minecraft 升级升级以后原来的世界还...

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09-15 11:00[1.6.4/1.8.8][ssp/smp]The Rediscovered Mod! 让MC回到未移除的世界!(永久更新!)&-&Minecraft(我的世界)中文论坛 -
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[1.6.4/1.8.8][ssp/smp]The Rediscovered Mod! 让MC回到未移除的世界!(永久更新!)
The Rediscovered Mod!
本帖最后由 sx 于
14:18 编辑
& && && && && && && && && &
A note about Pocket Edition and Minecraft 2.0!
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &(我不会添加关于任何minecraft2.0和玩笑版的东西!)
哈喽!大家嚎,我SX君又回来了!,今天带来的是中小型冒险类MOD!如果你看过WIKI的话,会对 那些曾经移除或未使用的东西感到惋惜呢?不用关系,有了这个MOD,曾经移除的生物,方块,都复活了!!!!!!!!!!,进入正题,我将来给大家逐一介绍每个东西& && && &&&本mod感谢由@gqxastg 和@
另外站内又有个人搬运了。 他的帖子介绍的似乎比我更加详细,传送门:
目前1.7.10和1.8的1.3版本目前正在beta版本测试中,等作者把版本完善了就可以放出地址了~(如果需要可以去原贴里下载~ 需要翻墙~)
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 方块
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 合成:
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 介绍:没多大用,以前本是设置出生点,但相信以后的版本里会增加。[/spoiler
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 海绵file:///c:/users/ADMINA~1/appdata/roaming/360se6/USERDA~1/Temp/.PNGfile:///c:/users/ADMINA~1/appdata/roaming/360se6/USERDA~1/Temp/.PNG[spoiler]合成:木有,介绍:会把5X5X5区域的水给吸干,但不过在1.8这功能就还原了,然后就在1.8这MOD里的海绵就报废了
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 介绍:本应该是红石的祖先然后被Notch给打倒了,然后就消失在无尽的虚空里了,齿轮会爬墙,并有一个无限的信号,只支持1格。。。。。。效果图:
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 本人觉得感觉没多大用
No.4 灯笼!
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
根据wiki记载,灯笼曾经是mc里唯一的一个光源(太阳/月亮/岩浆/火焰):你妹! 然而notch就觉得:灯笼太大了很不科学,于是加入了火把,然后灯笼就消失了无尽的虚空。。。。  灯笼可算作这个mod唯一的动态光源了,放在物品栏第一格就能像恶灵附身那样屁股挂着个油灯了。
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 进击!泥土的半砖!介绍:以后“土豪”的屋子有楼梯喽~\(???)/~
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 合成(仨个的合成方式):
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 凳子,
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 茶几,
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 讲台,介绍:(Minecraft终于不用楼梯做凳子了~\(???)/~!终于不用压力板+栅栏做茶几了(桌子)了~\(???)/~,终于可以站着读书(讲台)了!~\(???)/~!效果图:
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 介绍:准确的说是应该直接把你传送到MineCraft周边玩具店。。。。。。效果图:
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & (与普通箱子的差别)
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 介绍:表以为看它外表就以为是装饰品,但周围的僵尸(只有僵尸)会被它吸引过去(做诱导器不错)类似村民一样的效果,效果图:
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
方块(稻草人是方块?!)介绍完了,该介绍物品了咩{:10_521:}{:10_521:}{:10_521:} {:10_492:}
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 物品!
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 药水,药水,(反胃药水,失明药水,挖掘疲劳药水,)
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & file:///c:/users/ADMINA~1/appdata/roaming/360se6/USERDA~1/Temp/potions.pngfile:///c:/users/ADMINA~1/appdata/roaming/360se6/USERDA~1/Temp/potions.pngfile:///c:/users/ADMINA~1/appdata/roaming/360se6/USERDA~1/Temp/potions.png
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 紫色的箭(猪人箭)这支箭以前被代表是亡灵箭,但不过最后消失在虚空里了。这支箭是猪人射出来的,猪人我在后面会讲到的
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 从左到右,是芍药,牡丹从,没有牡丹花的牡丹从,没有玫瑰花的玫瑰丛,玫瑰丛,玫瑰
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 生物
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 猪人村庄中的监狱里关着绿袍的村民,在WIKI里说,这是村民种类里的普通村民,但不管之后消失在虚空里了,只能靠NBT修改或1.7的指令来实现,这个MOD中,猪人村庄的监狱会自动生成
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 对于那些敢于去攻占猪人村庄的人我会说:卧槽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(本人精神失常{:10_524:})
天域のBOSS 红龙! 在天域的任何一个地方生成,(不是在龙巢吗?!)150滴血,击败后会获得红龙蛋和哭泣黑曜石经验池!然后右键红龙蛋,然后又生成一只红龙,然后无限死循环。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
这形状。。。。。 污啊。。。。。
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 矿物&树木! 介绍完那些坑人的生物,来说说矿物
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & :在1.7更新树木之前,有人提出增加樱花树,制作过程中弃坑了,然后消失在无尽的虚空之中。。。。。。(我果断去看了看WIKI,没有?!原帖是这么说的啊?)
