&& 以下是代码:
import java.awt.* ;
import javax.swing.* ;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Tank3 extends JFrame {
&private static final long serialVersionUID =
&&Tank3( String title ){
&&this.setTitle(title) ;
&&this.setSize(415 , 500) ;
&&this.setLocation(300 , 300) ;
&&MyTank3 singlePlayer1 = new
MyTank3();// 类Mytank3中包含所有游戏信息
&&this.add( singlePlayer1
//&&MyBullet3 singlePlayer2 = new
//&&this.add( singlePlayer2
&public static void main(String[] args) {
&&Tank3 h = new
Tank3("坦克大战(版本1.1)") ;
&&h.setVisible(true) ;
// 存储地图网格数据的类,以判断坦克碰撞,0为可行区域,大于0为不可行区域
class groundData {&
&volatile public int ground[][] = new int
三合一& (这里应该更明确地对象化)
class MyTank3 extends JPanel implements KeyListener ,Runnable{
&private static final long serialVersionUID =
&groundData o = new
&int perStep = 1, sleepTime =
&int x = 105 ,& y = 355
&int op = 0 ; // 0:up 1:right 2:down 3:left
&int tankStep = 0; //用于在tank移动中计数
&int life = 100 , score = 0 , difficulty = 20 ;
&int enemyNum = 0 , enemyMax =
&boolean stuck =//坦克是否无法前行
&MyBullet3 bullet = new MyBullet3();//我方坦克炮弹
&MyBullet3 sBullet = new MyBullet3();
&MyBullet3 enemyBullet[] =
&EnemyTank sEnemy = new
&EnemyTank enemy[] =
&public void drawTank ( Graphics g , int op , int
x ,int y,int i){
&&if( i == 1 ){
&&if(op == 0) {
, y , 40 , 40) ; //坦克体
+ 10, y + 5, 20 , 20 );//轮廓
, y , 40 , 40 );
- 5, y - 5, 10 , 50 );//左右两侧履带
- 5 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
- 5 , y + 5 , 10 , 10) ;
- 5 , y + 15 , 10 , 10) ;
- 5 , y + 25 , 10 , 10) ;
- 5 , y + 35 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y - 5, 10 , 50 );
+ 35 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y + 5 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y + 15 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y + 25 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y + 35 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 15 , y - 20 , 10 , 40) ; //炮口
+ 5 , y + 30 , 10 , 10) ; //天线
+ 25 , y + 30 , 10 , 10) ;
&&}// end of if ( op == 1 )
&&if(op == 1) {
, y , 40 , 40) ;
+ 15, y + 10, 20 , 20 );
, y , 40 , 40 );
- 5, y - 5, 50 , 10 );
- 5 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 5 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 15 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 25 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
- 5 , y + 35, 50 , 10 );
- 5 , y+35 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 5 , y+35 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 15 , y+35 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 25 , y+35 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y+35 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 20 , y + 15 , 40 , 10) ;
, y + 5 , 10 , 10) ;
, y + 25 , 10 , 10) ;
&&}// end of if (op==2)
&&if(op == 2) {
, y , 40 , 40) ;
+ 10, y + 15, 20 , 20 );
, y , 40 , 40 );
- 5, y - 5, 10 , 50 );
- 5 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
- 5 , y + 5 , 10 , 10) ;
- 5 , y + 15 , 10 , 10) ;
- 5 , y + 25 , 10 , 10) ;
