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Gray Ghost
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
The Grey Ghost
And then in a half-year to buy a normal computer Poor you unfortunate... Now at you well simply completely not normal computer, in what it is impossible to play normally, not game, and a continuous flour:weep: It is direct though in a window a computer throw out... But beforehand before it call those who manages here and on Barton
and FX5900 to play and not to complain... (It I not about myself am natural) Paul Bazz
Generally the next time you are convinced - those who expect much - punish themselves Quite right
After FEAR once again of it it was convinced
Gray Ghost
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
Agony It is not necessary so to distort. Neither about poor, nor about unfortunate I did not speak. And& normally to play impossibility in something I too did not speak. Told that it would be desirable , to squeeze out of game all its possibilities that I and will make, if (though, I I hope, all the same when instead of if) I I will buy a new computer - only and all. Who manages here and on Barton
and FX5900 to play and not to complain I about them also do not tell anything. Let play, I it not the decree.At all did not understand zoom-in. [/off]
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
The Grey Ghost
I just noted
a computer and so not mine - on the I even to try to launch it I do not want
- so without insults, I was not right
It has simply been written 64 3200 + / 1 / 850 to HT :shuffle:...
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
the Grey Ghost & which under PCI-E - and where it to push? New is not is mandatory last, for Quake4 remarkably approaches and 6800GT on AGP [/off] Agony For Quake4 did not track at all, a preview did not read, screens did not look, downloaded at the desire of the acquaintance.With F.E.A.R got acquainted on dark and inexpressive MP Demo if I will be going& to transit F.E.A.R, I think that I will not regret (all the same GameSpot states what to transit it more interesting, than Q4). And with a quake single I get acquainted now& while boxes with the license did not reach us then it will be possible to be chopped valuably in a multiplayer
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
oscarwilde Head hardly above not to lift on the branch beginning?
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
Prompt how to kill [sp] fat Stroyent Processing Creature? [/sp]Adding from 10/22/:The people at whom else costs& &with new cards of type 6800 or& 800 on , it is possible to play? Or it is necessary to pass is already mandatory on AMD64 + X1800 PCIE? at anybody. It is nonsense. The modern games depend on the processor in the same way, as from the videocard. Urgently do an upgrade.
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
AlexeySob [sp] It should not be killed, it is necessary to push below there one switch, then to rise on the second floor and one more& directly before it . [/sp]. Then itself dies.
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
Itself dies Thanks.:up:
moderator gp
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
I Repeat, ALL technical questions including measurement of speed, are considered in a branch
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
Paul Bazz I am afraid what valuably to be chopped in an animated cartoon& to turn out, not if you play duels that only in a way, all is bright enough, and here if meat, the person 14 on a card and here such procorfs fps& comes so for example, on mine& gave to 28fps that on HIGH that on LOW without a difference in meat, all the same does not hold stablly 63fps, to a campaign my percents 64.4000 are rather weak, and it is worse, therefore as much more powerful& unfortunately& very much at a distant day.
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
While (after the first stage), game reminds Unrael II on engine DOOM III:gigi:
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
Bought a subject from pirates!But all trouble of the given piracy game that it needs connection to the Internet to check a key and if there will be no Internet will not check it... In general, it strains a few each time to be disconnected from not that at start 4...But it is visible such destiny!Through pair a watch I will unsubscribe that for a thingummy such this 4...
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
Lil ' Shaq
Strains a few each time to be disconnected from not that at start 4... White people (sorry:gigi:) use firewall.
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
The toy was pleasant.Reached mission where it is necessary EMP to cut down a bomb Neksus.Monsters in comparison with Q2 became stronger (complexity - the lieutenant). Turn aside from bullets jumps and .Very much pleases design and generally that as characters and cards are fulfilled. Open spaces can and not such huge, but some moments suggest trembling. Especially the episode where it is necessary to destroy turrets on the tank, and in heavens hangs a large fighting cruiser and thrashes on the terrestrial purposes from the heavy beam weapon. In all the unity of style is felt.The gameplay, besides in comparison with Ku2, became more dynamical. The single is more similar on (Call of Duty) - much& but as game is oriented on an animated cartoon on it it is possible to close eyes.The weapon simply fairy tale. Praise to heavens that did not begin to invent . Especially pleased the automatic machine (machinegun) (a key 2). The sound at it such pleasant, is direct hearing caresses:gigi: and in& a shooting mode single through an optical sight very cheerfully to do& to feeble monsters.In general an estimation five, without plus truth .
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
In general an estimation five, without plus truth The further I transit, the more toy on the Dumas becomes similar.
