
[阿涅利家族]全球最大200家家族企业的排行榜 阿涅利家族
全球最大200家家族企业的排行榜(前50名)1. Wal-Mart Stores 沃尔玛商店Walton family 沃尔顿家族Discount retail chain/Bentonville, Ark .零售、美国Founded: 1962Revenues: $217.8 billionEmployees: 1.38 millionwww.niubb.netFrom single store in Arkansas in 1962, founder Sam Walton (d. 1992) and younger brother James L. (Bud) built Wal-Mart into world’s largest retailer, with about 4,400 stores today (bigger than Sears西尔斯, Kmart 凯玛特and J.C. Penney 彭尼combined). Sam’s descendants own about 38%. Sam’s son Robson, 58, is now chairman.2. Ford Motor Co. 福特汽车Ford family 福特家族Auto manufacturer/Dearborn, Mich.汽车生产、美国Founded: 1903Revenues: $162.4 billionEmployees: 354,431www.niubb.netPioneering auto firm now in its fourth generation. Henry Ford () introduced mass production and dominated early auto market with the Model T. His grandson Henry II () rebuilt the company as CEO, , with younger brother William (retired 1995) as finance committee chairman. William’s son William Jr., chairman since 1999, acquired Volvo Cars. Ford family still owns about 40% of voting stock.3. Samsung Group 三星集团Lee familyConglomerate/Seoul, South Korea 集团企业、韩国Founded: 1938Revenues: $98.7 billionEmployees: 175,000www.niubb.netThanks to recent turnaround, now the largest chaebol (family conglomerate) inSouth Korea. Flagship Samsung Electronics division is one of world’s largest makers of c also makes home electronics equipment, mobile phones, microwave ovens, etc. Other divisions deal in life insurance, securities, trading.4. LG Group 乐金集团Koo familyConglomerate/Seoul, South Korea集团企业、 韩国Revenues: $81 billionEmployees: 130, Group (formerly Lucky Goldstar) is one of the five largest chaebols (family-run industrial groups) in South Korea. With operations in more than 120 countries, the group organizes its principal activities into chemicals and energy (LG Chemical, Korea’s largest chemical company), electronics and telecommunications (LG Electronics, one of the largest consumer electronics firms in Korea), financial services (LG Investment & Securities), and trading and service (LG International). Currently being reorganized because of the nation’s financial collapse.5. Carrefour Group 家乐福集团Defforey familyRetailing/Paris, France零售、法国Revenues: $61.6 billionEmployees: 382,821www.niubb.netEurope’s largest retailer operates hypermarkets (groceries, merchandise), supermarkets and discount and convenience stores in 25 countries. The name means “crossroads.” Some 60 members of Defforey family hold controlling stock.6. Ifi Istituto Finanziario Industriale S.p.A.Agnelli family 阿涅利家族Diversified holdings/Turin, Italy 多样化、意大利Revenues: $59.2 billionEmployees: 198,764www.niubb.netAgnelli family’s holding company owns 20% of Fiat and 50% of Finanziaria di Partecipazioni (Ifil), which in turn owns another 12% of Fiat. Also sports, retail, publishing, insurance, sugar and other businesses.7. Fiat Group 菲亚特集团Agnelli family 阿涅利家族Automobiles/Turin, Italy 汽车、意大利Revenues: $54.7 billionEmployees: 198,764www.niubb.netCentury-old auto company famous for producing Fiat and sports cars Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, M expanded into construction equipment, insurance, aviation, publishing. Founding Agnelli family owns 30%. Third-generation leader Giovanni (“Gianni”) Agnelli still honorary chairman. But 1998 death of his heir-apparent nephew raises questions about how much longer Fiat will be family-run.8. Cargill Inc. 嘉吉Cargill/MacMillan familyInternational commodities trader/Minneapolis全球第三大食品公司、美国Founded: 1865Revenues: $50.8 billionEmployees: 97,000www.niubb.netWorld’s largest privately held company buys and sells grain, poultry, beef, steel, seeds, salt and other commodities on six continents. Founder William Cargill and brothers provided grain elevators to store wheat after Civil War. His Cargill andMacMillan descendants, now in fourth and fifth generations, have run the firm ever since (with occasional non-family CEOs) from a 63-room French-style country mansion.Created one of first management training programs, 1930s. Whitney MacMillan retired in 1995 after 18 years as CEO. Family members own about 85%, key employees the rest.9. PSA Peugeot Citro?n S.A. 