
游戏原声 魔兽老了还是我们长大了 (十周年版)
此视频由 音悦台 提供 已有5人喜欢此视频,我也来为该视频作为鼓励吧!
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若我们倒下,艾泽拉斯即将沦陷。汉音对照 《魔兽世界》视频-1区萨格拉斯凝聚 老克(17173游戏视频站提供)开头的英文歌曲的名字。知道的告诉下,谢谢 《 mo shou shi jie 》 shi pin -1 qu sa ge la si ning ju
lao ke (17173 you xi shi pin zhan ti gong ) kai tou de ying wen ge qu de ming zi 。 zhi dao de gao su xia , xie xie - 王朝网络 -
| 分享&&当前位置: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&《魔兽世界》视频-1区萨格拉斯凝聚 老克(17173游戏视频站提供)开头的英文歌曲的名字。知道的告诉下,谢谢 《 mo shou shi jie 》 shi pin -1 qu sa ge la si ning ju
lao ke (17173 you xi shi pin zhan ti gong ) kai tou de ying wen ge qu de ming zi 。 zhi dao de gao su xia , xie xie&&&本文为【】的汉字拼音对照版分类: 游戏 && 网络游戏 && 魔兽世界参考***:  给gei提ti供gong个ge具ju体ti地di址zhi吧ba。不bu要yao17173的de 我wo机ji器qi看kan不bu了le17173的de视shi频pin~\  这zhe个ge问wen题ti我wo花hua了le2天tian的de时shi间jian来lai找zhao~
歌ge曲qu其qi实shi我wo也ye没mei听ting过guo,先xian听ting歌ge,然ran后hou搜sou歌ge词ci,终zhong于yu找zhao到dao了le~ 歌ge曲qu名ming字zi叫jiao《hero》enrique iglestas 唱chang的de~ 这zhe么me辛xin苦ku能neng不bu多duo加jia点dian分fen:)  附fu歌ge词ci:Hero  ENRIQUE IGLESIAS  Let me be your hero  Would you dance,  if I asked you to dance?  Would you run,  and never look back?  Would you cry,  if you saw me crying?  And would you save my soul, tonight?  Would you tremble,  if I touched your lips?  Would you laugh?  Oh please tell me this.  Now would you die,   for the one you love?  Hold me in your arms, tonight.   I can be your hero, baby.  I can kiss away the pain.  I will stand by you forever.  You can take my breath away.  Would you swear,  that you'll always be mine?  Or would you lie?   would you run and hide?  Am I in too deep?  Have I lost my mind?  I don't care...   You're here, tonight.   I can be your hero, baby.  I can kiss away the pain.  I will stand by you forever.  You can take my breath away.  Oh, I just wanna to hold you.  I just wanna to hold you.  Oh yeah.  Am I in too deep?   Have I lost my mind?  Well I don't care...  You're here, tonight.  I can be your hero, baby.  I can kiss away the pain.   I will stand by you forever.  You can take my breath away.  I can be your hero.  I can kiss away the pain.  And I will stand by you, forever.  You can take my breath away.  You can take my breath away.  I can be your hero.     【】【】&&今日推荐&&&&&&日版宠物情人2017的插曲,很带节奏感,日语的,女生唱的。
今天该活动正式启动,和去年一样,需要收集“五福”...有时候我们打开冰箱就会闻到一股异味,冰箱里的这种异味是因为一些物质发出的气味的混合体,闻起来让人恶心。 产生这些异味的主要原因有以下几点。
1、很多人有这种习...?&?&?&?&&&[b]分类:[/b] 游戏 && 网络游戏 && 魔兽世界[br][b]参考***:[/b][br]给提供个具体地址吧。不要17173的 我机器看不了17173的视频~\
歌曲其实我也没听过,先听歌,然后搜歌词,终于找到了~ 歌曲名字叫《hero》enrique iglestas 唱的~ 这么辛苦能不多加点分:)
Let me be your hero
Would you dance,
if I asked you to dance?
Would you run,
and never look back?
Would you cry,
if you saw me crying?
And would you save my soul, tonight?
Would you tremble,
if I touched your lips?
Would you laugh?
Oh please tell me this.
Now would you die,
for the one you love?
Hold me in your arms, tonight.
I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.
Would you swear,
that you'll always be mine?
Or would you lie?
would you run and hide?
Am I in too deep?
Have I lost my mind?
I don't care...
You're here, tonight.
I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.
Oh, I just wanna to hold you.
I just wanna to hold you.
Am I in too deep?
Have I lost my mind?
Well I don't care...
You're here, tonight.
I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.
I can be your hero.
I can kiss away the pain.
And I will stand by you, forever.
You can take my breath away.
You can take my breath away.
I can be your hero.
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