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植物大战僵尸2 Plants vs. Zombies&#.0.1国际破解直装版更新
中文名称:& & & & 植物大战僵尸2 国际版
英文名称:& & & & Plants vs. Zombies 2
游戏版本:& & & & v3.0.1国际破解直装版更新
游戏大小:& & & & 426MB
游戏语言:& & & & 英文
支持系统:& & & & 最低支持系统:2.3.3+
游戏厂商:& & & & EA Mobile
谷歌市场最新版,只有英文,手机需要***谷歌市场(无需登录谷歌账户),否则游戏会闪退,如果提示“Google Play服务”请按手机返回键两次即可跳过。 锁定金币(coin)、宝石、钥匙(key)无限使用,钥匙可以解锁全部世界关卡!
更新日志:Br Big Wave Beach Part 2 is here! With 16 beachin’ new levels, and Dr. Zomboss surfacing in his Zombot Sharktronic Sub, this update includes:
• 3 fresh plants, like seed-spitting Guacodile
• 3 new zombies, with armed-to-the-ink Octopus Zombie
• Special-edition plant Sweet Potato
• Smashing new content for Vasebreaker mini-game
• Food Fight – pit bites against biters in this 7-day event (starts Nov. 26)Thanks for playing! Let us know what you think by rating us post-update
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Comsenz Inc.22:54 提问
Plants VS Zombies
Problem Description
Plants VS Zombies is a popular game in the TJU ACM Team now. However, RoBa is not very good at this game, so he wants you to write a program to help him.
We take a simplified version of this game. There are N rows in your backyard, and there are N zombies want to walk through your yard to eat your brain, and exactly one zombie in each row. The only method to defense the zombies is to plant “peashooter” on the other side of the yard. However, you need T seconds to plant one peashooter. Once the peashooter is planted, it will begin to shoot at the zombies in its row. The zombies have different speed Vi and defense Di, which means that, the zombie in the i-th row need Vi second the walk though the yard, and the i-th zombie will be killed after Di second of shooting. Please note you can only plant one peashooter in each row.
Unfortunately, in some cases, for the zombies are too fast and/or too strong and/or your planting is too slow, you cannot kill all the zombies in time, so the zombies will eat your brains.
There are several test cases in the input. The first line of each test case contains two integers N (1 &= N &= 100) and T, indicating the number of rows and the time for planting one peashooter. Then N lines follow, each of which contains two integers Vi and Di.
Output one line for each test case. If you can kill all the zombies, output N numbers separated by a space, that is, a permutation of 1,2,…N, indicating the order of your planting. If you cannot defend your yard, output “The zombies eat your brains!” in one line.
Sample Input
Sample Output
The zombies eat your brains!


