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While we're saddened that the end of the 2016 Saxxy Awards is here, we're thrilled to be handing out the golden Saxxy statuettes for the
We're still laughing at some of the short and comedy entries - probably more than is really healthy. We're also incredibly excited to be extending an invitation to the overall winners to visit us at Valve headquarters.
One of the unexpected pleasures of the Saxxy Awards for us is that by flying the overall winners to Seattle, we've often been bringing teams together for the first time. Many of the winning teams were spread across multiple countries, and for those teams, getting to meet each other in person on the Valve trip was a fantastic extra bonus.
But enough of our reminiscing - go see which of your favorite entries
We're approaching the culmination of another year filled with some really amazing Source Filmmaker videos! Today we're announcing the nominees for the 2016 Saxxy Awards, and there are entries that had us laughing, crying, and shouting in surprise and excitement. So make some popcorn, grab a drink, and go watch the
Once you've watched the nominees, and rewatched your favorites, remember that there are
available that may still end up on your personal favorites list. And don't forget to come back tomorrow and find which of your favorites were chosen as winners!
We'd like to thank all of the entrants for their hard work and creative vision, and as ever, there are a couple specific entries that didn't make the cut, but are exceptional nonetheless:
Audience Choice Award
Best Movie Homage
Best Unfinished Entry
It's our favorite time of year! That time when all the Saxxy Awards entries have been submitted, and we can watch videos all day long instead of working. More importantly, so can you! Upvote the ones you enjoy, downvote the ones you don't, and just as importantly, downvote the ones that have violated the . Specifically: no advertisements, YouTube annotations or cards allowed, any music and other assets must have links to their authors in the description, and entries should abide by the per-category duration limits. You have until 3PM PST on Wednesday, November 16th to vote, so don't wait!
For those who have submitted entries to the Saxxy Awards, please make sure that your videos are marked public, tagged with the appropriate categories, are free of advertisements, cards or annotations, and that you've attributed the creators of any music or other assets you've used, and received permission for their use.
Nominees will be announced on Thursday, November 17th, and winners on Friday, November 18th. Until then -
It's been an action-packed Saxxy Awards this year, full of twists and turns, laughs and surprises! We have shorts from well-known members of the community from whom we've seen great things in the past, and from newcomers who are submitting their very first Saxxy entry. All of the entrants are winners in our book, but there's only so much space on Saxxy Awards web page, so we need to narrow down the entries to the best of the best.
So go watch the
for the 2015 Saxxy Awards, and see the best that the community has to offer! We'll announce the winners tomorrow, so while you discuss and debate who you think they'll be, you can also check out the rest of the entrants .
It's time once again, for you, the SFM community, to
for your favorite entries to the Fifth Annual Saxxy Awards! Voting is open until 3PM PST on Monday, November 16th, so you have until then to watch and vote. Don't forget to down-vote those entries which have violated the
for the Saxxy Awards: No advertisements allowed, any music and other assets must have links to their authors in the description, and entries should abide by the per-category duration limits.
For those of you who have submitted to the Saxxy Awards, please double-check your videos, and make sure that they have the appropriate category tags, are marked public, have no advertisements, cards or annotations, and that you've attributed the creators of any music or other assets you've used, and received permission for their use.
Nominees will be announced on Tuesday, November 17th, and winners on Wednesday, November 18th. But enough reading -
The submission window for
is open! As we mentioned before, the submission process has changed, so upload your videos to YouTube and head over to
on Steam Community and associate your videos with The 5th Annual Saxxy Awards. The final deadline is Wednesday, November 11th, 3:00PM PST, but as always, we strongly encourage you to submit early, to avoid last-minute network or computer problems preventing your submission from being entered into the contest, and to give you a chance to review your submission and make any last-minute changes.
Source Filmmaker is being reborn in the Dota universe! The new SFM will be included in the , and will work natively with Dota. This includes recording gameplay, new Dota-specific features, and integration with the new Source 2 engine and all the latest tools. We're incredibly excited to make creating Dota movies much easier, and are looking forward to both growing the SFM community with folks from the Dota 2 workshop community, as well as expanding the choices for the existing community!
We just watched
for the 100th time in a row, and it occurred to us that it was theoretically possible that someone in the SFM community wasn't yet aware of their fantastic short. If that's you, then you owe it to yourself to go watch it right now. If that's not you, then you've probably already stopped reading this to go watch it again, and we don't blame you. Congratulations to the End Of The Line team on an amazing, action-packed short!
Our friends over at Mixamo have been busy adding SFM support to , their character creation tool on Steam.
about the new SFM export feature, watch the tutorial, and see how SFM community members lent their expertise to the folks at Mixamo for this update!
We haven't been completely idle ourselves, and after seeing multiple reqeusts for help on how to make characters run along animated paths instead of in a straight line, we've updated Import Sequence to make this easier. We've added an option "Root Drives Pose Params" to the Import Sequence dialog that allows you to animate the rootTransform of your character, and the SFM will figure out how to animate the move_x and move_y pose parameters to make the character animate along that path. Don't forget that the
is a great way of smoothing out motion speed while keeping the path intact, and have fun making guys run in circles!
It was one of the tightest Saxxy races we've ever had, with a lot of heated debate here at Valve. But even with so many great entries, it's still a contest, and someone's got to win.
Luckily, someone did! Announcing the
Head over and check them out. All winners will get an exclusive, highly rare in-game Saxxy Award, and The Overall Winner's getting flown out to Seattle to spend some time with us here at Valve.
We laughed. We cheered. We cried. Some of us wouldn't stop crying, and it got awkward. Then we laughed and cheered again.
We say this every year, but we were blown away at the quality and inventiveness of this year's entries. And now we're proud to present the absolute best of best from the 2014 Saxxy Awards. Check out the nominees .
Of course, as with any contest, not everyone can win. But that doesn't mean they aren't worthy of recognition. Below, some fantastic entries that just barely missed the cut:
Best Late Entry
Best Five-Minutes-Exactly Piece
Best Original Character
Best Crossover
Best Tackling of a Serious Subject
Steam is required to install SFM.
The SFM Blog
Here we抣l be sharing news, tips and tricks about all things relating to our storytelling tool, the Source Filmmaker. Because it抯 the tool we use here at Valve to create our own movies, we will be adding features as we need them and then sharing them with everyone through Steam. You can join our official
to stay up-to-date with all the latest SFM news.
Contact the SFM Team at:
Submit bugs at:
Work at Valve:
& Valve 2012. Source is a trademark or registered trademark of Valve Corporation.


