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近日,开发商 Esquilax Games ..
说到方块游戏,相信有很多朋友应该还会记得 Gavina Games 早...
近日,开发商 Esquilax Games ..
说到方块游戏,相信有很多朋友应该还会记得 Gavina Games 早...
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蒙特祖玛的宝藏 3 HD (The Treasures of Montezuma 3 HD)
匹配令牌即可解开 蒙特祖玛的宝藏 3 中不可思议的财富! 蒙特祖玛的宝藏 3 拥有的关卡超过 200 个,惊人的视觉效果、爆炸音频以及到达了休闲游戏美工之巅的出色背景,它将重磅出击,成为组合消除游戏迷绝对不容错过的游戏! 蒙特祖玛的宝藏 3 将以新方式挑战您的技巧, 您需要努力在一分钟内尽可能多地获得点数。魔法图腾将回报丰富, 且比以前更加强大, 可帮助玩家获得无数的连击。战略性地使用图腾的法力, 可帮助您获得足够的高分以赢得魔法之星, 魔法之星可以帮助您将奖励物品升级到最优!您可以完成某些关卡之间出现的不限时谜题, 以便获得更多的魔法之星。不要错过屡获殊荣的蒙特祖玛系列中最引人入胜的消除游戏!, 游戏功能: ◇ 160 个关卡 ◇ 42 个令人绞尽脑汁的谜题关卡 ◇ 休闲和专家两种难度模式 ◇ 五个宝藏屋 ◇ 40 个宝箱 ◇ 22 个奖杯 ◇ 惊人的视觉效果 ◇ 不可思议的音效
愤怒的小鸟季节版 HD Angry Birds Seasons HD
Angry Birds 中正在庆祝世界各地独特的季节性活动,快来参加吧! 尽享令人爱不释手的 Angry Birds 物理法则游戏,融入跌宕剧情。有最新更新了。独行弹弓,横空出世,迎战维京猪猪,尽在全新冒险风格篇章:漂泊猪!
最新篇章:漂泊猪! 12 月 1 日到 25 日,全新维京主题关卡,一天赏玩一个。 -新增 25 个关卡,外加 2 个金蛋关卡,供您赏玩! - 假期将至,大红的北欧表兄托尼,前来共度佳节! - 新任务,新成就!
除了“漂泊猪”篇章,您还可以下载赏玩: - 31 个主题篇章(包括超酷的奖励内容)! - 超过 925 个激烈的打猪猪关卡! - 独有的强化道具,让您在艰难的关卡中也能所向披靡! - 惊喜蛋蛋!一周之内,在四个手动挑选的经典关卡中,收集四颗星星(没错,就是四颗!),即可孵化出一枚惊喜蛋蛋。蛋蛋里满满的都是奖品,到了猪猪大挑战时,就有用了! - 猪猪大挑战!独有的周末锦标赛,在这里,您与好友,可以一比高低,看谁才是真正的弹鸟高手!这有些像猪猪日,差别是与好友一起游戏! Angry Birds 的下载次数已超过 20 亿次,是有史以来人气最高的移动游戏系列。赶快加入到这风靡全球的活动中来吧!