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
介绍+机翻:一个充满神秘和神奇的土地!这个维度是mojang的玩笑,在取消它和重用的代码使它们结束。据传,Notch就继续工作,但他表示,目前没有计划去实现它。原来,是要天空维度是一种“梦想世界”,你会随机被派去那里当你睡觉的时候。你会得到一个项目,可以让你在任何时间去那里。在这个mod,天空都是多维度,天域的红龙在任何地方追击你,你可以尝试找到猪人村庄,拿到他们的梦枕,返回世界。& & 进入方法:睡觉时有几率进入天域 或者在创造模式下,按E,找到杂项的一栏,拿出梦枕,右键床。 返回主世界方法:跳下去,或者是在猪人村庄找到梦枕右键床就行了。
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & (天域梦枕的合成)
V. 1.2 -Small feature update -All changes apply to 1.8 and 1.7.10 (unless specified otherwise) -Locked Chest URL actually leads to identical April Fools page -Added French, Spanish, Traditional Chinese and Hungarian translations -Added option to disable quiver in the config file -Gears are much more efficient now because they are only one block as opposed to a floor and wall version. Can also be placed on ceilings (1.8 only) -Chairs, tables and lecterns now use JSON model format (1.8 only) -General tidying up of code
V. 1.1 -Version update -All changes apply to 1.8 and 1.7.10 (unless specified otherwise) -Sponges actually work (Less laggy calculations so the water doesn't spazz out) -Sitting in chair doesn't push you up after a while -Spikes can be pushed by pistons and wont destroy items (1.8 only) -Removed Dream Bed option -Can ride Red Dragon to help in slaying it -No more Red Dragon health bar -Fixed Red Dragon Name -Red Dragon health changed to 100 (50 hearts) -Pigman Villages dont generate air blocks (They're more efficient, won't cause lag, and wont create square holes below them)
V. 1.0 and 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 -Super Massive Update (You may need to delete your old config) -All changes apply to the 1.6.4, 1.7.2, and 1.7.10 versions -Changed Sky Dimension mechanic to have random chance and Dream Pillow. Old Dream Bed mechanic available in config -Added the scarecrow -Added Nederland language localization -Added Czech language localization -Added Polish language translation -Added ability to use custom entity ID's in config -Animated Fish tails -Rubies spawn below level 32 instead of 25 now -Overhauled Locked chest to be as close to original as possible, still need old Minecraft Store page -Shearable Rose and Peony bushes (not in 1.6.4 version) -Paeonias (not in 1.6.4 version) -Removed Smooth full half slabs -Removed all predeclared entity id's (and block/item id's in 1.7.2 and up) -Fixed Giants hitbox. They can hit the player more easily, making them tougher to hit without getting damaged -Fixed controlling of Sky Dimension chickens. Now faster -Fixed Cherry leaves in fast graphics not changing texture -Fixed player hovering above chair when they sit in it -Fixed rare occasions when heaven biome spawns in overworld -Fixed Middle-Clicking Empty Rose Bushes producing an Empty Peony Bus
以前的更新日志:V. 0.9 -Version Update -Updated to 1.7.2 -Total overhaul of code -Added roses that spawn in the Sky Dimension -Added Falling out of Sky Dimension teleporting you to Overworld -Changed Nearly all of config options (Added spawn rates for mobs, change to 0 to disable spawning) -Removed Smooth full half-slab recipes as I see no way of updating them to 1.7.2&&V. 0.8 -Bug Fix/Balancing/Prepare-for-1.7 update -Added Cherry trees to the Sky Dimension -Made ruby ore spawn much less commonly -Rubies and Ruby ore are both Ore Dictionary compatible -In exchange for making rubies common, pigmen have MUCH better trades -Arrows shot with a quiver are no longer automatically critical, but should fly farther -Fixed being in water with a lantern in your hotbar causing odd item drops to appear -Fixed