就是这句话 求译 如果去往天堂的路是否太拥挤太拥挤,那我...

His deep exploration into the sub-conscious instinct centering on sexual psyche makes him the subject of controversy since 20th century and also brings him reputation as one of the most influential and creative characters in English literature.的翻译是:他深刻的探险到围绕在性灵魂的下意识天性里做他主题争论从20世纪并且带来他名誉作为其中一个在英国文学的最显要和最创造性的字符。Never did he appoint a successor to a worthy magistrate while yet alive, except in the case of Orfitus, the prefect of the city, and then only at his own request.的翻译是:Never did he appoint a successor to a worthy magistrate while yet alive, except in the case of Orfitus, the prefect of the city, and then only at his own request.He stands an He looks and
And the ancient mountains are shattered into dust, And the everlas His goings are as of old.的翻译是:他站立并且测量地球;他看并且使国家震惊;并且古老山被打碎入尘土,并且永恒小山下沉下来;他的goings是自老。While searching to dominate the world, to master and enslave everything that is exterior to him, the man is still not capable to use his vital energy to communicate.的翻译是:While searching to dominate the world, to master and enslave everything that is exterior to him, the man is still not capable to use his vital energy to communicate.A criminal accused of having committed a crime during his prison service has the right to defend himself or ask someone else to defend him during the legal proceedings.的翻译是:在法律诉讼期间,罪犯被指责被犯罪在他的监狱服务期间有权利保护自己或要求别人保卫他。“One bear was so fat he was square! His stomach dragged along the ground,” said a wildlife official who visited the carcass riddled site, located just 500 miles from the North Pole.的翻译是:&One bear was so fat he was square! His stomach dragged along the ground,& said a wildlife official who visited the carcass riddled site, located just 500 miles from the North Pole.In his days Pharaohnechoh king of Egypt went up against the king of Assyria to the river Euphrates: and king Jos and he slew him at Megiddo, when he had seen him.的翻译是:在他的天埃及的Pharaohnechoh国王去反对亚述的国王河幼发拉底河:并且Josiah国王去反对他;当他看见了他,并且他在Megiddo杀害了他。Chauncey Billups and Richard Hamilton each became first-time All-Stars, Rasheed Wallace earned his third appearance in the midseason event (he had participated twice previously with Portland), and Big Ben was honored for the fourth straight season.的翻译是:Chauncey Billups and Richard Hamilton each became first-time All-Stars, Rasheed Wallace earned his third appearance in the midseason event (he had participated twice previously with Portland), and Big Ben was honored for the fourth straight season.Boulahrouz spent two seasons in Germany with Hamburg and was asked by Jose Mourinho to offer his tips on beating the team who finished as runners up to Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga last season.的翻译是:Boulahrouz在德国度过了两个季节和汉堡和由何塞穆里尼奥请求提供他的在击败完成作为赛跑者由德甲联赛的拜仁慕尼黑决定最后季节的队的技巧。Last season, Arsenal reached the final of the Champions League following a goalless draw at Villarreal, an intense encounter at El Madrigal where his team defended a slender 1-0 first-leg lead.的翻译是:最后季节,武库进入了跟随无进球的凹道在比亚雷亚尔,在他的队保卫苗条1-0最初腿领先的El Madrigal的强烈的遭遇的冠军同盟的决赛。`Hindley hurried up from his paradise on the hearth, and seizing one of us by the collar, and the other by the arm, hurled both i的翻译是:` Hindley从他的壁炉边和扣压的我们当中的一个天堂赶紧了由衣领,并且其他由胳膊,投掷了两个入后厨房;The Employer will provide the Caretaker/Helper with an accident insurance covering the Caretaker/Helper regardless of whether the accident occurred within and/or beyond the working hours during the period of his/her employment contract.的翻译是:雇主将提供看守者/帮手以包括看守者/帮手的事故保险不管事故在他/她的就业合同的期间在是否内发生了并且/或者在工作时间之外。