标致雪铁龙集团Peugeot family 标致家族Automobiles/Paris, France汽车、法国Revenues: $45.8 billionEmployees: 192,500www.psa-France’s second-biggest auto seller (behind Renault), also Europe’s No. 2 (behind Volkswagen大众), now expanding into China, Iran, Brazil. Other productsinclude industrial machinery, scooters, light-armored vehicles. Peugeot family holds 37% of voting stock.10. Koch Industries 科氏工业Koch family 科氏家族Oil, gas, agriculture, etc./Wichita, Kan.美国Founded: 1918Revenues: $40 billionEmployees: 11,500www.niubb.netFounder Fred Koch’s vast empire of oil and gas services, cattle ranches, coalmines, real estate ventures and manufacturing plants. In 1983 dissident sons Frederickand William, now 67, and 62, filed suit contesting the $1.1 billion price that Charles andDavid (William’s twin), now 66 and 62, paid for their brothers’ share. The dissidents lostafter 13 Charles and David control the company, but William persists: His currentlawsuit accuses Koch industries of stealing oil from federal and American Indian lands.11. BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke AG) 宝马汽车Quandt familyAutomobiles/Munich, Germany汽车、德国Revenues: $34.1 billionEmployees: 97,275www.niubb.netOne of Europe’s top auto exporters. BMW cars account for 60% of company’ssales. Other products: motorcycles, software. Reclusive family of widowed heiressJohanna Quandt of Bad Homburg controls 47% family periodically rumored tobe selling its stake.12. SCH (Banco Santander Central Hispano S.A.) 桑坦德银行Botin familyBanking/Madrid, Spain银行、西班牙Founded: 1857Revenues: $32.7 billionEmployees: 114,927www.bsch.esCEO Emilio Botin inherited small regional bank from his father, built it intoSpain’s largest banking group, with subsidiaries in Chile, Mexico, other Europeancountries. His daughter Ana Patricia Botin, 41, named in 2001 as chairwoman of its retailunit, Banesto. Botin family has managed the bank since 1857.13. Robert Bosch GmbH 罗伯特博世Bosch family 博世家族Auto parts/Gerlingen-Schillerh?he, Germany汽车零件、德国Revenues: $30.143 billionEmployees: 218,377www.niubb.netOne of world’s biggest makers of auto components. Also makes industrial machinery, hand tools, appliances. Bosch Foundation owns 92% the Bosch family owns the remaining 8%.14. Motorola 摩托罗拉Galvin family 高尔文家族Telecommunications/Schaumburg, Ill. 电信设备、美国Founded: 1928Revenues: $30.004 billionEmployees: 111,000www.niubb.netFounder Paul Galvin () produced first practical radio for automobiles and ran company as a one-man show until his death. Son Bob, CEO 1959-90, moved company from TV sets into high-tech commercial and industrial electronics. His son Christopher, 50, took charge in 1997.15. ALDI GroupAlbrecht family 阿尔布雷希特家族Food retailing/Essen, Germany食品零售、德国Revenues: $30 billionwww.niubb.netALDI (short for “Albrecht Discounts”) is Europe’s top private-label, deep-discount food retailer, with 4,400 stores worldwide, including 3,100 in Germany and nearly 600 in the U.S. Co-founders Theo and Karl Albr Theo’s sons Theo Jr. and Berthold run the European division.16. Pinault-Printemps Redoute 巴黎春天Pinault familyRetailing, etc./Paris, France零售、法国Revenues: $24.6 billionEmployees: 107,571www.niubb.netCompany’s multifaceted operations include retail stores and catalogs (Printemps, Fnac, Conforama, Redoute) that offer apparel, leisure products and home furnishings. Also owns 53% stake in Italian luxury goods company Gucci Group古姿 and several perfume lines (including Yves Saint Laurent伊夫圣洛朗). Fran?ois Pinault’s family investment firm, Artemis, owns 45% of PPR and 59% of its voting shares.17. J Sainsbury 桑斯博里Sainsbury family 桑斯博里家族Retail groceries/London, U.K. 