NOSGBA INIitunes备份文件在哪哪

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在线时间278 小时
猥人师表 Lv.6, 积分 2813, 距离下一级还需 2187 积分
在线时间91 小时
猥不足道 Lv.2, 积分 142, 距离下一级还需 58 积分
在线时间1077 小时
猥服出巡 Lv.4, 积分 820, 距离下一级还需 180 积分
在线时间730 小时
猥然不动 Lv.7, 积分 7734, 距离下一级还需 2266 积分
用DESmuME吧 正常运行
在线时间405 小时
猥言大义 Lv.5, 积分 1394, 距离下一级还需 606 积分
输入金手指可玩 但存档不能
在线时间1494 小时
猥震海内 Lv.9, 积分 54026, 距离下一级还需 5974 积分
在线时间386 小时
猥言大义 Lv.5, 积分 1096, 距离下一级还需 904 积分
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Copyright& 2008 苏ICP备号-3no$gba - nocash gameboy advance / nintendo ds / dsi emulator
No$gba Gameboy Advance / Nintendo DS / DSi Emulator Homepage
Germany is where people cannot afford to smoke filter cigarretes.
No$gba Downloads - no$gba v2.8e - 11 Feb 2017
(ca. 999 Kbytes)
(ca. 202 Kbytes)
(ca. 199 Kbytes)
- GBA/NDS/DSi specs (html)
- GBA/NDS/DSi specs (txt)
Sample Code
- A search game with source code for GBA/NDS/DSi/eReader
- no$gba section in ngemu forums
- 3DS developers forum (one can also post DSi stuff there)
- GBA developers forum (also has a NDS section)
Supporting the no$gba project
If somebody would like to help me on the nocash project, here's a list of
some things that'd be useful to me, for research purposes:
- broken/older DSi DMW-W015 wifi board (for desoldering wifi chips and tracing PCB wires)
- broken NDS/DSi/3DS consoles or mainboards (for desoldering and PCB tracing)
- newer DSi console (with DWM-W024 wifi board)
- 3DS or 2DS consoles (not New3DS, already got one)
- 1-3 spare SDmicro adapters (for making custum cables to easy testing)
- 1-2 old MMC cards (for testing compatibility with non-SD cards)
- windows xp, english version (cdrom and licence/sticker)
- gba infra-red adapter
- gba wifi adapter
- bug reports (detailed info please: say what does not work in which situations)
are also valuable support (I have no other income and need to eat, drink, smoke, work, and sleep somewhere, your support can make all that things possible).
No$gba is now fully freeware. Optional
would be very welcome and valuable support for continuing the
In general, I am aiming at living with little money, and to work just for
the fun it. However, in the past two years I ended up with too less money -
which isn't really fun - I needed to borrow some money, and currently, a bag
of coffee can appear like a big investment (I can still buy coffee, but doing
so is making me feel uncomfortable, it's different from past years of big ease,
where I would have bought such goods without second thought).
Not to mention the evil end-of-the-month: Without real job and without
regular income, it's the day when I need to pay the rent - without getting
any money (unless I am lucky and some people have gratefully donated
With donations you could really help me.
But nevermind, no problem if you don't like to, or if you can't do so.
Other new projects
- playstation 1 emulator/debugger
- super nintendo emulator/debugger
updated no$xxx versions.
Questions on how to use no$gba
Please send any questions on how to use the freeware version to a . Hoping that other users can help you.
Non-technical bug reports, eg. "Princess Piggy can't fly in Level 3 of Animal Dreams IV", that information isn't useful to me, please go post it to a
or tell it to somebody else.
Technical bug reports, eg. "no$gba crashes on MOV R0,R7 opcodes on ARM7 CPU in NDS mode", that would be very interesting, please let me know about that things per email!
Freeware Games
. Homebrew games for GBA and NDS
and other consoles
01 Jun 2015
DSi emulation booting - finally (8 months work to get there)
note: doing this on your computer will require several system files (which you probably don't have) (see DSi Emulation chapter in no$gba help for details)
DSi mainboard signals,
(the photos are
from neimod and scanlime, and probing 0 ohm connections with a multimeter
was done on my own mainboard).
About as expected, that project has (almost) completely bricked the console:
After probing the the SMD pins hundreds of times, the solder pads became
deformed, producing shortcuts between pins.
After reassembling the console and half-heartedly cleaning the solder pads,
the first thing happening was blowing the battery fuse. After repairing the
fuse and more cleaning it started working with nearly black screens, cleaning
the backlight pins made it almost working, only the touchscreen and sound
remained non-functional, and the tapping the power button caused white screens
instead of doing a warmboot, which was apparently caused by dirt on one of the
reset pins. Alltogether I've spent several hours on scratching the gaps between
numerous SMD pins with a needle - and now everything seems to be back
The whole pinout project did take maybe 80 hours, whereas I just want to
connect some wires to the NAND pins. And then I ended up with: Why not making
a component list before modding the PCB? And why not probing the pinouts of
the ribbon cable connectors? And hey, why not spending six more days on
probing the whole chipset pinout?


