
OpenBD | Release Notes
Release Notes
OpenBD Release Notes
- ternary operator bug #31
- QueryRun result missing generatedkey #29
- fixed typos in AmazonS3Write/GenerateKey functions
- Add DecodeForHTML function
- At least Java 8 version support
- added result parameter support to queryrun function
- fixed amazonS3List() to behave as it did prior to switch to using AWS SDK
- Added support for ISO8601 date/time format in ParseDateTime
- updated Mongo Driver 3.0.4 [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- updated session management to include mongodb:// support
- improved performance with sessionstorage
- fixed DirectoryDelete max arguments validation
- added &JsonFileRead()& function
- Joda Library updated to 2.8.1 for AWS time bug [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- fixed #12:
RPC Method with formurlmaintaincase
- fixed thread() script null pointer
- Updated the indexes for the Mongo Session managemenet
- fixed #7: cfcontent Remote S3 gives Internal Server Error
- Refactored ScriptP exposed regex to bluedragon. better startup logging
- added: CFCONTENT gets a &remote& to stream Amazon S3 and HTTP URL&s
- PluginM allow for plugin to optionally override core functions
- fixed bug in Base62() function
- Abstracted out the ScriptProtect regex
- Improved script protection for the CGI/URL/FORM scopes
- fixed historical support for JSON: YES|NO for boolean handling
- fixed #4: GetMetaData doesn&t return function information for script only components
- fixed #1: mongoURI consistency
- moved source to GitHub
- fixed startup bug with the cron plugin if no directory specified
- fixed JEE Session Management Null Pointer when App Server refusing to create
- fixed #534: cfzip extract appending to file instead of overwriting
- fixed #291: support for file attribute as a synonym for zipfile in cfzip tag
- fixed AmazonS3xx() functions to normalize keys
- fixed journal to work with MXUnit
- fixed journal issue - some script statements missing parent tag
- fixed http() multipart upload bug
- fixed AmazonS3GetInfo()/AmazonS3GetUrl() for key&s that start with /
- added &server.cfmail.ratedelay& to limit the speed of email delivery
- At least Java 7 version support
- Apache Lucene library updated 5.0 [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- fixed #532: QueryAddColumn fails to add array
- H2 Embedded Database engine updated [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- updated DataSourceCreate(); removed requirement for username/password
- fixed #526: XmlParse(ExpandPath(&./out.xml&)) fails
- fixed #527: Stored Proc fails in MS SQL Server when variable named with @
- added retry logic to AmazonS3Read()
- fixed fullpath for virtual files
- fixed AmazonKeyRegister() default storage class
- added Request Journal
- update for end tag position
- added tag/file depth tracking
- added hash for each file used
- directory watcher for maximum size
- added JournalRead()
- added JournalReadSession()
- added JournalReadToDataSource()
- added support for variable state saving
- updated Amazon functionality [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- AmazonElasticTranscoder support
- added: AmazonETPipelineDelete()
- added: AmazonETPipelineCreate()
- added: AmazonETPipelineList()
- added: AmazonETPipelineRead()
- added: AmazonETPipelineUpdateStatus()
- added: AmazonETPresetsList()
- added: AmazonETJobCreate()
- added: AmazonETJobCancel()
- added: AmazonETJobRead()
- added: AmazonETJobList()
- code refactor: reduced incoming request overhead
- updated Amazon functionality [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- AmazonS3Write() supports:
- cfc callback
- retry logic
- auto delete on successful upload
- multipart uploads for large files (background mode only)
- set the ACL of the uploaded object
- Server Side Encryption AES256 enabled
- Custom Headers support
- AmazonS3Read() - Server Side Encryption AES256 enabled
- AmazonS3Rename() updated
- AmazonS3SetAcl() new canned ACL added (logdelivery)
- added: AmazonS3Copy()
- added: AmazonS3BucketCreate()
- added: AmazonS3BucketExists()
- added: AmazonS3BucketDelete()
- added: AmazonS3BucketSetAcl()
- added: AmazonS3BucketRequesterPays()
- added: AmazonS3ChangeStorageClass()
- Jackson JSON library updated 2.4 [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- Apache Http library updated 4.3 [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- updated encrypt/decrypt documentation
- fixed Mongo Session Management
- added httpDump()
- updated HashBinary() docs
- fixed bug with S3Write when attempting to create a folder
- fixed internal server error when using the debugger
- updated markdown() function to use markdown4j
- added markdown() [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- fixed AmazonS3Write()
- aw2.0 Org updated 1.0.8 [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
--- Stable Release 3.1 [30th March 2014]
- fixed #418: Add NULL values to Csvwrite()
- fixed #505: cacheGet cachePut does not support native java objects
- fixed #503: GenerateSecretKey function crashes with DES and no keysize
- fixed #491: HTTP Proxy System Properties are ignored
- fixed #474: Manual documentation for queryAddColumn()
- fixed #520: amazonS3write no longer working as expected
- Mongo Driver updated 2.12 [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- aw2.0 Org updated 1.0.8 [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- fixed SimpleDB INSERT 403 error
- fixed #189: bug in application.cfc loginstorage=&session&
- Mongo connection pooling for multiple datasources on same server
- removed nirvanix API [service closed October 2013]
- additional data types for &CFQUERYPARAM&
- fix for Java 7 compatibility in the QuerySort method.