And a scattering of very wakeful men in nearby seats knew it: a small squad of FBI agents and a separate team of Swiss Special Forces commandos, all carefully positioned around the suspect, all warily watching his every move.的翻译是:And a scattering of very wakeful men in nearby seats knew it: a small squad of FBI agents and a separate team of Swiss Special Forces commandos, all carefully positioned around the suspect, all warily watching his every move.Fichte was a famous philosopher during the period of German classical philosophy. His thought on scholars mission, not only has the meaning on philosophy, but also producing deep value on education.的翻译是:在德国古典哲学的期间费希特是一位著名哲学家。他的在学者使命的想法,不仅有在哲学的意思,而且导致在教育的深刻的价值。As soon as the sun rose the King came, and when he perceived the gold he was astonished and delighted, but his heart only lusted more than ever after the precious metal.的翻译是:当太阳升起了国王来了,和,当他察觉他吃惊并且高兴的金子,但是他的心脏更比从此以后只渴望贵重金属。English theologian and religious reformer. His rejection of the biblical basis of papal power and dispute with the doctrine of the transubstantiation of the host anticipated the Protestant Reformation.的翻译是:English theologian and religious reformer. His rejection of the biblical basis of papal power and dispute with the doctrine of the transubstantiation of the host anticipated the Protestant Reformation.He says his book, &The Art of the Deal,& which has been at the top of bestseller lists since December, is going to benefit charities to the tune of $2 million.的翻译是:He says his book, & The Art of the Deal,& which has been at the top of bestseller lists since December, is going to benefit charities to the tune of $2 million.However, tranquility had gradually been restored, Jehan was silent, the beggar was counting the small change in his hat, and the play had once more got the upper hand.的翻译是:However, tranquility had gradually been restored, Jehan was silent, the beggar was counting the small change in his hat, and play had once more got the upper hand.When looking at Jervis Pendleton, Jerusha suddenly thought to herself, &Daddy-Long-Legs was probably just like this 20 years ago...& because Mr. Pendleton was quite tall and his legs were very long.的翻译是:当看Jervis彭德尔顿时, Jerusha突然认为给她自己, & 爸爸长腿大概是象这20年前… &因为彭德尔顿先生是相当高的,并且他的腿是非常长的。Ass-breaker Dingus Magee is looking for a gold train when he comes upon old acquaintance Hoke Birdsill on stage to San Francisco, and robs him of his money.的翻译是:驴子破碎机Dingus马吉寻找一列金火车,当他突然产生老相识阶段的Hoke Birdsill到旧金山时,并且抢夺他他的金钱。
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骑士, 积分 1501, 距离下一级还需 1499 积分
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游戏名称《火爆狂飙?天堂》(Burnout Paradise)游戏制作EA Games游戏类型RAC游戏发售日
Burnout Paradise向我们展示了赛车游戏有史以来方方面面所可以做到的最彻底的变革。或许有些很受玩家的青睐,同时也或许有的方面并不尽如人意,但我们仍始终欣慰地从中体会到那些疯狂的速度与完美的驾驶感觉,或许仅仅因为如此,我们就不应错过这部佳作。
Burnout Paradise与历代最大的区别就是此次的游戏背景是被架设在一个开放的城市-天堂市街区(与之伴随的是Guns'N'Rose的专辑主打歌)。在游戏的开始,整座城市在游戏的初期就已经完全开放,玩家可以在任何时见任何地点驾着自己的爱车做任何想做的事。但并非所有的赛事在游戏初期就已经全部解锁,这需要玩家投入较多的时间去将多达75种车辆逐一解锁,欣慰的是,玩家不会在选项中有被限制的感觉。
The car designs are fantastic.
旧的“撞车模式”一去不复返了,取而代之的是“撞车秀时间”。与前作中由一次红灯和飞驰而来的你所造成的撞车模式不同,今次的“撞车秀时间”将主动权交给了玩家,你可以在任意时候通过按下LB+RB来发动它(甚至是在撞车发生以后)。一旦您发动了它,您的车辆马上开始翻转起来,然后整条街道都会因此而遭了殃。从您发动“撞车秀”开始所在的街道开始计分,如果你够酷、水平够高的话,你可以一次翻车滚遍整个天堂市。- -|||
“撞车秀”与前作的碰撞时间的另一大主要区别是,”时间”激活后,在有加速槽的情况下,你可以通过控制车辆不停地撞向别的车而将碰撞延续下去, 每次撞倒一辆车时,加速槽就会有相应的增长,同时,积分也不断累加。不过,只有那些被你亲自碰到的汽车才会计算到积分当中,而那些间接、连锁撞到的汽车并不加分,同样,只有你亲自撞到公共汽车上,分数才会翻倍。提起公共汽车,让人觉得有些气馁,因为有可能开滚了10分钟都遇不到一辆。不过一旦有幸遇到了,拿下些指数级增长的积分,则有很大的运气因素在里面了。
Road Rage is largely the same, but it's still the best incarnation yet.
Speed, speed and more speed. Oh, and some extra speed for flavor.
