
求高手解答:aix6 oracle11g RAC grid 静默***报错 - Oracle数据库管理 - ITPUB论坛-中国专业的IT技术社区
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求高手解答:aix6 oracle11g RAC grid 静默***报错
环境 aix 小机 两台&&要部署oracle11grac , 没有图形界面 ,只能静默***&&,过程中报错:
[WARNING] [INS-08109] Unexpected error occurred while validating inputs at state 'InstallOptionsUI'.
& &CAUSE: No additional information available.
& &ACTION: Contact Oracle Support Services or refer to the software manual.
& && & - java.lang.NullPointerException
A log of this session is currently saved as: /tmp/OraInstall_10-02-31AM/installActions_10-02-31AM.log. Oracle recommends that if you want to keep this log, you should move it from the temporary location to a more permanent location.
不知道是不是参数文件问题, 请高手 解答 ,&&详细的log文件 在楼下&&:
Using paramFile: /oracle/install/grid/install/oraparam.ini
Checking Temp space: must be greater than 190 MB.& &Actual 4825 MB& & Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB.& &Actual 18432 MB& & Passed
The commandline for unzip:
/oracle/install/grid/install/unzip -qqqo ../stage/Components/oracle.jdk/\*.jar -d /tmp/OraInstall_10-02-31AM
Using the umask value '022' available from oraparam.ini
Execvp of the child jre : the cmdline is /tmp/OraInstall_10-02-31AM/jdk/jre/bin/java, and the argv is
INFO: Loading data from: jar:file:/tmp/OraInstall_10-02-31AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
INFO: Loading beanstore from jar:file:/tmp/OraInstall_10-02-31AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ConfigCmdMappings from jar:file:/tmp/OraInstall_10-02-31AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
INFO: Verifying target environment...
INFO: Checking whether the IP address of the localhost could be determined...
INFO: Completed verification of target environment.
INFO: Inventory exists: false
INFO: Registering setup bean
INFO: Building Flow
INFO: Building the flow graph
INFO: Loaded state init
INFO: Loaded state ClusterInfoUI
INFO: Loaded state InstallOptionsUI
INFO: Loaded state ChecklistUI
INFO: Loaded state InstallTypeUI
INFO: Loaded state QuickInstallUI
INFO: Loaded state productLanguage
INFO: Loaded state flowDecider
INFO: Loaded state CRSNodeSelectionUI
INFO: Loaded state SCANInformationUI
INFO: Loaded state getASMSNMPPassword
INFO: Loaded state GridPlugPlayInfoUI
INFO: Loaded state CRSNodeInformationUI
INFO: Loaded state NetworkInterfaceUI
INFO: Loaded state StorageOptionUI
INFO: Loaded state CreateASMDiskGroupQI
INFO: Loaded state CreateASMDiskGroup
INFO: Loaded state ASMInstanceCredentialsGUI
INFO: Loaded state OCRStorageUI
INFO: Loaded state VDSKStorageUI
INFO: Loaded state FailureIsolationUI
INFO: Loaded state getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: Loaded state preInstallLocation
INFO: Loaded state InstallLocationUI
INFO: Loaded state CRSInstallLocationUI
INFO: Loaded state inventory
INFO: Loaded state prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: Loaded state performChecks
INFO: Loaded state showSummary
INFO: Loaded state setup
INFO: Loaded state finish
INFO: Linking states
INFO: State[ASMInstanceCredentialsGUI]: route=FRESH_HA_INSTALL; to=getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: State[ASMInstanceCredentialsGUI]: route=IPMI_SUPPORTED; to=FailureIsolationUI
INFO: State[ASMInstanceCredentialsGUI]: route=IPMI_UNSUPPORTED; to=getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: State[CRSInstallLocationUI]: route=INVENTORY_ABSENT; to=inventory
INFO: State[CRSInstallLocationUI]: route= to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[CRSNodeInformationUI]: route= to=NetworkInterfaceUI
INFO: State[CRSNodeSelectionUI]: route= to=SCANInformationUI
INFO: State[ChecklistUI]: route= to=InstallTypeUI
INFO: State[ClusterInfoUI]: route= to=QuickInstallUI
INFO: State[CreateASMDiskGroup]: route= to=ASMInstanceCredentialsGUI
INFO: State[CreateASMDiskGroupQI]: route= to=inventory
INFO: State[CreateASMDiskGroupQI]: route= to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[FailureIsolationUI]: route= to=getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: State[GridPlugPlayInfoUI]: route= to=CRSNodeInformationUI
INFO: State[InstallLocationUI]: route=INVENTORY_ABSENT; to=inventory
INFO: State[InstallLocationUI]: route= to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[InstallOptionsUI]: route= to=InstallTypeUI
INFO: State[InstallOptionsUI]: route= to=productLanguage
INFO: State[InstallTypeUI]: route= to=productLanguage
INFO: State[InstallTypeUI]: route= to=ClusterInfoUI
INFO: State[NetworkInterfaceUI]: route= to=StorageOptionUI
INFO: State[OCRStorageUI]: route= to=VDSKStorageUI
INFO: State[QuickInstallUI]: route=ASM; to=CreateASMDiskGroupQI
INFO: State[QuickInstallUI]: route= to=inventory
INFO: State[QuickInstallUI]: route= to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[SCANInformationUI]: route=noupgradeASM; to=getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: State[SCANInformationUI]: route=upgradeASM; to=getASMSNMPPassword
INFO: State[StorageOptionUI]: route=ASM; to=CreateASMDiskGroup
INFO: State[StorageOptionUI]: route=SHARED_FILE_SYSTEM; to=OCRStorageUI
INFO: State[VDSKStorageUI]: route=IPMI_SUPPORTED; to=FailureIsolationUI
INFO: State[VDSKStorageUI]: route=IPMI_UNSUPPORTED; to=getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: State[flowDecider]: route=FRESH_CRS_INSTALL; to=GridPlugPlayInfoUI
INFO: State[flowDecider]: route=FRESH_HA_INSTALL; to=CreateASMDiskGroup
INFO: State[flowDecider]: route=SWONLY_INSTALL; to=getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: State[flowDecider]: route=UPGRADE_CRS; to=CRSNodeSelectionUI
INFO: State[flowDecider]: route=UPGRADE_HA; to=getASMSNMPPassword
INFO: State[getASMSNMPPassword]: route= to=getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: State[getPrivilegedOSGroups]: route= to=preInstallLocation
INFO: State[init]: route= to=InstallOptionsUI
INFO: State[inventory]: route= to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: State[performChecks]: route= to=showSummary
INFO: State[preInstallLocation]: route=CRS_NO; to=InstallLocationUI
