
研究动向 | 机器人能代替贝多芬吗?
夏光宇(Gus Xia),上海纽约大学计算机科学助理教授、专业笛箫演奏家。曾是北京大学中国音乐学社首席独奏家,以及匹兹堡大学音乐社团独奏家。在探索音乐的过程中,夏光宇教授拓宽了人们对机器学习和人机互动的理解。他介绍了自己最新的项目,探讨了人工智能未来能否替代人来创作演出音乐。
使用Spotify或Pandora这类应用程序时,人工智能可以基于收听历史和协作过滤功能,为听众推荐类似音乐风格的新艺术家,让人们更好地欣赏和发现音乐。还有一些类似Logic X Pro和其他的数字音频编辑软件,让人们在作曲时更加方便。
Music and Machine:
A Musician’s Quest to Humanize AI
Gus Xia is a computer science expert and professor at NYU S he is also a professional musician. Professor Xia--who has performed as the prime soloist of the Chinese Music Institute in Peking University, and a soloist with the Pitt Carpathian Ensemble in Pittsburgh--is using his passion for music to expand our understanding of how machines learn and explore the dynamics between humans and machines. He tells us about his latest work and whether AI can ever replace a human musician.
You trained as a traditional musician, playing the Chinese flute. What sparked your interest in machine learning and computer music?
It’s actually a very simple story of an undergrad wanting to combine both his interest and major. While doing my undergrad at Peking University, I wanted to seek an opportunity to combine my studies in information science with my passion for music. Luckily, my music teacher at the time was familiar with computer music, so I was able to dive right in. I was also a professional Chinese flute player for 17 years before I pursued a Ph.D. in Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon University.
Your current research involves interactive robot and human musical performances. Can robot performers ever be as emotionally engaging?
For music, it’s still a debate whether robots can ‘do better.’ There’s space for them to become better technical performers, but compared to working with real musicians, a robot will lack deeper interactions, unable to take music cues at the human level. Humans can just look at each other and there’s a magic going on, but robots must be programmed. If I compare just working with a computer to working with an interactive robot, the interactive robot is certainly more engaging. There are studies that show that by switching from playing with a pure computer to an animated robot, people will feel more like they are working with humans. Think of a robot as a way to hack human perception of intimacy--as long as there is a moving body, especially humanoid, people tend to act as if it has a life.
Could AI be used to replace humans in music education or entertainment industries?
I think it’s really about creating a different market and space, not replacing humans. There’s already a Japanese virtual popstar, Hatsune Miku, voiced by a singing synthesizer application. She is completely fictional and digital and yet people have been going crazy about her ‘live’ solo concerts for about 10 years now. It’s a different market appealing to a target audience who might not necessarily go to the Shanghai Concert Hall to appreciate Beethoven.
AI is just a tool, just like having a car. It depends on how we as humans use the tool and how we make it work for us. We can either use it to downgrade or upgrade the human mind, and building a complete dependency on computer intelligence is a problem. Einstein said: “Keep it simple but not simpler,” and I think we should be in the spirit to use technology but not become its slave.
OK then, how can humans use technology to improve the way we make and consume music?
It can help us appreciate music when we use programs like Spotify or Pandora--both use collaborative filtering to provide content-based recommendations for music listeners to discover new artists similar to what they are already listening to. There’s also software now at our fingertips like Logic X Pro, and other digital audio workstations that allow us to become more productive composers.
My current project, Haptic Guidance for Flute, involves the performance aspect and is a software that quickly builds muscle memory and directly transfers a piece of music into finger motions so one can learn by doing and feeling to memorize the sequence. I was motivated by the fact that many people who aren’t musicians want to learn how to play a simple song but feel intimidated by the pain of memorizing all of the notations. Haptic guidance is not a substitute for an actual flute teacher, but allows the layman to quickly learn so that they can experience performance or at least serenade their daughter with a “Happy Birthday” song.
My hopes are that after this experience, people will no longer think performing with instruments is something out of their reach. It might inspire further interest or encourage them to learn and play more songs.
Click "Read more" to watch Xia’s musical performance with interactive robots that play piano and saxophone.
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