零售、英国Revenues: $24.5 billionEmployees: 174, U.K.’s second-largest food retailer (after Tesco) operates strugglingSainsbury’s Supermarkets chain, with more than 460 stores in the U.K. (which account for about 82% of sales). Sainsbury also runs about 185 Shaw’s Supermarkets and Star Markets in New England, plus Sainsbury’s Bank. David Sainsbury, 62, and familyinherited 37% of stock on death of David’s father, Sir Robert Sainsbury, in 1999. David left management in 1998.18. Viacom 维亚康姆Redstone family 雷石东家族Media and entertainment/New York媒体娱乐、美国Founded: 1954Revenues: $23.2 billionEmployees: 122,770www.niubb.netOne of world’s largest media companies: movies, TV, radio, Internet. Owns BET (Black Entertainment Television), CBS, Paramount Pictures派拉蒙电影, United Paramount Network (UPN), MTV Networks (MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon), Showtime Networks and Comedy Central (50%), also 39 TV stations, publisher Simon & Schuster, and 82% of Blockbuster (the #1 video rental chain). Michael Redstone started with drive-in movie theater in 1954. His son, current chairman and CEO Sumner Redstone, 79, controls 68% daughter Shari, 48, heads National Amusements theater chain, which was nucleus of original company.19. Auchan 欧尚Mulliez familyRetailing/Villeneuve dAscq, France零售、法国Revenues: $23.196 billionEmployees: 136,000www.niubb.netOne of the largest worldwide retailers, Auchan Group operates more than 280Auchan hypermarkets (groceries, clothing, consumer electronics, etc.), also operates Atac supermarkets, Leroy Merlin home improvement chain, about 640 mini- operations in Europe, Southeast Asia, U.S., Latin America. Some 350 members of highly secretive founding Mulliez family own 84% of A employees own the rest.20. Tengelmann Group 廷格尔曼Haub familyRetailing/Mulheim an der Ruhr, Germany零售、德国Revenues: $22.6 billionEmployees: 186,000www.niubb.netdeCEO Erivan K. Haub and his family inherited 100% control of Germany’s fourth-largest retailer, whose 7,300 supermarkets, drug stores and superstores brought U.S.-styleretailing to Germany. Company currently selling or closing hundreds of its poorlyperforming supermarkets. Also owns 54% of A&P supermarket chain in U.S.21. Ito-Yokado 伊藤洋华堂Ito family 伊藤家族Convenience stores/Tokyo, Japan便利店、日本Revenues: $22.4 billionEmployees: 106, Ito, now honorary chairman, introduced convenience stores to Japan in1974. Company owns 73% of 7-Eleven chain, operates more than 9,000 7-Eleven storesin Japan and 5,800 in North America. Ito and family own 15% of Ito-Yokado.22. Loew’sTisch familyTobacco, hotels, etc./New York烟草、酒店、美国Founded: 1919Revenues: $19.4 billionEmployees: 27,820www.niubb.netEntrepreneurial brothers Laurence and Preston (Bob) Tisch, now 79 and 76, startedin real estate, gained control of Loew’s Theatres in 1959; diversified into cigarettes,insurance, oil, hotels, media (CBS). Tisches own more than 30% of stock. Nextgeneration very active: Larry’s son James took over as Loew’s CEO in 1999; his brotherAndrew and Bob’s son Jonathan are co-presidents.23. Novartis Group 诺华集团Landolt familyHealth and personal care/Basel, Switzerland 制药、瑞士Revenues: $19.3 billionEmployees: 71,116www.niubb.netOne of the world’s top five pharmaceutical firms (Merck is #1). Pierre Landolt and family, heirs to the Sandoz pharmaceutical fortune, own about 4%.24. Bouygues 布伊格Bouygues familyConstruction/St. Quentin-en-Yvelines, France建设、法国Revenues: $18.1 billionEmployees: 125,000www.bouygues.frOne of Europe’s largest construction groups also runs more than 40 subsidiaries and affiliates in 80 countries. Chairman Martin Bouygues (pronounced “bweeg”) and brother Olivier indirectly control about 22% of the firm.25. Hyundai Motor 现代汽车Chung familyAutomobiles/Seoul, South Korea汽车、韩国Revenues: $17 billionEmployees: 50,000www.niubb.netParent Hyundai (means “the present time”) Group broken into five groups by Korean government to diminish influence of founding Chung family. Hyundai Motor considers itself independent. Founder Chung Ju-Yung died in 2001.26. Mars 马氏Mars family 马氏家族Candy, rice, pet food/McLean, Va.