
A Massively Parallel Reactive
Flow and Transport Model for describing Surface and
Subsurface Processes
Upcoming PFLOTRAN Short Course ()
PFLOTRAN developers will be teaching a beginner's short
course preceding the
meeting in Barcelona, Spain. The short course
is hosted by AMPHOS21 Consulting and Sandia National Laboratories.
Where: AMPHOS21, Barcelona, Spain
When: September 6-8th, 2017 (preceding MIGRATION 2017)
Early-bird registration deadline is June 15th, 2017. Final
registration deadline is August 27th, 2017.
PFLOTRAN is an open source, state-of-the-art massively
parallel subsurface flow and reactive transport code.
PFLOTRAN solves a system of generally nonlinear partial
differential equations describing multiphase,
multicomponent and multiscale reactive flow and
transport in porous materials. The code is designed to
run on massively parallel computing architectures as
well as workstations and laptops. Parallelization is
achieved through domain decomposition using the
(Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation)
libraries. PFLOTRAN has been developed from the ground
up for parallel scalability and has been run on up to
2^18 processor cores with problem sizes up to 2 billion
degrees of freedom. PFLOTRAN is written in object
oriented, free formatted Fortran 2003. The choice of
Fortran over C/C++ was based primarily on the need to
enlist and preserve tight collaboration with experienced
domain scientists, without which PFLOTRAN's
sophisticated process models would not exist.The
reactive transport equations can be solved using either
a fully implicit Newton-Raphson algorithm or the less
robust operator splitting method.
Richard's Equation
Multiphase Water-Supercritical CO2
Surface Flow
Discrete Fracture Network
Aqueous Complexation
Mineral Precipitation and Dissolution
Multiple Continuum for Heat
Subsurface Flow-Reactive
Transport Coupling
Multiphase Ice-Water-Vapor Flow
Structured and Unstructured
Multiple Realizations
Multiple Inputs
Parallel I/O
Under Development
Community Land Model (CLM)
Surface-Subsurface Flow Coupling
Multiple continuum for Reactive Transport
PFLOTRAN is an open- you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
as published by
the Free Software Foundation either version 2.1 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
BibTeX format
@Misc{pflotran-web-page, Author = "Peter C. Lichtner
and Glenn E. Hammond and Chuan Lu and Satish Karra and
Gautam Bisht and Benjamin Andre and Richard T. Mills and
Jitendra Kumar and Jennifer M. Frederick", Title =
"{PFLOTRAN} {W}eb page", Note =
"http://www.pflotran.org", Year = "2017" }
@TechReport{pflotran-user-ref, Author = "Peter C.
Lichtner and Glenn E. Hammond and Chuan Lu and Satish
Karra and Gautam Bisht and Benjamin Andre and Richard T.
Mills and Jitendra Kumar and Jennifer M. Frederick",
Title = "{PFLOTRAN} User Manual", Note =
"http://www.documentation.pflotran.org", Year = "2017" }
Questions regarding PFLOTRAN installation (i.e. not
answered in the installation tab), bug reports:
pflotran-dev at googlegroups dot com
Questions regarding running PFLOTRAN: pflotran-users
at googlegroups dot com