INFO: State[preInstallLocation]: route=CRS_YES; to=CRSInstallLocationUI
INFO: State[prereqExecutionDecider]: route= to=performChecks
INFO: State[prereqExecutionDecider]: route= to=showSummary
INFO: State[productLanguage]: route=productlanguage_ to=flowDecider
INFO: State[setup]: route= to=finish
INFO: State[showSummary]: route= to=setup
INFO: Successfully built the flow
INFO: Opening bean stores from which the beans can be loaded
INFO: Loading beanstore from a given input stream
INFO: Translating external format into raw format
INFO: Loaded BeanStore using the flow data defaults
INFO: Registering the flow data beans
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_HOST' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_PORT' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_USER' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_PWD' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_IGNORE_FAILURES' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_RESPONSE_FILE' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_IGNORE_CONFIGURATION' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'UNIX_GROUP_NAME' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'INVENTORY_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'SELECTED_LANGUAGES' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_HOSTNAME' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'activeCRSVersion' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_configuredCRSHome' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'activeCRSHomeName' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'CRSNodeList' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_ConfigureGNS' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_GNSSubDomain' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_GNSVIPAddress' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_ClusterName' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_SCANName' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_SCANPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_AutoConfig' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_VIPNodeListWithDomain' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_PublicNodeListWithoutDomain' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_VIPNodeListWithoutDomain' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_ClusterNodeList' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION_FILE' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.crs.interfaceList' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_FinalInterfaceList' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_StorageOption' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.crs.storageOption' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_OCRRedundancy' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_OCRLocations' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_VotingDiskRedundancy' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_VotingDiskLocations' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_UseIPMI' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_BMCUsername' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_BMCPassword' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_SelectedNodesForUpgrade' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchOifcfg' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchCluvfy' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchCRSInst' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchCRSUpgrd' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_AdvancedInstall' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_DiskDriveMapping' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_Disks' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.disks' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_DiskGroupName' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.name' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_DiskGroupRedundancy' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.redundancy' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_DiskDiscoveryString' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.diskDiscoveryString' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_SYSASMPassword' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_OSASM' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.OSASM' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_OSDBA' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_OSOPER' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_MonitorPassword' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_MigrateASM' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchASMCA' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_InstallOption' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_UpgradeOption' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchRootBat' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'OCMSettings' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'activeCRSVersion' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_configuredCRSHome' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'activeCRSHomeName' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'CRSNodeList' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_VIPNodeListWithDomain' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_PublicNodeListWithoutDomain' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_VIPNodeListWithoutDomain' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION_FILE' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_FinalInterfaceList' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.crs.storageOption' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchOifcfg' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchCluvfy' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchCRSInst' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchCRSUpgrd' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_AdvancedInstall' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