- Support for bluedragon.xml to be loaded via http on startup
- Java7 compatibility [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- Apache Tika 1.4 upgraded
- Apache Lucene 4.4.0 upgraded
- MySQL Driver 5.1.26 upgraded
- fixed overriding of hostname verifier in CFHTTP
- fixed argument count for CreateTime(epoch=&&)
- fixed cfscript function returnformat=&& bug
- Upgraded javolution jar to 5.5.1
- Updated MongoFSGridPut() for updated ID support
- Updated MongoFSGridGet() min parameters
- yield() on the Profiler
- added functions:
- invoke(c,m,a)
- setHttpStatus(sc,st)
- setHttpValue(n,v)
- htmlBody(t,p)
- htmlHead(t,p)
- fixed try/catch unwrap exception bug
- reverted fix for &no ResultSet available& for SQLite
- added functions:
- Pause(ms)/sleep(ms)
- CreateDateTime() added ms parameter
- CreateTime() added ms, epoch parameter
- Millisecond(dt)
- QueryToArray(qry)
- encodeForHtmlAttribute(s)
- encodeForJavascript(s)
- encodeForFilename(s,d)
- Hmac(m,k,a,e)
- urlFromStruct(s,e)
- fixed #515: cfquery credentials do not override those defined in datasource
- added ip/xip to the Profiler() data
- fixed ImageNew() with no or blank src
- fix for thread safety in session storage
- fixed bug in validation of interface methods implemented by cfc
- added &%= ... %& optional parsing supported (bluedragon.xml: server.system.cfoutputshorthand)
- fixed #510: setLocale and onRequestStart scoping
- fixed #512: CFHTTP send PUT request with a file as multipart/form-data content type
- fixed #509: cfdirectory/directorylist sort issue
- fixed #513: cfstylesheet SRC support for comma-separated list
- fixed &no ResultSet available& issue when querying SQLite db
- fixed cfquery result recordcount for insert statements
- fixed support for dynamic keys in implicit structs
- fixed DirectoryList() omission of directories when applying filter
- fixed htmlEditFormat handling of html encoded characters like &
- reduced logging verbosity
- fixed encoding of null in serializejson function
- fixed: JavaScript Bridge: array .length support
- fixed: dataBin was not properly set under certain calls
- fixed NPE when using MongoRegister with a mongouri
- added: ProfilerOn()/ProfilerOff()/ProfilerAdd()
--- Stable Release 3.0 [3rd March 2013]
- fixed CFMODULE dynamic bug for NAME=&& attribute
- added cron.1min to cron functionality
- fixed the onApplicationStart() loading update
- fixed exception handling edge case
- OnSessionStart()/OnApplicationStart() update
- Database Connection Pooling Refactor
- Reduced memory overhead
- added function DataSourceActivePoolStats()
- per-page pooling feature added
- connectionperpage flag added to query XML block
- added connectionperpage to DataSourceCreate()
- added support for mongouri schemes in MongoRegister()
- fixed #506: MongoDB&s MongoDeregister() and MongoRegister() problem
- Updated mongo-2.10.1.jar
[/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- DeserializeJSon() - strictmode supports deep query detection
- fixed CFFILE UPLOAD/FileUpload() error when destination is full path to file
- fixed XmlParse() documentation bug
- fixed AmazonSQS custom regions [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- added: &formurlmaintaincase&false&/formurlmaintaincase& feature
- fixed #498: IsJSON throws exception on complex datatypes
- Support for URL in FileRead()
- fixed #502: ImageNew can not read an URL as specified by function
- Support for multi-regions in Amazon S3, SQS and SimpleDB
- Removed AmazonSQSSetHost() function
- Updated MongoCollectionIndexEnsure() function
- Removed MongoCollectionIndexCreate() deprecated API call
- Updated MongoGridFSGet() to support inline returns
- Memcached set() error resolved if too big
- Trim column names in http() for CSV reading
- Added MongoCollectionAggregate()
- Updated mongo.jar [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- MongoSessionManager more tolerant of outages
- fixed #471: output=&yes& [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- FTP functions added [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- FtpClose()
- FtpOpen()
- FtpCmd()
- FtpCreateDir()
- FtpExists()
- FtpExistsDir()
- FtpExistsFile()
- FtpGetCurrentDir()
- FtpGetCurrentUrl()
- FtpGetFile()
- FtpList()
- FtpPutFile()
- FtpRemove()
- FtpRemoveDir()
- FtpRename()
- FtpSetCurrentDir()
- FtpSite()
- fixed bug when passing a CFFUNCTION argument value as an argument to a constructor
- fixed #485: Unexpected behaviour from structKeyExists if a null value from database is involved
- fixed the session loading order
- http() returns the structure instead of a boolean
- added QueryEach() / {}.each()
- fixed #373: added support for CLIENTCERT/CLIENTCERTPASSWORD in CFHTTP/Http()
- fixed support for component return type in cfscript declared function
- automatically treat application/json as string in CFHTTP result
- fixed bug recently introduced in 4.2.1 CFHTTP gzip support
- fixed YSOD on bad charset value in CFHTTP. Blank values are now ignored.
- added Http() function
- upgraded to 4.2.1 of HttpComponents for CFHTTP
- added StructEach() / StructFilter() / {}.each()
- added ArrayEach() / ArrayFilter() / ArrayFindAll() / [].each()
- added &CFLOOP ARRAY=&& ITEM=&& INDEX=&&& combination support
- GetFileInfo() throws exception on missing file
- fixed MongoDB embedded $regex
- added AttributeCollection to &CFSCHEDULE&
- added: &for ( row in query )& cfscript looping
- fixed #475: FTP: folder names with spaces are not listed properly
- added defaultlist attribute to &CFQUERYPARAM& / QueryRun / QueryOfQueryRun()
- fixed &CFSEARCH& to use English analyzer when language is English
- fixed combining of tokens in &CFINDEX& custom body
- component{} script support
- fixed #483: Adding support for customtagpaths to the &CFAPPLICATION& tag
- fixed encoding of Mongo _id
- fixed #482: returnformat=&json&
- Collapsing content in the dump/error pages
- added the &default& caching engine for CacheGet/CachePut
- fixed #481: FORM scope is empty in cfc used as rest with multiform data
- Updated plugins SalesForce/Vision
- Updated CFLOCK manual
- Fixed Mongo Date Conversion from local to UTC
- Fixed MongoQuery Conversion
- Cache CFFUNCTION fixed
- OpenBD Archived introduced
- MappingCreateArchive()
- MappingAdd()
- this.sessionstorage enabled to use Mongo/Memcache
- Cache Functions Refactored
- Added Storage Engines
- Support for CFFUNCTION caching
- Mongo / Memcache / CouchBase support
- CFMLBug monitoring
- SalesForce Plugin added to core [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- JSON Encoding Defaults
- Set how dates and case are defaults via bluedragon.xml
- Control case via CFFUNCTION for remote calls
- Control it through the client side variables
- Active threads named with Request URI
- Updated MongoDB functions:
- fixed parameter name in MongoIsValid()
- Return _id for the MongoCollectionInsert()
- Auto close of connections after idle period
- fixed datasource security detection
