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作者:多多妹 来源:多多网游加速器 发布时间:
  坦克世界2号问答个人任务第一季截止到今年末。  Brace Yourselves:  前方高能!  - The rumor that IS-6 will be removed from sales and IS-5 will replace it
is false, IS-5 will not be a regul  关于IS-6会下架,之后会由IS-5来顶上的说法是不对的,IS-5不是拿来卖的常规金币车  - Some vehicles (like T28 Proto and T29) have on SD models tracks hanging
on their armor. The tracks will on HD models always be represented by thicker
armor zones, but it is not sure whether- when these vehicles are reworked to HD
- the tracks will still be  部分坦克(比如T28原和T29)在它们的装甲上挂着一些标清贴图下的履带。在高清模型上挂着的履带们会由更厚的装甲区来体现,但是现在还不确定这些车被高清化之后,这些履带还会不会在车上  - A micropatch was applied recently to the 9.7 common test and now
everything runs smoothly, there are no more FPS drops. The FPS is on average
more stable as well. This is the feature of the new BigW  9.7的测试服最近上了一个小补丁,现在再也不掉帧了,一切都很顺畅。现在帧数也更加稳定了。这个是新版本的BigWorld引擎的一个特色  - There is no way how to create a WoT client that would be complete
mod-proof (not allowing any mods) (RG: The community just really wants the turds
that use mods like Warpack to be banned);  没有办法可以制作一个完全不让玩家使用Mod的WOT客户端(RG:社群里面一直有人希望能封掉那些用Warpack(著名外挂插件包)的狗逼)  - Storm confirms the delay in the 9.7 patch at least to April 7th, the
reason is the fixing of crashes and freezes, without fixing that issue, the
patch will not be released (RG: completely agree with the decision)  Storm肯定说9.7补丁至少要推倒4月7日以后才能上线,原因是在修复崩溃和卡死问题,在不搞定这些问题前是不会放出这个补丁的(RG:我完全同意他们的做法)  - E50M will not get frontal gun depression buff because the gun would then
c  E-50M的正面主炮俯角不会被Buff,因为要是Buff了的话炮管就会从车身中穿过去了  - In most cases, server reticle corresponds to the usual reticle
  大部分情况下,服务器准星和常规准星的状态是一致的  - The option to sell premium tanks for gold wil  不会有把金币车卖成金币的选项  - It’s completely possible that 9.7 client will not be compatible with 9.6
mods: “use mods at your own peril”;  9.7的客户端完全有可能不兼容9.6的Mod:“Mod有风险,使用须谨慎,WG不负任何责任”  - Japanese heavy tanks’ info is based on multiple sources (for example
Soviet-captured Japanese reports);  日本重坦的信息来源有很多(比如苏联缴获的日本报告等等)  - New sound engine (WWISE)  新的声效引擎(WWISE)今年就会出  - Historical battles will come in far future. The main issue is to create
bots that will not overload the servers, which turned out to be very
complicated(Wargaming will do that nonetheless);  历史战要很久之后才会出了。主要的问题是他们需要作出能够不对服务器造成负担的Bot,最后发现这个任务很复杂(但是WG无论如何都会去做)  - This year, a new mode will come for solo player  今年会有给单野玩家准备的新模式,但是现在还没消息  - It’s possible the platoon missions from individual missions will be
removed (“there are multiple variants”), developers do have statistics on how
many people are “stuck”  个人任务中有需要组队的任务有可能会被移除(“还有很多可以搞的办法”),开发团队手里有关于多少人“卡在”这个任务上的数据  - Later on - “When will you remove platoon individual missions?” Storm:
“When it’s done it’s done”;  后来--“那啥时候移除这些组队的任务啊?”Storm:“When it’s done it’s done”  - HT15 individual mission will be simplified for StuG IV and T28HTC;  四突和T28HTC的重坦的第15号任务会被简化  - Many individual mission fixed will come in 9.8;  9.8会带来很多对个人任务的修复  - The option to pick which individual mission you want to do during battle