.disks' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.name' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.redundancy' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.diskGroup.diskDiscoveryString' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.OSASM' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchASMCA' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_UpgradeOption' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchRootBat' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'myoraclesupport_username' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'myoraclesupport_password' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'decline_security_updates' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'proxy_host' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'proxy_port' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'proxy_user' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'proxy_pwd' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'security_updates_via_myoraclesupport' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'collector_ignore_failures' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'collector_response_file' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'collector_ignore_configuration' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'unix_group_name' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'inventory_location' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'selected_languages' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_hostname' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'from_location' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_base' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_home' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'toplevel_component' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'toplevelcomponentversion' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_windowssystemdirectory' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'activecrsversion' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_configuredcrshome' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'activecrshomename' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'crsnodelist' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_configuregns' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_gnssubdomain' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_gnsvipaddress' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_clustername' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_scanname' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_scanportnumber' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_autoconfig' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_vipnodelistwithdomain' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_publicnodelistwithoutdomain' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_vipnodelistwithoutdomain' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_clusternodelist' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'cluster_configuration_file' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.crs.interfacelist' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_finalinterfacelist' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_storageoption' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.crs.storageoption' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_ocrredundancy' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_ocrlocations' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_votingdiskredundancy' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_votingdisklocations' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_useipmi' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_bmcusername' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_bmcpassword' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_selectednodesforupgrade' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_launchoifcfg' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_launchcluvfy' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_launchcrsinst' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_launchcrsupgrd' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_advancedinstall' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_diskdrivemapping' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'from_location' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_base' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_home' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'toplevel_component' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'toplevelcomponentversion' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_disks' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.diskgroup.disks' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_diskgroupname' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.diskgroup.name' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_diskgroupredundancy' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.diskgroup.redundancy' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_diskdiscoverystring' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.diskgroup.diskdiscoverystring' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_sysasmpassword' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_osasm' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.asm.osasm' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_osdba' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_osoper' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_monitorpassword' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_asm_migrateasm' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_launchasmca' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_installoption' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_upgradeoption' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_launchrootbat' not found in the bean store.
