noreply inspectui ...

当前评分: 9.1
1. 退出魔兽世界
2. 将下载的插件压缩包解压至游戏***目录下的Interface\Addons,如没有则自行新建
3. 确认Addons下的插件目录里没有多层文件夹
4. 进入游戏并登录至角色列表
5. 点击左下角的插件按钮
6. 进入游戏
最后更新: 18:03
插件来源: curse
评分排行榜[可耻的伸手了~] 求GearManagerEx 5.4.1能用的 以及 试衣间不能鼠标转动(已全部解决,谢谢)
试衣间的问题找到了。是一段加强试衣间功能的代码,能够选择脱光模型身上衣服方便看试穿的。把这段注释掉就行了。只是这功能要怎么实现。。。。[code]local _G = getfenv(0)local GetCursorPosition = GetCursorPositionlocal function nada() end-- someone wanted the feature to hide the dressing rooms' backgroundslocal function ToggleBG(notog)& &if not notog then CU_HideBG = not CU_HideBG end& &local f = (CU_HideBG and DressUpBackgroundTopLeft.Hide) or DressUpBackgroundTopLeft.Show& &f(DressUpBackgroundTopLeft)& &f(DressUpBackgroundTopRight)& &f(DressUpBackgroundBotLeft)& &f(DressUpBackgroundBotRight)& &if AuctionDressUpBackgroundTop then& && &f(AuctionDressUpBackgroundTop)& && &f(AuctionDressUpBackgroundBot)& &endendlocal function OnUpdate(this)& &local currentx, currenty = GetCursorPosition()& &if this.isrotating then& && &if IsAltKeyDown() then& && && &local cz, cx, cy = this:GetPosition()& && && &this:SetPosition(cz + (currenty - this.prevy) * 0.3, cx, cy)& && &else& && && &this:SetFacing(this:GetFacing() + ((currentx - this.prevx) / 50))& && &end& &elseif this.isposing then& && &local cz, cx, cy = this:GetPosition()& && &this:SetPosition(cz, cx + ((currentx - this.prevx) / 50), cy + ((currenty - this.prevy) / 50))& &end& &this.prevx, this.prevy = currentx, currentyendlocal function OnMouseDown(this, a1)& &this.pMouseDown(a1)& &this:SetScript(&OnUpdate&, OnUpdate)& &if a1 == &LeftButton& then& && &if IsControlKeyDown() then& && && &ToggleBG()& && &else& && && &this.isrotating = 1& && &end& &elseif a1 == &RightButton& then& && &this.isposing = 1& &end& &this.prevx, this.prevy = GetCursorPosition()endlocal function OnMouseUp(this, a1)& &this.pMouseUp(a1)& &this:SetScript(&OnUpdate&, nil)& &if a1 == &LeftButton& then& && &this.isrotating = nil& &end& &if a1 == &RightButton& then& && &this.isposing = nil& &endendlocal function OnMouseWheel(this, a1)& &local cz, cx, cy = this:GetPosition()& &this:SetPosition(cz + ((a1 & 0 and 0.6) or -0.6), cx, cy)end-- base functions-- - model - model frame name (string)-- - w/h - new width/height of the model frame-- - x/y - new x/y positions for default setpoint-- - sigh - if rotation buttons have different base names than parent-- - norotate - if the model doesn't have default rotate buttonslocal function Apply(model, w, h, x, y, sigh, norotate)& &local gmodel = _G[model]& &if not gmodel then return end& &if not norotate then& && &model = sigh or model& && &if _G[model..&RotateRightButton&] then& && && &_G[model..&RotateRightButton&]:Hide()& && &end& && &if _G[model..&RotateLeftButton&] then& && && &_G[model..&RotateLeftButton&]:Hide()& && &end& &end& &if w then gmodel:SetWidth(w) end& &if h then gmodel:SetHeight(h) end& &if x or y then & && &local p,rt,rp,px,py = gmodel:GetPoint()& && &gmodel:SetPoint(p, rt, rp, x or px, y or py) & &end& &gmodel:SetModelScale(2)& &gmodel:EnableMouse(true)& &gmodel:EnableMouseWheel(true)& &gmodel.pMouseDown = gmodel:GetScript(&OnMouseDown&) or nada& &gmodel.pMouseUp = gmodel:GetScript(&OnMouseUp&) or nada& &gmodel:SetScript(&OnMouseDown&, OnMouseDown)& &gmodel:SetScript(&OnMouseUp&, OnMouseUp)& &gmodel:SetScript(&OnMouseWheel&, OnMouseWheel)end-- in case someone wants to apply it to his/her modelCloseUpApplyChange = Applylocal gtt = GameTooltiplocal function gttshow(this)& >t:SetOwner(this, &ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT&)& >t:SetText( &if CloseUpNPCModel and CloseUpNPCModel:IsVisible() and == &Undress& then& && >t:AddLine(&Cannot dress NPC models&)& &end& >t:Show()endlocal function gtthide()& >t:Hide()endlocal function newbutton(name, parent, text, w, h, button, tt, func)& &local b = button or CreateFrame(&Button&, name, parent, &UIPanelButtonTemplate&)& &b:SetText(text or b:GetText())& &b:SetWidth(w or b:GetWidth())& &b:SetHeight(h or b:GetHeight())& &b:SetScript(&OnClick&, func)& &if tt then& && & = tt& && &b:SetScript(&OnEnter&, gttshow)& && &b:SetScript(&OnLeave&, gtthide)& &end& &return bend-- modifies the auction house dressing roomlocal function DoAH()& &Apply(&AuctionDressUpModel&, nil, 370, 0, 10)& &local tb, du = SideDressUpModelResetButton, SideDressUpModel& &local w, h = 20, tb:GetHeight()& &newbutton(nil, nil, &T&, w, h, tb, &目标&, function()& && &if UnitExists(&target&) and UnitIsVisible(&target&) then& && && &du:SetUnit(&target&)& && &end& &end)& &local a,b,c,d,e = tb:GetPoint()& &tb:SetPoint(a,b,c,d,e-30)& &newbutton(&CloseUpAHResetButton&, du, &R&, 20, 22, nil, &重置&, function() du:Dress() end):SetPoint(&RIGHT&, tb, &LEFT&, 0, 0)& &newbutton(&CloseUpAHUndressButton&, du, &U&, 20, 22, nil, &脱光&, function() du:Undress() end):SetPoint(&LEFT&, tb, &RIGHT&, 0, 0)& &ToggleBG(true)endlocal function DoIns()& &Apply(&InspectModelFrame&)end-- now apply the changes-- need an event frame since 2 of the models are from LoD addonslocal f = CreateFrame(&Frame&)f:RegisterEvent(&ADDON_LOADED&)f:SetScript(&OnEvent&, function(this, event, a1)& &if a1 == &Blizzard_AuctionUI& then& && &DoAH()& &elseif a1 == &Blizzard_InspectUI& then& && &DoIns()& &endend)-- in case Blizzard_AuctionUI or Blizzard_InspectUI were loaded earlyif AuctionDressUpModel then DoAH() endif InspectModelFrame then DoIns() end-- main dressing room model with undress buttonsdo& &Apply(&DressUpModel&, nil, 332, nil, 104)& &local tb = DressUpFrameCancelButton& &local w, h = 40, tb:GetHeight()& &local m = DressUpModel& &-- since 2.1 dressup models doesn't apply properly to NPCs, make a substitute& &local tm = CreateFrame(&PlayerModel&, &CloseUpNPCModel&, DressUpFrame)& &tm:SetAllPoints(DressUpModel)& &tm:Hide()& &Apply(&CloseUpNPCModel&, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, true)& && &DressUpFrame:HookScript(&OnShow&, function()& && &tm:Hide()& && &m:Show()& && &ToggleBG(true)& &end)& && &-- convert default close button into set target button& &newbutton(nil, nil, &目标&, w, h, tb, &用当前目标模型作为试穿模型&, function()& && &if UnitExists(&target&) and UnitIsVisible(&target&) then & && && &if UnitIsPlayer(&target&) then& && && && &tm:Hide()& && && && &m:Show()& && && && &m:SetUnit(&target&)& && && &else& && && && &tm:Show()& && && && &m:Hide()& && && && &tm:SetUnit(&target&)& && && &end& && && &SetPortraitTexture(DressUpFramePortrait, &target&)& && &end& &end)& &local a,b,c,d,e = tb:GetPoint()& &tb:SetPoint(a, b, c, d - (w/2), e)& &newbutton(&CloseUpUndressButton&, DressUpFrame, &脱光&, w, h, nil, &脱光身上的所有装备&, function() m:Undress() end):SetPoint(&LEFT&, tb, &RIGHT&, 0, 0)endApply(&CharacterModelFrame&)Apply(&TabardModel&, nil, nil, nil, nil, &TabardCharacterModel&)Apply(&PetModelFrame&)Apply(&PetStableModel&)Apply(&SpellBookCompanionModelFrame&)Apply(&QuestNPCModel&, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, true)Apply(&TutorialNPCModel&, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, true)PetPaperDollPetInfo:SetFrameStrata(&HIGH&)Apply(&CompanionModelFrame&)[/code]
[b]Reply to [pid=50318,1]Reply[/pid] Post by tangjia222 ( 11:22)[/b]closeup不禁用的话人物拖不动,[color=red]找到新的了。能用了[/color]gearmanagerex进游戏只有一个图标,点了没反应,报错都是一堆frame的。[color=red]gearmanagerex从ISler的包里扒了个出来可用了。。[/color] [s:2]