sometimes glitching through ground when spawning a new house in the Sky Dimension -Fixed blocks generating inside the house if you house spawns inside a mountain -Fixed the sound system crashing by removing calm4 altogether&&V. 0.7 -Feature/Compatibility Update -Made it so that you can just put the mod into the 'mods' folder in order to work (Finally, I know) -Added Multiplayer compatibility (Finally, I know) -Made it so that Rana and Steve spawn in Pigmen villages (For now just to fix compatibility) -Steve no longer attacks Black Steve and Beast Boy -Removed Purple Arrows (For now)&&V. 0.62 -Bug Fix Update -Fixed Red Dragons. Now you can damage them and they attack you. They also have a health bar. -Added option in the config to disable restrictions on the Dream Bed (Daytime, Monsters nearby)&&V. 0.61 -Version Update -Updated to 1.6.4 -Added Calm4 as random background music -Added an option to enable a Calm4 music disk (Very buggy) -Added some more options to the config&&V. 0.6 -Feature/Bug Fix Update -Added Pigmen Villages! -Changed Rana and Steve's models to the original MD3 ones (HUGE thanks to Exalm for that one)! -Added Black Steve and Beast Boy as hostile mobs in Pigmen Villages -Added sandstone full slab block -Added full dirt slab block -Fixed Fish drowning -Fixed quiver with armor recipe to be shapeless (a.k.a. anywhere in crafting grid together) -Fixed Gear placement bug -Fixed hovering while sitting in chair -Fixed Sky Dimension spawn house flooding with grass&&V. 0.53 -Bug-Fix Update -Added more config options to enable/disable certain features. -Added Sponges and Lanterns to dungeon chests (Sponges because it makes sense, Lanterns because I can). -Changed Jump potion recipe to use feather instead of cactus. -Fixed Heaven biome and red dragons to appear in overworld (Sorry about that). -Fixed Rana and Green villagers multiplying -Fixed Steve despawning when leaving a world.&&V. 0.52 -Mini Feature Update -Added a Config! Finally! -Added
file -Fixed Potion recipe bug&&V. 0.51 -Mini Feature Update -Added Undead Horses (Zombie and Skeleton) -Added Spikes -Added Lecterns -Fixed rare sponge-generating bug -Fixed fish being super-tough&&V. 0.5 -Minecraft 1.6.2 Update -Rotating Gears (FINALLY&&) -Edited Sky Chicken controls. Now is controlled by holding seeds in you hand (Kind of like pigs with a carrot on a stick). -Gears can be placed on walls again. -Organized the code to be less laggy (Hopefully). -KNOWN BUG: Potion recipes don't work for some reason. Working on it.&&V. 0.43 -Bug-Fix/Addition Update -Added a house when you appear in the sky dimension to give the illusion that you wake up inside of a dream. -Fixed Dream Bed ID overriding the Gear ID. -Dream Beds now do not stack like normal beds.&&V. 0.42 -Addition Update -Added Tables -Due to high demand, Glowstone portal has been removed and replaced with the &Dream Bed&.&&V. 0.41 -Bug fix update -Fixed skeletons not shooting purple arrow&&V. 0.4 -Minecraft 1.5.2 Update -Added unused potions (Nausea, water breathing, blindness, mining slowness, and jumping) -New quiver recipe -TONS of bug-fixes -Fixed not being able to connect to a server -Fixed portals being created on the other end spawning you in the wrong spot -Performance improvements -Removed all of the custom Giants code and added it into vanilla Giants code instead -Giants are FAR less laggy because of the code switch -Removed achievements because they don't exactly fit the &feel& of the mod.