Burnout Paradise并不是没有瑕疵的,同时也给我们带来了难以置信的乐趣。开放式世界为游戏的成功奠定了基础,同时也使得我们越来越多的开始依赖地图,但同样也允许我们自由自在的探索未知。最为重要的是,Criterion为我们再一次带来了撞车也有美好回报的混沌的驾驶体验。不论你是铁杆赛车迷或者竞速门外汉,都不应错过这一作。
众所周知,Criterion总是喜欢重塑自我。虽然很多人已经为Burnout3 - Takedown打了满分,但制作人在制作Burnout Revenge时仍然在前作基础上做出了很多很多改变。此次的Paradise同样可以称得上天翻地覆。
说到车辆,Criterion采用了“猫捉老鼠”的方式来解锁它们。当你赢取一项赛事之后,仅仅是“赢得”一款新车,然而这并不代表你可以直接从车库里选择驾驶它。反之,你只是可以从天堂市的路上看到该款车出现而已,想要真正的据为己有,需要你想尽各种办法将它“Take Out”。只有你“干掉”它之后,它才是你的。如果你选择对它们置之不理,不久你就会发现天堂市满大街都是超乎寻常的车在游走了。
就此看来,Burnout Paradise已带给我们足够多的乐趣与惊喜。游戏运行过程中画面流畅,并保留了前面诸代作品速度感操作感兼并的优点。游戏将于1月底上市,同时现已提供Demo下载,所以敬请有兴趣的玩家紧密关注。:)Review
January 16, 2008 - Criterion Games' Burnout franchise has now long been the king of arcade racing. Its tight controls and overwhelming sense of speed have catapulted it to the top of the genre, and few games have come even close to matching the series' strengths. But while Criterion has garnered tons of praise from both gamers and critics alike, the studio never sits still. With every release, the developer tweaks the core formula in an attempt to offer something new to gamers.
Burnout Paradise sees what are arguably the biggest changes in the franchise's history, with nearly every single aspect of the game having seen some sort of shift in design. Some of it works really well, and some of it not so well, but what we wind up with still remains an intense, blazingly fast and perfectly controlling racer, one that you shouldn't miss.
The biggest change introduced in Burnout Paradise is the move to an open world, the streets of Paradise City (cue Guns 'N' Roses title track). The entire city is open at the start of the game, with the idea being that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. Not all of the events are present at the start, mind you, and you'll have to put in a lot of time to unlock the game's roughly 75 cars, but you're never limited in the options before you.
There are bits of good and bad to this. The good is that the city design is great, offering up plenty of varying spots for you to race in and tons of hidden areas to find. There is no shortage of tucked away passages, underground runs and all sorts of cool spots to hit. You'll find jumps littered everywhere, including small ramps with kickers on the side to send you into a barrel roll, which are great for the Stunt runs (which we'll come back to in a bit).
The main downtown area of Paradise City is very reminiscent of the downtown tracks in the last couple games, while the western section of the city harkens back to the long, winding, countryside courses of past games as well. A couple of highways will put you dead in the middle of traffic and give you plenty of road to get up to speed on.
Paradise City is very dense, especially the eastern, downtown section, offering you a myriad of ways to get through a race. When a race starts, you simply must race from point A to point B as fast as you can, along whatever route you want. While this means that you're given the freedom to create your own course, it also means that you'll be stopping the action and referring to the map fairly often to make sure that you don't take any wrong turns. Since there are so many different tunnels, highways and such to take, it can be easy to make a wrong turn and wind up going off course for a bit. Until you've memorized the bulk of the map, which given its complexity, will take quite a long time, you'll likely have to pause and check the map two or three times during a race to make sure that you're on the right path.
There's an in-game indicator of where the finish line is, but it just points in the compass direction and doesn't help with turns or anything of that sort. This is understandable to a degree since Criterion (rightfully so) wants you to create your own routes and not rely on what it thinks you should do, but it does mean that you'll be at the mercy of the pause screen until memory starts taking over.
Another downside to the overall design of the open world setup is that you cannot simply pause and restart an event. This means that if you race from one side of the map to the other, which you will often do, you'll need to turn around and drive all the way back to the starting point to try again if you lose. While this sounds, and can be, annoying, changing the way that you approach the game helps to overcome this for the most part. Knowing that this was the case, instead of trying to perfect every event as we went along, like we've done in the past, we instead tried an event and, regardless of the outcome, just tried something else nearby when it was over. Playing this way makes for a much more organic experience and will help greatly in lessening the annoyance of not being able to quickly restart, though if you're aiming for a 100% completion rating then you will inevitably have to drive back to the starting line when you're down to the last few events in the game.