countdown (based on the battlefield situation) wil  在倒计时的时候(基于战场情况)来选要进行什么个人任务的机制是不会有的  - For now, there are no plans to return the confrontation mode (aka
“national battles”), it is not being  冲突战(也就是“国别战”)现在不会回归,一直也没在搞  - Havok status: “we don’t want to make it slow and laggy and to make it
well and with good performance will take a lot of time still” (RG: Agree, better
take the time to make things right instead of rushing and end up with a barely
playable game);  Havok的状态:“我们不想弄一个又慢又卡的玩意,我们想整出一个表现和性能双优的东西,但是这就需要很长时间了”(RG:表示同意,慢慢弄总比随便糊弄一个要强)  - The problem with Havok is that when you shoot buildings, the client can’t
handle the amount of objects (fragments) that are required to make the
destruction look good, this is for example valid for the S  Havok的问题在于射击建筑物时,客户端没办法承受需要让摧毁效果看起来还过得去的那个物体的数量(碎片),这个问题在斯大林格勒这张图上有所体现  - Technically it’s possible to make Havok work like it does in War Thunder,
but Wargaming wants to have a m  技术手段上来说是可以把Havok弄成WT现在那样的,但是WG想要找到一个更复杂的解决办法  - Dynamic gameplay is still WG priority “to some extent”;  动态的游戏性“在某种程度上”依然还在WG的优先级列表中  - Maps are not being reworked with the alleged hidden TD nerf in mind (it’s
just a conspiracy);  地图最近的改动并没有带有要偷偷砍掉TD的想法(只是阴谋论而已)  - The amount of new city maps is the echo of two years back when the
players loudly dem  新的市区图的出现是近两年来玩家喊着要更多市区图的结果  - The 9.7 “newbie protection” (separate MM for newbies) is simply based on
total number of battles played of that player,  9.7的“新人保护”(它们和高玩的分房是分开的)单纯的只计算场次而已,再不看别的了  - SU-26 is a bit underpowered, it will be buffed a bit in the future, but
  SU-26有点弱,未来可能会Buff一下,但是不会Buff太大  - The situation with new maps is problematic - there are too many maps in
the game already. New maps will be added but not very fast (RG: the problem is
not the amount of maps, its how the map rotation works, is not normal when we
get same map 3 consecutive times or more);  现在关于新的地图的情况还有些问题--现在游戏中已经有很多地图了。以后还是会有新地图,但是做的速度不会很快(RG:问题不在于地图数量,而在于地图的轮换上,连续三把以上被扔进同一张地图已经不是什么罕见情况了)  - “Autoloader” IS-3 will not have an autoloader (will just fire faster) and
it also is not a premium tank, but an event one (the autoloader version was just
a test and it was scrapped);  “弹夹炮IS-3”没有弹夹了(只是会提高射速而已)而且也不是拿出来卖钱的金币车,是个活动的奖励车(弹夹炮的版本只是拿来测试一下而已,已经被废掉了)  - SweetFX will not be implemented, it causes poor performance on an number
of PC  不会有SweetFX,它在一些PC配置下的性能很差  - WG is using Umbra technology for 6  WG使用Umbra technology已经六年了  译注:没记错好像是个专注于制作阴影效果的公司  - There will not be a totally new spotting system, just the current one
will be tweaked a bit gradually  点亮系统并不是彻头彻尾的推翻重做,而是在现在的这个点亮系统的基础上在接下来的补丁中慢慢的一点点调整  - There are currently no  现在没有要对火炮干点啥的计划  - New British tanks Chieftain and Centurion Action X will not come anytime
soon, the modelling has not even started yet because of the delay with obtaining
