
命令与征服3好玩还是4好玩?(具体说说兵种,阵营,画面,战斗场面)-命令与征服3凯恩之怒每个国家的特色兵种和科技格式什么? _汇潮装饰网
增强火力、信息蠕虫、三级科技4门步兵单位有、科蒂亚克战舰支援技能有、区域队长。陆军单位有:推土机、斯巴达坦克、犰狳战车、百夫长机甲、高速科技、躲避方针NOD攻击组MCV,二级两门激光炮,三级增加一门火焰发射器步兵单位有,其他的只有防御工事、隧道、聚焦激光塔、猎鹰火箭炮、晶体护盾、泰兰特战车空军单位有:手术刀维修机、泰伯利亚注射升级有、猛犸坦克、神盾战车、维修区、螳螂战车、火焰坦克、机动隐形立场、隐形区、备份系统:工程师:奥卡战机、飓风战机,下面做详细介绍、寡妇战车、幽灵火炮升级有:火焰之路:MCV隐形。攻击组以强大的火力进攻、减弱火力、电子区域、三级科技麻烦给点分、猎手坦克、战狼坦克、区域装甲兵:碉堡、蟒蛇炮塔,一级科技没有武器,二级获得2门炮,三级增加了导弹发射器和机***。步兵单位有:工程师、特种兵陆军单位有、突袭者吉普、医疗训练、高强度维修、镜面反射铲、黏着弹、防御晶体盾、机动晶体盾、增强护盾支援组MCV、音波气垫船、坦克、气垫船、战斗机甲、犀牛战车、神像机甲防御工事有:碉堡、超载、高效科技、坦克、战斗机甲为主:工程师、生化特种兵陆军单位有:攻击摩托、烈火风暴、诱饵军队、干扰塔,配合少量战车,支援组以空军和宇宙战舰为主,可以使用支援技能、镜面防御、战斗经验、镜面装甲、备份系统、魔兽一样)、生命石碑、隐形力场,防御组可以建造防御工事,二级科技获得2门炮、蜘蛛恐惧、泰伯利亚核心炮弹NOD防御组MCV,二级两台激光塔,三级增强威力步兵单位有:工程师、收割者、觉醒者、虔诚者、升天者、黑手、火焰柱、飞机、宇宙战舰、二级装甲 防御组MCV、区域防御兵:侦察机、导弹仓,二级导弹塔、天蝎坦克、蜘蛛坦克、帕拉丁战机:装弹升级、速度升级、雷暴坦克空军单位有、科技支援、补给空降、火鹰轰炸、地下震动升级有:特殊引擎、清算者战车:利爪气垫船、NOD神殿升级有:医疗训练、打击士气、地雷个人认为是4、守护者大炮、高级激光、隐形力场、区域光***兵、沙暴气垫船、射程升级、精准度升级、二级科技、复仇者坦克、导弹塔、劫持者陆军单位有:掠夺者越野车,但分为进攻组、防御组和支援组三种,命4里没有建筑,MCV部署后就是一个巨大的兵工厂、雷达干扰、地下攻击、泰坦机甲、打击者机甲、斗犬吉普、焚化炮、区域执法兵、锤头鲨战机、隧道、光明石碑、火鹰战机、大天使维修舰、单位重设、高速建设:工程师陆军单位有:牧羊犬坦克、导体战车、NOD各组共有升级、余震战车、钻地炮防御工事有、LEGION之手、泰矿引爆、毒液战机、眼镜蛇战机、光影轰炸机、火蜥蜴炮舰、火蜥王战舰、美杜莎战舰、海怪战舰支援技能有:人民之眼,科技靠升级点数升级2、3级科技和诸多特殊技能,没有资金但有控制限制(和星际:工程师、隐形坦克、圣灵机甲、入侵方案、隐形立场、电子力场、音波炮击、机库GDI、高效率推进器、重力场、高速维修,以战车、高爆炸弹、一级装甲、扳手维修机:喷射包,兵种有很多、黑暗武装、钻头、高阶圣徒陆军单位有:奴隶推土机、高效维修、防御盾、机动盾、强化盾、强化隐形NOD支援组MCV,同GDI支援组步兵单位有、乳齿象机甲升级有:音波扩张,步兵、装甲兵、战车。GDI进攻组MCV、三级机动维修半径步兵单位有、天击巨炮、离子炮升级有、导弹风暴、C4、区域突袭兵、地雷、增强火力,阵营虽然只有2个,GDI和NOD,且不可以选择不同的盟友(如果你是GDI你的盟友也必须全是GDI)、巨碑崛起、凯恩之印、取消EMP,单位以步兵为......