- Updated SpreadSheetQueryRead() / SpreadSheetGetCellValue() evaluates formula&s
- fixed #461: [COMPAT] AttributeCollection does not work with CFLAP
- fixed #409: [COMPAT] GetComponentMetaData function not implemented
- fixed #470: CFDIRECTORY doesn&t honour SORT attribute
- fixed #471: output=&yes& no longer evaluates to output=&true& for onRequest
- added support for ternary operator in cfscript
- fixed #460: Allow vars in loops in cfscript
- fixed #467: ArraySlice index error
- updated Apache Compress removing from Tika [/WEB-INF/lib/ updates]
- removed overhead associated with FileUpload()
- added docx xlsx pptx odt to CFINDEX
- fixed CFINDEX query attribute
- fixed CFFTP big size
- fixed CFFUNCTION default output
- fixed ScopeMisMatch after cfscript exception
- upgraded Apache Lucene to 3.6.0 [/WEB-INF/lib/ updates]
- search WORD/EXCEL fix [/WEB-INF/lib/ updates]
- fixed query cache name collision
- Set the Locale to UK for Cookie setting
- Increased cookie NEVER to 20 years
- updated JSoup1.6.2 [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- fixed datasource connection pooling for maxConnections
- updated the CFAJAXPROXY to only encode params it needs to
- fixed NPE when TYPE is missing from cfscript param statement
- fix #454: &input type=checkbox& setForm()
- fix #454: &select& Option tag not sending 1 with setForm()
- fixed CFSCRIPT language=java error
- added AmazonS3Read() overwrite attribute
- added MongoDB GridFS functions
- MongoGridFSSave()
- MongoGridFSRemove()
- MongoGridFSFindOne()
- MongoGridFSFind()
- MongoGridFSGet()
- CFVIDEOPLAYER upgraded FlowPlayer to 3.2.8
- [Desktop] Fixed &Export to WAR& feature
- upgraded Mongo.jar [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- fixed: CFINDEX query type can take in both string and query object
- fixed: CFDIRECTORY recurse= directory + name paths
- added: delimiter to CreateUUID()
- updated aw20org.jar [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- added serialization support for java
- fixed subtle try/catch exception edge case
- fixed MongoCollectionIndexCreate() unique bug
- IpGetMXRecords() removed trailing period
- added attributes to HtmlCodeFormat()
- fixed #435: CFDIRECTORY with listinfo only has the file names and leaves off the relative path
- fixed DataSour added &openbdnocheck& to URL string
- [Desktop] Updates
- Added ContextPath
- Auto Startup on Windows flag
- Auto Server Startup on GUI startup
- JVM Memory updated
- Perm Gen Memory Live Statistics
- Flag to leave target WEB-INF/ untouched
- Settings persisted
- Minimize to System Tray
- WebApp root history
- Start-Server Console tab now in focus
- Small UI bugs ironed out
- updated CFAJAXPROXY to correct CFC path issue
- fixed #436: Windows install serviceDelete error
- fixed #433: Default log file location
- fixed #430: GetNumericdate() throws error
- fixed #431: automatically trim whitespace from columnnames
- fixed #431: missing number fields in spreadsheet after SpreadsheetRemoveColumn
- new Zip/ZipList/Unzip functions
- CFZIP now leverages Apache Compress library fixing issues with foreign characters
- fixed #429: ValueList function doesn&t work on queries created by CFDIRECTORY with listinfo=&Name&
- fixed #428: cfquery.currentRow is default 0
- fixed #425: ImagePaste() returns error: attribute passed in was not of type image
- fixed #416: cfscript, language=javascript, internal server error
- fixed #412: CFQuery fails to validate JDBC hoststring where multiple hosts are specified
- added Bouncy Castle distribution [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- DebuggerPlugin respects the &ipaddresses& list to control access
- removed the need for file:// in the plugin jar list
- updated log4j JAR [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- fixed #263: Bug with variablename validation with CFPARAM and ISVALID()
- fixed #407: Single instance (custom OpenBD install) fails to pick up plugins
- fixed #405: The tag cfhtmlhead throws a bad template error
--- Stable Release 2.0.2 [1st January 2012]
- fixed #202: Web Services error on Single-instance installations
- added StructListNew()
- fixed #403: Default params in CFC methods in CFSCRIPT loses values
- fixed #245: unnamed function argument not found
- fixed #52: support for typed array TYPE in CFARGUMENT
- added function SocketConnect() / SocketServerStart() / SocketServerStop() / SocketServerGetClients()
- added function SpreadSheetQueryRead()/SpreadSheetQueryWrite()
- added function GetApplicationMetaData()
- added support for &this.datasource& in Application.cfc / CFAPPLICATION
- updated CFHTTP file/path downloads straight to file, using no memory
- added &runonce& flag to CFINCLUDE/RenderInclude()
- fixed SpreadSheetNew() XLSX [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- updated AmazonRegisterDataSource() to support multiple regions
- added QueryAddRow() function to turn a struct into a row
- fixed QueryRun() list=true bug
- fixed QuotedValue() list bug
- fixed 399: CFCOOKIE does not support argument collection
- fixed 105: Application.cfc, this.customTagPaths supported
--- Stable Release 2.0.1 [1st December 2011]
- fixed CFSEARCH results for emptying collections
- ImageResize tweaked for better scaling results
- rewrote the SearchEngineFriendlyURLFilter
- updated OpenBD Desktop to remove core plugins
- fixed #397: OpenBD Desktop Shadow Folder not working as expected
- updated Ready2Run Jetty for Windows Service
- cfinvoke supports attributeCollection
- fixed CFDIRECTORY/DirectoryList() to match other engines
- remove run-once scheduled tasks from schedule engine
- upgraded to Apache Lucene 3.5 [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- fixed CFINDEX atttributecollection bug
- added defaultreturn param for ValueList()/QuotedValueList()
- fixed #368: Enabled SearchEngineFriendlyURLFilter by default
- fixed #386: SearchEngineFriendlyURLFilter fails on templates with multiple dots
- fixed #390: CFC method with returntype=&void& doesn&t throw error when method returns
- fixed #391: Get Directory From Path Error
- fixed #393: CFMAIL TAG difference in behaviour with attributes
--- Stable Release 2.0 [11th November 2011]
- upgraded to 2.7.0 final release of Mongo driver
- fixed #382: CFLOOP missing CHARSET attribute
- added MongoXXX() integration to MongoDB
- CronTagPlugin promoted to core engine
- LoginPlugin promoted to core engine [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- upgraded MySQL JAR 5.1.18
- added DirectoryDelete() with recurse
- DirectoryList() matching CFDIRECTORY for function
- AmazonS3Read/AmazonS3Write can read/write objects as well as file
- fixed FileMove() to take in file and/or directory
- added CFSCRIPT language=&javascript&
- fixed isArray() for inner XML documents
- fixed exception handling [/WEB-INF/lib/openbdplugin-debugger.jar updated]
- fixed #36: CFSCHEDULE action=pause/resume not supported
- fixed #175: Feature Request: Ability to pause scheduler so no scheduled tasks run
- fixed #381: GetDirectoryfrompath() removing trail slash