糖果、美国Founded: 1923Revenues: $16.5 billionEmployees: 30,000www.niubb.netCandy-making Minnesotans Frank and Ethel Mars invented the Milky Way bar. Their secretive, driven son Forrest, supposed model for Willy Wonka, feuded with his father, started his own candy company in England, then merged with his late father’s business in 1964. Now the #2 U.S. candy maker (behind Hershey好时). Since 1973, the company has been run by Forrest’s three children, Forrest Jr., John and Jacqueline, now in their late 50s or early 60s. Forrest died in 1999 at age 95.27. News Corp. 新闻集团Murdoch family 默多克家族Media/New York and Sydney, Australia媒体、澳大利亚Founded: 1923Revenues: $16.3 billionEmployees: 30,000www.niubb.netRespected journalist Sir Keith Murdoch built Australia’s largest newspapercompany. At his death in 1952, it passed to son Rupert, who built less-respected but huge global media/entertainment empire (world’s fourth largest, behind Time Warner时代华纳, Viacom and Disney迪斯尼). Holdings today include TV (Fox Broadcasting), movies (20th Century Fox), scores of newspapers (London Times, New York Post, etc.), books (HarperCollins), magazines (Weekly Standard) and sports team (Los Angeles Dodgers).Murdoch family owns about 31% of stock, 40% of voting stock. Rupert, 71, son Lachlan, 31, named publisher of New York Post this year, presumed successor. Son James, 29, also active.28. Otto Group 奥托集团Otto family 奥托家族Catalogs, retailing/Hamburg, Germany邮购、德国Revenues: $15.6 billionEmployees: 75,962www.otto.deOtto Versand, world’s largest mail-order concern (and first to go online, featuring same-day food delivery via Internet), is 65% owned by chairman and CEO Michael Otto, 61, and his family. Family separately also owns U.S. catalog marketer Spiegel, U.S. home furnishings retailer Crate & Barrel.29. Publix Super MarketsJenkins familySupermarkets/Lakeland, Fla. 超级市场、美国Founded: 1930Revenues: $15.4 billionEmployees: 126,000www.niubb.netFounder George Washington Jenkins (d. 1996) hitchhiked from Georgia to Florida to seek his fortune in real estate, got job instead at Piggly W worked his way up to manager. After snub from the owner, he opened competing store next door. His chain now operates nearly 700 stores in four states. Son Howard, 49, is chief executive. Stock offered to employees since 1930; they now own about 27%.30. Weyerhaeuser Co. 惠好Weyerhaeuser familyTimber products/Tacoma, Wash. 林产品、美国Founded: 1900Revenues: $14.5 billionEmployees: 44,800www.niubb.netOne of largest U.S. forest products companies even before its acquisition ofWilliamette Industries early this year. Timber baron Frederick Weyerhaeuser and brotherformed Weyerhaeuser Co. in 1900; giant paper firm still family-run in fourth generation.31. Michelin 米其林Michelin family 米其林家族Tires, travel/ Clermont-Ferrand, France轮胎旅游、法国Revenues: $14.4 billionEmployees: 127,467www.niubb.netWorld’s #2 tire maker (behind Goodyear固特异) also makes 36,000 otherproducts, including well-known road ma operates 80 factories in 18countries. Controlled and run by Fran?ois M his son, E and their partner,René Zingraff.32. Bechtel Group 柏克德集团Bechtel family 柏克德家族Engineering and construction/San Francisco工程建设、美国Founded: 1898Revenues: $14.3 billionEmployees: 40,000www.niubb.netWorld’s largest construction company started by rancher Warren A. (“Dad”) Bechtel, who built railroads in Oklahoma and moved to California in 1914. His sonStephen Sr. built Liberty ships for the government during World War II; Stephen Jr., now 77, took over in 1965, established reputation for megaprojects: trans-A Washington (D.C.) the C “new city” of Jubail, Saudi Arabia, etc. His son Riley Bechtel, has been president since 1989.33. Karstadt Quelle 卡尔施泰特Schickedanz, Riedel, Herl familiesRetailing/Essen,Germany零售、德国Revenues: $14.2 billionEmployees: 112,141www.niubb.netSchickedanz family merged its mail order company, Quelle, with the retail chain Karstadt, making it one of the largest companies in Europe. Best known for about 