有没有最新的爱宠天使纪元有几个版本版本呀 发给我一个...

带宠物的女生头像最新版 听说喜欢小动物的女生都是天使
& &我有很多脾气需要你包庇,把你在乎的你都说成了反话,把我的热情压缩成了冷漠,对不起,也谢谢你承受了我的一切不好。
热点头像专题推荐萌宠小天使 给你无尽的爱_沪江英语学习网
The history of mankind's connection with domesticated animals has long been debated, but a discovery in Israel of a man buried with his arms around a wolf-pup dating back 12,000 years, may be evidence of just how long ago humans discovered the benefits of having pets. Today, many families love their pets and consider their pets to be members of their own families. Whether you choose a cat, a dog, a horse, or a rabbit, the benefits to raising children in a home with pets are great.关于人类最初驯养动物的历史,是个争论已久的话题。不过,在以色列考古发现了一位怀抱小狼崽的男子,时间可以上溯到12000年以前。由此可见,人类是从多久以前就发现了养宠物的好处。如今,许多家庭爱宠物,把宠物当做自己家庭的一员。不论选择养猫、狗、马或是兔子,在宠物的伴随下成长,对孩子很有益处。
Here are some benefits to adding a pet to your family:家里养只宠物带来的益处如下:
1. Pets give
love. They are non-judgmental, and, especially for only children, lonely children, or children who have sibling rivalry or emotional distress, a pet gives them someone to talk to. A pet can comfort, give support, and listen to a child's troubles without judgment or consequence. And, when playing, a pet can become your child's partner and best .宠物会给予无条件的爱。他们不会评判,特别是对独生子女、孤独的孩子、有兄弟姐妹竞争或情绪困扰的孩子,宠物可以作为他们说话的对象。它能让孩子感到舒适,给予孩子支持,倾听孩子的烦恼不作评判和推论。玩乐的时候,宠物会成为孩子的好伙伴和最好的兄弟。
2. A pet can teach a child that he doesn't have to take out his anger or fear on others. Some children become bullies and if they don't have a safe place to share their truest emotions, they may project those emotions onto other children. Because a pet will love your child no matter what he says, a pet gives him a confidant, a safe place in which to verbally pour out his fears and his anger.宠物能教会孩子不去迁怒他人或向他人发泄恐惧。有些孩子会变得横行霸道,如果他们没有找到一个安全的港湾去发泄真实的情绪,他们就可能会把其他的孩子当做发泄对象。因为不论孩子说什么,宠物都会爱他、成为他的知己,同时也为孩子提供一个诉说内心恐惧和愤怒的地方。
3. A pet can teach empathy. Caring for a pet that is so dependent on you teaches . Your child learns to read your pet's needs: is he hungry? Does he need to go outside? Maybe the pet is scared of the wind, rain or snow and needs to be comforted. Moreover, empathy is the one skill that can be taught and a skill that bullies often lack.宠物让孩子富有同情心。照顾很依赖人的宠物能教会人们富有同情心。你的孩子会学会去了解宠物的需求:他饿了?他需要去外面玩会吗?也许它怕风、雨或者下雪,或是它需要安慰。而且,同情心是一项可以教会的技能,也是横行霸道的孩子一般所缺乏的。
4. A pet can teach confidence and responsibility. Children can gain confidence by having the responsibility of caring for a pet. Children as young as three years old can manage simple tasks such as filling the pet's water and food bowls. As your child gets older, he can and walk the pet.宠物教孩子拥有自信心和责任心。孩子在照顾宠物的过程中会增加自信心。哪怕是三岁的小孩子也可以做到简单的事情,像是给宠物喂水或者食物。随着孩子年龄的增长,他会打扮宠物并带它去散步。
5. Animals can help children and increase
skills. You've likely seen even little kids who are still learning to talk attempting to chatter away with pets. In this way, pets give not only social and emotional support but also cognitive language skill support to children. A pet's simple presence provides verbal
to help your child practice talking and socializing with another being.动物能帮孩子们提高语言技能和社交技能。你可能已经看到过在学习说话的小孩子试图跟宠物聊天。这样,宠物不仅给了孩子社交和情感支持,也能帮他们学习认知语言技能。一只宠物的存在给了孩子语言的刺激,帮助孩子们练习同另一个人说话和社交。
6. Pets (and animals in general) can be very
for children.Studies have shown how pets can help lower blood pressure, speed up recovery time, and reduce stress and anxiety. We see this with troubled children and Autistic children, and with children who experience PTSD: when they are with animals they can
relate because they sense the animals are unconditional in their love and affection.宠物(动物)能治疗孩子。研究表明,宠物能降低血压、加速康复时间、减少压力和焦虑。我们会看到有困难的孩子、患有自闭症的孩子以及患有创伤后压迫紊乱症的孩子们,他们能很快的跟动物在一起,因为他们觉得动物会给他们无条件的爱以及付出不求回报的情感。


