
09-06-16 &
加 q吧...挂蓝肉的 可以给你...&b&***补充&/b&注明是来要蓝肉脚本的...
1,蓝肉脚本就是在屠杀房中充当被杀的一方而准备的脚本。2,先将脚本放到按键精灵里的script文件,然后打开按键精灵右上角有个神盾功能。开启神盾点np神盾功能。(如果不是注册用户np神盾只能用10分钟,推进用破解版),接着才开游戏。然后找到一个房间到蓝色位置,接着看各个脚本的不同而定。3, 已经把适合全屏的脚本发给你了。问题补充:1,蓝肉脚本是在房间内充当被杀的一方,脚本会自动为你锁定附近的红方敌人并攻击5下以上,这样就有经验了。适合刷通宵,而红方胜利却要付出人一直在电脑面前守着,所以挂着有经验有钱,睡觉去即可。也有其他脚本可以刷任务1的,但不存在用于扭蛋什么的。2,脚本有问题或者你没有开np神盾或者操作步骤错误。3,具体步骤参照邮件内的说明。 的邮箱是: .com邮件内已经注明 的id。
Script] Rem 查找准备标记 Delay 300 MoveTo 0 0 x = -1 y = -1 While x = -1 and y = -1 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&准备标记.bmp&,1,x,y) EndWhile Delay 100 Delay 100 x = -1 y = -1 a = 0 While x = -1 and y = -1 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&充电提示.bmp&,1,x,y) Delay 100 a = a+1 If a & 5 Goto 查找本机位置 EndIf EndWhile Delay 100 Goto 查看自己是否房主 Rem 查找本机位置 Delay 100 x = -1 y = -1 intx = -1 inty = -1 tx = -1 ty = -1 While x = -1 and y = -1 VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&拳头.bmp&,1,x,y) VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&布.bmp&,1,intx,inty) If intx & 0 and inty & 0 Delay 100 MoveTo intx+60 inty+120 Delay 100 RightClick 1 Delay 100 Goto 找充电选项 EndIf VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&剪刀.bmp&,1,tx,ty) If tx & 0 and ty & 0 Delay 100 MoveTo tx+60 ty+120 Delay 100 RightClick 1 Delay 100 Goto 找充电选项 EndIf EndWhile Delay 100 MoveTo x+60 y+120 Delay 100 RightClick 1 Delay 100 Rem 找充电选项 Delay 100 x = -1 y = -1 While x = -1 and y = -1 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&充电选项.bmp&,1,x,y) Delay 100 EndWhile Delay 100 MoveTo x+8 y+7 Delay 100 LeftClick 1 Delay 100 x = -1 y = -1 a = 0 While x = -1 and y = -1 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&充电费用确定.bmp&,1,x,y) Delay 100 a = a+1 If a & 8 MoveTo 0 0 Delay 100 LeftClick 1 Goto 查找本机位置 EndIf EndWhile Delay 100 KeyPress 13,1 Delay 200 x = -1 y = -1 While x = -1 and y = -1 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&充电完成.bmp&,1,x,y) Delay 100 EndWhile Delay 100 KeyPress 13,1 Delay 200 Rem 查看自己是否房主 x = -1 y = -1 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&成为房主.bmp&,1,x,y) If x & 0 and y & 0 intx = -1 inty = -1 While intx = -1 and inty = -1 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&房主开始提示.bmp&,1,intx,inty) EndWhile KeyPress 116,1 Goto 进入战斗读取 EndIf Rem 准备 Delay 100 KeyPress 13,1 Delay 200 KeyPress 116,1 Delay 300 x = -1 y = -1 intx = -1 inty = -1 tx = -1 ty = -1 While x = -1 and y = -1 VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&拳头.bmp&,1,x,y) If x & 0 and y & 0 IfColor x+50,y+220,ffffff,0 Goto 进入战斗读取 EndIf EndIf VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&布.bmp&,1,intx,inty) If intx & 0 and inty & 0 IfColor intx+50,inty+220,ffffff,0 Goto 进入战斗读取 EndIf EndIf VBSCall FindPic(0,0,,&剪刀.bmp&,1,tx,ty) If tx & 0 and ty & 0 IfColor tx+50,ty+220,ffffff,0 Goto 进入战斗读取 Else Goto 准备 EndIf EndIf EndWhile Rem 进入战斗读取 Delay 800 x = -1 y = -1 a = 0 intx = -1 inty = -1 fx = -1 fy = -1 While x = -1 and y = -1 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&开始读取.bmp&,1,x,y) Delay 100 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&意外2.bmp&,1,intx,inty) If intx & 0 and inty & 0 Delay 100 KeyPress 13,1 Delay 200 Goto 准备 EndIf VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&成为房主.bmp&,1,fx,fy) If fx & 0 and fy & 0 intx = -1 inty = -1 While intx = -1 and inty = -1 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&房主开始提示.bmp&,1,intx,inty) EndWhile KeyPress 116,1 Goto 进入战斗读取 EndIf EndWhile Delay 10000 Rem 查找HP槽 x = -1 y = -1 intx = -1 inty = -1 While x = -1 and y = -1 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&HP槽.bmp&,1,x,y) Delay 500 Delay 100 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&意外2.bmp&,1,intx,inty) If intx & -1 and inty & -1 Delay 100 KeyPress 13,1 Delay 200 Goto 查找准备标记 EndIf EndWhile Delay 6000 Rem 开始战斗 KeyPress 50,1 Delay 100 KeyDown 32,1 Rem 战斗 Delay 100 KeyPress 50,1 RightDown 1 Delay 100 LeftClick 1 Delay 1000 KeyUp 32,1 LeftClick 1 KeyDown 32,1 Delay 200 KeyPress 51,1 Delay 200 LeftClick 1 Delay 1000 LeftClick 1 RightUp 1 KeyUp 32,1 x = -1 y = -1 a = 0 While x = -1 and y = -1 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&准备标记.bmp&,1,x,y) Delay 100 a = a+1 If a & 3 Goto 战斗2 EndIf EndWhile Goto 查找准备标记 Rem 战斗2 Delay 100 KeyPress 50,1 RightDown 1 Delay 100 LeftClick 1 Delay 1000 LeftClick 1 Delay 200 KeyPress 51,1 Delay 200 LeftClick 1 Delay 1000 LeftClick 1 RightUp 1 x = -1 y = -1 a = 0 While x = -1 and y = -1 VBSCall FindPic (0,0,,&准备标记.bmp&,1,x,y) Delay 100 a = a+1 If a & 3 Goto 开始战斗 EndIf EndWhile
当前位置: & SD敢达蓝肉脚本