INFO: Set value for bean CRSSetupBean
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: Failed to load bean oracle.install.ivw.ha.bean.HAInstallSettings. Reason: [INS-07001] Value for property 'HAInstallSettings' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'activeCRSVersion' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_configuredCRSHome' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'activeCRSHomeName' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'CRSNodeList' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_ConfigureGNS' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_GNSSubDomain' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_GNSVIPAddress' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_ClusterName' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_SCANName' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_SCANPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_AutoConfig' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_VIPNodeListWithDomain' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_PublicNodeListWithoutDomain' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_VIPNodeListWithoutDomain' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_ClusterNodeList' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION_FILE' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.crs.interfaceList' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_FinalInterfaceList' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_StorageOption' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle.install.crs.storageOption' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_OCRRedundancy' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_OCRLocations' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_VotingDiskRedundancy' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_VotingDiskLocations' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_UseIPMI' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_BMCUsername' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_BMCPassword' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_SelectedNodesForUpgrade' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchOifcfg' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchCluvfy' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchCRSInst' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_LaunchCRSUpgrd' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_AdvancedInstall' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_crs_DiskDriveMapping' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: Failed to load bean oracle.install.ivw.crs.bean.CRSInstallSettings. Reason: [INS-07001] Value for property 'CRSInstallSettings' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'Username' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'Password' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ReuseKeys' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'Enabled' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'Nodes' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'SharedHome' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: Failed to load bean oracle.install.commons.net.support.SSHConnectivitySetupInfo. Reason: [INS-07001] Value for property 'SSHConnectivitySetupInfo' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ClusterwareType' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ClusterwareName' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ClusterNodes' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'Readonly' not found in the bean store.
INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'Validated' not found in the bean store.
WARNING: Failed to load bean oracle.install.library.util.cluster.ClusterConfig. Reason: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ClusterConfig' not found in the bean store.
INFO: Closing bean stores from which the beans can be loaded
INFO: Registering the flow views
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SummaryGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SetupGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.InventoryUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI viewId: ProductLanguageUI uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.FinishGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.InstallOptionsUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.ChecklistGUI viewId: ChecklistUI uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.InstallTypeGUI viewId: InstallTypeUI uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.QuickInstallGUI viewId: QuickInstallUI uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.InstallLocationUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.CRSInstallLocationGUI viewId: CRSInstallLocationUI uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.GridPlugPlayInfoUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.ClusterConfigGUI viewId: ClusterConfigUI uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.NetworkInterfaceUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.StorageOptionUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.ASMDiskGroupCreationGUI viewId: ASMDiskGroupCreationUI uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.OCRStorageUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.VDSKStorageUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.FailureIsolationUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.ASMInstanceCredentialsGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.CRSNodeSelectionUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.SCANInformationUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.PrivilegedOSGroupsGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.ClusterInfoUI viewId: ClusterInfoUI uiType: null]
INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.crs.view.ASMSNMPPasswordGUI viewId: ASMSNMPPasswordGUI uiType: null]
INFO: Initial values of Setup Properties :