- upgraded YUI Compressor JAR
- CFAJAXPROXY now supports complex object passing
- fixed CFHTTP gzip encoding
- CFSMTP plugin integrated to core branch [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- SpreadSheet plugin integrated to core branch [/WEB-INF/lib/ updated]
- fixed #376: Update PDFbox to support PDF 1.3+
- refactored internal rendering engine
- fixed #379: Collections not being registered properly anymore
- improved CFLOG; recreate missing directories/files
- improved CFAJAXPROXY handling
- fixed CFSCRIPT exception handling [edge case]
- fixed #313: javacast to String[] for Object parameter
- fixed npe when array index is non-existant variable
- fixed ImageRead()/ImageWrite() functions
- fixed CFSTYLESHEET/CFJ***ASCRIPT recreate missing directory
- updated fileXXX() functions to support native
- fixed CollectionFactory on startup for Search
- added: flush() method for CFSCRIPT usage
- fixed #377: Single quotes aren&t escaped when using functions inside CFQUERY
- upgraded Apache Lucene to 3.4.0
- Added extra attributes to CollectionSearch()
- better handling for invalid emails in CFMAIL
- added #203: Feature Request: DateTimeFormat()
- fixed #229: Added CollectionStatus() for a single collection
- fixed #375: Add statusCode attribute to CFLOCATION
- added GetHttpStatusLabel() function
- added toBoolean() function
- added QueryRenameColumn() function
- fixed Lucene search query, reset it back to 0
- Fixed CollectionCreate()/CFINDEX on Linux
- fixed ysod on bad function parameter count
- Search Refactored
- performance/memory improvements
- added CollectionCreate()
- added CollectionList()
- added CollectionDelete()
- added CollectionListCategory()
- added CollectionIndexCustom()
- added CollectionIndexPath()
- added CollectionIndexFile()
- added CollectionIndexWeb()
- added CollectionIndexDelete()
- added CollectionIndexPurge()
- added support for indexing: MP3/JPG/TIFF files
- added support for limitless custom attributes
- fixed whitespace tab issue in JSON
- upgraded Jackson JSON parser to 1.8.3
- fixed #365: UDFs when copied into other scopes do not work without named arguments
- upgraded Apache Lucene to 3.3.0
- added fixEOL() function
- added JSONDATE encoding support
- SerializeJSON() new attribute to support encoding
- added named-param support for throw()
- fixed #364: Inconsistent pass by value behaviour with arrays
- fixed #313: javacast support for string[]
- fixed #146: javacast support for java classes
- fixed #40: javacast support for BigDecimal, short, char and byte types
- added #363: Add GetMailUndeliveredDirectory()
- added &catchemail& to outgoing email to redirect all mail to a mailbox
- added &rewritebluedragonxml& flag to stop bluedragon.xml from updating
- fixed #315: Enhancement: CFJ***ASCRIPT support a PATH attribute
- added html() function
- refactored string functions
- fixed #360: CFSTYLESHEET hash clash or incorrect hash wrong files to load
- fixed #361: Bug with multiple Application. same application name
- added AmazonSQSSetHost()
- added AmazonSDBGetAttributes() support for consistentRead
- fixed #359: ImageDrawText() has incorrect code for new Font(fontstr,size,style)
- added #347: CFDBInfo support
- added StructEquals() function
- added #222: Add support for fall through on tag based CFSWITCH
- fixed #348: Function with returntype=&void& and output=&true& has a
WDDX packet not the output
- fixed #355: isValid - invalid type &component& specified
- fixed #351: Syntax error for chained functions with new Component
- fixed #353: ArgumentCollection doesn&t work for variables as functions
- fixed #354: Cannot modify array returned from string.split()
- fixed #352: &local variable [varname] cannot be declared twice&
- fixed TAB issue in DeserializeJSon()
- [GAE] Fixed the GoogleFileIO problem
- added format= support to ImageGetBlob()
- added tiff support to ImageRead()
- fixed bug with ImageCrop()
- fixed #284: additional fix when using implicit struct/arrays
- [GAE] #312: googleQuery where clause with single character
- fixed #303: CreateTime() uses incorrect default date
- added #296: &CFPROCPARAM list=&true|false& /&
- updated DeserializeJSON()
- switched to Jackson JSON parsing library
- added &file& parameter to function
- [Desktop] Allow for web.xml to be in the shadow folder
- reduced memory footprint on cfSession
- fixed #284: CFLOOP list reference issue
- fixed #339: Internal Server Error in Debug output
- fixed #344: Error in SpreadsheetFormatColumn(s)
- fixed SpreadSheetAddInfo() function on blank XLS files
- fixed #343: Problem in SpreadSheetInfo() function
- fixed #342: Compatibility issue : generateSecretKey()
- fixed #340: VFS functions - Case sensitive for s3://
- added &div id=&openbddebug&& to Debugger output
- fixed #337: CFDIRECTORY ACTION is case sensitive
- fixed #338: DateConvert() displays 24 instead of 00 for midnight
- Amazon Updates
- added checked S3 connection and FileNotFound Exception
- update amazon S3 classes avoid using generic Exception
- encode and fix signed url
- fixed #246: REEscape update
- fixed #302: CFFORM preserveData only preserves type=&text&
- fixed #260: Update ParseDatetime() to handle HTTP time strings
- fixed #155: Allow ability to loop over Java byte array
- fixed #335: XmlValidate() outputs the error message, line and
column numbers in different order
- [GAE] Fixed the FileUpload()
- fixed #331: FileRead function not work with files opened in binary mode
- [Desktop] Bundled
optional on/off
- [Desktop] Added the ability to customize extensions
- [Desktop] Bundled the manual and admin console
- fixed #325: XSLT processor throws error
- added Logger() function
- fixed #329: Misspelled Image Function: ImageSetantialisaing()
- fixed DeSerializeJSon() on blank strings
- fixed #272 enhancement: add linedelimiter parameter to Csvwrite()
- fixed directorylist() bug with s3 url on linux
- updated documentation for CFCACHECONTENT
- fixed #320: Pass by ref on Xpath no longer functions
- added &customdata& to the CFMAIL callback
- fixed looping around the dates
- [GAE] added cfcomponent.cfc to the WAR
- [STD] Updated the MySQL driver to 5,1,15
- [Desktop] Added in Google Proxy option
- [GAE] fixed GoogleKey()
- added CFMAIL callback for onMailSend()/onMailFail()
- [STD] added function: getMailSpoolDirectory()
- [Desktop] create default index.cfm for GAE deployment
- [GAE] fixed remote CFC processing
- [Desktop] fixed #317: Missing servlet mappings in WEB-XML
- fixed #139: TagContext order in cfcatch is in opposite direction
- fixed XALAN memory leak for XmlSearch()
- added support for PRIORITY attribute in CFMAIL
- added new ReEscape function
- fixed #292: added CFINTERFACE support
- fixed #186: ParseDateTime support for unix style date/time
- fixed #294: LSisDate performance
- fixed #307: BinaryEncode & BinaryDecode with Hex or UU algorithm
- fixed #188: CFMX incompatability - session timeouts
- fixed #286: DeSerializeJSON does not handle null values correctly.
