
【Geek无聊向】翻译软件辗转翻译,最多能出多少种不同结果? | Geek笑点低小组 | 果壳网 科技有意思
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百度翻译就是一呆比。 Translation is a Baidu stay than.翻译是百度保持比。Translation is Baidu retention ratio.翻译是百度保留率。Translation is Baidu retention rate.然后百度提示我这句可能是法语……………………3333咱从善如流,改成源语言:法语,出现了很有意思的东西翻译是百度保留脾脏。3333333
你还有人吗八零后Do you have any person after你有什么人后What are you people 你是什么人What are you from你从是什么(youdao)
床前明月光 疑是地上霜月光疑是地上霜疑是地上霜竟然可以完美翻译
听上去好无聊...可是为什么我好想去试一下...抓谷哥做实验好了...Sounds boring ... but why do I want to go try ... catch a good experiment Columbia Valley ...听起来很无聊......可是为什么我想要去尝试......赶上一个很好的尝试谷哥...Sounds silly ...... but why do I want to try to catch a good try ...... Columbia Valley ...听起来很愚蠢......可是为什么我想试图抓住一个很好的尝试......谷哥...只有两个来回...应该是这句话太简单了~
为什么没有人尝试一下科技文章呢?比如说直流母线电压指令值必须是一个常数。Why did no one try to science?Such as dc bus voltage instruction value must be a constant.为什么没有人试图科学?如直流总线电压指令值必须是一个常量。Why did no one tried to science?Such as dc bus voltage instruction value must be a constant.为什么没有人试图科学?如直流总线电压指令值必须是一个常量。有道才两遍就循环了真无聊……不过居然没有翻译的很离谱!
金山快译:图灵4级测试考好几次都没过,进行几次循环才不遗憾?The Kingsoft translate quickly:Chatt's working properly 4 cl. tests to test some timeses don't lead and steered how many rotations just not sorry?Kingsoft 把...换算外币折算很快地:图一直适当地运作 4个级证人测试一些时代不领导吗而且进行多少循环刚好不是抱歉?Kingsoft chases...Convert to translate very soon:The chatt has been properly operating 4 class the witness testing some age anti leadership and steer how much rotation just be not regret?Kingsoft 追捕。。。交换很快地外币折算:图已经是适当业务上 4个级证人尝试一些年龄反领导而且进行多少循环刚好不是懊悔?Kingsoft pursues and arrests...The convert translates very soon:The chatt is already appropriate business ascend 4 class the witness mickey - mouse some age anti -s leadership and undertake how much circularly just isn't a regret?Kingsoft 追求和扣留。。。交换很快地外币折算::和圆地刚好不是一个懊悔的从事?The pursuance of Kingsoft and detention...The convert translates very soon::And circularly and just isn't undertaking of a regret?Kingsoft 和扣留的追赶。。。交换很快地外币折算::而且圆地和刚好不是一个懊悔的企业?Kingsoft and detained pursuance...The convert translates very soon::And circularly and just isn't an undertaking of regret?Kingsoft 和扣留的追赶。。。交换很快地外币折算::而且圆地和刚好不是一个懊悔的企业?终于循环了,我曾经有那么一刻还以为这辈子翻译不完了呢
引用 的话:金山快译:图灵4级测试考好几次都没过,进行几次循环才不遗憾? The Kingsoft translate quickly:Chatt's working properly 4 cl. tests t...Good top
二次型是正定的当且仅当二次型的实对称矩阵与单位矩阵合同。Quadratic form is positive definite if and only if the quadratic form of real symmetric matrix with matrix contract.二次型是正定的当且仅当实对称矩阵,矩阵合同的二次型。Quadratic form is positive definite if and only if the real symmetric matrix, the matrix of the quadratic contract.二次型是正定的,当且仅当实对称矩阵,二次合同的矩阵。Quadratic form is positive definite if and only if the matrix is real symmetric matrix, the second contract.二次型是正定的,当且仅当矩阵是实对称矩阵,第二份合同。Quadratic form is positive definite, if and only if the matrix is a real symmetric matrix, the second contract.二次型是正定的,当且仅当该矩阵是一个实对称矩阵,第二合同。Quadratic form is positive definite if and only if the matrix is a real symmetric matrix, the second contract.二次型是正定的,当且仅当矩阵是一个实对称矩阵,第二合同。Quadratic form is positive definite if and only if the matrix is a real symmetric matrix, the second contract.
