wow atlasloot地图集的问题

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→ 魔兽7.0高清地图替换插件AtlasWorldMap v7.0.3
魔兽7.0高清地图替换插件AtlasWorldMap v7.0.3
装机必备软件About Atlas
Atlas is an addon for World of Warcraft that includes detailed maps for every instance in the game. Originally, Blizzard neglected to include maps for instances. However, after a number of years Blizzard began to include official maps for some instances. These official maps are in the same hand-drawn style as the built-in world maps. Conversely, the Atlas maps are based on data used by the minimap, which provides a more detailed, accurate, and colorful representation. You can think of this as the difference between a street map and a satellite image.
Furthermore, while the built-in maps mark the locations of some major bosses, Atlas provides detailed and accurate information about all of the creatures, NPCs, objects, and events you'll encounter in each dungeon. General information about each zone is provided as well, including its location, level range, player limit, attenuation requirement, and associated faction. All entrances, exits, portals, and connections are labelled clearly. Because there are so many instances in the game, you can categorize them by type, level, number of players, continent, or expansion.
Finally, in addition to instances, Atlas comes with a handful of optional components that add even more maps. These include outdoor encounter maps, global transportation maps, dungeon location maps, and battleground maps. Each optional component can be enabled, disabled or removed individually. A number of third-party Atlas extensions are available as well, which further augment the functionality of Atlas. AtlasLoot is the most popular of these, providing detailed drop and item information for every encounter, but there are also packages for quest information and major city maps as well.
or contact Arith to get some more details. Currently Atlas has been translated into following languages:
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Image Gallery&>>&&>>&&>>&
& Atlas副本地图、任务、BOSS掉落查询插件
& 插件介绍:副本地图、任务、BOSS掉落查询
&&& 在正确的*** Atlas 后,你可以在微缩地图周围发现一个新的图标,这个图标看起来像是一个球形的一部分(你可以按住鼠标右键对这个图标在微缩地图周围进行拖动)。单击这个图标就可以打开 Atlas 的主窗口,里面显示了地图以及位置信息,同时你也可使使用命令“/atlas”来打开主窗口。在窗口上部的下拉菜单可以帮助你在不同的地图之间进行切换。你也可以拖动 Atlas 主窗口以移动它的位置,在右上方的锁形按钮可以使主窗口的位置锁定。
在文字信息下方有一个小型的文本输入框以及“搜索”和“重置”按钮,在文本框内输入首领名或其它文字并点击“搜索”按钮后,文字信息将会只显示符合您输入的字符的信息——需要注意的是搜索功能仅对当前浏览的地图有效,并不是搜索数据库内的全部内容。搜索功能对于怒焰裂谷这样的小型副本作用甚微,但是对于诸如黑石深渊这样的副本或 AtlasMajorCities 增强插件而言,该功能将会是获取有效信息的得力助手。如果你想使整个文本信息复原,只需要点击“重置”按钮。
设置命令: /atlas 打开副本地图/atlasloot 打开掉落查询/aq 任务查询
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