- fixed #293: Using SetProfilestring with a file not yet created fails
- fixed #288: CFCOOKIE Invalid expires date format with non english locale
- fixed #141: CFIMAGE Fails Silently When srcfile Doesn&t Exist
- fixed #132: CFIMAGE nameconflict=&makeunique& not working
- fixed #304: CFPOP auto generation of ATTACHMENTPATH directory
- fixed #306: CFPOP GENERATEUNIQUEFILENAMES attribute support for booleans
- src maintenance for Google App Engine Merge
- support for CFZIP action=ZIP/UNZIP and FILE pseudonyms
- fixed #298: returntype for CFTRANSACTION
- fixed #297: bug in compare/comparenocase
- fixed deserializejson when input is a string
- fixed onSessionEnd missing application scope
- added &attributeCollection& support to core functions
- changed &image& to &name& in ImageXX() functions
- added flag to keep function/cffunction vars scoped
- fixed AmazonGetSignedURL() call
- fixed #290: cfscript switch support of unquoted negative numbers
- fixed potential NPE introduced in extended function support
- added Image function support
- ImageNew()
- ImageRead()
- ImageWrite()
- ImageWriteBase64()
- ImageReadBase64()
- IsImage()
- ImageGetExifMetaData()
- ImageGetExitTag()
- ImageInfo()
- ImageGetWidth()
- ImageGetHeight()
- ImageGetBufferedImage()
- ImageBlob()
- ImageCrop()
- ImageBlur()
- ImageSharpen()
- ImageNegative()
- ImageGrayScale()
- ImageFlip()
- ImagePaste()
- ImageResize()
- ImageRotate()
- ImageAddBorder()
- ImageClearRect()
- ImageDrawRect()
- ImageDrawRoundRect()
- ImageDrawArc()
- ImageDrawBeveledRect()
- ImageDrawLine()
- ImageDrawLines()
- ImageDrawPoint()
- ImageDrawOval()
- ImageDrawText()
- ImageDrawingColor()
- ImageSetBackgroundColor()
- ImageSetAntialisasing()
- ImageXORDrawingMode()
- ImageReflection()
- ImageContrastBrightness()
- toDataURI()
- added support for PUBDATE in CFFEED
- extended function support in CFSCRIPT
- Amazon Updates
- added AmazonS3GetInfo()
- updated AmazonS3List() to return sub-directories
- updated AmazonS3Write() to support meta-data and storage class
- strict mode added for ArrayPassingByReference flag
- CFSCRIPT::java added export of methods
- CFSCRIPT::java added import support
- added attributeCollection/docs support for:
- added CFS***ECONTENT TRIM=&true|false& attribute
- added underlying attributeCollection support for tags
--- Stable Release 1.4 [27th October 2010]
- fixed #282: dateformat bug introduced in fix for #234
- fixed #151: &fullname& key not included in cfc metadata
- added &CFSCRIPT lang=&java&&
- added system functions
- SystemMemory()
- SystemFileCacheInfo()
- SystemFileCacheList()
- SystemFileCacheFlush()
- SessionCount( [appname] )
- fixed #147: LSDateFormat handling of nulls
- fixed #234: DateFormat handling of mask containing single quote
- fixed #236: ListSort with numeric sort of dates
- fixed need for init function in component when using &new& operator
- added hooks for custom languages &CFSCRIPT lang=&&&
- Upgraded Lucene to 3.0.2
- added FileUpload()/FileUploadAll()
- added network functions
- IPResolveDomain()
- IPReverseLookup()
- IPGetMXRecords()
- IPAsInteger()
- IPInRange()
- IPNetworkAddress()
- IPBroadcastAddress()
- IPGetLowAddress()
- IPGetHighAddress()
- IPGetCount()
- fixed #276: SerializeJson should not escape simple quote
- fixed #41: issue with argumentCollection and named arguments
- fixed #154: CFFTP ignores timeout values
- fixed #97: server.coldfusion.productversion should use comma as
separator as opposed to a period
- fixed #227: CFDIRECTORY silently fails trying to create directory
- fixed #267: CFTEXTAREA does not accept text using Safari
- fixed #269: CFDIRECTORY action=&list& attribute &filter& fails when
bracket characters in filter string
- fixed #279: CFDIRECTORY bug with &type&
- fixed #281: CFDIRECTORY listInfo additional support
- fixed #280: QueryDeleteRow() fails if only one row is in Query
- fixed #278: XMLValidate() result messages are of an incomplete format
- added ApplicationList()/ApplicationCount()/ApplicationRemove()
- added DataLoad()/DataSave() functions for serialization
- updated onApplicationStart() loading times for diff apps at once
- updated the CFSCHEDULE to calculate the starttime faster
- fixed #273: NPE when passing array with undefined elements to a function
- improved CFQUERY background= for higher volume queries
- fixed Application.cfc form-upload problem onMissingTemplate()
- added QueryRequestMetrics() to track how much per-request querys
- fixed the H2 database URL parsing
- fixed &Response committed, cannot add header& in redirects
- added more detail to the [server] properties
- updated the database pooling manager for quick failures
- fixed increasing timeout issue with SQL Server datasources
- added Console()/ConsoleOutput() debugging functions
- added support for CFMAIL useSSL and useTLS attributes
- added support for Eucalyptus Walrus cloud storage
- added Amazon S3 functions
- AmazonS3Read()
- AmazonS3Write()
- AmazonS3Delete()
- AmazonS3Rename()
- AmazonS3SetAcl()
- AmazonS3ListBuckets()
- AmazonS3List()
- AmazonS3GetUrl()
- rewritten Amazon S3 access library (removed JetS3)
- fixed #150: CFSELECT queryPositon attribute
- fixed &cfreturn& bug when inside a CFOUTPUT inside a CFC
- fixed base component.cfc to include init() method
- added support for arrays in loops in cfscript
- fixed #254: Can&t flush cfquery cache
- fixed #255: MySQL results are &undefined class& instead of &null&
- improved CFDUMP; add OUTPUT and ABORT support
- added WriteDump()
- fixed ARGUMENTCOLLECTION bug inside CFINVOKE with arguments
- updated Amazon Function support
- added AmazonRegisterDatasource()
- renamed Amazon functions to be consistent
- rejigged functions to support named-parameter calling
- cookie updates: SetCookie() httponly flag support
- renamed functions to: CSVRead()/CSVWrite()
- added WriteLog()/DataSourceInfo()
- added support for core functions to have named/params
- fixed tag parser for catching &#cf tags
- added NOCFML tag
- improved initial cfml parsing speed
- fixed isValid(&integer&,xx) bug
- fixed NA#3332: Indexing a query with categories using CFINDEX
- fixed thread/lock treated as reserved word
- added support for transaction in cfscript
- added style=&document-wrapped& to CFCOMPONENT
- fixed #241: use of &import& as variable name or function name in CFC
throws error
- fixed transaction treated as reserved word
- fixed Application.cfc onMissingTemplate() &application& scope missing
- added support for lock and thread in cfscript
- fixed multiple attribute support for cfscript param operator
- added support for dynamic values in abort, exit and throw operators
- fixed issue passing SessionHeader back to Salesforce web service
- added support for exit, param and rethrow, throw operators in cfscript
- fixed handling of missing cfscript endtag error
- fixed NA#3327: cfimap does not support download of non-ascii named attachments
--- Stable Release 1.3 [27th April 2010]
- fixed NPE due to recent parser update
- added support for abort operator in cfscript
- Moved out the CFSMTP tag into its own plugin implementation
- Added per-file caching support to imported components
- Added type= attribute into the javascript block
- fixed NPE in debugging switch statements in cfscript
- Added support for PATH attribute to CFIMPORT
- Added import statement support to cfscript
- added: Server.cfc onServerStart() support
- fixed #217: Retain file date after CFFILE copy/move
- fixed NA#3319: With scheduled tasks, seconds field of start/end time is ignored
- fixed NPE in cfschedule engine
- fixed NA#3318: Interval scheduled tasks with end time near midnight not
processed properly
- added support for &new& operator