Of course, races aren't the only event type to be found in Paradise City. Of everything in the game, it's perhaps Road Rage that has seen the smallest amount of change, which is perfectly fine by us. The only major difference this time around is that instead of having three target cars at any one time, you'll now have five or six at a time to take down. It's a small change, but Road Rage is even more chaotic now because of it as you'll see more cars than ever before crashing in front of you and flying over your windshield. We still can't get enough of it.
The Crash mode of old is essentially gone, replaced by Showtime events. Rather than racing up to a streetlight and spinning your wheels to begin it like most every other event, Showtime can be started at any time (even as you're already crashing) by hitting two shoulder buttons. Your car will immediately begin flipping and you'll start racking up a score for the street that you started the Showtime on. While the street that you begin the event on is where your score will apply to, you can actually flip and crash across the entirety of Paradise City if you're good enough.
There are major differences between Showtime and the Crash events of old, however. You can keep your crash going so long as you keep moving, which you can prolong by bouncing your car if you have some boost. Boost is earned every time you hit a car, which also increases your score, of course. However, you only earn points for cars that you actually hit, not those that crash around you, and you only earn multipliers for hitting busses. The bus-only multiplier thing is disappointing because you can go for 10 minutes without seeing a bus during one Showtime, but start another and hit a handful right away, thereby giving you exponentially more points simply because of randomized luck.
Regardless of that, there isn't a whole lot of skill involved in the Showtimes, aside from seeing how absurdly long you can keep it going. But the required scores are easy as pie to hit, and since there's no planning or anything involved in what you're doing, it feels like most of the challenge (and thereby fun) of the old Crash modes is gone.
Showtime events are coupled with timed runs for each street. If you head to one of the ends of any road in the game and start driving on it, a counter will begin ticking up that shows you your time. It's a very simple and very natural way of including time trials in the game, and as simple as it is, it works really well.
Stunt events are the freshest addition to the Burnout formula, tasking you to rack up a certain amount of points in a given timeframe. While you'll earn points for sliding around turns and boosting, you'll only earn valuable multipliers for jumping off ramps, crashing through gates or performing a barrel roll, which gives you double goodness. It's a pretty awesome event that'll have you screaming down streets, looking for just one more ramp to hit to help keep your combo alive. The only downside here has to do with the different types of cars you can choose and how they affect a Stunt event's difficulty...
Each of the 70+ cars in the game falls into a certain category, either Stunt, Speed or Aggression. The Aggression vehicles are large and heavy, perfect for Road Rage, but not so much for events that require agility. Cars with the Stunt classification are designed to be good for jumps and drifting, and most resemble the rides that you'll find in past Burnout games. Speed cars specialize in excessive boosting as they allow you to chain together Burnouts to keep your boost going forever, but they have a downside in that you can only start a boost when your meter is full.
Having to wait until your boost meter is full means that the Speed cars are more finicky during races, though the payoff on long straightaways can be greater. But during Stunt events they wind up being terrible picks since a quick tap of the Boost in any other vehicle will immediately extend your combo meter. In a Stunt or Aggression car, you can take a jump for points, cruise for a bit while looking for your next jump, and then tap the boost for just a second when your combo is about to expire to extend it. Not so in the Speed cars. This boosting difference would make more sense if the Speed cars were noticeably faster than the other types, but they're not.
One pretty cool thing relating to the vehicles in the game is how you earn them. When you get a new license, you'll be rewarded with a new ride in your junkyard for driving immediately. All of the other cars, however, have to be taken down first. When you &unlock& a car after an event, it will then appear somewhere in Paradise City and drive around on its own. In order to fully earn it, you have to find said car and then take it down. Like our approach to event selection, we found this to be best when we didn't bother hunting them down after unlocking them, but instead kept doing our thing while keeping our eyes peeled. Then when a car crossed our path, we'd drop everything and head out with a new ride in our headlights. It's a pretty awesome mechanic that helps instill life into Paradise City.
Perhaps the most well-implemented addition to the franchise is the way that online play works. Instead of having to jump out to a separate menu to get online, invite friends to your game, set up challenges or whatever else, all of this is manageable in-game with the D-Pad. Pressing right on the D-Pad opens up the online menu where you can then hop online, invite friends to your game, set up race events or whatever else you want, all while your engine is still running.
When a friend or two (or seven) hop on, you have a number of options. You can create a custom race where you can set start and end points and drop any number of checkpoints onto the map. You can even save these routes for play later on so that you don't have to keep making them. You can also start a Freeburn Challenge of some sort. There are 50 challenges for each number of players in the game. In other words, there are 50 challenges for two player, 50 different challenges for three players, and so on and so forth, giving you an absolute ton of Freeburn runs to complete (yes, 100% completion will take a long time). These are as simple as having two players race from opposite sides of an open bridge and crashing in mid-air to having every player do a barrel roll through a hoop. They're all good fun and give you tons of different things to do.
