在 帝国日模拟约会 里怎怎么样才能赚到钱钱啊...

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My first memories were of an orphanage in a quiet place.I spent some of the days watching the other children leave with their new parents,but most of them were spent looking at what laid across the other side of the old gated fence in the backyard.(我最初的记忆是在一个安静的孤儿院。我看着其他孩子们与新父母离开,但是他们中的大多数都在看着安置在另一边的旧大门栅栏的后院。)
&Um,that's my ball.May I please have it back?&(嗯,那是我的球。请把它还给我好吗?)
&Thanks.My name is Lewis What's yours?&(谢谢。我的名字是路易斯,你呢?)
&I don't have one.They said that my new mommy and daddy have to give me one.&[我自己还没有。他们说我新妈妈和爸爸要给我一个。]
&Would you like to come play with me?&(你愿意来和我玩吗?)
&They told me that I can't leave until my new mommy and daddy get here.&[他们告诉我,我不能离开,直到我的新妈妈和爸爸的到来。]
My hopes of being adopted never came true,but something even better happened.It turned out that my name was Rose Urwin and that I was the long lost daughter of a royal family from the Lunar Kingdom.I'll never forget that happy moment when I was reunited with my parents,Sakka and Lilla.(我希望的被领养从未成真,但一些更好的事情发生了。原来我的名字叫玫瑰,我是从月球王国的王室失散多年的女儿。我永远不会忘记那快乐的时刻,我和我的父母团聚,Sakka和里拉。)
They would have never had found me if it wasn't for that boy, Lewis though.He was actually a servant of my royal family despite his young age.I grew close to him since he was my personal servant.(如果不是那个男孩我也不会被找到。尽管他年龄小,实际上他是我皇室的仆人。我接近他,因为他是我个人的仆人。)
I thought that all of my worries were over until a war broke out years later.Many kingdoms panicked and started to attack one another in order to gain more land and resources.I became afraid of the future yet again...(我认为我所有的担心都成为过去,直到战争爆发之后。许多王国惊慌失措,为了获得更多的土地和资源开始攻击彼此。我害怕未来再次&)
Rose: Wh-what's going on?!Don't tell me that the castle's under attack now!(什么事? !不要告诉我,这座城堡现在被攻击了!)
???:Milady...!M-Milady,Where are you?!(我的女士......!我的女士,你在哪里? )
Rose: I'm over here,Lewis!?(我在这里,路易斯!)
Lewis: Huny,we need to get out of here now!Cesathis's soldiers have entered the castle!(嗨,我们需要马上离开这里 !Cesathis 的士兵已经进入城堡!)
Rose: But what about my parents...a-and everybody else?!You can't leave all of then behind!(但我的父母呢-和别人? !你不能离开的然后隐藏所有!)
Lewis:Th-they'll be fine! Please...!Milady,we have to go now!(他们-他们会没事的!求你了!我的女士,我们现在就走!)
Rose: Aah!L-let go of me...!No,Lewis!(啊 !别让我走...!不,路易斯!)
Lewis: Are you alright?we can take a short break if you're tired.(还好吗? 如果你累了,我们可以采取短暂的休息。)
Rose: I'm okay.But where are going to go now,Lewis? We've been running around like this forever! We don't even know where we are!(我没事。但现在我们要去哪,路易斯你想要做什么?我们已经在附近像这样很久了!我们甚至不知道我们在哪里!)
Lewis: I'm sorry,Milady.All I wanted to do was protect you,but it looks like I've failed.(对不起,我的女士.我想要做的是保护你,但看起来我失败了。)
&& *选择:
&&&&& &It's okay.You tried your best,didn't you?(它是好的。你已经尽力,不是吗?)
&&&&&&& 【Lewis: Y-yes,but I'll try even harder from now on. I just hope that can get it right this time.(是-是的,但是从现在开始我要试试。我只是希望,能正确对待这次。) 】
&&&&& &Failed? Yeah right! We're both still alive, aren't we?( 失败吗?是正确的 !我们都还活着,不是吗?)