引用 的话:二次型是正定的当且仅当二次型的实对称矩阵与单位矩阵合同。Quadratic form is positive definite if and only if the quadratic form of...5.5回合,加油,还有没有
果壳网恶意卖萌阿姨Malicious sell Meng aunt shell network恶意卖萌的姑姑果壳网Malicious sell Meng aunt shell network一回合……
我想不起到底要不要不去玩游戏了I can not remember in the end do not want to play the game 我不能到底记得不想要玩的游戏 I can not remember in the end you do not want to play the game 我不能在年底还记得你不想玩游戏
I can not remember at the end of the game you want to play 我不记得在你想要玩游戏的结束
I do not remember the end of the game you want to play 我不记得你要玩的游戏结束
Unlimited extension of the brain is the universe hole Ultimate way of life大脑的无限延伸是生命的宇宙孔终极方法An unlimited extension of the brain cavity is universal life's ultimate way大脑的空腔无限延伸是宇宙生命的根本途径The brain cavity of unlimited extension is a basic way of life in the universe无限延伸的脑腔是宇宙中一种基本的生活方式Brain cavity of unlimited extension is a basic way of life in the universe就到这了
引用 的话:这个惊艳了
引用 的话:真的?我去问问谷哥。看来是真的。。。还循环了。。那会是谁呢?求高人去问谷哥告诉我们***!来自
前方高能预警,非战斗人员请迅速撤离。Energy front warning, noncombatant evacuation promptly.能源方面的警告,非战斗人员的疏散及时。Energy warning, timely evacuation of non-combatants.能源预警,及时疏散非战斗人员。Energy warning, timely evacuation of noncombatants.能源预警,及时疏散非战斗人员。→_→
引用 的话:前方高能预警,非战斗人员请迅速撤离。 Energy front warning, noncombatant evacuation promptly. 能源方面的警告,非战斗人员的疏散及时。 Energ...这个竟然没怎么走样,什么翻译软件啊
引用 的话:这个竟然没怎么走样,什么翻译软件啊Google酱~
引用 的话:这个竟然没怎么走样,什么翻译软件啊其实还有选材的问题。。
先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。First the world to enjoy and worry, after the world.首先在世界上享有和担心,之后的世界。First, enjoy and worry in the world, after the world.首先,享受和担心在世界上,世界之后。First of all, enjoy and worry in the world, then the world.首先,享受和烦恼的世界,那么这个世界。First of all, enjoyment and trouble in the world, then the world.首先,享受和在世界上的麻烦,那么这个世界。First of all, enjoyment and trouble in the world, then the world.