- 5 , y + 35 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y - 5, 10 , 50 );
+ 35 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y + 5 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y + 15 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y + 25 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y + 35 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 15 , y + 20 , 10 , 40) ;
+ 5 , y , 10 , 10) ;
+ 25 , y , 10 , 10) ;
&&} //end of if ( op == 3 )
&&if(op == 3) {
, y , 40 , 40) ;
+ 5, y + 10, 20 , 20 );
, y , 40 , 40 );
- 5, y - 5, 50 , 10 );
- 5 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 5 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 15 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 25 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y - 5 , 10 , 10) ;
- 5 , y + 35, 50 , 10 );
- 5 , y+35 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 5 , y+35 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 15 , y+35 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 25 , y+35 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 35 , y+35 , 10 , 10) ;
- 20 , y + 15 , 40 , 10) ;
+ 30 , y + 5 , 10 , 10) ;
+ 30 , y + 25 , 10 , 10) ;
&&}&//end of if
( op == 4 )
&public void paint( Graphics g ){
&&g.setColor(Color.black) ;
&&g.fillRect(0 , 400 , 415 , 100)
&&g.setColor(Color.red) ;
&&g.fillRect(50 , 420 , life * 3
//&&for ( int i = 0; i
& 18 ; i++ )
//&&&for ( int j
= 0; j & 18 ; j++ )
(o.ground[i][j] == 1 ) {
(j-1)*25, 25, 25);}
(o.ground[i][j] == 2 ) {
(j-1)*25, 25, 25);}
(o.ground[i][j] == 3 ) {
(j-1)*25, 25, 25);}
(o.ground[i][j] == 4 ) {
(j-1)*25, 25, 25);}
(o.ground[i][j] == 5 ) {
(j-1)*25, 25, 25);}
&&g.setColor(Color.white) ;
&&g.drawString("生命:" , 10 , 430 )
&&g.drawRect(50 , 420 , 300 , 10)
"+ score , 10 , 450) ;
//&&for ( int i = 0; i
&= 405 ; i = i+50) {
i , 425, i);
0, i, 450);
&&drawTank( g , op , x , y , 1
&&if ( bullet.flying ){
bullet.by, 10, 10);
&&for (int i = 0; i
& enemyN i++)
&&if (enemy[i]!=null)
&&&drawTank ( g
, enemy[i].op , enemy[i].x , enemy[i].y , i+2);
(enemyBullet[i].flying) g.fillOval(enemyBullet[i].bx,
enemyBullet[i].by, 10, 10);
&public void stepForward(MyTank3 ref){
&&if (tankStep &
&&&switch (op)
&&&case 0 :
= ref.y - perS
&&&case 1 :
= ref.x + perS
&&&case 2 :
= ref.y + perS
&&&case 3 :
= ref.x - perS
&public void run() {
&&int j = 0 , i = 0;
&&for ( i=0; i&18
&&for (int a = 0;
a&60000; a++){
&&&}// if step
&&&if (enemyNum
& enemyMax) {//若场上坦克数未达到最大
= 5+175*(int)(3*Math.random());//三个随即出生点
if (enemy[k] != null)
( int k = 0 ; k & enemyM k++)
a1 = new groundData();
= new EnemyTank( 2 , i , j , a1 , k
Thread( enemy[k] ).start();//开始活动
&&&for ( int k =
0 ; k & enemyN k++)
(( enemy[k].tankStep == 13
regGround( enemy[k].op , enemy[k].x , enemy[k].y , this , k
bulletHit( enemyBullet[k] , o , enemyBullet[k].bk );
bulletHit( bullet , o , bullet.bk );
&public void regGround(int op , int x , int y ,
MyTank3 ref , int k ) {
&&ref.enemy[k].stepping =
&&switch (op) {
&&case 0 : {
&&case 1 : {
&&case 2 : {
&&case 3 : {