&&&&&&& 【Lewis: Um...y-yes,of course!You're absolutely right.(嗯&是,是的,当然!你是绝对正确的。)】
Lewis: ..Huh? Is it just my eyes, or do I see something in the distance?(..天哪?这只是我的眼睛看错了,还是远处真的有什么东西?)
Rose: N-no, I see it too! It...it looks like a village!~Ah! There's a castle over there too!(不-没有,我也看到了!它...它看起来像一个村庄! 啊!在那里有一座城堡!)
Lewis: A castie! That's it! I'm sure that the people there will help us if we tell them that you're a princesss,Hurry,Milady!Let's go!(Castie!这是它!我敢肯定那里的人将帮助我们。如果我们告诉他们你是公主,我的女士,赶快行动吧!我们走吧!)
Lewis: Well here we are. I suppose all I can do now is cross my fingers and give this door a knock?(那么我们在这里。我想现在能做的是让我的手,向这扇门敲门)
Lewis: *knocks on the door*(*敲门*)
???: Do you have any idea what time it is?If it's not important come back in the morning. State your name and business.(你知道现在是什么时间吗?如果不是重要的事情请在早上回来。说出你的姓名和业务。)
Lewis: Y-yes! I apolongize for bothering you this late at night.M-my name is Lewis Ashton and I'm here with the princess of the Lunar Kingdom. Our castie was attacked and we were forced to flee(是-是的 !我为打扰到你这深夜感到抱歉。我的名字是路易斯,和我在一起的还有月球王国的公主。我们的国家被castie袭击,我们被迫逃离到了这里。)
Lewis: We've been wandering around for hours and have to destination or shelter. I would be grateful if you were so kind to let us stay here.(我们几个小时里到处流浪,没有见到目的地或住房。要是这么好的让我们留在这里我会感激你的。)
Lewis: U-um, hello? Are you still there?(嗯,你好吗?你还在吗?)
???: I'm thinking,t rush me.If you're so inpatient then just come in for now。(我在想,别催我。如果你是现在,进来吧)
Lewis: Yes, of coures! Th-thank you very much!(是的,非常感谢你!)
Lewis: Um, h-hello? Is anybody there? We were told to come in ,but-(嗯,你好吗?有人在吗?我们被告知可以进来了,但&)
???: I;m coming. I;m coming. Can't you just wait for one second.(我这就来了,你不能多等待一秒吗?)
???: Just what I need. More useless people asking me for help。(只是我的东西。还有更多无用的人问我的帮助)
Lewis:Oh...!Y-your name! I'm sorry that I didn't ask you before but what is your name, sir?(哦&!你的名字!先生我很抱歉我没问过你但你的名字是什么?)
Joseph: Joseph Knight. And address me as &your Majesty'instead of 'sir from now on.(约瑟夫&奈特。从现在开始请称呼我& Majesty' instead'先生。)
Lewis: Y-y-your Majesty?!Ah! Wait,I've heard your name before! Y You're the youngest king in this country! So then this must be the Hepcatsis Kingdom,right。(是-是-你是陛下?!啊哈!等一下,之前我听说过你的名字!你是最年轻的国王!所以这一定是Hepcatsis王国吧。)
Joseph: Correct.And if I remember clearly,you said that you two were from the Lunar Kingdom?(是的。如果我记得,你说,你们两个是来自月球王国?)
Lewis: Um,y-yes,your Majesty.The Lunar Kingdom was attacked by Cesathis.(嗯,是-是的,月球王国被Cesathis袭击了。)
Joseph: Sakka Urwin is your kind, isn't he?Where is he right now?(Sakka Urwin是你的王,不是吗?他现在在哪里?)
Lewis: I...I don't know.But I'm sure that he escaped safely like his daughter.(我......我不知道。但我敢肯定他像他的女儿安全逃脱。)
Lewis: Um,y-your Majesty...?(嗯,陛-陛下。。。?)