人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛People inherent in a death, or weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather人固有一死,或重于泰山,一个或轻于鸿毛People inherent in a death, or weightier than Mount Tai, one or lighter than a feather固有一死,或重于泰山,一个或轻于鸿毛人Inherent in a death, or weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather a person固有一死,或重于泰山,一个或轻于鸿毛的人Inherent in a death, or weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather of a person固有一死,或重于泰山,比一个人或轻于鸿毛Inherent in a death, or extremely heavy, more than one person or lighter than a feather固有一死,或重于泰山,不止一个人或轻于鸿毛Inherent in a death, or extremely heavy, more than one person or lighter than a feather
时眇眇兮岁冥冥,昼杳杳兮夜丁丁When Miao Miao Xi-year-old Ming Ming, Yao Yao Xi night Tintin day当缪缪希岁的茗茗,姚姚熹晚一天丁丁 When Miu Miu-year-old Ming Ming, Yao Yao Xi day later Tintin当妙妙岁的茗茗,姚姚熹当天晚些时候丁丁 When Miu Miu-year-old Ming Ming, Yao Yao Xi later in the day Tintin当妙妙岁的茗茗,姚姚熹在当天晚些时候丁丁 居然就这么短。。
庭有霜兮月华白,室无人兮灯影青Come Yuet Wah Ting frost white, blue lights in rooms unattended Come快来月华婷霜白,蓝色灯光在房间无人来 (好厉害!居然押韵!)Come Yuet Wah Ting frost white, blue lights in the room no one to快来月华婷霜白,蓝色灯光在房间里没人 Come Yuet Wah Ting frost white, blue lights in the room nobody快来月华婷霜白,蓝色灯光在房间里没人 google好强大
粤若稽古,帝烈山兮,远矣大矣,臣太岳兮Guangdong If Jigu, Royal Horeb Xi, far from the truth big men, Chen Xi Taiyue广东若稽古,皇家烈山兮,远离真理的大个子,陈熙太岳 If Jigu Guangdong Royal Horeb Xi, the big man from the truth, Chen Xi TaiYue若稽古广东皇家何烈山兮,大个子远离真理,陈熙太岳 If Jigu Royal Guangdong Horeb Xi, big man from the truth, Chen Xi TaiYue若稽古广东皇家烈山兮,大个子从道理陈曦太岳 If Jigu Royal Guangdong Horeb Xi, Chen Xi TaiYue big man from the truth若稽古广东皇家烈山兮,陈曦太岳大个子离真相 然后就循环了。
为鼠肝兮为虫臂,何锻炼之如彼?Come for the rat liver as insects arm, as if he's any exercise?前来大鼠肝昆虫手臂,仿佛他是任何运动? Come rat liver insects arm, as if he is in any sport?快来大鼠肝虫臂,仿佛他是在任何体育项目? Come rat liver worms arm, as if he is in any sport?这么快就重复了。。
中外科学名著Chinese and foreign scientific masterpiece中国和外国的科学巨著 Chinese and foreign scientific work中国和外国的科学工作然后就重复了 中外科 学名著Surgical science classics手术科学经典著作然后就重复了
猪了个去很帅气Pigs had a go very handsome猪了个去英俊不凡Signature Pig: Pig had a go handsome猪了个去很帅Handsome pig had a go漂亮的猪了个去Pretty pig had a go可爱猪了个去Cute pig had a go可爱的猪了个去好像帅气和可爱区别不大啊。。
引用 的话:猪了个去很帅气 Pigs had a go very handsome 猪了个去英俊不凡 Signature Pig: Pig had a go handsome 猪了个去很帅 Handsome pi...咳、、、好像复制错了一截。。。影响不大。。。另外我知道我的英文名字了。。
引用 的话:人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛 People inherent in a death, or weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather ...6回合,还能不能突破??
十步杀一人,千里不留行.事了拂衣去,深藏身与名.Ten steps to kill a people, not line.A thing blows garments, deep hiding and name.十步杀一人,不行.一件事吹衣服,深隐藏和名称。Ten steps to kill a person, can't.One thing clothes, deep hidden and name杀了人的十步,不.一件衣服,深隐藏和名称Killed ten step, don't.A piece of clothing, deep hidden and name杀了十步,不喜欢.一块的衣服,深隐藏和名称Killed ten step, don't like it.A dress, deep hidden and name杀了十步,不喜欢它.A字裙,深隐和名称Kill the ten step, didn't like it.The a-line skirt, deep hidden and name杀的十个步骤,不喜欢它.A 线裙子,深隐藏和名称Ten steps to kill, don't like it.A-line skirts, deep hidden and name十步杀,不喜欢它.裙裙,深深的隐藏和名称Ten steps to kill, don't like it. Dress skirt, deeply hidden and name
苍苍蒸民,谁无父母?提携捧负,畏其不寿。谁无兄弟?如足如手。谁无夫妇?如宾如友。生也何恩,杀之何咎?其存其没,家莫闻知。人或有言,将信将疑。??心目,寤寐见之。布奠倾觞,哭望天涯。天地为愁,草木凄悲。吊祭不至,精魂无依。必有凶年,人其流离。呜呼噫嘻!时耶命耶?从古如斯!为之奈何?守在四夷。Gray steaming people, who no parents? Tie holding negative, fear it does not tho. Who no brothers? Such as hand-foot. No couple who? As guests as friends. He also grace born, kill any blame? It did not keep their home Mok heard about. Or have made??, skeptical. Joyless joyless minds, Wu Mei see it. Pour fabric lay feast, crying hope horizon. World is unhappy, sad sad vegetation. Not to mourn, helpless souls. There must be a bad year, its people displaced. Alas alas hee! When life yeah yeah? Ancient predicament! Whom do nothing? Keep in Shii.灰色蒸人,谁没有父母?领带持有负面,担心它不寿。谁没有兄弟?如手足。无夫妇谁?作为嘉宾的朋友。他还风姿出生,杀死任何责任?它没有保持他们的家莫听说过。或已作出,持怀疑态度。??头脑,舞美看到它。倒布铺设盛宴,哭的希望的地平线。世界是不开心,伤心难过的植被。不要悲哀,无助的灵魂。必须有一个糟糕的一年,人民流离失所。呜呼噫嘻!当生命是啊是啊?古老的困境!为之奈何?请四夷。Gray steamed, who has no parents? Tie holding negative, do not worry about it tho. Who do not have brothers? Brotherhood. No couple who? As a guest of friends. He also grace born to kill any responsibility? It did not keep their home mo heard. Or have been made skeptical. Joyless joyless mind, choreography see it. Cloth laying down feast, cry hope on the horizon. The world is not happy, sad sad vegetation. Do not sad, helpless soul. There must be a bad year, the people have been displaced. Alas alas hee! When life is ah yes ah? Old dilemma! Whom do nothing? Please Shii.灰蒸,谁没有父母?领带持有负面的,不用担心它寿。谁没有兄弟?兄弟。无夫妇谁?作为嘉宾的朋友。他还风姿出生杀死任何责任?那并没有让他们的家莫闻。或已持怀疑态度。??头脑,舞美看到它。布放下盛宴,哭的希望在地平线上。世界上没有快乐,悲伤难过的植被。不要伤心,无助的灵魂。必须有一个糟糕的一年,人民流离失所。呜呼噫嘻!当生命是啊是啊?旧的窘境!为之奈何?请四夷。Ash steaming, who has no parents? Tie holding negative, do not worry about it tho. Who do not have brothers? Brothers. No couple who? As a guest of friends. He was born grace any liability kill? That did not make their home smell mo. Or skeptical. Joyless joyless mind, choreography see it. Cloth down feast, crying hope on the horizon. The world is not happiness, sadness, sad vegetation. Do not be sad, helpless soul. There must be a bad year, the people have been displaced. Alas alas hee! When life is ah yes ah? The old dilemma! Whom do nothing? Please Shii.灰蒸,谁没有父母?领带持有负面的,不用担心它寿。谁没有兄弟?兄弟。无夫妇谁?作为嘉宾的朋友。他出生恩典任何责任杀?这并没有使他们的家的气味月。或持怀疑态度。??头脑,舞美看到它。布下盛宴,哭的希望在地平线上。世界上没有快乐,悲伤,难过的植被。不要伤心,无助的灵魂。必须有一个糟糕的一年,人民流离失所。呜呼噫嘻!当生命是啊是啊?旧的困境!为之奈何?请四夷。Ash steaming, who has no parents? Tie holding negative, do not worry about it tho. Who do not have brothers? Brothers. No couple who? As a guest of friends. He was born to kill any responsibility grace? This does not make their home smell months. Or skeptical. Joyless joyless mind, choreography see it. I hope planted feast, crying on the horizon. No happiness, sadness, sad vegetation in the world. Do not be sad, helpless soul. There must be a bad year, the people have been displaced. Alas alas hee! When life is ah yes ah? The old dilemma! Whom do nothing? Please Shii.
庙堂之上,朽木为官,殿陛之间,禽兽食禄;狼心狗行之辈,滚滚当朝,奴颜婢膝之徒,纷纷秉政。Temple temple, the officer, deadwood positions, betwe Wolf dog heart of generation, rolling regnant, servile, ruled in succession.官庙殿,朽木的立场,一个动物之间吃lu,狼狗的一代,当朝滚动,卑躬屈膝的,裁定。Officer temple temple, deadwood position between an animal to eat lu, German shepherd generation, collapsed, and rolling, servile, ruling.官庙殿,枯枝动物吃陆之间的地理位置,德国牧羊犬,崩溃,和滚动,卑躬屈膝的,裁决。Officer temple temple, deadwood location between land animals to eat, a German shepherd, collapse, and rolling, servile, ruling.官庙殿,枯枝位置之间的陆地动物吃,一只德国牧羊犬,崩溃,和滚动,卑躬屈膝的,裁决。Officer temple temple, deadwood position between the land animals to eat, a German shepherd, collapse, and rolling, servile, ruling.有道
庙堂之上,朽木为官,殿陛之间,禽兽食禄;狼心狗行之辈,滚滚当朝,奴颜婢膝之徒,纷纷秉政。Above the temples, deadwood official, between Temple Pi, animal food Lu; Langxin generation line of the dog, when rolling toward believers, the subservient, have Illustrative.上面的寺庙,枯枝官,殿陛,动物性食物鲁之间;狗的狼心代线,向信徒滚动时,将屈从,具有说明性。Between the top of the temple, twigs officer, Temple Pi, animal food Lu; dog Langxin generation line, when you scroll to the believers, will succumb, descriptive.寺庙的顶部之间,树枝官,殿陛,动物食禄;狼心狗代线,当你滚动到信徒,会屈从,描述性的。Between the top of the temple, branch officer, Temple Pi, animal food Lu; Langxin dog-generation line, when you scroll to the believers, will succumb, descriptive.间的寺庙,支官,殿陛,动物食禄的顶部;狼心狗代线,当你滚动到信徒,会屈从,描述性的。Between the top of the temple, branch officer, Temple Pi, animal food Paul's; Langxin dog-generation line, when you scroll to the believers, will succumb, descriptive.间的寺庙,支官,殿陛,动物性食物保罗的顶部;狼心狗代线,当你滚动到信徒,会屈从,描述性的。Temple between branch officer, Temple Pi, Paul' Langxin dog-generation line, when you scroll to the believers, will succumb, descriptive.支官,殿陛,保罗的顶级动物性食物之间的庙;狼心狗代线,当你滚动到信徒,会屈从,描述性的。Branch officer, Temple Pi, Paul Temple among Langxin dog-generation line, when you scroll to the believers, will succumb, descriptive.科主任,殿陛,保国寺前动物性食物中;狼心狗代线,当你滚动到信徒,会屈从,描述性的。Division Director, Hall of Pi, Baoguo Temple Langxin dog-generation line, when you scroll to the believers, will succumb, descriptive.科主任,郫县,保国寺动物性食物前的大厅;狼心狗代线,当你滚动到信徒,会屈从,描述性的。Division Director, Pi, Baoguo Temple of animal food
Langxin dog-generation line, when you scroll to the believers, will succumb, descriptive.科主任,郫县,保国寺的动物性食物在殿前;狼心狗代线,当你滚动到信徒,会屈从,描述性的。Division Director, Pi, Baoguo Temple of animal food in Langxin dog-generation line, when you scroll to the believers, will succumb, descriptive.科主任,郫县,保国寺的动物性食物在寺庙的前面;狼心狗代线,当你滚动到信徒,会屈从,描述性的。 google简直不能停了