在 Facebook 上成为 Angry Birds 的粉丝:
在 Twitter 上关注我们:
使用条款: /eula 隐私政策: /privacy
*注意: Angry Birds Seasons 包含应用程序内购买选项。本游戏可能需要网络保持连接,随之可能产生数据传输费用。
本游戏可能包括: - 指向针对 13 岁以上受众的社交网站的直接链接。 - 将玩家带离游戏去浏览任何网页的互联网直接链接。 - Rovio 产品广告,以及来自精选合作伙伴的广告。 - 程序内购买选项。我们会始终与账单支付人事先确认。
涂鸦跳跃HD Doodle Jump HD
BE WARNED: Insanely addictive! "possibly the best iPhone game ever created" - Touch Arcade From prime-time sitcoms (BIG BANG THEORY) to late night TV (JIMMY FALLON) to a fashion accessory for pop stars (LADY GAGA), Doodle Jump is EVERYWHERE! It's a cultural craze, a hot new trend! The iPad version brings you all that you love in the original iPhone game with brilliantly rendered full screen iPad graphics, lush environments, and AWESOME iPad-only features including a special multiplayer racetrack theme!*********************************************In Doodle Jump, you guide Doodle the Doodler--using some of the most subtle and accurate tilt controls in existence--on a springy journey up, up, up a sheet of graph paper, picking up jet packs, avoiding black holes, and blasting baddies with nose balls along the way. Laugh with delight as Doodle(TM) blows past other players' actual score markers scribbled in the margins. And be warned: this game is insanely addictive. FEATURES: - 12 incredible worlds + SECRET easter eggs - broken, moving, disappearing, moveable, shifting, and EXPLODING platforms - JET PACKs, PROPELLER HATS, ROCKETS, and springs that fly you higher - UFOs, black holes, monsters, bear traps! - jump on monsters to bring them down MARIO-style - share your scores r - race agains friends! - global leaderboards, achievements! How to play: Tilt to move left or right, tap the screen to shoot. ______________________________________________________________________* BE WARNED: This game is INSANELY addictive!* Don't doodle jump and drive!
《FINAL FANTASY III》在iPad上堂堂登场!《FINAL FANTASY III》发售于1990年,是《FINAL FANTASY》系列的第三部作品。游戏在发售之初就得到了诸多好评,是FF系列中第一款销量突破百万的作品,有着非常重大的纪念意义。在2006年,该作品又以全3D效果重新制作,并且再次突破了百万销量。在本作中首次出现了能够随时根据状况变更当前职业的“转职系统”,以及能?召唤出希瓦、巴哈姆特等召唤兽的“召唤魔法”,这些要素在之后的系列作品中也一直继承了下去,并且已经成为了系列的最大特色之一。世界被黑暗所笼罩,光明正在逐渐消失。被水晶所选中的4名少年即将踏上冒险的旅程。--------------------------------------------游戏特点?背景等3D图像在iPad的机能下均焕然一新,剧情也做出了相应的修整。?SQUARE-ENIX公司积累至今的iPhone用RPG制作经验在本作中得以充分利用,用触摸的方式也能令游戏时的操作手感更加流畅。?能够更加方便地查看怪物图鉴等游戏数据资料。?顶级职业***的设计焕然一新。 ?用户界面调整为最适合iPad使用。--------------------------------------------?注意!在系统升级到iOS 5的过程中,本游戏的“中断存档”会被删除。所以请大家在准备升级之前,先在游戏内利用“储存”来保存游戏进度,之后再开始进行升级操作。
索尼克世嘉全明星赛车 Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing
Touch Arcade -- “如果你喜欢卡丁赛车,直接下载吧,妥妥的!”
10/10 Pocket Gamer -- “索尼克世嘉全明星赛车,独一无二。”
5/5 Slide to Play -- “…超过其他任何iOS卡丁车游戏”
5/5 Tap! -- “毫无疑问,iOS上最棒的卡丁车游戏,同时也是我们最喜欢的iOS游戏之一”
4.5/5 148 Apps -- “游戏几乎做得面面俱到”
4.5/5 TouchGen -- “在App Store中,索尼克世嘉全明星赛车提供了最棒的卡丁车比赛体验”
通过25个任务来提升你的技巧,紧接着在三场Grand Prix Cups(大奖赛)中赢得胜利。还不满足?在决斗模式中向你的对手发起一场决斗吧!
现在随着植入的Game Center和Open Feint,你可以上传自己的游戏纪录,与他人一绝高下,甚至攀上排行榜的第一名。
用iPhone4S/iPad2 以上版本,对应HDMI输出的手机,来体验TV特效的超级震撼赛车游戏吧!
*需要Apple产***转接器或者Apple TV。
Check out these other great SEGA titles on iOS!
-Football Manager Handheld 2012
-Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I
-Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 2
-Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2
-ChuChu Rocket!
-Streets of Rage 1, 2, and 3
-Golden Axe 1, 2, and 3
粘粘世界 HD World of Goo HD
"iPad Game of the Year" - TouchArcade
"iPad Game of the Year" - MetaCritic
IMPORTANT: This is a big game and requires either an iPad, or iPhone 3GS or newer, or a 3rd gen iPod Touch or newer. It must be downloaded over a Wi-Fi connection.
Beautiful and surprising, the millions of Goo Balls who live in the World of Goo are curious to explore - but they don't know that they are in a game, or that they are extremely delicious.
This is the FULL award winning game, now on iPad. Drag and drop living, squirming, talking, globs of goo to build structures, bridges, cannonballs, zeppelins, and giant tongues.
Mysterious Levels - Each level is strange and dangerously beautiful, introducing new puzzles, areas, and the creatures that live in them.
World of Goo Balls - Along the way, undiscovered new species of Goo Ball, each with unique abilities, come together to ooze through reluctant tales of discovery, love, conspiracy, beauty, electric power, and the third dimension.
The Sign Painter - Someone is watching you.
World of Goo Corporation - Congratulations! World of Goo Corporation is the Global Leader in Goo and Goo Related Product, including World of Goo Corporation Trademark Brand Soft Drink Beverage and World of Goo Corporation Trademark Brand Facial Exfoliating Lotion. Succulent!
Massive Online Competition - Human players around the world compete in a living leaderboard to build the tallest towers of goo in World of Goo Corporation's mysterious sandbox. World of Goo Corporation is contractually obligated to state that everyone is a winner and is enthusiastic to celebrate everyone's tower building opportunities equally.
Congratulations, and good luck!
Awards and recognition for World of Goo:
* Best Design -Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences
* Best Downloadable Title -Game Developers Choice Awards
* Best Design -Independent Games Festival
* Technical Excellence -Independent Games Festival
* Best Indie Game -Spike TV Video Game Awards
* Game of the Year -Rock Paper Shotgun
* Game of the Year -GameTunnel
* Wii Game of the Year -IGN
* Best PC Puzzle Game -IGN
* Best Wii Puzzle Game -IGN
* Best Artistic Design Wii -IGN
* Best New IP Wii -IGN
* Most Innovative Design Wii -IGN
* Puzzler of the Year -Golden Joystick Awards
EDGE Extended
Mobigame's multi-awarded and critically loved game is back! EDGE Extended introduces a brand new 3D graphics engine, 48 original levels, 23 unique tunes and new gameplay mechanics.See the gameplay video at :www.mobigame.net Develop your telekinetic strength by pushing a Cube within a geometric universe.Platforms, enigmas and reflexes combine to make EDGE Extended a rich and very comprehensive game.- An original game ideally suited for mobile devices- 48 levels to challenge + 15 bonus levels- 23 unique tunes!- New 3D graphic engine optimized for Retina display- Multi Sampling Anti Aliasing (4xMSAA)- A simple, addictive game for every type of playerTry our other games: Zombie Tsunami, Perfect Cell, Cross Fingers, Truckers Delight. Follow us /Mobigame Visit us on http://www.mobigame.net
武士2:复仇 Samurai II: Vengeance
