
& 联想Y460玩FIFA11能开高画不
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UID4555509主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分99金钱1652 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间264 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 99, 距离下一级还需 101 积分
帖子精华0积分99金钱1652 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
玩PES2011 demo没问题 FIFA11貌似要求高啊 求解答&&
盗めない宝石游侠资深版主『体育游戏区』游侠FIFA工作组 组长PS2☆GT4 神の学徒欧洲足球先生WEYX4.0联机杯赛三冠王君临天下★★★★★★
UID1494325主题阅读权限100帖子精华0积分6399金钱11113 荣誉212 人气82 在线时间4780 小时评议5
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UID1983848主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分21金钱281 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间35 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 21, 距离下一级还需 179 积分
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回复 #1 liuyistorm 的帖子
开高画跑起来有点卡.. 特别回放的时候
UID4555509主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分99金钱1652 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间264 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 99, 距离下一级还需 101 积分
帖子精华0积分99金钱1652 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID1520235主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分97金钱430 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间44 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 97, 距离下一级还需 103 积分
帖子精华0积分97金钱430 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
原帖由 acfannono1 于
00:36 发表
开高画跑起来有点卡.. 特别回放的时候
啊啊啊啊啊 真的么。。。。我也是大Y 我就指望着来着 不会吧 会卡?5730没那么次吧
UID1612745主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分214金钱1774 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间822 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 214, 距离下一级还需 286 积分
帖子精华0积分214金钱1774 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID4555509主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分99金钱1652 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间264 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 99, 距离下一级还需 101 积分
帖子精华0积分99金钱1652 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
回复 #6 tangyifu35 的帖子
UID1612745主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分214金钱1774 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间822 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 214, 距离下一级还需 286 积分
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回复 #7 liuyistorm 的帖子
荷兰队之晨光 芒茫暗夜精灵 龙鹰 旅行者
UID692174主题阅读权限80帖子精华1积分25869金钱16541 荣誉47 人气168 在线时间6983 小时评议0
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首发大前锋 火箭
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& &&&灬.郁??.灬ㄖ?.上上网.
&&` ???心?ノ.o&?喝喝酒..oо
& & ┈→寂寞??┈抽抽?..━oO
UID2611302主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分42金钱138 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 42, 距离下一级还需 158 积分
帖子精华0积分42金钱138 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
又是联想YY 。&&感觉联想这机器就是为玩游戏的人准备的。。
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FIFA12 EA官方解释各项球员数值的真实作用
This is purely about how long it takes a player to reach his top speed, so it needs to be considered alongside the Sprint Speed stat. Some players have a high Acceleration rating but only average Sprint Speed so, in their case, Acceleration becomes almost irrelevant & it&s no good getting to your top speed really quickly if that top speed really isn&t very quick.
这玩意就是说一个球员需要多少时间才能达到他的最高速度,所以(观察这项属性时)需要和冲刺速度一起考虑。有些球员加速极快但冲刺速度却只是平平,对他们来说,加速能力也就是用来逗逗闷子的东西 ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 一个球员如果冲刺也跑不了多块那他加速再快又有毛用呢?
Players with high agility can perform acrobatic shots or clearances, and agility also affects dribbling ability. If you&re a player who likes to run with the ball, Agility is one of the stats to keep an eye on. The higher the better.
This is another attribute that influences a player&s dribbling skill and, more generally, how responsive the player you&re controlling feels. If you have high stats for Agility and Balance then you&ll move fluidly and you&ll be able to get in or out of tight spots. Also, high Agility and Balance scores are needed to get the most out of fast players & even if you have 95+ for Acceleration and Sprint Speed, your player could feel sluggish and a little unresponsive if they lack Agility and Balance. It&s important to remember that when you&re looking at potential new players, as it&s easy to spend a lot of money on quick players, only to find they don&t feel to sharp due to low stats in other areas like these.
Quite simply, how high a player can jump. Useful if you&re scouting for a player to win you more header**ut, like speed, it&s fairly useless without its related attributes. For example, for a player to be really good in the air they need to have high Jumping, Strength Aggression and Heading Acc stats.