- fixed #215: Unexpected behavior using java.util.collections shuffle
- added qualifier parameter to readcsv function
- added ReadCSV(); Updated ToCSV()
- fixed NA#3315: cfschedule requestTimeout value of 0 or less
not handled properly
- fixed NA#3314: scheduled task with start/end time of 2am
not handled properly
- updated CreateObject(); defaults to &component& if only 1 param
- various core memory usage optimizations
- made the following improvements to the CFDOCUMENT tag:
- default headers/footers to align left to match commercial BD and CF
- support &srcFile& attribute with relative paths
- support &src& attribute with relative URLs
- support attributes &backgroundVisible&, &author&, &title&, &subject&
and &keywords&
- improve error reporting when PDF generation fails
- support encryption even if &ownerpassword&, &userpassword& and
&permissions& aren&t set
- fix bug with &name& attribute being ignored
- support &mimetype& attribute value of &text/plain&
- support &permissions& attribute value of &AllowFillIn&
- if &permissions& attribute is not present then default to no permissions
- support &encryption& attribute value of &40-bit& and &128-bit&
- support &body& tags &bgcolor& attribute in HTML that&s being converted
- support some HTML tags in header and footer sections
- return an error for permissions that are not valid with 40-bit encryption
- fix bug with totalpagecount and multiple sections
- add support for totalsectionpagecount and currentsectionpagenumber
- improved fix for NA#3308: cfcache action=&FLUSH& doesn&t flush cached
files with another server url part
- added GetTagStack()
- fixed NA#3308: cfcache action=&FLUSH& doesn&t flush cached files with
another server url part
- fixed NA#2814: secondary fix for *.*.* wildcards
- fixed support for more complex values in implicit struct/array creation
- fixed NA#3309: CFQUERYBATCH throws exception if spool directory doesn&t exist
- fixed support for CFTRY block with CFFINALLY but no CFCATCH
- support &finally& in cfscript
- added CFFINALLY support to CFTRY..CFCATCH
- fixed #199: JsStringFormat() encoding unicode safe
- added isInstanceOf() function (issue #123)
- fixed #209: support for string based keys in implicit struct creation
- fixed issue with validation of local variables
- fixed #208 Custom Tag in &cfthread&
- cfchart now supports date/time values and will use DateAxis if date/time
data is detected for series
- added support for &include& operator
- added renderInclude() function
- cfstylesheet supports INLINE/HEAD/FOOTER
- fixed support of local variable declaration without initial value
- updated CFMAIL/CFCHART/QueryServer/QuerySlowLog for VFS
- expanded support for specifying absolute paths as $/a/b/... (see #204)
- updated CFLOG/CFTRACE to utilise VFS
- fixed NA#3262: cfdirectory - ISE if the &action& attribute is a
variable and no &name& attribute
- fixed #204: The VFS broke portable absolute paths such as
$/usr/webapps/work on Windows
- fixed #168: Plugin Manager Infinite Loop Failure - Bombs Tomcat
- updated webservices/cfjavascript/cfstylesheet to utilise VFS
- update fix for bug NA#3288 to allow tasks to run on the end date but not after
- added support for operator support in &cfif&/&cfelseif&
- refix of NA#1450: Invoking CFC methods with PACKAGE access with CFINVOKE
- refix of NA#1751: CFINCLUDing file that was just created does not work
- fixed DataSourceDelete() bug
- fixed NA#3301: timeout attribute not honored by &cfftp& tag
- fixed problem with creation of collections due to GAEVFS
- GAE support (phase 1 of 2) added use of GAEVFS in key areas
(merged from OpenBD-Google branch).
- fixed bug with ANTLR parser try/catching of java exceptions
- fixed bug with ANTLR parser incorrectly identifying assignment
statement as implicit struct
- fixed #196: OpenBD won&t run on ServletExec 6.0
(and possibly some other Servlet/JSP Engine brands)
- fixed bug in implicit struct/array creation with non-primary expression values
- added support for implicit struct/array creation
- added support for operators: +=, -=, %=, /=, *=, &=, ++, --,
%, ==, !=, &, &,&=, &=, !, ||, &&
- new ANTLR based parser for cfscript/expression engine
- fixed NA#3288: scheduled task - daily task with enddate
in the past continues to run
- fixed NA#3292: scheduled tasks - do not delete the task from bluedragon.xml
once enddate is reached
- fixed NA#3284: Errors with Date Functions when no day value is provided
- fixed #181: Added ListCompact()
- fixed #164: SerializeJSon() key case
- fixed #121: conversion error when &E-&
- fixed #185: HtmlCleanUp() not bubbling up all errors
- fixed #190: Treating as a number &-.&
- fixed #143: HtmlEditFormat() double encoding
- fixed #192: deserializeJSON() mistreating stringed-numbers
- fixed #162: isJSON() for simple strings
- isValid(&email&) now less strict
- added JSONP support to remote calling CFC&s
- update CFSCHEDULE engine to make sure only one instance
- update CFMAIL mail sending code to match latest BD 7.1 code
- fixed NA#3285: CFMAIL sometimes fails to send an email
- fixed CFMAIL setting Message-ID now persists
- added: ThrowObject() / Throw()
- added: QueryDeleteColumn()/QueryColumnArray()
- added: QueryIsEmpty()/QueryRowStruct()/QueryColumnList()
- added #187: Include Java Exception Classes in CFCATCH
- added DataSourceCreate()/DataSourceDelete()/DataSourceIsValid()
- fixed #180: Improve handling of IllegalAccessException when invoking methods
- fixed #178: cfc output missing from response when it throws an exception
- expanded the fix for NA#3260 to include newly written files
(not just appending to existing files)
- fixed NA#3260: CFFILE leaks descriptors when appending to a file
- ported NA#3282: output missing when cfc function throws an Exception
- fixed NA#3219: xmlParse() does not resolve SYSTEM ENTITY
- fixed NA#3281: &CFINCLUDE page=&a.cfc?method=b&& fails on Jetty
- fixed onRequestStart() / onApplicationStart() return values
- fixed #172: Expired daily scheduled task runs
- improved #157: CFJ***ASCRIPT: Positional/Unique names
- fixed NA#3172: CFDIRECTORY - sort attribute won&t work without column name
- added QueryRun()/QueryOfQueryRun()
- added ArrayRest()/ArraySlice()/ArrayReverse()
- added ArrayConcat()/ArrayValueCount()/ArrayValueCountNoCase()/ListSwap()
- added htmlHead()/htmlBody()
- added ReMatch()/ReMatchNoCase()
- added ListIndexExists()
- added ArrayIndexExists()
- added CFHTMLBODY with POSITION optional endtag
- improved CFHTMLHEAD with POSITION optional endtag
- added ListTrim()
- added ArrayLast()/ArrayFirst()/ArrayGet()
- added ArrayFind()/ArrayContains() functions
- added ArrayFindNoCase()/ArrayContainsNoCase() functions
- added HashBinary() function
- updated SQL Server drivers
- fixed NA#3275: SearchEngineFriendlyURLFilter may sometimes match a request
to the wrong alias
--- Stable Release 1.2 [27th October 2009]
- added location() function
- added ToCSV() / ToHTML() functions for query output
- fixed NA#3226: arguments scope does not like being duplicated more than once
- updated text-mining to be Apache POI3.5 compliant
- fixed handling of utf-8 strings in HtmlTidy function
- fixed NA#3272: QoQ ordering on numeric strings
- fixed NA#3268: A cfimage resize produces poor quality image
- mass StringBuffer replacement
- pluginManager now auto-discovers plugins
- added HtmlSourceFormat() for printing formatted HTML
- added HtmlTidy() for cleaning HTML content
- fixed encoded filename for CFSMTP
- separate error log for background queries
- added full support for Nirvanix Cloud Storage API
- fixed Amazon S3 handler
- improve error message when CFIMAGE tag fails to modify contrast/brightness.