《武士2:复仇》,狂指游戏4周年纪念增强版期待已久的续作《Samurai: Way of the Warrior》最终不负众望,在 iPhone 和 iPad 上闪亮登场! 原著因其极具漫画风格的画面和干净利落、充满血腥的游戏广受玩家好评,而《Samurai II》则会提供更多动作招式并新增更直观的控制模式。《Samurai: Way of the Warrior》被苹果 (Apple) 选为 2009 年度最佳游戏。经过一年多的倾力开发,《Samurai II》成为原著实至名归的接班人。 凭借整体作品质量和极具攻击性的动作招式,《Samurai II》与单机版三维格斗游戏不相上下。 截屏并不能充分体现《Samurai II》,使用速度为每秒 60 帧的 Retina 显示屏或 iPad 屏幕方可展示其流畅利落的动作。光动眼不动手,游戏品质便会停滞不前。开发者们积极聆听玩家反馈并及时对整体游戏进行改良。 通过新增的虚拟导航键、动态摄像头、环境谜团、机关陷阱和穷凶极恶的新型敌人,《Samurai II》会为砍杀类游戏玩家们带来全新体验。《Samurai II》将派出主角 Daisuke 来到饱受战争之苦的村庄展开一系列的复仇。 从一个航海村到一个空中堡垒再到传说中的死亡之岛,复仇武士勇往直前,对他的死敌 Orochi 穷追猛打。 武士能否完成复仇计划?特性:* 通用应用程序 - 支持 iPhone 3G、iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4、iPod Touch 3G 和 iPad。 我们对游戏进行优化处理,可充分利用各种设备的优势。* 直观化虚拟操纵杆可让您毋须不断触摸屏幕就能轻松粉碎敌人。* 动态摄像头为每场精彩对决提供最佳视野,在专注于动作的基础上增添多样性。* 紧张、干净利落、血腥的搏斗画面!使用新式武器,亮出独门绝学,使屏幕上的敌人节节败退。保持敏捷并规划攻击 - 闪躲到安全地带,在周围敌人(如武士弓箭手)发起进攻前消灭他们。* 改良包括新功能在内的游戏设置。破解环境谜团、跳过危险陷阱并发掘有用武器装备。战斗正在进行 - 不必担心,在运用平台交流或使用道具时,战斗不会退居后台运行。* RPG 元素用于奖励技巧娴熟的玩家 - 改善 Samurai 的健康状况、购买新式连击并将他们升级到毁灭性等级。* 各个等级之间,华丽的动画风格漫画板通过原始手绘艺术品展现武士的曲折故事。* 新增的生存模式让武士与铺天盖地而来的敌人进行殊死较量,为铁杆玩家提供积分竞赛模式,以便提高他们的技能。 两个游戏合二为一!* iPhone 4G、iPod 4G 和 iPad 的速度为每秒 60 帧。* 高级人工智能系统与家用游戏不相上下。 目标导向行动规划架构广泛应用于 PC、PS3 和 Xbox 360 游戏中。*《Samurai II》是通过 Unity 3D 3.0 引擎研发而成,这是目前可用于移动设备的最新技术。* 苹果游戏中心支持,包括“排行榜”和“成就”。* 原声音乐 - 在经典武士电影风格中,轻音乐与热火朝天的战斗场面交相辉映。特别感谢: ImNoSuperMan、PureSkill、Squarezero、Rocco、eggzbacon、Prab
TowerMadness HD
The most downloaded 3D tower defense strategy game on the iPhone has been enhanced for the iPad and includes split-screen multiplayer!
Winner of the prestigious Pocket Gamer Readers' Choice iPad Game of the Year Award! Evil aliens are coming to turn your beloved sheep into intergalactic scarves!
Protect the flock using only quick thinking and the arsenal of upgradeable weaponry at your disposal.
"Addictive, time-sucking fun. There are plenty of tower defense strategy games out there, but TowerMadness brings the genre to a new level."- Brian X Chen, Wired"If you’re a fan of Tower Defense games, do yourself a huge favor and check out TowerMadness."- Jon Phillips, MacLife"It would be madness to miss this game...it comes highly recommended."- Spanner Spencer, PocketGamer o WINNER, Best App Ever Awards, Best Strategy Gameo FINALIST, Pocket Gamer Awards, Best Strategy/Simulation Gameo A Wired Favorite iPhone Appo A MacLife App of the Year A UNIQUE 3D TOWER DEFENSE EXPERIENCEPlay from an aerial view or zoom down to first person and get close to the action.LOTS OF LEVELSOver 100 maps in diverse environments (35 available as expansion map packs).
ALIENS!Think fast to defeat the 17 different types of alien enemies intent on stealing your sheep.GUNS, LOTS OF GUNSOver 60 diverse weapons and upgrades.ENDLESS FUNEndless mode lets you see how many waves you PETITIONGlobal leaderboards, Game Center achievements, and Friend Scores so you can compare scores with your friends and the millions of players worldwide.LET’S SEE THAT AGAIN!Replays let you learn new strategies or share your games with the world through Twitter, Facebook, or email.LOCAL MULTIPLAYERTwo-player split screen battle mode featuring RoboSteal, the sheep stealing alien robot you can unleash upon your opponent.CUSTOMER LOYALTY BONUSTransfer any in app purchases made in the iPhone version of TowerMadness to TowerMadness HD for FREE! Visit
for details.Search for our other award-winning games: Zombie Gunship and Nuts!