PROPERTY& && && && && && && && && && && &VALUE& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION_FILE& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
COLLECTOR_IGNORE_CONFIGURATION& && && &&&false& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
COLLECTOR_IGNORE_FAILURES& && && && && & false& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
COLLECTOR_RESPONSE_FILE& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES& && && && && &&&false& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
FROM_LOCATION& && && && && && && && && & /oracle/install/grid/install/../stage/products.xml
MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD& && && && && &&&*Protected value, not to be logged*& && && && && &
MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
ORACLE_BASE& && && && && && && && && && &/oracle/grid& && && && && && && && && && && && && &
ORACLE_HOME& && && && && && && && && && &/oracle/crs& && && && && && && && && && && && && &
ORACLE_HOSTNAME& && && && && && && && &&&CKTS1& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
PROXY_HOST& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
PROXY_PORT& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
PROXY_PWD& && && && && && && && && && &&&*Protected value, not to be logged*& && && && && &
PROXY_USER& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT& &&&true& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
SELECTED_LANGUAGES& && && && && && && &&&{&en&}& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle.install.crs.storageOption& && && &0& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle_install_asm_MigrateASM& && && && &false& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle_install_crs_AdvancedInstall& && & false& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle_install_crs_AutoConfig& && && && &false& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle_install_crs_ClusterName& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
oracle_install_crs_ConfigureGNS& && && & true& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
oracle_install_crs_LaunchASMCA& && && &&&false& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle_install_crs_LaunchCRSInst& && && &false& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle_install_crs_LaunchCRSUpgrd& && &&&false& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle_install_crs_LaunchCluvfy& && && & false& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle_install_crs_LaunchOifcfg& && && & false& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle_install_crs_LaunchRootBat& && && &false& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle_install_crs_OCRLocations& && && & {}& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle_install_crs_OCRRedundancy& && && &2& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
oracle_install_crs_SCANName& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
oracle_install_crs_SCANPortNumber& && &&&0& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
oracle_install_crs_StorageOption& && && &0& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
oracle_install_crs_UseIPMI& && && && && &false& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle_install_crs_VotingDiskLocations& &{}& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
oracle_install_crs_VotingDiskRedundancy&&2& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&
INFO: Launching Oracle Grid Infrastructure
INFO: Started executing the flow in SILENT mode
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state init
INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state init
INFO: All forked task are completed at state init
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state init
INFO: Completed executing action at state &init&
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state &init&
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Validating state &init&
WARNING: Validation disabled for the state init
INFO: Completed validating state &init&
INFO: Verifying route success
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Executing action at state InstallOptionsUI
INFO: InstallOption Action Entering and Exiting execute
INFO: Completed executing action at state &InstallOptionsUI&
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Moved to state &InstallOptionsUI&
INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: Validating state &InstallOptionsUI&
INFO: getInstallOption: null
INFO: isCRSInstalled: false
INFO: isHAInstalled: false
INFO: isCRSConfigured: false
INFO: isHAConfigured: false
INFO: isLocalCSSConfigured: false
INFO: existingCRSOrLocalCSSVersion: null
INFO: Terminating all background operations
INFO: Terminated all background operations
WARNING: [WARNING] [INS-08109] Unexpected error occurred while validating inputs at state 'InstallOptionsUI'.
& &CAUSE: No additional information available.
& &ACTION: Contact Oracle Support Services or refer to the software manual.
& && & - java.lang.NullPointerException.
Refer associated stacktrace #oracle.install.commons.util.exception.DefaultErrorAdvisor:411
INFO: Adding ExitStatus FAILURE to the exit status set
WARNING: A log of this session is currently saved as: /tmp/OraInstall_10-02-31AM/installActions_10-02-31AM.log. Oracle recommends that if you want to keep this log, you should move it from the temporary location to a more permanent location.
INFO: Finding the most appropriate exit status for the current application
INFO: Exit Status is -1
INFO: Shutdown Oracle Grid Infrastructure
INFO: Unloading Setup Driver
本帖最后由 chinanjwolf 于
10:36 编辑
这是参数文件, 根据默认的修改的 也不知道那里有问题, 请高手指教 ::
高手解决下&&不能沉啊 !!!
初步怀疑是 用户权限 或者是参数问题了
李成功网盘有、PS、FlashFXP、Alcohol 120%、人脸识别软件、RAR密码破解工具、视频音频转换分割合并、刻录软件、图形图像、屏保程序制作、图片压缩、PDF转Word、屏幕录像、抠图软件、系统美化工具、内存+进程优化、视频合并大师、影子卫士、硬盘分区、等等、视频教程有PS5、PS4、三维动画、外挂制作程、AutoCAD、ASP网站培训、数据库原理 数据结构、CorelDRAW、CSS设计、C语言编程、MAYA、SEO、黑客技术、网页三剑客、Word、Excel、PowerPoint 、Access、建站教程、等等、免费下载地址 http://www.ctdisk.com/u/1149889
求职 : 论坛徽章:9
goodboybing 发表于
求解,同样的问题使用图形化***的。一大堆 [ins-07001]
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