Joseph: I've made my decision.Please escort yourselves out of this kingdom and never return.Idon't want your faces ever again.(现在我做了决定。护送你们离开这个王国,永远不会返回。我不想再看见你的脸。)
Lewis: Wh-what?!Y-your Majesty,why?P-please...!!We have nowhere else to go!(什么? !陛-陛下,为什么呢?请...!!我们现在无处可去!)
Joseph: I've just decded that I don't like you two.There are no benefits for me if I let you stay.The only useful thing that I could ever gain from the Lunar Kingdom are elations with the royalty anyway.(我只是不喜欢你们两个在我面前。如果我让你留下来,没有我的好处。唯一有用的东西,就是我可以从你们身上得到与月球王国皇族的关系。)
Joseph: Now please leave.I'm tired and don't want to deal with this anymore.(现在请离开。我累了不想处理这个了。)
Lewis: Wait!(等等!)
Lewis: She'll marry you.(她愿意嫁给你。)
Lewis: King Joseph,will you take the princess's hand in marrige?(约瑟夫陛下,你能同意和公主联姻吗?)
Rose: L-Lewis!! What're you ding?! That's crazy! You're not serious,are-(路-路易斯!!你怎么了? !真是疯了!你不是认真的-)
Joseph: Fine.(好吧。)
Rose: W-wait a second! I never said that I would marry you! You can't do this!!(等一等!我从没说过要嫁给你!你不能这样!!)
Joseph: I can and I will.If you disagree,then leave. (我可以也会的。如果您不同意,那么请离开。)
Rose: What should I say to Lewis?(刘易斯,我应该说什么呢?)
&& *选择:
&&&&& &Let's get out of here! Can't we find another place to stay at?(让我们离开这里!我们不能找到另一个地方呆在吗?)
&&&&&&& 【Lewis: Milady, I'm sorry. The outside parts of this kingdom have too many dangers. Comeing here was already putting ourselves at a lot of risk.(我的女士,对不起。这个王国外面有太多的危险。来这里已经把自己安置在一个很大的风险中。)】
&&&&& &I can't marry this guy! He's a total jerk!(我不能嫁给这个男人。他是一个蠢猪!)
&&&&&&& 【Lewis: M-Milady..! How rude!~He's standing right there! Please think a little bit more before you speak.(我的女士. . !多么粗鲁的话语!他就站在那里!请在你说话之前想多一点点。)】
Joseph: The wedding will take place in a month from now. Like I said,if you don't want go through with this, then you and your elf servant must leave.(婚礼将于一个月后。就像我说的,如果你不想完成这个,那么你和你的仆人离开。)
Joseph: Since the princess seems to be still making up her mind, you two can stay at the empty houses on the west part of the village. We're done now,right? Good night.(公主似乎仍然在安慰她自己,你们两个可以留在西边的空房子。现在该做的,对吗?晚安,各位。
Lewis: Wow. This house is actually pretty nice. Wasn't it nice of the king to let us stay in it?(哇。这房子是很可爱的。他是个好国王,那么让我们的停留在这里吗?)
Lewis: ...Milady.Please don't look at me like that. I only did all of that to protect you.(。。。我的女士,请别那样看着我。我只做一切都为了保护你。)
&& *选择:
&&&&& &How is marrying him supposed to protect me?!(嫁给他怎么会是保护我?!)
&&&&&& 【Lewis: H-he wouldn't of had let us stayed if I didn't say thdt you would marry him! He did say that the only thing worth gaining to him from the Lunar Kingdom were relations with the royalty...(如果我没有说你会嫁给他他不会让我们住的!他说,我们现在的唯一价值是他从我们这里获得与月球王国皇室的关系&&)】
&&&&& &I can look at you however I want!(只要我想,我就能看到你。)
&&&&&& 【Lewis: *sigh*You have every right to be angry. Forgive me. I didn't know what else I could have said to convince him into letting us stay here(*叹气*你有理由生气。原谅我。我不知道还有什么理由能让我能说说服他让我们呆在这里)】
Lewis: It's getting late and you've been through a lot today. I think it's about time for us to get some rest. I'll be in the house next door so don't worry. Sweet dreanms,Milady.(天色已晚,今天你已经经历了很多。我认为是时候该让我们得到一些休息。我会在隔壁屋子里所以别担心。我亲爱的女士。)
Rose: Z...z...z...z...z...(*睡眠声*)
Rose: *yawn*What time is it? just how long did I sleep for anyway?(*打哈欠*是什么时间?刚刚我睡了多长时间呢?)