- fixed #126: SES Filter and Query String Blanked Out When PathInfo is Present
- added &server.query.slowlog& tracking
- added AmazonSimpleDB SetDBStruct() method
- fixed isValid() for email causing high cpu usage
- fixed NA#3249: cfimage - transparent .gif files have black backgrounds after edited
- fixed #133: compilation error when accessing web service where cfc resides
in a directory path that includes &-& in a directory name
- fixed #136: POST to remote CFC method throws error and returns SOAP instead
of simple values
- fixed CFIMAGE FONTCOLOR support
- removed CFGRAPHDATA from getSupportedTags() output
- added core Amazon SimpleQueueService support functions
- fixed CFAJAXPROXY callback function
- fixed #135 (NA#3241): cfexecute - error=24, too many open files
- fixed NA#3240: cfindex doesn&t provide good title and summary
- fixed NA#3238: url variables with the same name are appended rather
than overwritten
- fixed NA#3237/NA#3236: issues with &+& operator in QoQ when both
operands are query columns
- updated Amazon SimpleDB support
- fixed NA#3231: scheduled tasks don&t run at correct time
- fixed support of CFDUMP TOP for CFCs
- fixed CFAJAXPROXY NullPointerException/JS problem
- fixed DeserializeJSon() to preserve leading zero&s in numbers as strings
- fixed #115: nesting of CFINVOKE within CFINVOKEARGUMENT
- fixed#6: further fix for &cfdump& for cfquery now printing the params passed
- fixed #124: getTempFile does not create the file
- updated fix for NA#3217: sql inserts from a function does not
escape single quotes
- further fix for #43/#44 when values are equal but underlying
element types are string/numeric
- fixed NA#3217: sql inserts from a function does not escape single quotes
- CFHTTP: disable preemptive authentication, allowing for support of
digest authentication
- support compilation using Java 6
- add irc support
- CFDOCUMENT fix: avoid potential NPE if font directory does not exist
- fixed #114: CFDOCUMENT drops html entities from PDF
- fixed #113: SerializeJSON() handling of nulls
- fixed minor issue with defaulting of CFDOCUMENT font directories
- fixed #111: improved font support for unicode characters in CFDOCUMENT
- fixed CFFEED ACTION=CREATE publisheddate / duplicate title
- added &server.system.resourcepath& to specify a different path
for the web resources (cfvideoplayer etc) (supports $)
- updated fix NA#3071
- fixed #109: getRealPath Null
- fixed CacheGet(.); throws exception instead of returning null
- fix NA#3071: NPE when deserializing CFC with CFSCRIPT in
- fixed CFTHREAD/CFJOIN name=&& bug when using CreateUUiD()
- fixed NA#3209: value &component& for CFFUNCTION RETURNTYPE
--- Stable Release 1.1 [27th April 2009]
- allow CFC function name to override built-in function name
- renamed error file to include date in the filename
- logging errors to a standard static named &bderror-latest.html&
- updated JavaMail to 1.4.1
- fixed #81: fileExists relative path bug
- added #93: Add StructValueArray function
- fixed #103: CFHTTP resolve URLs hangs the server
- CFJ***ASCRIPT can now support inline javascript optimizing
- fixed #102: cfdirectory chokes on empty sort attribute
- CFDOCUMENT ignores bad font files in font directories
- support lookup of webservice jars in servlet container classpath
- fixed NA#3206: improve tolerance of CFCACHE file deletion by
third party processes
- upgraded xhtmlrenderer library to version 8 final release
- fixed #100: &/& tag causes StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
- fixed #74: StructInsert throws error on inserting a key in the
argument collection
- fixed #96: file attribute validation in CFMP3
- fixed #99: NumberFormat support for java.math.BigDecimal
- fixed #98: CFDIRECTORY issue with filter applied to recursive listing
- improve performance of CFIMAP list action
- fixed NA#3198: With BD/Java, CFIMAP fails with attachments that
have no content
- add support for PNG images to CFIMAGE tag
- fixed image lookup issue in CFDOCUMENT for non-SRC/SRCFILE based documents
- fixed NA#3192: The ArrayToList function ignores the delimiter parameter
- fixed #92: structcopy of request scope is case sensitive
- initial CFDOCUMENT implementation
- fixed NA#3187: timeformat errors on March 8, 2009 during hour
between 2am and 2:59 am
- updated CFJ***ASCRIPT/CFSTYLESHEET for better temporary file handling
- fixed #90: cfhttp does not properly handle URL queries that have
encoded characters.
- added FileSeparator() helper function
- fixed NA#3118: lsdateformat - Invalid date error when formatting
a floating point number
- fixed NA#3137: isValid won&t validate an email address with a
single quote before @
- log error message to mail.log when BD fails to delete/move an email
from the spool directory
- fixed #67: getCurrentTemplate() and onRequestStart processing
(CFMX incompability)
- fixed NA#3180: cfschedule tag doesn&t support proxyUser and proxyPassword
- fixed NA#3177: Some structure functions don&t work with the cookie scope
- avoid error message in bluedragon.log when no Java custom tags are
defined in bluedragon.xml
- fixed NA#3142: xmlformat - ASCII chars not being replaced with unicode
escape sequence
- added &CFAPPLICATION securejson=&& securejsonprefix=&&& support
- added &CFFUNCTION returntype=&json|wddx|plain&& support
- improve debugging of database connections that have been active too long
- fixed NA#3174: per request connections leaks connections
- improved the delivery agent
- fixed #78: CFIMAGE grayscale action - incorrect error message
- added CFJ***ASCRIPT
- fixed NA#3164: bluedragon.xml should have encrypted datasource passwords
- fixed #8: spaces in APPLICATION for client cookies
- added new web resource delivery agent
- fixed NA#3166: cfldap doesn&t use separator value for display
- fixed NA#3165: cftransaction ignores isolation attribute value
- fixed NA#3163: runtimeError - need to limit the number of runtimeErrors
being stored in rtelogs
- support disabling of legacy server side form validation
--- Stable Release 1.0.1 [21st January 2009]
- make sure cfpop closes connection when exception occurs
- fixed NA#3162: cfftp actions exists and existsFile always use passive mode
- fixed NA#3158: allow &default& to used as a named argument in cfscript
- fixed #79: QoQ min doesn&t work with Date
- added support for ArrayIsDefined() function
- added new function ArrayTrim() function
- fixed NA#3156: CFPOP fails to read email that has invalid characters in addresses
- fixed NA#3152: can&t add empty string to column of type int or decimal
- fixed NA#3151: custom fields return empty when indexing pdf files
- enchancement CFSMTP &application& attribute to get at proper scope
- enchancement CFSMTP ip address now available on callback CFC&s
- fixed CFSMTP logging
- added a better fix for #65
- fixed #73: arrayLen on binary variable fails
- added new function HtmlGetPrintableText()
- added JMX MBeans for cfEngines
- added JMX functions