190 Karstadt and Hertie department stores, but it also runs about 280 specialty stores. Schickedanz-Holding, owned by Riedel and Herl family branches, once owned all of Quelle and now has a 36% stake in Karstadt Quelle.34. Gap 盖普Fisher familyApparel stores/San Francisco服装商店、美国Founded: 1969Revenues: $13.8 billionEmployees: 165,000www.niubb.netDonald and Doris Fisher, now 74 and 70, opened their first jeans store in 1969, just in time for jeans craze of the ’70s. With addition of Banana Republic (1983) and Old Navy (1994), the chain now has more than 2,600 stores. Fishers own about 34%. Sons Robert and William left in ’98 and ’99; CEO Mickey Drexler left this year.35. Bombardier 庞巴迪Bombardier family 庞巴迪家族Aerospace, defense/Montreal, Quebec, Canada航空航天设备、加拿大Revenues: $13.6 billionEmployees: 74,879www.niubb.netPowerhouse of aerospace, rail transportation, and recreational vehicles makes business aircraft (Challenger, Learjet), rail cars (for Long Island Rail Road, others), snowmobiles, much more. Bombardier family owns more than 50%.36. Anheuser-Busch Cos. 安海斯-布希Busch family 布希家族Beer/St. Louis啤酒、美国Founded: 1860Revenues: $12.91 billionEmployees: 23,432www.Eberhard Anheuser took over struggling St. Louis brewery in 1860. Bavarianimmigrant Adolphus Busch married Eberhard’s daughter Lilly in 1861, joined brewery in 1864 and made it successful. His grandson August Jr. (d. 1989), president from 1946, began Budweiser’s “King of Beers” ad campaign, making it the nation’s biggest brewer (currently about 48% of U.S. beer market). August III, now 64, unseated his father in 1975. Presumed heir August IV, 37, is now VP/marketing. Family still controls 6% of stock.37. Groupe Danone 达能集团Riboud familyFood products/Paris, France食品、法国Revenues: $12.897 billionEmployees: 100,560www.niubb.netOne of world’s la #1 in dairy products (Dannon yogurt, cheese, dairy desserts) and biscuits (cookies, crackers and snacks). Chairman Franck Riboud took over from his father, Antoine, in 1996.38. Winn-Dixie Stores 温迪克斯商店Davis familySupermarkets/Jacksonville, Fla. 超级市场、美国Founded: 1925Revenues: $12.3 billionEmployees: 112,500www.Founder William Milton Davis purchased a grocery in Lemon City, Fla., for $10,000 in 1925. His four sons took over nine years later, renamed company in 1955 (“To win Dixie was our ambition“) and built it into Sunbelt’s largest grocery chain: 1,150 Winn-Dixie, Thriftway and Marketplace stores in 14 states and the Bahamas. Founder’s descendants own about 42%; three of them sit on Winn-Dixie’s board.39. General Dynamics 通用动力Crown familyAerospace and defense/Falls Church, Va.航空航天设备、美国Founded: 1962Revenues: $12.2 billionEmployees: 51,700www.niubb.netPeppery Chicago dealmaker Henry Crown () built family’s Material Services Corp. into world’s largest building supply firm, sold it to General Dynamics in 1960 and became GD’s largest shareholder. After feuding with GD’s board, he sold his stock, then bought back a controlling interest and installed himself and his quietlycompetent son Lester as directors. Lester, now 77, and his son James remain on GD’sboard by virtue of their 16.5 million shares.40. L’Oréal 欧莱雅Bettencourt familyCosmetics/Clichy, France化妆品、法国Revenues: $12.171 billionEmployees: 49,150www.niubb.netWorld’s largest bea brands include L’Oréal, Maybelline美宝莲, Lancome兰蔻, Soft Sheen. Indirectly controlled by founder’s daughter LilianeBetten Nestlé also owns a large, indirect stake.41. Lagardère 拉格代尔Lagardère familyDefense systems, magazines/Paris, France杂志、法国Revenues: $11.78 billionEmployees: 44,000www.niubb.netfrCompany publishes more than 200 magazines and newspapers in 33 countries,including Elle and Car and Driver. Also owns about 15% of European AeronauticDefence and Space Co., world’s #3 aerospace and defense firm. CEO Jean-Luc Lagardère and his brother Arnaud control the company.42. Reliance Industries 印度信实工业Ambani familyChemicals/Mumbai, India化学、印度Revenues: $11.71 billionEmployees: 15,083欢迎您转载分享:


