the post thepostofficee is ...

In the tiny village of Angelica, New York, the post office is more
than a place to get mail or send packages. There you’ll find the heart of this
lovely community. It’s where villagers meet and greet friends.&&&&&
When Angelica’s post office was threatened with being closed in the
1980s,a villager,Pat, came up with a plan to
save it. “At Christmas time I would hear on the news about towns named Snow or Bethlehem having celebrations,” says Pat, “Why couldn’t we do the same thing with
Pat, who is an artist,created a postal cancellation (邮戳) design featuring an Angelica angel.
She drew her angels in a traditional fashion and submitted her
suggestion to the U.S. Postal Service. Once approved, the drawing was carved
into a cancellation stamp that could be used for one day only. The postmistress
(女邮局局长) then had
another idea to make the day even more special calling the post office Angel
The large increase in mail amount saved Angelica’s post office from
being closed and keeps the doors open today.
Now it’s tradition that on the first Friday in December,people come to Angelica to mail
their Christmas cards. Each year the amount of mail going through the Angelica
Post Office increases during late November and early December. Stamp collectors
from around the world have accepted the Angel Station cancellation, some
sending mail from as far away as France.
Because the stamp is destroyed each season, Pat draws a new angel
that conveys season’s greetings from Angel Station every year. Post offices may
close in other parts of the country, but this tiny one continues.
25. What did Pat do to save the post office?
A. She invented a new cancellation.&&&&&& B.
She hosted Christmas celebrations.
C. She gave the office a better name.&&& D. She
designed a special set of stamps.
26. Which of the following can best describe Pat?
A. Stubborn and determined.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
Humorous and intelligent.
C. Curious and friendly.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
Creative and warm-hearted.
27. What can we learn about Angelica’s post office from the passage?
A. It was complately closed in the 1980s.
B. Its name has been changed many times.
C. Its stamp remains the same each season.
D. It is also the centre of local social life.
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the post office is __________ fifth avenue填介词
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