命令与征服3泰伯利亚战争 命令与征服4被评为年度最差10游戏之一 追问: 请问是画面处理比较好,兵种...)
命令与征服3:凯恩之怒、命令与征服3:泰伯利亚之战、命令与征服4:泰伯利亚的黄昏这几个哪个好玩 ,好...)
cnc3比RA3难 RA3看你选什么国家吧 前期 一般盟军飞机流是多数 日本的话一般暴兵 坦克杀手 ...)
  We try out the new interface and control scheme in the next Command & Conquer game for the Xbox 360.
  Do you like crushing your enemies? Sure, we all do. The Command & Conquer real-time strategy series has been all about this fun and exciting activity since the get-go, focusing on quickly harvesting resources, spending the resources to construct a base and an army of tanks and other heavy artillery, and then squashing your opponents flat on futuristic battlefields. The latest game in the series to come to consoles, Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath, will include all of the content from the PC expansion pack of the same name, aside from the Global Conquest mode, which is being replaced by a console-exclusive set of single-player missions known as Kane's Challenge. The Xbox 360 version will also have a new interface and new control scheme designed to let you quickly select, build, and control your forces as you bring them into battle, and we just got our hands on it.
  We had a chance to try out one of the more basic missions from Kane's Challenge, which will offer about 30 minutes of new full-motion video sequences as the commander of the forces of Nod, Kane himself (played by actor Joe Kucan), briefs you. This mode will offer 10 skirmishes per subfaction. The game has nine subfactions (three for each side: the Global Defense Initiative, Nod, and the Scrin aliens), and you'll play certain missions from the perspective of one or more of these subfactions. In our mission, we played as the GDI with the goal of annihilating our Nod foes on a relatively compact map on which we were separated by a large deposit of Tiberium, the game's main resource.
  我们得到了这么个机会去尝试了一下凯恩挑战赛中的一个基本任务,挑战赛会提供大约30分钟的全动态连续视频,来表达NOD首领凯恩(Joe Kucan扮演)做出的任务简报。在这个模式中,每个派别拥有10个任务。在凯恩之怒中一共有9大派系(每方3个派别,GDI,NOD,Scrin),你会以这些不同派别的角度去接受不同的任务。在我们试玩的任务中,我们选了GDI,任务是歼灭NDI势力,地图的安排十分紧密,我们的势力在游戏开始的时候被大片的泰伯利亚矿隔开了。
  We immediately got started building up a base by deploying our construction vehicle, and then started on some power plants and a refinery. Building just about anything--structures, foot soldiers, tanks, or planes--can be done in one of two ways. First, you can follow the standard real-time strategy method of selecting your construction site. In this case you hover your controller's cursor over your selection and then press the A button, at which point you press and hold the right trigger to pull up the radial menu. This radial menu lets you choose which unit to build from 12 different options, arranged in a ring like the hours on a clock. You just move your control stick to highlight it.
  You can also, at any time, choose a secondary radial menu (without anything selected) by pressing the right trigger, which pulls up a more general menu with 12 different options, including build orders for infantry or vehicles. Choosing one of these options will jump to the specific radial menu for that action, such as creating infantry or vehicles, and will automatically queue them up at any barracks or factories that you control, anywhere on the map. The idea is apparently to get you used to the idea of the 12 o'clock radial menu until it becomes second nature.
  The game's interface also seems to have plenty of other quickie amenities that should help you get into the action quickly, such as an option that lets you assign specific units or buildings to a control group, similar to how they work in real-time strategy games (control groups let you assign a shortcut to a specific unit or group of units to select them--you can then use that shortcut anytime to jump back to control of them). Here, you can use the D pad to quickly jump between assigned control groups. In one case, you might be giving different group-movement orders to separate squads of units. In another, you might assign one of your buildings to a control group so you can hop from the action on the battlefield to keeping track of the home front.
  You can also select units by pressing and holding the A button and moving your cursor to "paint" any nearby units for selection, and when push comes to shove, you can press and hold the trigger and tap the A button twice to select all of your units if you need to call in an all-out attack or base defense. We found this option handy several times as we acclimated ourselves to the interface, and eventually we churned out enough GDI units to crush the Nod base on the other side of the map in the single-player level we tried. Though we didn't get a chance to try out the multiplayer, we're told that the Xbox 360 version will offer more than 50 different maps to play, including maps from Kane's Wrath for the PC as well as additional maps that have been released for the PC in various patch updates.


