《FIFA 11》虚拟球员成就翻译
16:51:18 来源:gamer 作者:csiens 编辑:木淋
Defence (50) - complete the below as a Defender
防守- 当防守者时才能完成下列成就
1. Win a standing tackle - win the ball with a standing tackle in any match - Standing Tackle +1
1. 成功抢断- 在任何比赛中成功抢断- 抢断+1
2. Complete a sliding tackle - win the ball with a sliding tackle in any match - Sliding Tackle +1
2. 成功铲断- 在任何比赛中成功铲断- 铲球+1
3. Block a shot on goal - Block an opposition's attempted shot on goal - Marking +1
3. 挡下射门- 成功挡下对手的射门- 盯人+1
4. 4 standing tackles - win the ball with 4 standing tackles in a match - Standing Tackle +1
4. 4次抢断- 在单场比赛中完成4次抢断- 抢断+1
5. 2 sliding tackles - win the ball with 2 sliding tackles in a match - Sliding Tackle +1
5. 2次铲断- 在单场比赛中完成2次铲断- 铲球+1
6. Keep a clean sheet - finish a match without letting the opposition get on the score sheet - Marking +1
6. 无失分- 让对方得分挂0完成比赛- 盯人+1
7. 60% standing tackles - complete 60% of your standing tackles in a match (min. 3 tackles) - Standing Tackle +1
7. 抢断成功率达到60% - 在单场比赛中达成60%成功抢断(最少3次) - 抢断+1
8. 50% sliding tackles - complete 50% of your sliding tackles in a match (min. 2 tackles) - Sliding Tackle + 1
8. 铲断成功率达到50% - 在单场比赛中达成50%成功铲断(最少2次) - 铲球+1
9. Catch them offside 3 times - catch the opposition's players offside 3 times in a match - Marking +1
9. 制造3次越位- 在单场比赛中制造对手3次越位- 盯人+1
10. 8 tackles won - win a total of 8 tackles of any type in a single match - Standing Tackle +1
10. 8次阻截- 在单场比赛中完成8次任何阻截- 抢断+1 (*1)
11. 4 standing tackles back to back - complete 4 standing tackles in 2 consecutive matches - Standing Tackle +1
11. 连续2场完成4次抢断- 连续2场比赛完成4次抢断- 抢断+1
12. 2 slide tackles 2 games in a row - complete 2 sliding tackles in 2 consecutive matches - Sliding Tackle +1
12. 连续2场完成2次铲断- 连续2场比赛完成2次铲断- 铲球+1
13. 4 headers won - win 4 headers when challenging for the ball in the air - Marking +1
13. 争到4次头顶- 在空中争到3次头顶球- 盯人+ 1
14. Consecutive 60% standing tackle - complete 60% standing tackles in consecutive matches (min 3) - Standing Tackle +1
14. 连续2场抢断成功率达到60% - 连续2场比赛的抢断成功率达到60% (最少3次) - 抢断+1
15. 50% slide tackle 2 games in a row - complete 50% sliding tackles in consecutive matches (min 2) - Sliding Tackle +1
15. 连续2场铲断成功率达到50% - 连续2场比赛的铲断成功率达到50% (最少2次) - 铲球+1
16. 3 revenge tackles - tackle an opponent that has previously fouled you on 3 occasions in your career - Marking +2
17. 3次报复性阻截- 在职业生涯中阻截在该场比赛中对你犯规的对手- 盯人+2 (*1)
17. Man of the match - be the best player on the pitch & win man of the match award - Standing Tackle +2
17. 单场最佳球员- 成为场上最好的球员并成为单场最佳球员- 抢断+2
18. 9 out of 10 - finish a match with a final rating of 9 out of 10 or higher - Sliding Tackle +2
18. 近乎完美- 比赛结束时得到9分或更高的分数- 抢断+2
19. Block 2 shots on goal - block 2 of the opposition's shots on goal in a match - Marking +2
19. 挡下2次射门- 单场比赛成功挡下2次射门- 盯人+2
20. Win 12 tackles - win a minimum of 12 tackles in a single match - Standing Tackle +2
20. 12次阻截- 单场比赛至少12次阻截成功- 抢断+2 (* 1)
21. 10 sliding tackles won - win a total of 10 sliding tackles in your career - Sliding Tackle +1
21. 10次铲断- 在职业生涯中成功铲断10次- 铲球+ 1
22. 5 shots blocked - block 5 attempted shots on goal throughout your career - Marking +1
22. 挡下5次射门- 在职业生涯中成功挡下5次射门- 盯人+1
23. 25 standing tackles - win a total of 25 standing tackles in your career - Standing Tackle +1
23. 25次抢断- 在职业生涯中完成25次成功抢断- 抢断+1
24. 50 total tackles - win a total of 50 tackles of any type in your career - Sliding Tackle +1
24. 50次阻截- 在职业生涯中完成总共50次的各式阻截- 铲球+1
25. 5 clean sheets - keep the opposition team from scoring in 5 matches - Marking +1
25. 5场无失分- 在5场比赛中避免对手得分- 盯人 + 1
26. 60% standing tackles in 5 games - complete 5 matches with 60% standing tackles (min 3) - Standing Tackle +1