Regardless of everything we've talked about, the most important part of any Burnout game, and the reason they've been so successful in the past, is simply how well (and fast) the driving mechanics work. Criterion has nailed the formula once again, offering gamers the pinnacle of arcade racing mechanics with cars that control exactly how you would expect them to, with the perfect amount of inferred weight sent to the player. As well, the sense of speed we've seen in the past is here 110%, with roadside objects blurring by your outside mirrors at uncountable speeds.
Lastly, it's worth mentioning that Criterion has also once again delivered a game that runs incredibly smooth and sounds fantastic. The game runs at a blistering 60fps, which ties perfectly with its controls, and it looks impressive at that. The crash effects are fantastic, slowing down to show you your crumpling wreck as the steering wheel is shoved into the driver's seat. Were there a virtual driver sitting there, he'd be dead.
Closing Comments
Burnout Paradise has its share of flaws, but it's also incredibly fun. The change to an open world brought its share of issues, like having to use the map as a crutch to get around for a while, but it also allows for freedom unseen in any recent racing game. Most importantly though, Criterion has once again delivered a racing experience that can best be described as controlled chaos, one where even crashing is immensely rewarding. If you're even a remote fan of racing games, be sure to check this out.Preview
It's no secret that Criterion Games likes to reinvent things every time out. Though many deemed Burnout 3: Takedown to be pretty much perfection, the studio went ahead and changed a lot of things with its follow-up, Burnout Revenge. And now with Burnout Paradise, the studio has made even more sweeping changes to the design.
For starters, the entire game is set in the open world of Paradise City, and the whole thing is unlocked right from the start. You can partake in any race or event that you want, and there are no off-limit sections of the city. You'll have to work your way through the game to get better cars, of course, but the city is yours for exploring right away.
Speaking of the cars, Criterion has taken a &cat and mouse& approach to unlocking them. When you win an event that &earns& you a new ride, it doesn't go straight into your junkyard for selection. Instead, you'll be able to see said vehicle racing around Paradise City and it's then your job to take it out any way possible. Once you've performed a Takedown on the vehicle, it's yours. If you choose to let them run free like marmots in the wild you'll soon find Paradise City filled with exotic cars for the taking.
Career progression works by way of a numbers game. That is, the more races you complete, the better and faster your opponents will be. The more Road Rages you complete, the more cars you'll have to take down in later events and so on and so forth. You start off with a learner's permit and after completing a handful of races you'll be given your D license. A while later with more races under your belt and you'll work up to your C license, and so on.
Something else that's changed quite a bit is Crash mode. Rather than having individual intersections set up and awaiting your destruction, you instead start a Crash Showtime at any point by pressing two shoulder buttons at the same time. Your car will then begin tumbling down the highway, taking out whatever you can manage to smash into. You earn boost for each vehicle you hit, which you can then spend to bounce your car a bit, keeping you on the move at all times. Busses are the only vehicles that will give you a multiplier here, which makes sense considering that we've been able to rack up a 430+ car Crash Showtime outing. We weren't sold on this new design at first, but it's getting more enjoyable as our skills increase.
One element of the design that we're not too fond of so far is the inability to jump to the start of a race. If you enter a race that takes you halfway across Paradise City and wind up failing, in order to try again you'll have to drive yourself back to the start. There is no quick skip option, which is a trade-off for having no load times once the game begins.
What's awesome, however, is the online interface. Pressing right on the D-Pad will bring up your online display, letting you invite friends into your game. When you've got a group together, you have a number of options at your disposal. You can create a custom race where you'll be given an overhead map of Paradise City, allowing you to place the start and finish and any checkpoints you'd like in-between at any intersection on the map.
Alternatively, you can begin any number of challenges that are specifically designed for the number of cars that you have. So, for instance, the challenges for two players are different than challenges for three, and all of the challenges that we tried were pretty awesome. One had two of us approach a raised bridge from either side and crash head-on while airborne. Another had us perform a series of barrel rolls, while a third had us taking a giant jump through a hanging ring. This last one was cool because getting through the hoop requires a bit of planning and acts as something of a small puzzle of sorts.
We've had a great deal of fun with Burnout Paradise so far. The game runs smooth as silk and retains the blazing-fast speed and spot-on controls of its predecessors. The game ships next month, but the demo is but mere days away from its December 13th release, so stay tuned..
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