百度翻译就是一呆比。 Translation is a Baidu stay than.翻译是百度保持比。Translation is Baidu retention ratio.翻译是百度保留率。Translation is Baidu retention rate.然后百度提示我这句可能是法语……………………3333咱从善如流,改成源语言:法语,出现了很有意思的东西翻译是百度保留脾脏。3333333
“同学,你的背包拉链没拉好。这个社会越来越险恶,像你长得这么可爱的女孩子一定要当心。”"Students, you did not pull a good backpack zipper and this society becomes more sinister, like you look so cute girls must be careful."“同学,你没拉好背包的拉链和这个社会变得更加险恶,像你看起来很可爱的女孩一定要慎重。”"Students, you did a good backpack zipper pull and this society has become more dangerous, as you look cute girl must be careful."“同学,你是一个很好的背包拉链拉和这个社会变得更加危险,因为你看起来很可爱的女孩一定要慎重。”"Students, you are a good backpack zipper pull, and this society has become more dangerous, because you look very cute girl must be careful."“同学,你是一个很好的背包拉链拉开,而这个社会已经变得更加危险,因为你看起来很可爱的女孩一定要慎重。”"Students, you are a good backpack zipper pull, and this society has become more dangerous, because you look very cute girl must be careful."谷歌,四次。。。
翻日语比英语耐久多了………………为什么没人试试日语………………(顺便吐槽Google日语翻译毫无可用性)先是英语:还真是坏得彻底啊,这可不是打扫一下就能解决得了。Really bad too thorough, ah, this is not a sweep can be solved won.真的不好过透彻啊,这不是扫就可以解决得了。Really bad too thorough, ah, this is not the sweep can be resolved won.真的不好过透彻啊,这不是扫描就可以解决得了。Really bad too thorough ah, it's not got the scan can be resolved.真的不好过透彻啊,这不是得了扫描就可以解决。Really bad too thorough, ah, this is not got scans can be resolved.真的不好过透彻啊,这是不是得了扫描就可以解决。Really bad too thorough, ah, this is not got scans can be resolved.真的不好过透彻啊,这是不是得了扫描就可以解决。一下子就结束了……而试试日语……还真是坏得彻底啊,这可不是打扫一下就能解决得了。本当に?いあまりにも?底し、ああ、これはスイ?プがウォンを解?することができるではありません。彻底太坏真的,哦,这不是可以扫来解决韩元。本当に、ああ、これはウォンを解?するために?底的に?い?引することができません。真的,哦,这不可能是坏的扫彻底解决韩元。本当に、ああ、これは?いスイ?プがウォンを解?することはできません。真的,哦,这不可能是坏的扫来解决韩元。本当に、ああ、これはウォンを解?するために、?いスイ?プすることはできません。真的,哦,这不会是能够解决韩元,扫坏。本当に、ああ、それは?い?引、ウォンを解?することができません。真的,哦,扫差,也不会是能够解决得了。本当に、ああ、?しいスイ?プ、それは??を解?することができないでしょう。真的,哦,扫差,将不能够解决问题。本当に、ああ、?しいスイ?プは、??を解?することはできません。真的,哦,扫穷不能够解决这个问题。本当に、ああ、?しい人々は、この??を解?することはできませんスイ?プ。真的,哦,可怜的人,就可以解决这个问题扫你不能。本当に、ああ、?しい人々は、我々はあなたが?引することはできません。この??を解?することができます。真的,哦,可怜的人,你能不能横扫我们。你可以解决这个问题。本当に、ああ、?乏人、あなたは私たちを?除することはできません。この??を解?することができる。真的,哦,可怜的,你将无法清洗我们。因此,有可能解决这一问题。本当に、ああ、?しい人々、あなたは私たちをきれいにすることはできません。したがって、この??を解?することが可能である。真的,哦,可怜的人,你将无法清洗我们。因此,有可能解决这个问题的可能。本当に、ああ、?しい男が、あなたは私たちをきれいにすることはできません。したがって、この??を解?することができることであることが可能である。真的,哦,可怜的人,你将无法清洗我们。因此,能够解决这一问题是可能的。本当に、ああ、?しい男が、あなたは私たちをきれいにすることはできません。したがって、この??を解?することが可能である。真的,哦,可怜的人,你将无法清洗我们。因此,有可能解决这个问题的可能。本当に、ああ、?しい男が、あなたは私たちをきれいにすることはできません。したがって、この??を解?することができることであることが可能である。真的,哦,可怜的人,你将无法清洗我们。因此,能够解决这一问题是可能的。这么久了才结束,意思和一开始完全看不出关联……并且还是两个句子的循环节……
