
菲总统喊话毛派:别逼我!军队把我杀了,没人和你们对话 - IZAO双语(izao.cc)
Philippine President Duttett announced the termination of the Philippine Communists on February 4, and ordered the army "ready to fight." At the same time, he also shouted the Philippine Communist Party, "Do not push me to the corner of the army took me out of office or kill me, no one to talk to you.
The Philippine Communist Party has also decided to terminate the unilateral cease-fire against the Government on 10 February.
Philippine President Duttett announced on Thursday that the government will terminate the Philippine Republican ceasefire with the Philippine Republican Party (CPP) and the Philippine Communist Party (CPP) , And warned to release the previously released members of the Philippine Communist Party "back to prison."
菲律宾总统杜特在星期四宣布,政府将终止与菲律宾共和党和菲律宾***的菲律宾共和国停火,并警告释放以前释放的菲律宾***的成员“回到监狱。 “。
Dutttar told reporters in the southern city of Davao that he would direct the government negotiators to withdraw from talks with the Philippine National Democratic Front (PND), which is scheduled to be held in the Netherlands this month.
Philippine President Duttett (data plan)
The Philippine government has decided to terminate its unilateral cease-fire on February 10, according to a statement issued by the Philippine Communist Party (CPP) on Monday, saying that Duttle has not met the Philippine government's request to release hundreds of political prisoners.
According to the "Philippine Star" reported on the 3rd, 2, Duttlet on the Philippine Communist Party had a strong criticism. "Do not push me to the corner because the army may not like peace talks," said Duttert. "If the army drives me out of office or kills me, nobody can talk to you.
据“菲律宾之星”报道,在第3,2日,菲律宾***的Duttlet受到了强烈的批评。 “不要推我到角落,因为军队可能不喜欢和平谈判,”Duttert说。 “如果军队带我离开办公室或杀了我,没有人能和你说话。
Duttett said Thursday that he had made every effort to negotiate with the Philippine Communist Party, and he could not agree to the request made by the Philippine Communist Party to release about 400 Filipinos.
Duttett, meanwhile, ordered the army to "prepare itself for a long struggle." He said to the soldier, "Return to your camp, polish your rifle, ready to fight."
"I realize that peace with the Philippine Communist Party can not be achieved in our generation," said Duttert, the Philippine Star.
Mr. Duttert added that his government was originally a golden opportunity for the Philippines to seek peace. "I'm from the left," he said. "They should take advantage of my presidency, but they do not."
达特特先生补充说,他的政府原本是菲律宾寻求和平的黄金机会。 “我从左边,”他说。 “他们应该利用我的总统职位,但他们不会。
Philippe co-founder of tin is Duttlet University professor, Duttle took office, the two sides reached peace prospects once optimistic about the outside world.
In the weeks since taking office in July last year, Mr. Duttert took the peace process as a priority and a prerequisite for his ultimate goal of federalism in the Philippines. Duttett has released a number of senior Philippine Communist Party officials, let them participate in peace talks, and in particular the opening of the Cabinet to the Philippine Communist Party members, also in July last year, the first to declare a unilateral ceasefire, showing a high degree of sincerity.
Philippine "New People's Army" (data map)
However, according to Yahoo News reported on February 3, the Philippine Communist Party's recent military action led to the death of six soldiers in the Philippines, while the Philippine Communist Party "New People's Army" on February 1 to unilaterally terminate the cease-fire as a threat, The release of more than 400 political prisoners, which completely angered him.
Duttett complained that, despite repeated concessions to the Philippine Communists, the "New People's Army" requirements "too big." "I lost a lot of soldiers in 48 hours," he added. "I do not think that a cease-fire is going to happen now and it will not produce any results in the future."
杜特特抱怨,尽管对菲律宾***人多次作出让步,“新人民军”要求“太大了”。 “我在48小时内失去了很多士兵,”他补充说。 “我不认为停火将发生,今后不会产生任何结果。
He said the political prisoners were sent to prison for crimes and should not be allowed to release them. He announced that they would cancel the passports of the former Philippine political prisoners who had been released and ask them to surrender to the prison. Otherwise, they would be sent to trace their whereabouts.
The 20th century, 60 years, the Philippine Communist Party formed the "New People's Army" armed, trying to overthrow the government by force. Conflict lasted more than 50 years, resulting in more than 3 million people were killed. Although the Philippine government and the Philippine Communist Party attempt to reach a settlement, but for various reasons failed.
Duttett, who became president last June, is committed to pushing the government and the Philippine peace talks. The Philippine government and the Philippine Communist Party in August last year, held in Oslo in October two rounds of peace talks. The two sides announced a unilateral ceasefire before the peace talks. In January this year, the two sides held a peace talks in Rome again, but failed to reach a ceasefire agreement.
The ceasefire appealed by the Philippine government and the Philippine Communist Party is always fragile, as they are always unilaterally declared that there are no rules to follow. Each party accuses the other party of violating the agreement.
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帮我看看这段话我这样翻译对吗部落成员们,不要忘记在部落战争中先把敌方部落城堡里的增员部队引出来,干掉他们,然后再进攻。好多次我们的军队都是被增援部队干掉的。Dear clanmates,DO NOT FORGET that bring the enermy's reinforcement troops out from the clan castle in clan war, kill them first,then attack. we are failed because of enermy's reinforment troops many times额,是把上面的中文翻译成英文,我已经翻译好了,看看好不好,对不对,可不可以。。。。
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