26. 5场比赛的抢断成功率达到60% - 5场比赛的抢断成功率都达到60% (最少3次) - 抢断+1
27. 50% slide tackles in 5 games - complete 5 matches with 50% sliding tackles (min. 3) - Sliding Tackle +1
27. 5场比赛的铲断成功率达到50% - 5场比赛的铲断成功率都达到50% (最少3次) - 铲断+1
28. 5 man of the match awards - win the man of the match award 5 times in your career - Marking +1
28. 5次单场最佳球员- 在职业生涯中获得5次单场最佳球员- 盯人+1
29. 9 out of 10 in 5 matches - get a match rating of at least 9/10 five times in your career - Standing Tackle +1
29. 5场近乎完美- 在职业生涯中完成5场评分9分以上的比赛- 抢断+1
30. 25 sliding tackles won - successfully complete 25 sliding tackles in your career - Sliding Tackle +1
30. 25次铲断- 在职业生涯中成功铲断25次- 铲球+ 1
31. 10 clean sheets - get credited for 10 clean sheets in your career - Sliding Tackle +2
31. 10场无失分- 在10场比赛中达成无失分- 盯人 +2
32. 15 blocks - block a total of 15 opposition shots on goal in your career - Marking +2
32. 挡下15次射门- 在职业生涯中成功挡下15次射门- 盯人+2
33. 100 standing tackles - successfully complete 100 standing tackles in your career - Standing Tackle +2
33. 100次抢断- 在职业生涯中完成100次成功抢断- 抢断+2
34. 15 man of the match awards - win the man of the match award 15 times in your career - Sliding Tackle +2
34. 15次单场最佳球员- 在职业生涯中获得15次单场最佳球员- 铲球 +2
35. 25 clean sheets - get credited for 25 clean sheets in your career - Marking +2
35. 25场无失分- 在职业生涯中达成25场比赛无失分-盯人+2
36. 60% standing tackles in 25 games - complete 25 matches with 60% standing tackles (min 3) - Standing Tackle +2
36. 25场比赛的抢断成功率达到60% - 25场比赛的抢断成功率都达到60% (最少3次) - 抢断+2
37. 50% sliding tackles in 25 games - complete 25 matches with 50% sliding tackles (min 3) - Sliding Tackle +2
37. 25场比赛的铲断成功率达到50% - 25场比赛的铲断成功率都达到50% (最少3次) - 铲球+2
38. Block 25 shots on goal - block a total of 25 opposition shots on goal in your career - Marking +2
38. 挡下25次射门- 在职业生涯中成功挡下25次射门- 盯人+2
39. 150 standing tackles - successfully complete 150 standing tackles in your career - Standing Tackle +2
39. 150次抢断- 在职业生涯中完成150次成功抢断- 抢断+2
40. 50 slide tackles completed - successfully complete 50 sliding tackles in your career - Sliding Tackle +2
40. 50次铲断- 在职业生涯中成功铲断50次- 铲球+2
41. Make a goal line clearance - clear the ball from the goal line to save an opposition goal - Marking +1
41. 球门线解危- 在球门线上解危避免对手得分- 盯人+1
42. Consecutive clean sheets - Keep the opposition from scoring in 2 consecutive matches - Standing Tackle +1
42. 连续无失分- 连续两场比赛让对手没有得分- 抢断+1
43. 9/10 two games running - get a match rating of 9 or more in two consecutive matches - Sliding Tackle +1
43. 连续近乎完美- 连续两场比赛得到9分以上的评分- 铲球+ 1
44. Block 3 shots on goal in a match - block 3 attempted shots on goal in a single match - Marking +2
44. 单场比赛挡下3次射门- 单场比赛挡下3次对手的射门- 盯人+2
45. 50% slide tackles back to back - complete 50% of sliding tackles in consecutive matches (min 2) - Sliding Tackle +2
45. 连续两场达成50%铲断成功率- 连续两场的铲断成功率达到50% (最少2次) - 铲球+2
46. 60% standing tackles twice - complete 60% of standing tackles in consecutive matches (min 3) - Standing Tackle +2
46. 连续两场达成60%抢断成功率- 连续两场的抢断成功率达到60% (最少3次) - 抢断+2
47. Consecutive man of the match - win the man of the match award in 2 consecutive matches - Marking +2
47. 连续单场最佳球员- 连续2场获得单场最佳球员- 盯人+2
48. 15 standing tackles - successfully complete 15 standing tackles in a single match - Standing Tackle +2
48. 15次抢断- 在单场比赛中完成15次抢断- 抢断+2
49. 5 sliding tackles - successfully complete 5 sliding tackles in a single match - Sliding Tackle +2
49. 5次铲断- 在单场比赛中完成5次铲断- 铲球+2
50. Block 2 shots 2 games in a row - block 2 attempted shots on goal in consecutive matches - Marking +2
50. 连续挡下2次射门- 连续2场比赛都挡下2次射门-盯人+2
*1: 这里不确定是抢断跟铲球都可以还是只算抢断
To Be Continued...