Sentinel 3: Homeworld
The biggest instalment of the highly acclaimed Sentinel sci-fi tower defense series!* Metacritic Metascore: 87!* WINNER: Best App Ever Awards 2010 Best iPad Strategy Game! * GOLD AWARD Winner: PocketGamer!* 2nd Place: Best App Ever Awards 2010 Best iPhone Strategy Game!* Pocket Gamer's Top 10 iPhone games 2010!* iPhone Quality Index Top 10 iPhone games 2010!* Know Your Mobile's Top 10 smartphone games 2010!***** Look out for SENTINEL 4: DARK STAR, coming early 2013! *****Take the fight to the alien homeworld and unleash a massive arsenal of weaponry!FEATURES* UNIVERSAL build - play on ALL iPhones, iPod Touches & iPads!* A challenging campaign featuring 20 levels across 14 distinctive & demanding maps!* A powerful commander mech which can level up and gain new abilities as you play!* Over 20 unlockable turrets, orbital ship weapons, automated drones and abilities at your disposal!* IAP offers a new 15 level campaign, new commander, new weapons, new enemies and more!* Customize your weapon loadout in the Armory to match the demands of the mission!* Stunning graphics & fx - with full high-resolution Retina Display support!* Endless modes for all maps with online highscores.* Classic mode allows you to compete for scores in a pure skill-based game mode.* Game Center integrated for achievements & score leaderboards!* Exclusive music by the creators of the Sentinel 2 music - Specimen A.* Completely reworked and revamped game engine.Good luck, Commander!REVIEWSpocketgamer.co.uk - GOLD AWARD"A game of immense quality, Sentinel 3: Homeworld represents the best of the tower defence genre with both depth and immediate action."Featured in PocketGamer's Top 10 iPhone Games Of 2010!touchreviews.net"The Tower Defense Game that all TD games will now be measured by."VIDEO & MORE INFO/sentinel3** Look out for SENTINEL 4: DARK STAR, coming early 2013! **
坚守阵地 HD Fieldrunners for iPad
Experience this award winning tower defense game like never before!
Stop the invading fieldrunners by creating mazes out of powerful weapons in this classic strategy game.
Control the battlefield using limitless strategies and a diverse selection of upgradeable towers!AWARDS--o "Best Mobile Game Award!" 2009 IGF Mobile o "Excellence in Art Award!" 2009 IGF Mobileo #1 in “Top 10 Must Have Games” Gizmodo CRITICAL ACCLAIM--o TIME Magazine - “Top 10 Video Games of 2008” o PC Magazine - "Must-Have iPhone Games" o EDGE Magazine - “Top 30 of 2008”o Boston Herald - “#3 iPhone Game of 2008”OVERVIEW--The invasion begins!
Pint sized soldiers are storming your country - do you have what it takes to defeat them?
Customize your strategic defenses using a wide selection of powerful weapons.
Control the battlefield with a vast array of tactics against countless waves of unique land and air invaders! Countless hours of entertainment and replayable challenges! Do you have what it takes to stop the fieldrunners and rise to the top as the ultimate tower defense champion? KEY FEATURES--o Addictive gameplay for hours of action!o Multiplayer maps let you play with friends!o Over 800 waves across 8 unique battlefields!o All DLC maps from the iPhone version included free of charge in the iPad version!o 11 devastating weapons for ultimate defenses!o Stunning visuals in a hyper detailed world!o Perfectly balanced challenges!o Epic amounts of achievements!o Full Game Center integration!CONTACT SUBATOMIC STUDIOS--o Twitter: @Fieldrunnerso Facebook: /fieldrunnerso Web: o Forums: /forumo Email: info[THANK YOU--Everyone here at Subatomic Studios thanks you for playing our first game! Please rate Fieldrunners to show your support.
Gravity Guy HD
Download the #FreeAppADay Store App and wish for more top rated apps like Gravity Guy to be featured on FAAD!
In a world where gravity laws were broken, a brave guy, was held captive for defying the rules. Not happy, he decided to escape, being the first one to run for his life flipping gravity at will.
o He became known as the Gravity Guy o
Being chased by Gravity troops, Gravity Guy cant stop, he has to keep running and its your job to guide him through an impossible world of mazes, flipping gravity when needed.