[sp] corpses in the water drain and other. [/sp]Though a shooter sound - very much for a long time such was not. It would be desirable to see something &&, realistic on engine D3. Like COD.:shuffle:
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
Lil ' Shaq
If there will be no Internet will not check it... In general, it strains a few each time to be disconnected from not that at start 4... , , and here it for whom? QUAKE.4.NOCDKEY-DEVIANCE
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
le'Mar It is possible and so... I did not suspect this subject still especially... Kirill-B Probably, it is the best way out...__________In general, I play on High, 1024768 without ... Did not look yet , but I do not think that it above 40, but nevertheless all is enough& so I take pleasure...I play complexity the general - better under queues not to get, and that these devils& is healthy, though cartridges and first-aid sets appear in a due amount every time when they are very necessary...Reached mission where it is necessary to a down-zenitku to blow up...Something does not suffice me in this game... Somehow all quickly and promptly happens, and it would be desirable, that on more soldiers was, and that occasionally feel all alone... Besides while only I run and I shoot - weaned from such shooters already:gigi: Same Dum3 was more quieter, and here continuous bustle...In general, difficultly and early while to carry out a verdict... As though who did not state here that it is not necessary to wait from& for a super-plot , but I from each such game wait for that-thread interesting, capturing and clever. While only I enjoy a drawing in style non-stop...
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
Khe, , and here it for whom? QUAKE.4.NOCDKEY-DEVIANCE In that and a trick that game even after changeover original& CLIMBS in an Internet. It has been broken rigidly off by me in this action, and here one acquaintance long was perplexed &Cho it not& and asks to enter a key?!!&:D. AlexeySob
The further I transit, the more toy on the Dumas becomes similar. Fantasy. Not learn D3 right at the beginning can, sorry, only absolutely blind. The SAME dim textures, the SAME pipes, the SAME elements of intimidation:down::down::down: and the SAME disappearing corpses. Fie. A garbage. I will play, of course, as a tribute :up: but as it is secondary and similar on the Dumas :-\... And why game was not to name Doom 3: Strogg's invasion?
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
le'Mar Then a special sentence: Quake.4.KEYCHECK.FiXED-SKULL:gigi:
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
Lil ' Shaq :But all trouble of the given piracy game that it needs connection to the Internet to check a key and if there will be no Internet will not check it... In general, it strains a few each time to be disconnected from not that at start 4...But it is visible such destiny! It it doesn't matter is on the contrary thanks tell to developers that switch-off of an Internet or& and all in , and that after all game quite could and not be launched without this check! :-\
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
But as it is secondary and similar on the Dumas It do not agree. From Duma Q4 the engine (with all accompanying details got only: disappearing corpses, dim textures, etc.). On the mechanic of game process Q4& and is more various. And atmosphere here it is absolute another.By the way, to estimate game on the first 7-8 levels it is not necessary, since they very ordinary. Later the design will be replaced, there will be new enemies, at last, us , also it becomes absolutely good. The SAME elements of intimidation Sorry, what such elements of intimidation? Never there were even attempts to frighten the player (transited rather far).[off]
I Will play, of course, as a tribute &
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
le'Mar You& reached? The most interesting begins with center of communications, before not so levels were pleasant to me. Not that I waited, but too it is quite good:up: AlexeySob
It would be desirable to see something &&, realistic on engine D3. Like COD. I join, but similar not soon we see
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
Transited all 4. With the last boss was worn out, at first at all did not understand as well as where him to kill, simply ran on this room and wetted monsters... Through 40 mines:gigi: remained with one pistol, five& and registering everyone 10& I understood that it was necessary to get only two times from& (some cartridges I to it left, if something happens, to carry away with itself as much as possible enemies:mad:) in that, a place where this skull incorporate to a ceiling .It was pleasant to go for a drive on the different technics, to stack monsters though, playing the first some levels, there was a sensation that& as in a dash, without pressures, easy and accurately,& to each monster necessary& lead (plasma, etc...). Noted one singularity when& I reach/reach/reach, normally hardly, on the way supposing not one ten enemies, I find out that && already easy stand there and drink beer, waiting me... Still noted that lifts rise upwards is more often, than fall downwards, it pleases The phrase in the game ending, &Kein, you have new orders is a little !& (We wait 5?:shuffle:)Good game:cool: it is a pity that in a multiplayer there are no bots and already customary ztn, t4, t6, dm6, dm13, hope that for a short while...
Re: Quake 4. A new superfilm. We finish with Stroggami, we share .
Snatch I transited very little (2-3 levels approximately). What, here as in Vivisektore the blot &the First n levels a hogwash is necessary, to endure and after& becomes& all&? Kornholio
Sorry, what such elements of intimidation? Never there were even attempts to frighten the player (transited rather far). I, can, and I am mistaken, but like as UNEXPECTED& monsters serve, type, for intimidation:D. Yes, probably, it is terrible. The effect of unexpectedness of much costs. But. ONLY for those who did not see D3. When the freak escapes through pipes (1 level) - I thought, u-u-u, imagination at Raven . Probably LOW-FAT, but FOUR-EYES Carmack and such plan gave scripts in addition to an engine? Or it is engine MANDATORY MEMBERS:lol:? I Repent, John more than simply I respect, but when local fanatics (in other branches, truth ) kick Gejba which gameplay of games wipes feet about darkness and those-e-e-e-ni& and ... to fanatically tuned persons (I think to name names it is not necessary) to endure the request performances &&:laugh::pofig:. I here will not be delayed, swear the cocked hat. it is More than the subject now kills me only Softklab. Well, you understood.
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