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游戏制作:Electronic Arts
游戏发行:Electronic Arts
本帖最后由 惊蛰太子归 于
17:08 编辑
12的VirtualPro成就没什么新意 几乎和11完全一样&&仅有少许改动&&12还是比11要有进步 有些技巧也比11完成速度要快一些
按此教程 中前场1天解50%问题不大(我自己1天解了55%),防守因为新防守系统的问题 要慢点
1. 找一支半星的弱队, 进入球队编辑模式CUSTOMISE FIFA--EDIT TEAMS--TEAM MANAGEMENT 将它的默认阵型手动编辑为1-4-5或者1-5-4。&&然后再在EDIT/CREATE PLAYERS编辑这支队的球员数值. 改到很低即可. 或者你把自己所在的球队改强.或者2者皆可.&&甚至你用创建球员创建个次队都行.&&推荐创建个个子最矮,数值超低的门将放到半星队里当首发门将并让他主罚任意球. 稍微训练场练练后便可以以WC难度 关掉越位 受伤直接开搞.
2.也可以直接从EA官网创造中心 创建一支残废队并下载下来&&不过据有人说踢的时候会死机,本人没有验证
3.自己所在的队用433.传球当边锋.射门当中锋. 如果练防守自己的队用145阵型 自己当那个1. 记得把掏牌关掉,就不会被罚下了.
5.在KICK OFF模式中,先不要急着开始比赛, 进入选项菜单 找到 User Game Custioimstation 可以看到sprint speed , acceleration, shot error pass error 这些选项.& &把速度和启动速度调高点 把射门和传球调低或0.& & 然后再到CPU Game Customisation 这个选项 把它们的速度调低& &&&再进入比赛你会发现,你的队伍变成了无比出色的队,&&在WC难度下.超远射门 超远直塞如同儿戏.
6.通过以上的准备工作,就可以进入比赛踢了.&&WC难度 4分钟半场的比赛 场均进20球不是问题&&. 注意不要忘记选择雨天和雪天哦.
7.大部分情况下 把越位关掉即可
随着你不断地解锁, 会解开很多的特技(相当于小外挂), 解锁成功后挂上这些特技.会有用不少. 不多说了.直接上图.
本帖最后由 X42ABN6 于
15:47 编辑
这代其实没必要 ?(???)?
想解啥特技 挑滑块就成了 ?(?3?)?
顺带一提 手柄党可以在训练场键盘控制门将 瞬间解开所有训练场成就 ?(???)?
求存档 懒得弄撒。啊啊
X42ABN6 发表于
这代其实没必要 ?(???)?
想解啥特技 挑滑块就成了 ?(?3?)?
谢谢 求 。。。。。。。存档
zbxzm 发表于
谢谢 求 。。。。。。。存档
不给 ?(?3?)?
坚决拒绝懒汉 自己刷几个小时就能刷完绝大部分了
X42ABN6 发表于
这代其实没必要 ?(???)?
想解啥特技 挑滑块就成了 ?(?3?)?
Dickens 发表于
十字键 选边
键盘选门将 手柄选VP
然后你懂得 ?(???)?
本帖最后由 蓝云安吉 于
16:58 编辑
蓝云安吉 发表于
有没有新建文本文档的格式文件啊,我的没有***办公软件,一打开都是乱码。麻烦复制一个新建文本文档的格式 ...
惊蛰太子归 发表于
score two goals off of layoff passes in a match
这个怎么解锁 一直没解锁
wlwmls 发表于
score two goals off of layoff passes in a match
这个怎么解锁 一直没解锁
新手 外加英文水平很烂表示很需要这个东西&>&&>&&>&正文
《FIFA18》成就列表 全成就达成方法说明
14:49:08 来源:A9VG 作者:至爱余米高
《FIFA 18》精华文章推荐
游戏制作:EA Sports