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来源:互联网 发表时间: 19:53:04 责任编辑:鲁晓倩字体:
为了帮助网友解决“SD敢达全部S的亮点”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“SD敢达全部S的亮点”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:<,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1: 自由游击剪刀,绝对的强力剪刀,能砍,能射,光束实弹都有,无限飞更有多样的用法,爆发超猛,属于万能机(超视距有点弱,但还是有的)正义中庸拳头,啥都能干啥都不精,高手向机体,飞镖很猥亵,光***很疼,机***很猛,皮很薄掉毛中场输出布,机动很强,伤害很高,闪***很爽,但中场毕竟是剪刀的,总之用好了很黄很暴力T3团队光环机,出技能很肉,超视距很猥亵(回单有点慢),鞭子很女王(带清空23号弹药,距离还超长)神意光***很猛,浮游很疼,皮很薄,真的很悲剧,比较垃圾FAZZ倒地炮,光***,跟踪蛋全有,暴甲超能砍,中后场输出压制型剪刀,很强神超强拳头,机***很疼,出技能砍A机正面秒,但R后有点悲剧,远程技能,最强的拳头机之一GP03D霸体,最强的布机之一,有导弹海之称,和另外个火力机配合可以压的对方抬不起头,但和其他大型MS一样怕实弹,不能落单,而且体型大,机动能力低下绿螳螂霸体,号称只怕GP03D的拳头机,浮游炮,倒地炮,八刀倒地,缺点和GP03D一样F91被吹成神机的布机,机***光***倒地输出都超猛,而且R后推进变成拳头机,本身技能海防御中场武器(炮弹,跟踪蛋,光***,机***),最具操作性的布机牛浮游炮没放前按R可变成防御光束形态,但本身弹量悲剧,属于中场肉盾剪刀沙扎比本身武器配置完美(实弹光***浮游),还超能砍,出技能后不是一般肉,基本只能必杀做他,完美剪刀机之一,就是浮游智商低命运配置梦幻的剪刀,能砍,大刀5下加抽气,飞镖猥亵,光***很水,还个倒地炮,很有人气的机体,但光***真的很水双头龙改极限近战机,2号能把非BOSS机从远处直接拉到身边XXOO,剪刀杀手,拉人太牛逼了,3号抽气V2最猛的中场火力布,不多做评价沙漠改BOSS机克星,1号无视霸体,2号减速效果能让神的推进速度变成龟爬无限正义超强的射击拳,配置几乎完美的拳头机,光***加超视距,2种形态都有刀,飞镖猥琐,还带抽气,加个霸体就无敌了可惜没有,技能也很实用地狱死神改无比强力的影身机,1号2号伤害惨绝人寰,技能更逆天,只要你不快速推进就一直影身!!!!!!!!拂晓亮点在技能,完全反射光束,本身一般,3号3发超视距手电筒,但这年头有几台S机没实弹?就这些了.泪死我了
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京ICP备号-1 京公网安备02号FA-010A FAZZ
Model number: FA-010A
Code name:
Unit type:
prototype mobile suit
Anaheim Electronics
Earth Federation Forces
First deployment:
February UC 0088
pilot only, in panoramic monitor/linear seat cockpit in torso
overall height 22.11 head height 19.86 meters
empty 45.4 max gross 94.6 metric tons
Armor materials:
Gundarium alloy
Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 8070 kW
rocket thrusters: 118800 kg total (4 x 15200 kg, 4 x 22100 kg); vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 22
Equipment and design features:
sensors, range 16200 meters
Fixed armaments:
2 x /back beam cannon, power rated at 12 MW; 60mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, 6-tube spray missile launcher, 4 rounds,
3-tube missile pod, 2 x 8-tube missile pod, 2 x 2-tube missile pod, 18-tube missile pod, 2 rounds, mounted on backpack
Optional hand armaments:
double beam rifle, power rated at 2 x 10.6 MW; large hyper mega cannon, power rated at 79.8 MW
This prototype machine is created by Anaheim Electronics to evaluate the full armor equipment that will later be used by the , and its name is an abbreviation for "." Because the FAZZ was created to gather test data only for the full armor form, it has no docking and transformation mechanisms, and the armor parts are fixed in place and cannot be removed. Its armor materials are also one grade lower, it lacks the anti-beam coating that is later applied to the , and the high mega cannons in its head and abdomen are merely dummy versions to check the machine's balance. Thanks to these compromises the FAZZ is completed almost half a year before the
itself. Although its performance is inferior to that of the completed , the FAZZ boasts considerable fighting strength. It is equipped with numerous missile launchers, two backpack beam cannons of the same type used by the , and a huge hyper mega cannon more powerful than any other mobile suit-carried weapon of its time. Its high firepower and heavy armor allow the FAZZ to function as a support mobile suit in genuine combat, and three of these prototypes are assigned to Taskforce Alpha in order to suppress the New Desides.
This FAZZ team sees combat several times during the first stage of the Pezun Rebellion. On February 29, UC 0088, FAZZ pilots Shin Crypt and John Grissom first exchange fire with New Desides mobile suits. The team provides fire support for the destruction of the power satellite SOL 7804 on March 1, protects the warships of the suppression fleet from enemy satellite missiles during the final assault on Pezun on March 7, and helps rescue the remnants of Taskforce Alpha's landing force after a failed attack on Ayers City on March 13. However, the team is wiped out in combat with the
at the beginning of Operation Eagle Fall on March 17, with Shin Crypt the sole survivor.
Pilot(s): Shin Crypt, Robert Aldrin, John Grissom
Original mechanical designer(s): Mika Akitaka (principal
design), Hajime Katoki (cleanup)