友情赠送一张图 让大家看看阿森纳的查马赫能蹦跶多高 ╮(╯▽╰)╭
横梁算什么 ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 爷能拿嘴亲!
This will also affect how responsive a player feels. The higher the stat, the easier they&ll adapt to contextual changes & an attribute that&s vital for effective dribbling.
Sprint Speed
You don&t need any explanation here, I&m sure. As with the Attributes above though, remember that Sprint Speed in isolation is less effective & it needs to be combined with Acceleration, Agility, Balance and Reactions to be unleashed.
This attribute plays a huge part in FIFA 12. With True Injuries now occurring in game, it&s important to keep an eye on your players& stamina levels, as tired players get injured. As well as affecting fatigue during a game, Stamina also determines how quickly a player recover**etween matches. I&ve had players in Career Mode that constantly ask to be rested because they&re tired & due to a poor Stamina rating & which can be annoying.
这东西在FIFA 12中意义重大。真实伤病系统加入游戏后,注意你的球员的体力残余便变得很重要,累劈了的家伙会受伤的哦亲 ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 在游戏过程中,耐力也会影响一个球员在两场比赛之间体力回复的速度。我在经理模式中有个球员经常要求休息因为他老觉得累 &因为他那坑爹的耐力& 这真心很烦。
Another attribute with more importance in FIFA 12. Your players Strength stat will decide how they cope with any physical battles, so a good score in this area is important for anyone with defensive responsibilities. It&s also a desirable attribute to have for at least one of your strikers, just to give you a chance in 50-50s with defenders.
另一个在FIFA 12里非常重要的属性。你球员的力量将决定他们在身体接触中的表现,所以一个很高的力量评价对球员进行防守时的表现是有重要影响的。这也意味着你至少该有一个力量型的前锋,让你可以在与后卫的对抗中获得机会。
This works in tandem with S you&ll usually find that a player has high scores for both, rather than one or the other. Aggressive players generally win more tackles, but also risk giving away more free-kicks.
Att. Position
This Attacking Position attribute deals with a player&s ability to spot open space and move into good positions that offer an attacking advantage. The higher this stat, the more likely a player is to make enough space to receive the ball in dangerous areas.
This applies more to AI controlled team-mates rather than the player you&ve selected, as it determines the ability to read the game and intercept passes. If you&ve seen players stick out legs or do something unexpected to prevent a pass, it&s likely they&ll have a high score for Interceptions.
It&s all very well you being able to spot a pass from your sofa, but if the player you&re controlling can&t see what you&re telling it to do then the pass is going to be off. The higher the score in this attribute, the further the player will be able to see and so the better their passing will be & as long as they have a good Long Pass rating of course.
跟电脑前面意淫一个传球很容易,但一个球员如果看不到目标,传球就会失准。越高的视野,意味着球员在球场上看得越远,也意味着他的传球会更准&&前提是他长传精度足够 ╮(╯▽╰)╭
Ball Control
This d how well a player initially controls the ball, then how good they are at keeping it under control. It&s another attribute that&s very desirable for dribblers and also for strikers & you could have the best finisher in the world up front, but if he can&t trap a bag of cement then he isn&t going to get goals.
这会决定两个东西:1、球员接球的能力 2、球员带球时能把球带的多好。这是另一项对于盘带型球员还有前锋来说非常重要的能力&&你的球员也许拥有世界上最好的终结能力,但如果他拿不好球,那指望他得分等于扯淡。
This obviously deals with the accuracy of crosses, but it also determines how easy it is for a player to get the ball in the box in the first place. If your winger keeps getting blocked when you are expecting him to whip the ball in, there&s a good chance he has a poor Crossing score.
Dictates how effective a player is at applying curl to crosses, passes and shots. It&s a good attribute to have for
curling corners can be a nightmare to defend against, and curling free-kicks can be tough to save.
Lionel Messi has 97 for this, which may actually be a couple of points too low as this attribute affects how well the player keeps possession of the ball while running with it. I&ve seen him lose it once. Possibly.
