视塔的虫族。不过轰炸机却被刺螅蛇驱赶离开。
  17:30 A concentrated force of zerglings, hydralisks and roaches runs headlong into a group of marines and nighthawks. Though the Terrans are badly outnumbered in this fight, the hunter-seeker missiles of the nighthawks allow the Terrans to thin out the zerg forces considerably. Hunter-seeker missiles lock on and strike at an enemy for a good amount of damage as well as some splash, making it an ideal choice for clumps of enemy troops. The decimated hydralisks attempt to push into the Terran base, but are turned away .
  17:30 火力集中的一队异化虫、刺螅蛇和蟑螂莽撞地冲向一支由陆战队和夜鹰工程机组成的小队。这场战斗中,虽然人类不敌虫族压倒性的数量,但夜鹰工程机的猎杀追踪导弹让人类可以消灭大量的虫族兵力。猎杀追踪导弹可锁定和攻击敌方,并造成相当可观的伤害和一定程度的溅射,因此是用来攻击大群军队的理想选择。惨遭大幅扑灭的刺螅蛇试图侵袭人类基地,但被驱逐了。
  18:25 The nighthawks again use hunter-seeker missile to great effect, scattering the Zerg forces. A massive firefight in the middle results in the Zerg being chased off, with the Terrans losing lots of marines but only one of the expensive nighthawks in the process.
  18:25 夜鹰工程机再次使用猎杀追踪导弹,这对虫族部队造成巨大影响,并分散了虫族兵力。这之间的大规模炮火导致虫族惨遭驱逐,虽然人类丧失了很多陆战队,但这过程中只损失一架昂贵的夜鹰工程机。
  19:30 With the Zerg on their heels, the Terran move to establish a new expansion. The Terrans drop in several mule gatherers to assist in harvesting minerals at the new base. Mules are a new ability that can be called in from orbital command, which is an upgrade to Terran command centers. Mules can gather minerals much faster than an SCV but break down after a period of time. A nearby overlord attempts to block the command center from landing by spreading creep, but is a few seconds too late.
  19:30 在虫族动弹不得之际,人类则迁移到新扩张区。人类扔出几台矿奴采集机协助采集新基地的矿物。矿奴机是一种可以透过星轨命令呼叫的新技能,星轨命令是藉由升级人类指挥中心所获得。矿奴机采集矿物的速度比工程兵快很多,但经历一段时间之后就会损坏。邻近的一只虫族宿主散播悚蔓苔企图阻扰指挥中心的登陆,但这一切晚了几秒。
  20:00 The Terran army attempts to push the Zerg even further back, but even with the assistance of auto turrets from the nighthawks, there are simply too many hydralisks and roaches to contend with. The surviving Zerg forces attack the defenseless Terran expansion, but a massive band of reinforcements arrives to chase off the Zerg.
  20:00 人类军队尝试将虫族推回更远的地方,但就算有夜鹰工程机制造的自动炮塔的援助,还是有太多数不尽的刺螅蛇和蟑螂需要对抗。幸存的虫族抓住机会攻击毫无防御能力的人类扩张区,却被随即抵达的一群庞大增援部队给驱赶走了。
  21:20 As the Terrans counter-attack, they encounter some zerglings caught in the midst of evolving into banelings. These are dispatched easily and the Terran infantry push the Zerg defenders deep into their own base. When another massive group of reinforcements arrive, the Zerg player is forced to surrender. GG!
  21:20 人类起军反攻时,撞见某些进化到毒爆虫过程一半的异化虫,双方展开交战。 这些异化虫轻易地被歼灭了,人类的步兵连趁势将虫族抵御者逼往虫族基地深处。当人类另一批强大的增援部队抵达时,虫族玩家迫不得已,选择投降。结束了一场精采的对战!
  Blizzard 尚未公布《星际争霸2》上市日期。


