counter strike,going probl...

Screen capture of a typical pop up video invoked via SiteMeter counter code
This post has nothing to do with solar energy, but I’ve recently noticed video pop up advertisements on several websites I manage, and have tracked the source of the problem to
visitor counter code installed on those sites.
I can’t find any mention of this problem on the web (since the videos don’t always pop up many sitemeter users probably haven’t realized where the videos are coming from), so I wanted to put something online for others to find.
When I examine a sitemeter counter with , I see the following code, which includes a gratuitous &iframe& tag for something from
&iframe width=+ height=+ frameborder=+ src=””&
The videos don’t appear on every page load (and might not appear for days at a time – maybe the pop ups are still in beta testing, or they don’t want to be too obvious), but on several occasions when a video did pop up, I examined the popup with firebug, and found that the html included javascript from sitemeter as well as code , ,
and/or ().
Additionally, if you go
a, video popup always appears (at least it did everytime I cancelled a sitemeter account today).
Note that the I normally use Firefox, but these popups also appear in Chrome. Curiously, they don’t seem to appear using Internet Explorer. Also, the sitemeter ‘contact’ page features a prominent link for ‘Advertising Opportunities’ through SiteMeter’s new partner, , so my initial thought that SiteMeter had merely been hacked was simply wishful thinking.
It would have been a brilliant hack – pushing ads on thousands of unsuspecting sites with a single hack (assuming sitemeter still has that many customers after ), but the pop ups are apparently intentional, perhaps now the ‘cost’ of a free sitemeter account.
I attempted to contact SiteMeter over a week ago to ask if there was a way to opt out of the gratuitous videos, but never received a response.
I suppose it’s possible that the videos are not imposed on premium (paid) Sitemeter accounts, but if you are using a free Sitemeter counter you may want to remove it from your site to avoid pushing annoying high-bandwidth advertisements at your visitors (update: popups have been on ).
SiteMeter’s fails to mention the insertion of popup video ads on client websites.
Below: code captured from a SiteMeter video popup frame uising Firebug:
&html& &head& &body& &div id=”container”& &div id=”player”& &div id=”viewport”&
&div id=”cover” style=”background-image: url(https://a3-/images03/11/c66cedbb6a7/full.jpg);”& &button&&/button& &/div&
&object id=”stage” width=+ height=+ border=+ data=”/new/common/swf/APIPlayer.2.13.334.91e9dce7d3a7aeca9880.swf” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”& &/div&
&div id=”control-bar”& &div id=”share-card”& &button id=”share-btn”& &button id=”ad-skipper”& &button id=”close-btn”&&/button& &a id=”logo” target=”_blank” href=”/myspace/video/dark-rooms-keep-it-inside-live-/″&&/a& &/div& &/div& &script src=”///ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.min.js”&
&script& &script src=”/new/common/js/embeds.D449D77ECF79B527E8DE.min.js”&
&iframe id=”scomm” width=+ height=+ src=”/new/common/html/scomm.782b85c048ff427bb592ac.html#scomm8″ style=”border: 0”&
&object id=”clipboard” width=+ height=+ border=+ data=”/new/common/swf/ZeroClipboard.9f4401cdc256b4c04cc0.swf” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”&
&script src=”/new/embeds/js/videoEmbed.8CA40CBBCAAEFF6E93B1950.min.js”& &/body& &/html& &/iframe&
&script src=”/analytics.js” type=”text/javascript”& &/body& &iframe width=+ scrolling=”no” height=+ frameborder=+ marginheight=+ marginwidth=+ style=”display:” src=”/log?trans=true&iframe=false&whl=5&wc=true&url=/default.asp&ref=/&iurl=&rnd=43;& &script src=”///imp/?l=169943&t=j&u=&r=&rnd=43;&
&iframe width=+ scrolling=”no” height=+ frameborder=+ marginheight=+ marginwidth=+ style=”display:” src=”/log?trans=true&iframe=false&whl=5&wc=true&url=/default.asp&ref=/&iurl=&rnd=43;& &script src=”///imp/?l=169943&t=j&u=&r=&rnd=43;& &/html&
& & & & & & &
Going Solar & 2015Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
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CS:GO PC Controller Problem
I know its weird to play CS:GO on PC with a Xbox 360 Controller but anyway.In the menu screen the controller works fine but once I am in game, I cant move or aim.Don't know what has changed but I was previously able to play with a controller but can't now.Any ideas on how to fix this problems ?
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Why not? You're only putting yourself at a massive disadvantage by using an inferior input method, it doesn't make much sense unless you don't care and are playing in your livingroom or something on a TV.
19 Sep, 2012 @ 9:32am
10 Nov, 2012 @ 7:42am
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Date Posted: 18 Sep, 2012 @ 8:26amPosts: 81
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