
09-09-23 &
动加满你的机器人可以通过修改机器人的配置文件来实现,具体方法: 进入d:\games\cs1.5\cstrike\podbot(举个例子,比如我的CS是***在D盘的games文件夹下),找到podbot.cfg,用记事本打开,找到addbot这几个字,这是一条命令,每执行依次就会增加一个机器人,你会看到默认有7个addbot,就是你建好网后自动添加7个机器人,如果要自动加满机器人,就写31个addbot进去吧,修改后整个podbot.cfg如下: # This is the Pod-Bot Config File (for HL Counter-Strike) # # Any line begining with '#' in the first column is a comment line # # Make sure no Line exceeds 80 Characters !!! # # The following commands are supported in the bot.cfg file: # # All arguments in square Brackets are optional if you don't # specify them a random value will be chosen # # pause &timeout& - pause for the specified number of seconds before # continuing with the commands in the bot.cfg file. # # min_bots &value& - configure the minimum number of bots that will run # on this dedicated server. # # max_bots &value& - configure the maximum number of bots that will run # on this dedicated server. # # minbotskill &value& - Sets the minimum Skill if Bots are created without # specifying the Skill (0-100) # maxbotskill &value& - Sets the maximum Skill if Bots are created without # specifying the Skill. Must be bigger than minbotskill # of course ! # # botchat &on|off& - Turns on/off Botchatting. Bots chat if they killed # someone, if the Bomb was planted or if they are dead # and bored. NOTICE: BotChat.txt must be there even if # Botchat is turned off ! # # addbot [skill] [team] [name] - Adds a Bot using a Skill from 0-100, # team is 1 for Terrorists, 2 for Counter Terrorists and 5 to # use auto-assign, name is of course the name for this Bot # If you don't specify the arguments, a random skill will be # chosen and the Bot will be auto-assigned with a Name he chooses # randomly from &Botnames.txt&. You can edit this File to add some # names you like better ! NOTICE: Don't delete BotChat.txt ! It will # be used !
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