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  【}维修服务中心介绍】名表维修服务中心  【全国服务***:400-677-0155】名表维修服务中心,是中国地区专注于为各大瑞士和德系名表提供全国售后服务中心的行业资讯中心,以及各个独立制表机构建立了完善的售后维修服务体系,提供手表品牌集团旗下产品覆盖北京、上海、广州、成都、沈阳、武汉、深圳、郑州、济南、南昌、合肥、南京、天津、杭州、厦门、青岛、哈尔滨 排名不分先后)等全国十几个大中城市的服务维修服务点。
★手表保养 ★走时误差 ★手表进水 ★外观损坏 ★名表鉴定 ★更换零件
  4、不要将手表放在功放、音响、电视机上,以免磁化。(以一块老旧 31S/D五号盾牌放在音响附近,十天后竟然变慢了,消磁后又基本恢复原状)
  如果石英电子手表受了潮,可取若干小块氯化钙,用纱布包好;然后打开电子表盖,将包好的氯化钙和电子表一并放入一个不漏气的塑料袋或玻璃瓶内,密封。一般 3个小时左右即可除潮,使电子表恢复正常。对于受潮严重的表可适当延长吸潮时间。(未验证亦未有过受潮情况,待有幸碰上后再进行更新)
1, wearing a watch, hand sweat is corrosive to the case.
is the steel casebecause of Ni Cr alloy, better anti corrosion performance, a steel case is copper, long-term and sweat contact, easy corrosion, often should use soft cloth to wipe the sweat orpad plastic table support to prevent its being sweat erosion. (think of the wrist watch often new people may wish to try)
2, do not open the back cover, so as to avoid the dust into the movement of the movement to affect the normal work of the watch. Open the cover of the table is prone to problems, such as water resistance, so can not open the lid as far as possible not to open
3, don't put the timepiece in mothballs in the wardrobe, in order to avoid the deterioration of the oil table. (verify that there is a difficulty)
4, do not put the watch on the power amplifier, audio, TV, so as not to magnetization. (with a piece of old
31S/D No. five shield brand word on the stereo
near ten days was slow, and the basic form of restitution after degaussing)
5, long-term storage does not wear watches, should be a regular monthly spring.
automatic movement watch should be gently swinging back and forth for a few minutes or worn on the wrist for a period of time to the wind. The part is not in a static state for a long time, so as to ensure the running performance of the machine. (this method can keep the mobility of lubricant in movement)
6, the ordinary mechanical watches by the tide can use dry cotton on thewatch, with a 40 watt bulb and bake for 5 minutes, and the moisture can all be evaporated.
if the quartz electronic watches the tide desirable pieces of calcium chloride, then open the electronic table cover wrapthe calcium chloride and electronic form in an airtight plastic bag or bottle seal. General 3 hours or so can be in addition to the tide, so that the electronic table to return to normal. For damp serious form can be extended to absorb moisture time. (not verified also had not been affected by moisture, to be lucky enough to meet after the update)
7, received a beloved watch, remove the outer packaging, do you want to save the packaging box with a good protective watch.
These protective box
watches, watches can give the most protection in ordinary not wearing, avoid watchis broken or be collision, so the box reserved is absolutely necessary, and advice on weekdays not wear a watch, a habit is put into the box, can greatly reduce the probability of damage of the watch. (right, just step on the above feeling can not adapt to the 2 day, and then basically put on the table)
8, usually the best not to wear the same watch every day.
should be more prepared to use several different watches, in addition to a rich personal shape, but also to avoid dust, body scale concentrated in the same watch on the. For the leather watchband, the more careful care, so as not to cause frequent use everyday watch strap wear pull, so even if the surface of the new watch looks very old.
9, wears the watch on his wrist to sleep, if the watch is luminous watch, will bring bad effects to the body.
This is because the
luminescent material and luminous dial pointer table painted, is mainly a mixture of zinc sulfide and radium, radium emits rays can stimulate ZnS crystal light sleep, if wearing a table, the body will be eight to nine hours of radium radiation, have certain harm to human body. Therefore, before going to bed, put down the best luminous table, on the table.
10, table cover renovation.
watch has been marked out a lot of stripes, you can drop one or two drops of water on the table, and then squeeze a little toothpaste rub, you can remove the lines and make the surface as a new.
Please pay attention to more
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  【济南服务地址】:济南市历下区泉城路180号齐鲁国际大厦B座10楼-1005 室(天地坛街贵和购物中心对面)
  【北京服务地址】:北京市西城区西外大街1号西直门西环广场T2办公楼7楼7C4 (凯德茂购物中心)
【免费项目】 手表消磁 手表防水测试 手表电压检测 手表外观清洗 手表检测快慢 手表表带截取***。
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