Rose: Ah,come in!(啊,请进!)
Lewis: Good morning,Milady. Did you sleep well? (早上好,我的女士。你睡得好吗?)
Rose: Huh? Your outfit...y-you already got new clothes?(嗯?你的衣服&&你已经有新衣服了吗?)
Lewis: Yes! I ran into some very kind people this morning. I was even able to get you a new dress!(是的!今天早上我遇到了一些非常好的人。我甚至得到了你的新衣服!)
【【Got new item!(有新的项目)】】
Rose: Ew. It's pink...and why did you get me a dress? I'm not living in a casyle anymore. Can't I just wear pants or something?(额,它是粉红色的&&不能给我一件和你一样衣服吗?我不是生活在城堡里了。我就不能穿裤子还是什么吗?)
Lewis: P-pink?!This isn't pink! It's fuchsia! And of course you can't wear pants!! You're still a princess! You must dress appropriately!(粉红色吗? !这不是粉红色!这是紫红色!当然,你可以不穿裤子! !你还是一个公主!你必须穿着得体!)
Rose:*sigh*Fine. But aren't pink and fuchsia pretty much the same thing?(*叹气*好。但是没有除了粉色和紫红色的其他事情吗?)
Lewis: It doesn't matter,Milady. I think that this color will look nice on you. Now hurry up and get dressed! We should go back to the castle to pay King Joseph a visit。(没关系,我的女士。我认为这种颜色对你来说很好看。现在快起来穿衣服!我们应该回到城堡访问国王约瑟夫。)
Rose: Wh-what?! No way? Why would I ever want to see that jerk again?(为什么? !不能不去?为什么我要看到那个混蛋?)
Lewis: You're going to marry him,aren't you?You should at least try to get to know him. Maybe he was just in a bad mood yesterday. Just give him another chance!(你要嫁给他,不是吗?你至少应该试着去了解他。也许昨天他只是心情不好。只要给他一次机会!)
Rose:Okay,okay! I'll do it! Just get out of here so that I can change already!(好吧,好吧!我会做的!只是离开这里,这样我就可以改变这件事了!)
Lewis: That's the spirit,Milady! I'll go on ahead actually. We'll meet up at the castle,okay?(这精神很好,我的女士!我现在去前面。我们会在城堡见面的,好吗?)
Rose:Hey,Lewis. Is something wrong? (嘿,路易斯。有什么问题吗?)
Lewis: Ah,Milady!It's King Joseph...he...he's gone...!(啊,我的女士!国王约瑟夫&他&他走了&&!)
Lewis: Nooo!Don't tell me that you were secretly hoping for that to happen!Here,I found this note on his throne...(不不不!不要告诉我,你是偷偷地希望这样的事发生!在这里,我发现这个在他的宝座上&&)
【【信的内容:I went to go take care of some bvsiness.I'll be back before the wedding.--Joseph Knight(我去照顾一些业务。我将回来在婚礼前。&&约瑟夫&奈特)】】
Rose:So what?He'll be back.I't not like he's gone forever.(所以什么?他会回来的。我没有不喜欢他的一去不复返。)
Lewis: B-but...now you can't get to know him!*sigh*I guess the only thing you can do now is wait for him to return.(但是&&现在你不能去了解他!*哎*我想你唯一能做的就是等待他回来了。)
Rose:Whatever.I've had enough of this.I'm going out for a walk.(不管。我已经受够了这里。我要出去散步。)
Lewis: A-an!Please be careful,Milady!(啊!请小心,我的女士!)