the d  酋长和百夫长Action X近期不会有,建模工作还没开始,原因是从博物馆那边一直拿不到数据  - Earlier, it was said in one of WG videos that the tank camouflage
(detection range) will depend on how much of the tank is visible behind an
obstacle - this was scrapped, as it turned out it would support camping too
  早些时候WG的一个视频中说坦克的隐蔽系数(点亮距离)和它在障碍物后头藏得多好是有关系的--这一点已经被废掉了,因为这么改会进一步鼓励蹲坑  - Storm’s personal opinion is that Wargaming’s April 1st jokes were not
funny (later - Q: “Jokes sucked.” A: “Yes”);  Storm个人觉得以往的WG愚人节玩笑并没什么意思(后来--问:“这些笑话没意思啊”答:“是啊”)  - Q: “When will you give more XP to arty, it takes too long to get to tier
10″ A: “So we have more arties as top vehicles? Not the best idea.”;  问:“啥时候给火炮提高下经验收益,现在练到10级太难了”答:“这样火炮当班长的次数就变多了?这可不是个好主意”  - Storm confirms: the current large RNG factor in the game is there “to
make the opportunities equal”, such as the possiblity of a small tank to get
lucky and penetrat  Storm肯定说游戏内现在的这个很大的RNG系数是为了“让机会均等化”,栗如小车可以脸出一发高穿深的炮弹,击穿对手  - It’s possible that patch 0.9.9 will not be followed by 1.0.0 but by
0.10.0;  0.9.9补丁后有可能是0.10.0,而不是1.0.0  - Its possible that ST-II (ST-I with twin 122mm guns) will appear in the
game -  ST-II(二联装的122mm炮的ST-I)有可能会出现在游戏中--近期不会  - It’s possible to expect Japane  今年年内可以期待一下日本重坦  - 9.8 will bring “something interesting” (HD IS-3 for example);  9.8会带来一些“有意思的玩意”(栗如高清IS-3)  - Czechoslovak tanks with T40 as first premium? “I cannot say
anything.”  以T40作为第一辆金币车的捷克斯洛伐克坦克线?“不予置评”  - Dynamic effects such as tanks getting dirty or black from fire will not
  不会加入栗如坦克经过燃烧后会变黑或者是变脏的动态效果  - Storm confirms that the first season of individual mission should last
until  Storm肯定说个人任务的第一季应该会持续到今年年末  - Storm states that the motion physics test (that was based on old WoT
version) did not show any major FPS increase compared  Storm表示说动态物理系统(基于WOT的旧版本弄的)和现在的版本相比起来并没有什么重大的帧数提升  - Currently, there are no plans to implement tier 8 Soviet premium vehicles
(purchasable for money) with 200+ mm penetration (in other words, the 221
penetration 122mm gun tanks are all for events);  现在没有要向游戏加入穿深在200mm以上的苏联的8级金币车(就是可以拿钱买的)  计划(换句话说,那些炮弹均穿是221mm的122mm炮都是活动奖励车)  - It’s not yet currently decided whether the season 2 individual missions
will mean that the season 1 will still be available (RG: I hope they stay
available);  现在还没定下来如果个人任务出了第二季,还能不能接着做第一季的这个问题(RG:我希望是能接着做)  - Wargaming is satisfied with current in  WG对现在的游戏内经济系统表示满意  - Storm does not consider the fact that Panzer IV Schmalturm is missing the
side screens from the hitbox a scam. They will be added once the vehicle is
reworked to HD;  Storm并不认为***裙甲型的裙甲不算在碰撞模型之内是个诈骗行为。在高清化之后就会加入到碰撞模型中。  - Storm confirms: in the future, in many cases vehicle guns will not use
historical penetration anymore, penetration will become a balance parameter.  Storm肯定的消息:未来在很多情况下,车辆的主炮都不会再使用史实穿深值了,穿深会成为一个平衡用的参数  更多有关坦克世界美服的资讯请多多关注多多网游加速器  在这里,小编要建议玩外服的玩家们下载多多网游加速器,以解决游戏中遇到的高延迟、卡屏、掉线等问题,为玩家们提供一个稳定流畅的网络环境,赶快下载体验吧!希望能帮助到玩家,祝玩家游戏愉快!