不只是有佛光,冥冥中还传来一阵梵音禅唱,那声音比佛光传得更远,而且无孔不入,所到之处,阴霾邪雾全都被洗荡一净。Not only has the Buddha, Zen somewhere also came a Fine singing, the sound travels farther than the Buddha, and pervasive, wherever he went, evil fog haze all been washed swing a net.不仅有佛,禅的地方也传来了精细的歌声,声音的传播速度要比佛越远,而且无孔不入,所到之处,邪雾霾全部被冲荡净。Not only the Buddha, Zen place also came fine singing, the sound propagation speed farther than the Buddha, and pervasive, wherever he went, evil haze swing all been washed clean.不仅是佛,禅的地方也来到精歌唱,声音的传播速度远高于佛,无处不在,所到之处,邪恶的阴霾摇摆全部被洗干净。Not only is the Buddha, Zen places to fine singing, the sound propagation speed is much higher than the Buddha, everywhere, wherever he went, the evil shadow of the swing are all clean.不仅是佛,禅地精歌唱,声音的传播速度比佛高很多,到处都是,所到之处,邪影的摆动都是干净的。Not only is the Buddha, Zen Goblin singing, the sound propagation speed is much higher than the Buddha, everywhere, wherever he went, the evil shadow of the swing are clean.不仅是佛,禅精歌唱,声音的传播速度比佛高很多,到处都是,所到之处,邪影的摆动是干净的。Not only is the Buddha, Zen fine singing, the sound propagation speed is much higher than the Buddha, everywhere, wherever he went, the evil shadow of the swing is clean.翻后面就不知所云了
众女嫉余之蛾眉兮,谣诼谓余以善淫。Daughters of jealousy over Crescent play ballad Zhuo said that to good effect.在新月播放民谣卓嫉妒的女儿说,效果良好。Ballad of jealous daughter play at Crescent, to good effect.情歌的嫉妒女儿发挥在新月,效果良好。Love songs jealous daughters play in the Crescent, to good effect.情歌嫉妒女儿玩新月到良好的效果。Love songs jealous daughter Crescent to good effect.爱情歌曲嫉妒女儿新月到良好的效果。
在下女汉子这厢有礼了!社会险恶如此,孤身一人恐难支持,待我长发及腰,公子可愿与我共结秦晋之好?Women man the booths and polite! Social evil, fear alone difficult to support, my long hair and low, you may wish to open qinjinzhihao with me?克林贡》booths ghIghchaj be' 'ej polite! social mIgh, jISuvvIpbe' nIteb QatlhwI' Qutlh, tIq jIb 'ej 'eS, qinjinzhihao poS HItlhej chaq DaneHchugh?他们的任务和有礼貌的摊位 !社会邪恶的并不是单独的恐惧是困难的和低心,头发的支持,如果您打开,你可能是 qinjinzhihao 和我一起吗?大日》自分のタスクと丁?なブ?ス !社会?だけではなかったは?しい、?のサポ?ト、低心の恐怖、?いて、いる?合ことがあります私には qinjinzhihao とですか?我的任务和礼貌展位 !社会邪恶是不只打开硬头发支持低心吓,、,有时候我吗? qinjinzhihao 和吗?泰》Kuv paub tab thiab courtesy lub rooj muag! Kev evils no tsis zoo xwb kev txhawb zog uas tsis muaj zog hau qhib lub plawv hem, thiab, tej zaum, kuv? Qinjinzhihao thiab koj?终结者》Kuv paub 选项卡 thiab 礼貌鲁比德 rooj muag! 凯文罪恶没有 tsis 动物园 xwb 凯文 txhawb zog uas tsis muaj zog 口 qhib 鲁比德 plawv 下摆、 thiab、 泰 zaum、 kuv? Qinjinzhihao thiab koj 吗?