This fast paced and frustratingly addictive adventure features 30 challenging levels, and 3 different worlds, and guarantees you many long hours of fun!
o Amazing graphics
o Game Center Leader Boards and Achievements
o Local multiplayer mode up to 4 players
o Online multiplayer mode for 2 players
o Three game modes Story, Practice and Endless
o Game music, which automatically switches itself off at start when playing other music on your iPod/iPhone
o Local+Global high-scores lists
o Interactive tutorial to learn how to play
Try also the free web version of Gravity Guy on our website:
国难当前,惊惧须弃!**PocketGamer:“高清画面,极具娱乐性的行动以及疯狂多人游戏的完美结合。”智能手机上最好最真实的FPS系列游戏王者归来,带来更加紧张的体验和启示性的战争----为了美国的自由而战,可参与单人或多人游戏。在硝烟弥漫的战场上,成为英雄 o 在从洛杉矶到巴基斯坦的13个任务战役中英勇奋战。o AAA级故事剧本,让你见证多个永生难忘的经典时刻。 o 体验多种游戏玩法:护送、摧毁、直升机、4x4追逐……最令人沉醉的真实战争体验o 智能手机上最具深度和最直观的FPS游戏玩法再次改进,加入了冲刺和滑动功能。 o 体验次世代视频渲染技术,感受前所未有的环境渲染。 o 经改进的特效和配音,让你沉醉于启示性的情境之中。 体验智能手机上最佳多人游戏o 进入多人游戏战场,支持12名玩家对战,6幅地图和7种模式可供选择。 o 使用你的定制武器,奋力爬上排行榜前列,仅靠等级可是远远不够的。_____________________________________________欢迎浏览我们的官方网站:。围观Gameloft中国官方微博:/gameloftchina,了解更多即将发布的精彩活动和游戏。欢迎点击/gameloftchina,在优酷网站上观看我们的视频和游戏预告片。浏览我们的中文官方博客http://glft.co/Gameloft_Official_Blog,获得更多Gameloft的独家新闻。
狂野飙车6- 火线追击 HD
在New iPad的Retina显示技术和提升后的视觉效果下,准备好“驾驭人生”!《狂野飙车》(Asphalt)系列最新作为您带来前所未有的燃情赛车体验,更有专为展现New iPad全部潜力而打造的全新特点!更多精彩,尽在New iPad狂野飙车从未像此时扣人心弦,得益于赛车实时反射效果,带来更加丰富的表面纹理表现的高光和凹凸贴图,更加真实的阴影,赛车加速和碰撞时的电影模糊效果,更深的景深,改进后的烟雾、碰撞等颗粒效果,以及使3D物体边角显示更加平滑的反锯齿效果。创建梦想车队将法拉利、兰博基尼、阿斯顿马丁、杜卡迪等世界知名制造商提供的42辆豪华赛车和摩托车纳入您的车库。挑战好友在线/本地多人模式可容纳6名玩家,便于您和好友共享挑战。提升在线排名,争当世界第一!绝尘而去充分利用Retina显示技术,全由高清图像建模的洛杉矶、东京、巴哈马等知名城市赛道美轮美奂,栩栩如生,任你玩转车轮。巅峰对决时刻紧盯您的赛道:11项联赛、55场赛事中皆是强劲高手。完美改装充分利用改装配件,让您的爱车在各赛道上表现绝佳。您还可以用各种贴纸将赛车装扮出您的风格。 -----欢迎浏览我们的官方网站:围观Gameloft中国官方微博:/gameloftchina,了解更多即将发布的精彩活动和游戏。欢迎点击/gameloftchina,在优酷网站上观看我们的视频和游戏预告片。浏览我们的中文官方博客.cn/gameloftchina,获得更多Gameloft的独家新闻。
吴舒婷 QQ:
健康游戏忠告:抵制不良游戏 拒绝盗版游戏 注意自我保护 谨防受骗上当 适度游戏益脑 沉迷游戏伤身 合理安排时间 享受健康生活