- fixed #70: added support for CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP in QueryNew
- admin console password issue. Now defaults to &admin&
- added jTDS and Microsoft SQL Server driver jars
- fixed #68: LSDateformat now handles blank string
- added support for admin to check the mail spool
--- Stable Release 1.0 [2nd December 2008]
- added: toBase62() / fromBase62() functions
- fix error reporting issue introduced in fix for #3128
- fixed #53: cfassociate bug with custom tag nested more than 2
levels deep within itself
- add support for this.mappings
- added: &SystemReloadConfig()& function for reloading the bluedragon.xml file
- fixed #65: ClassCastException when accessing a web service that modifies
the url variables in Application.cfc
- fixed#6: &cfdump& for cfquery now printing the params passed
- fixed#15: &cfdump& only output the styles once
- added: LISTINFO parameter to &cfdirectory&
- fixed#30: Add TYPE to the &cfdirectory&
- added &cfcachecontent&/&filecache& to the CacheStats()/CacheDeleteAll() methods
- added IsJSON() / DeSerializeJSON() / SerializeJSON()
- new DirectoryCreate() DirectoryList() DirectoryDelete()
- added FileXXX VFS support
- map cfthread.ERROR metadata variable to cfthread.EXCEPTION for CF compatibilty
- fixed NA#3136: cfqueryparam - cf_sql_timestamp is inserting inaccurate milliseconds
- added H2 Embedded Database
- added CFSMTP
- added Amazon SimpleDB support for CFQUERY + functions
- added CacheGetAll() function to retrieve all active caches in the engine
- fixed NA#3130: Default error handler does not handle Bad File Exceptions
- fixed NA#3128: Internal Server Error occurs when catching a rethrown exception
within a function and Debug Output is enabled
- don&t record rethrown exceptions twice in debug output
- fixed #64 and #NA3134: cfquery without name attribute throws error
- fixed #61: support cfloop&ing over strings that can be converted to dates
- upgraded Lucene to 2.4.0
- fixed #60: Error when invoking UDF with optional arguments
- fixed NA#3100: simple variables need to be passed by value to CFC methods
- fixed NA#3119: CFMAPPING RELATIVEPATH attribute does not
honor IIS virtual directories
- fixed #58: Unexpected exception passing String[] to java method
- fix for MySQL column aliases not being honoured without
using useOldAliasMetadataBehavior
- add support for result variable that specifies the ID of an inserted row
- fixed #55: Double close bug in cfexecute
- fixed NA#3112: cfExecute fails with &too many open files& error
- fix incrementing of newconnections datasource counter
- fixed NA#2779: No error thrown for a non-empty directory with
&cfdirectory action=&delete&& without recurse=&true&
- fixed NA#2769: DateDiff function returns unexpected results for dates
spanning daylight savings time.
- fixed NA#3090: client.lastvisit always reports the current time
- fixed NA#3114: can&t invoke CFC private functions within CFTHREAD
- improve checking for required attributes with CFFILE tag
- fixed #49: namespaces not honored in cffunction
- no longer apply DST to cfwddx datetime offset output
- fixed NA#2890: CFREGISTRY fails to create key under branch that doesn&t exist
- fix bug with CFEXECUTE output and error output
- fixed NA#3105: cfwddx datetime is not converting to local time
- fixed NA#2969: remote CFC method call now honours xml return type
- added in Memcached support
- added in new abstracted cache implementation
- fixed NA#3101: Web Service Name cannot be used in cfinvoke tag
- fixed NA#2934: Exception not thrown when web service cffunction
is missing returnType
- fixed NA#2976: cffile upload nameconflict makeunique fails if multiple files
uploaded in same millisecond
- fixed potential NPE in query batch log if spool directory is not valid
- fixed reference to OpenBlueDragon.jar for Web services handling
- deep copy attributes passed to cfthread
- fixed #38: support cfexecute errorvariable and errorfile
- fixed #22: support cfthread and thread scope, and full scope access in
cfthread body
- fixed NA#3071: CFC serialization to a file
- fixed #35: CFEXECUTE arguments passed as an array are split on space
- support same api as CF8 for cfthread
- fixed #24: support cfthread action
- added support for sleep() function
- fixed NA#3082: constructing java.util.HashMap or java.util.Hashtable
from CF struct
- added support for &Generate UUID as CFTOKEN value& option
- fixed NA#3079: built-in function initialization error
- fixed NA#3078: &is-type-of& for CFC in custom tag path (without package)
- fixed NA#3076: CFCACHE does not flush on file modification
- added following functionality to CFIMAGE: ability to crop, rotate, add border,
adjust brightness and contrast, and apply gray scale filter.
- fixed #32: cfhttpparam type &file& is ignored when a file is PUT with cfhttp
- fixed NA#3073: evaluation of CFLOOP ITEM variable as indirect reference
- upgraded Lucene to 2.3.2
- support for OnMissingMethod
- new fix for NA#2978
- fixed internal server error when username/password is passed to cfhttp
- refactored QoQ preparedData
- add PADDING=&& attribute to CFQUERYPARAM for padding out numbers
- refactored CFQUERY to support different implementations
- fixed NA#3060: issue with trim() on loop index
- add MonthAsString locale parameter support
- fixed #18: MonthAsString doesn&t output month in current locale
- fixed #9: cfdump styles updated for xhtml 1.0 compliance
- fixed NA#3056: SearchEngineFriendlyURLFilter causes duplicate query
string parameters
- fixed potential NPE in mail sending when backup server used
- fixed NA#3054: Support setting mail host in message-id
- fixed NA#3045: expandPath results wrong with Apache mod_rewrite.
- include hostname in file cache key
- fixed NA#3052: missing &tempdirectory& causes NullPointerException
- updated coldfusion productname and version variables
- fixed NA#3051: avoid potential file not found on cfcache file expiry
- fixed NA#3022: CFCACHE issue with pages containing iso-8859-15 chars
- fixed NA#3024: xmlParse and CFXML strip the &!DOCTYPE ..& element
- fixed NA#3028: numberformat issue with mask &09&
- fixed NA#2999: support string operators on java object operands
- fixed NA#3031: cfdump of getFunctionList causes internal server error
- fixed NA#3036: added support for addAll java method for CFARRAY
- fixed NA#3037: CFTRANSACTION end tag not required for rollback or commit
- fixed NA#3039: StructKeyExists returns true when value is null
- fixed NA#3038: Function stored in local variable can&t be invoked
- fixed NA#3040: cfargument type=&string& doesn&t support java object
- updated fix for NA#2638 (again): NPE caused by serializing childless xml nodes
- fixed NA#3046: application scope only times out when session scope enabled
- fixed NA#3047: Issue with calling of a java method in inner class that extends
another inner class that implements a public interface
- fixed NA#3048: Java Map put() method converts key to string
- first public release (5/3/08)