梅西这项有97。球技太低的话球员容易在带球前进时自己把球带丢。我见到梅西带丢过一次, 也许吧 ╭(╯3╰)╮
Career Mode managers often largely overlook this essential attribute. Without a high score here, it&s going to be very difficult to find the back of the net consistently. In my opinion, this is easily the most important attribute to consider when you&re scouting for a striker, but keep in mind that it only determines the accuracy of your shooting from inside the box. Shots outside of the box are dealt with by the Long Shots attribute, which we&ll get to in a sec.
Simply, how good a player is at taking free-kicks. Ideally you want your free-kick taker to have a good score for Curve too. Then they really are a weapon from dead balls.
Heading Acc.
T affects your player&s ability to get their head on the ball, then how accurate that header is going to be. It applies to headed passes as well as headers at goal.
Clearly, the ability to pick out a team-mate that&s far away. This also determines how quickly the ball gets to them & the higher the score, the faster and more accurate the pass will be.
Long Shots
The ability to shoot with accuracy from outside the box. A great attribute for midfielders to have.
This determines your player&s ability to track and defend against an opposing player. AI players will do this off the ball, and when you&re in control of a defender their Marking stat will affect how good they are at containing.
Hidden Attributes
These aren&t viewable in a player&s profile but they are all searchable using the Primary and Secondary Attribute options in the transfer menu. Short Passing determines a player&s accuracy and speed of passing over a short distance, Shot Power affects how fast the ball travels when struck from any distance, Standing Tackle deals with the ability to win the ball while staying on your feet, Sliding Tacklecontrols how accurate a player&s sliding tackle is and what chance it has of succeeding, Volleys affects the technique and accuracy of shots taken while the ball is in the air and Penalties is an obvious one.
Still reading? Great, because we&re now going to look at what I think is the most important thing when it comes to attributes & which ones to look for by position&
Should have good scores for Stamina and Marking. It&s also one of two positions in which Acceleration and Sprint Speed are effective without high scores for Balance, Agility or Reactions, as you&ll purely use their pace to recover ground. Dribbling and Crossing are a bonus, but not essential.
Can also get away with being quick but not necessarily agile. Primarily though, you want good scores for Strength, Jumping, Heading Accuracy, Marking, Standing Tackle and Sliding Tackle.
Defensive midfielders&
Need Stamina. After that you&re looking for Strength, Marking, Standing Tackle, Interceptions and Short Passing. Aggression may also be useful here, but & since these players are always in the thick of it & you don&t need to worry too much about speed.
Attacking midfielders&
Benefit from good scores in the Long Shots, Vision and Short and Long Passing departments. I like to have a player here that can run with the ball too, as he plays so central, so I search for Dribbling as well a**alance, Ball Control, Agility and Reactions.
Need to be able to beat their markers, accelerate into space and get the ball into the box, so you want Dribbling, Ball Control, Balance, Agility, Reactions, Acceleration, Sprint Speed and Crossing. Stamina and Strength are a huge bonus here.
Are a waste of space without Finishing, in my opinion. It&s the very fist thing I look for when I need a goalscorer, because I really feel like it pays off in game & if you&re only going to get one chance, you want to score with it. I also like them to feel responsive, so I like them to have Acceleration, Sprint Speed, Balance, Agility, Reactions and Ball Control. Attack Positioning, Strength and Stamina really help too.
没有终结能力的前锋就是废柴, ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 对我来说,我在找前锋时最看重的就是终结能力,因为我觉得这东西太有用了&&如果你得到一个机会,你会希望能把握住的。我也希望他们操作感很好,所以我需要他们拥有加速能力、冲刺速度、平衡、敏捷、反应还有控球能力。进攻跑位、强壮和力量也非常重要。
Okay, that&ll do from me for this week. Thanks for reading this mammoth blog, hopefully you found it interesting and helpful.
See you next time,
Have a good week,
生活愉快 ╮(╯▽╰)╭


