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Kaneka 29.1%
+ diffusion
(PERC) Eff. 22.6%19,20(PERL) Eff. 25%
Rear TOPConEff. 25.3%21
Eff. 25.1%
14Eff. 24.7%18
Front electrodeTCO p:a-Sii:a-Sin:c-Sii:a-Sin:a-Si
Rear electrodewith TCO
c o n t a c t
I n t e r d i g i t a t e d
c o n t a c t
+ and+ pattern
Eff. 24.4%26
Previous recordEff. 25.6%12
Figure 2|Schematic images of typical c-Si solar cells and record e ciencies.a , A top/rearcontacted homojunction solar cell. The cell architecture that contains a top/rearcontacted cell structure that has a di usedregion or Al-BSF (backsurface field)in the crystalline Si substrate directly contacted by a metal electrode. Passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC)25,26and passivated emitter with rear locally di used(PERL)26architecture are categorized here. The architecture reported in ref. 28has a passivated N +contact at the rear side, which is di erentfrom thisTOPCon cell e ciencyrecord is also described here. b , A top/rearcontacted HJ solar cell. The P +HJ layer stack (i:a-Sifollowed by p:a-Si)and N +HJ layer stack are formed on the front and rear side of the crystalline Si substrate respectively. On these HJ layer stacks, P +and N +electrodes including a TCO (transparentconductive oxide) layers are formed. c , A homojunction IBC solar cell that has interdigitated P +and N +di usedregions in the Si substrate directly contacted by hole and electron contacts respectively. d , A HJ-IBC cell that has interdigitated P +and N +HJ layer stacks contacted by P +and N +electrodes respectively. As the IBC cell reported in ref. 13is di cultto categorize here, it is described as ‘X-series’according their report 13.
contact is formed at the diffusedregion in the Si substrate, a high recombination velocity at the contact points dominates the entire cell effectivelifetime and V OC would be limited to 0.640~0.71V (refs24-27).An efficiencyof 25.3%with V OC of 0.718V was reported in a top and rear contacted solar cell using a homojunction P +contact for the front side and a N +thin oxide passivated contact (TOPCon)architecture for the rear side of n-type mono-crystalline Si substrate 28. This cell, which is a hybrid of direct contact and passivated contact, currently has the highest efficiencyfor a top and rear contacted Si solar cell.
The advantage of the back contact structure is shown in Fig. 2b,c:all of the electrical collection regions and contacts for both holes and electrons are formed at the rear side of the device. The front side of IBC solar cells can be optimized focusing on optical and passivation properties while that of top and rear contacted solar cells requires additionally carrier collection functionality on the front side.
Several groups have worked to develop HJ-IBC solar cells 12,29-35. In addition to these works, our result strongly indicates that the device structure of HJ-IBC is the optimal structure to achieve high conversion efficiencyin the present Si solar cell technology.
undoped Si wafer 17and IV parameters of V OC theo,undoped
=43.3mA cm -2and FF theo,undoped =89.3%.J SC
Theoretical e ciencylimit for our doped substrate
In a real solar cell, the effectivelifetime is also limited by the surface
recombination due to surface states and the Shockley-Read-Hall(SRH)recombination due to defects in the Si wafer. To passivate the surface states of c-Si, various passivation techniques have been developed in the photovoltaic field 36. In real solar cells, it is also difficultto have ideal optical properties (thatis, zero reflection at the front side and 100%Lambertian reflection at the rear side) throughout the entire Si device wavelength range, 300-1,200nm. The optical properties are limited by the choice of the process techniques such as the optical properties of the passivation layers, electrodes and the AR layers 37. Moreover, there are power losses due to series resistance during the current collection. Series resistance exists in all resistive material along the carrier collection path. Many solutions to reduce the series resistance in differentparts in the carrier collection passes have been proposed 38-40, but it is difficultto fabricate a solar cell with a low series resistance with completely undoped Si wafer. Using the substrate thickness and resistivity (165um, 3 cm 2) obtained in this work, the theoretical
limit becomes ηtheo =29.1%(V OC =0.752V , J theo SC =43.7mA cm , FF theo =88.5%)(ref.17). This is slightly lower than the theoretical limit with optimum substrate selection (undoped,110um). Unless otherwise noted, the theoretical limit value obtained for our substrate parameters is used in this paper.
Theoretical e ciencylimit
There have been many theoretical studies on the conversion eff-iciency limit of Si solar cells. The calculation of efficiencylimit previously carried out in ref. 16was recently updated in ref. 17. The theoretical limit was calculated considering the intrinsic limitation from the c-Si wafer with no surface or defect-related recombina-tion of photo-generated carriers 16,17. This theoretical model relies on the assumption of a perfect Lambertian light trapping scheme. As a consequence, the highest theoretical efficiencyis predicted to be ηtheo,undoped =29.4%for a Si solar cell with a 110-um-thick
Loss analysis relative to the theoretical e ciencylimit
In this section, we investigate the 9.5%differencebetween the theoretical limit for the doped substrate of ηtheo =29.1%and
NATURE ENERGY 2, )|DOI:10.1038/nenergy.2017.32|http://www.wendangku.net/doc/b0fe93daef5ef7ba0d4aa.html /natureenergy
(C) 2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
NTC温度传感器10k±1% 3435_电子/电路_工程科技_专业资料。NTC热敏电阻、温度...0.0829 0.5 0.1 0.9 0....? 367例小肠癌(29.1%)中(男192例,女175例),同时报告了 461例除小肠肿瘤外的肿瘤,最常见的第二肿瘤部位是大肠 (157例,34.1%),年龄段以65-74岁最常见。 ...普通年金现值系数表 计算公式:f= 期数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1% 0.9901...取氯酸钾与二氧化锰的混合物10克加热至完全反应,当二氧化锰的含量由20%变为29.1%,则二氧化锰的质量为___ g,反应后氯化钾和二氧化锰固体混合物质量共___...东莞市星响电子科技有限公司 R --- T 分度表 R 25℃ =10.00KΩ±1% T (℃) -30 -29 -28 -27 -26 -25 -24 -23 -22 -21 -20 -19 -18 -17...1.81% 1.85% 1.88% 1.91% 1.95% 1.98% 2.01% 2.04% 2.07% 2.11% 2.14% 2.17% 2.20% 2.23% 2.26% 2.29% 2.32% 2.35% 2.38% 2.4...受访者认为社会保障公平、较公平、不太公平、不公平、说不清者分别占 5?3%、 23?8%、38?1%、23?1%、9?7%,只有 29?1%的人认可社会保障的公平性,而...凑单品:Jarrow Formulas 杰诺 QH-Absorb KANEKA QH 心脏保健品 200mg*60粒装 $28.6(需Coupon)_海淘Jarrow FORMULAS/杰诺__海淘推荐_什么值得买
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