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网友u53eeu53eeu5f53u5f531312通过荣耀畅玩5X提问:坦克世界我原来在北区,现在想转南区,南区几个区可以跨区玩吗?如果不能那去哪个区好?热心网友1回答:南方可以互玩的哇。以前是北区南区。现在改了哇。华中/华东或者华南都是能跨区玩的。但华南是新区,玩的时候有些延迟。希望能给你带来帮助热心网友2回答:坦克世界目前不支持南北区转区 但南区的帐号是数据互通的热心网友3回答:可以跨区,但是网络不好的会延迟增加。。。热心网友4回答:楼主 可以跨区玩的不过南区都是电信哦 貌似 希望能帮到你网友通过华为麦芒4提问:您好,坦克世界什么时候能有转区的功能?热心网友1回答:我买的迅游加速器包年的 180块钱 我是铁通网 反正不管玩哪个区都得加速
PS:除非坦克世界快关服了 否则不会有转区功能的热心网友2回答:不可能会有的。。。真的毛服欧服都没出现过。。还有你想想有多少国外大型网游是支持转服的。。。国外游戏基本上就都只有一个服务器谁还管你转服。。。所以很抱歉的告诉你真心没戏热心网友3回答:在特惠商城上好像有转区卡,我昨晚看到了,还有金币车恢复卡。热心网友4回答:怎么可能有这功能…………………………………………………………
也一点都不卡。加速器都不用卡,用的是光纤。所以楼主是否是网速不给力的问题?网友cuikai3002通过OPPOR7(R7t/移动4G)提问:坦克世界南区有什么气氛好点的军团收人吗? 我刚退出以前的军团了想重新加个军团。我技术一般不算很好吧,热心网友1回答:加军团有用吗? 你想去打比赛? 再说,军团收人大都看效率和胜率的。还不如找个基友一起打呢。热心网友2回答:找基友打联队可以来这边看看:http://bbs./forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=97网友u7a7au4e2du7f51WOT07通过小米Note提问:坦克世界可以换区吗?热心网友1回答:坦克世界是不支持换区的,但是电信区都是数据互通的,登陆哪个区都一样的。热心网友2回答:电信区和网通区不可以互通。 电信一区,电信二区,可以互通。热心网友3回答:不可能让你换区的热心网友4回答:不可以网友u7a7au4e2du7f51WOT06通过索尼Xperia Z5(双4G) 提问:坦克世界南区的金币坦克可不可以转到另一个南区账号里热心网友1回答:您好
http://bbs./forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=97热心网友2回答:兄弟情火爆收人!激情无限,开上坦克,让炮弹来诉说一切,YY:2231等你激 情!!!
兄弟情一年轰坦克1亿多,连起来可绕地球3圈。YY:2231 等你激情!!!
...热心网友3回答:再练练吧,一个十级车太少了网友whf通过荣耀畅玩5X提问:坦克世界美服可以转成东南亚服吗?热心网友1回答:可以 你得下一个
菲律宾 的补丁。。mod拉 然后加载。然后就是东南亚服拉。 详细的加qq 把补丁 发给你..热心网友2回答:之前可以转服(因为都是wargaming直营的服,不像SB坑爹网的私服),但已经截止了,可以去东南亚服首页看公告网友u54e6u5bb6u通过小米M4提问:坦克世界南区买的金币车冲到联通能换过来吗?热心网友1回答:如果你是土豪,请选择“坦克世界官网特惠商城”里面的买错大区服务,如果你是屌丝,那就认命吧热心网友2回答:“特贵商城”里有买错大区更改服务。热心网友3回答:不能了网友u6ce5u9a6cu4e86u84通过Iphone6提问:坦克世界帐号,如果换个服务器玩,是不是就是新号了,会送十级车吗?热心网友1回答:是啊,有个坦克兵工厂的活动。每日签到就送车,不过你要是新手的话最好不要开8级以上的车了.恶心自己也恶心别人。玩个5000场再决定出10级车。如果是新手领了十级车进房后基本秒死,没多大作用,既坑了队友自己也玩的郁闷。ht...网友dustu6d41u5e74通过索尼Xperia Z5(双4G) 提问:你好!我想问一下我家以前是联通宽带玩的坦克世界北方联通区现在换电信了。热心网友1回答:不能,毛子有颗卫星是实现帐号数据跨服务器使用,不过是欧服俄服美服亚服,跟国服完全没关系,更别提国服南北区。宽带换了跨区玩的话,开网游加速器就好了。免费的收费的都有热心网友2回答:你想太多了。。连毛子都没这种功能国服怎么可能有呢。。。这种转服你见过哪些大型网游出现过么?