&&V. 0.35 -Bug-Fix Update -Added green villagers -Added Red Dragons (NOTE: These are a WIP. Therefore for now they are invincible until I fix the crash when you defeat one. In exchange they will not attack you) -Fish now ACTUALLY spawn naturally -Purple Arrow no longer insta-kills -Correct skeleton death-message -You can now smelt Ruby ore -Fortune on pickaxes now work on Ruby ore -Ruby ore now drops xp -The crafting recipe for Smooth Full Half-Slab now gives the ACTUAL block instead of the mod's own version -Lanterns drop themsleves -Gears can be placed on walls once again but will still not send a current up them. -Steve/Rana only spawn once in each village -Steve holds an iron sword now (Because I felt it looked cooler&&) -Improved Steve AI (Steve will now run away from Creepers and Primed TNT but will now defend Rana and villagers) -Bats no longer spawn in the Sky Dimension -Temporary fix to Sky Dimension portals preventing you from landing off of the platform created&&V. 0.3 -Minecraft 1.4.6 Update -Switched permanently to Forge -Complete code overhaul due to Forge transfer -Added Chairs -Added Fish -Added purple arrows -Lanterns now active if in the players hotbar -Sky Dimension Portal lit once again by pouring bucket of water into glowstone portal -Sky Dimension Portal texture once again water rather than green swirls -Removed vertical functionality of gears. This was due to some unforseen issues during the transfer to Forge and will be re-implemented at a later date. -Removed the &Where are we Now& music disk due to it being added to the vanilla game& &V. 0.25 -Bug-Fix Update -Added Giant spawn egg to creative inventory Forge Version -Giants now spawn naturally in the Sky Dimension! -Giants have a rare drop of a 'Notch' Apple -Fixed Arrows shot with a quiver not being critical -Fixed recipe for Ruby Block -Fixed Locked Chests combining into one large chest when placed next to each other -Tweaked Gear recipe: now makes 8 instead of 4. -Minor performance tweaks to slightly reduce lag in Sky Dimension&&V. 0.2 -Minecraft 1.3.2 Update -Added &Where are we now& Music Disc -Added Pigmen spawn egg to creative inventory -Added Rubies, Ruby Ores, and Ruby Blocks -Ruby ores spawn naturally underground. -Added my own custom portal effect to the Sky Dimension Portal block -Improved the controls for the sky chicken -Forced to change size of locked chest due to some texturing issues -Added Steve as a lost mob -Steve and Rana both spawn once per testificate village -Made Rana a little less stiff -Changed previous Lantern achievement to a different achievement to to some bugs -Added new achievement: &HOW COULD YOU!?& -Added some code to prepare for a gear animation, however this has not been implemented due to adding the effect messing with the redstone mechanics. -Other minor bug fixes
1:与npcmod不兼容 会造成客户端崩溃(1.7.2-1.6.4)
兼容五边形材质包! (注意!注意! 下图材质包的作者已经停更在1.3.2,所以下面的图是用来装13的!)
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
不过还有一种扩展包,但是作者停更在了1.7.2 但估计1.8和1.7.10通用吧........& &
已经有部分玩家向作者推荐的一些东西,作者说这些东西很有可能在mod版本点击复制Minecraft中文论坛 - 论坛版权1、本主题所有言论和图片纯属会员个人意见,与本论坛立场无关
太棒了!!!自从我看了wiki以后,我就一直想要那些被移除的东西出现,没想到真的有了 ...
部分图片画质太烂,而且帖内随时看到C Drive传图大法
是原帖的图片。。。。。。。。。。。。。还有C Drive是啥?&
部分图片画质太烂,而且帖内随时看到C Drive传图大法
是原帖的图片。。。。。。。。。。。。。还有C Drive是啥?
C Drive就是C盘:P&
是原帖的图片。。。。。。。。。。。。。还有C Drive是啥???上的?片必?先行上?到??空?、??寄存公司或自行架???伺服器,才能?行分享,但由於部份?民的??知?不??富,用自己的?????片,以?其他人都可以用同?的方式????,在?有上??片到??空?的情?下,直接??片位於自己???的硬?路???然後??,於是出?的效果?是?片?法?示,因而被其他?民?狂?笑,??做法便是「C Drive??大法」。
C Drive就是C盘:P
C Drive就是C盘:P
和NPC MOD不兼容{:10_564:}
会吗....我都用了- -&
和NPC MOD不兼容{:10_564:}
""以及"我的世界"为Mojang Synergies AB的商标。本站与Mojang以及微软公司没有从属关系。


