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could not connect to must have access to the internet to use this application
无法连接到 必须有权访问互联网,使用该应用程序
相关内容&a陪伴我度过了那青葱岁月 Accompanied me to pass that blue onion years & aare you a distributor or manufactrer 是您经销商或manufactrer & aInspired minds, of virtue 被启发的头脑的贤良 & aShelsey Shelsey & aenable the new domain name 使能新的域名 & ai would love to work wiht you 正在翻译,请等待... & a那张音乐会以一首好听的歌曲开场 That concert by a pleasant to hear song beginning & aPapa Smurf smurf教皇 & a32路硬盘录像机 32? ?? ?? ??? videocorders & athe pledge 承诺 & a东直门外大街 East outside straight gate avenue & a青岛有 Qingdao has & anett oyage par un professio nnel nett oyage par un professio nnel & a他已在一家律师事务所当了多年律师。 He in a law office has worked as many year attorneys. & a是华夏文明的发祥地之一 Is one of China civilization birthplaces & a这个给我带来很大的不便 正在翻译,请等待...
& aNow well short of money, the l... 现在金钱井短小, l… & a有99个峰 Some 99 peaks & a他工作的十分投入 He works extremely investment & aIndulge yourself to me loose 放任自己对我宽松 & a正在审稿 Is reviewing a draft & aI just wanna say happy birthday to Lily. Sure I’ll get out after that 我想要对百合说生日快乐。 肯定我以后将出去那 & aするようよろしくお?いします。
& a我做饭水平不稳定 I prepare food the level not not stably & aSweet smile that can be fell without saying. 可以是的甜微笑下跌,无需说。 & a我们一起去饭店吃吧 We go to the hotel to eat together & aQQDownload Error QQDownload Error & a放下才能承载 Lays down can the load bearing & aI want to say. I want to understand... 我想要说。 我想要了解… & a你会橘子做一盏灯笼吗? You meet the orange to make a lantern? & aDon't fear me baby, it's just destiny
& alove is promise,i want you 正在翻译,请等待...
& a你这么早就工作了啊 正在翻译,请等待...
& aI long for a journey of time with you on bicycle,moving forward without lovely! I长期为时间旅途与您在自行车,前进,不用ceasing.so可爱! & aIloveyouso Iloveyouso & a谁在接*** 谁在接*** & awith the improvement of the life standard 以生活的改善标准 & a我们不再是小孩 We no longer are the child & a赫克舍-? 奥林模型将占据主导地位。 Luck the shed - ? Orrin model will occupy the dominant position. & a[D] national economy [D]国民经济 & a请问在中国能不能买到你们酒庄的红酒,如果可以请您告诉我,谢谢
& a他们的境况比我们好 better off Their condition is better than better off us & a木头被制成纸 正在翻译,请等待...
& a你好哇 You good ha & ahave a nice day!
Today or tomorrow 祝好! 今天或明天 & a父母的保护 Parents' protection & a其实也没什么事。 Actually also does not have any matter. & aI need heathy food every day 我需要heathy食物每天 & awhtat's
A3 正在翻译,请等待...
& aNew Zealand has its own government,but it is also part of the British Commonwealth,and therefore the official head of state is Elizabeth II,the Queen of England,Scotland and Wales.New Zealand was the first country in the world to give the vote to women in 1893,to have old age pensions and the eight-hour working day. 新西兰有它自己的政府,但它也作为英联邦的部分,并且正式国家首脑是伊丽莎白II,英国女王, 1893年苏格兰,并且威尔士新西兰是第一个国家在有世界上给表决妇女,养老金和八小时工作日。 & aof that i'm sure 那i'm肯定 & aMy love is pure 我的爱是纯净的 & a她喜欢什么生日礼物? 正在翻译,请等待...
& awe learn that Seagull Brand shirts are in large demand in your market. 我们获悉海鸥品牌衬衣在大需求在您的市场上。 & a不用谢 最近怎么样 How didn't need to thank recently & acould not connect to must have access to the internet to use this application 不能连接到server.you必须得以进入对使用这种应用的互联网的 &本帖子已过去太久远了,不再提供回复功能。