&public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
&&int i,j;
&&i = (int)((x+20))/25;
&&j = (int)((y+20))/25;
&&if(e.getKeyCode() ==
KeyEvent.VK_UP) {
&&&if (tankStep
{ //转弯后判断是否阻塞
= 0 ;//如果阻塞则不移动
&&if(e.getKeyCode() ==
KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
&&&if (tankStep
&&if(e.getKeyCode() ==
KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) {
&&&if (tankStep
&&if(e.getKeyCode() ==
KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
&&&if (tankStep
&&if(e.getKeyCode() ==
(bullet.flying == false ){//若炮弹在飞则发不出第二发
&&if(e.getKeyCode() ==
&public void keyReleased(KeyEvent arg0)
&public void keyTyped(KeyEvent arg0) {
&public void bulletHit( MyBullet3 ref , groundData
o , int k ){
&&i = (int)((ref.bx+5)/25);
&&j = (int)((ref.by+5)/25);
//&&System.out.print("hit: i
"+i+" , j "+j+"& \n");
&&if (k == 1) {//我方击中
(o.ground[i][j]&100) killTank( o.ground[i][j]-2 ,
(o.ground[i+1][j]&100) killTank( o.ground[i+1][j]-2
(o.ground[i][j+1]&100) killTank( o.ground[i][j+1]-2
(o.ground[i+1][j+1]&100) killTank(
o.ground[i+1][j+1]-2 ,this );
( o.ground[i][j] == 1 ) life = life -
(o.ground[i+1][j] == 1 ) life = life -
(o.ground[i][j+1] == 1 ) life = life -
(o.ground[i+1][j+1] == 1 ) life = life -
&&&if ( life
: " + score,
&public void killTank( int k , MyTank3 ref
&&int i , j , m ,
&&if (ref.enemy[k].alive) {
&&score = score + 100 ;
i "+i+" , j "+j+" , k"+k +" \n");
&&for ( n = i-1 ; n
& i+3 ; n++ )
&&&for ( m = j-1
; m & j+3 ; m++ )
( ref.o.ground[n][m] == k+2 )
= 0 ; //消除地面阻塞
"+m+", n "+n+"& \n") ;
&class MyBullet3 extends Thread {
&int bx = 0 , by = 0& , bop = 0 ,
speed = 8, bk = 1;//bk为射出当前炮弹的坦克标号
&boolean flying =
&public void run() {
&&flying =
&&if (bk & 1)
speed = 6;
&&for (int a = 0;
a&60000; a++){
&&&if (flying)
Bullet out of Frame!");
&&}// end of for
&}// end of run
}// end of class
&class EnemyTank extends Thread {
&int x = 0, y = 0 , op = 0 ,tk = 0;
&boolean alive = false , stuck = false ,stepping =
&int tankStep = 0 , perStep = 1;
&EnemyTank(int top,int tx, int ty, groundData to ,
&&this.x =
&&this.y =
&&this.o =
&&this.op =
&&this.alive =
&&this.tk =
&public void run(){
&&for (int a = 0;
a&60000; a++){
&&&if (alive)
( tankStep == 0 ){
((stuck)||(Math.random()&0.1)) turnAround(this);
//遇到阻塞或者随机 转弯&&
== false )) shootBullet();//未发射炮弹情况下随即发射
&&&} else return
&&}//end of for
&}//end of run
&void shootBullet( ){
&&enemyBullet[tk].speed =
&&enemyBullet[tk].bx = x +
&&enemyBullet[tk].by = y +
&&enemyBullet[tk].bop =
&&enemyBullet[tk].bk =
&&enemyBullet[tk].flying =
&void judgeStuck( EnemyTank ref ){
&&int i,j;
&&i = (int)((x+20))/25;
&&j = (int)((y+20))/25;
&&switch (op){
&&case 0 :
&&&ref.stuck =
&&case 1 :
&&&ref.stuck =
&&case 2 :
&&&ref.stuck =
&&case 3 :
&&&ref.stuck =
&void turnAround( EnemyTank ref){
(int)(Math.random()*2)+1;//i= 1 2
3&& 中的随机数
&&ref.op = ( op + i ) % 4
&void getGroundData ( MyTank3 d ){
&&this.o = d.o;&
&void proceed( EnemyTank ref ) {
&&if (tankStep
&&&if( stuck ==
= ref.y - perS
= ref.x + perS
= ref.y + perS
= ref.x - perS
&&&else tankStep
}//end of class