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AA- Auto Attack(智能攻击,平A) AAS- Archangels staff(大天使杖)Ace- Killing the last living member of the enemy team(团灭)AD- Attack Damage(这个。。。不用翻译了吧)AFK- Away From Keyboard(AFK,离开键盘,意译人不在)Aggro- The targeting priority of the A.I. controlled minion, turret, monster, etc.(AI的优先目标,小兵,防御塔,召唤师,水晶)Ali- Alistar(老牛的缩写,阿利斯塔)Ani- Anivia(冰鸟的缩写,艾尼维亚)AoE - Area of Effect(范围伤害)AP- Ability Power(法术能量)ArP or ArPen- Armor Penetration(护甲穿透)AS- Attack Speed(攻击速度)Assassin- A champion type whose forte is ambushing enemy champions. They have abilities that may include stealthing themselves or having a strong dash skill.(刺客英雄)Assist- To help an allied champion in killing an enemy champion, gaining a part of the bounty.(助攻)Aura- A passive ability that usually applies to the champion and those around the champion.(被动技能)
B or Back- To retreat in the general direction of your base or away from the enemy.(远离你的敌人回到泉水)Bait- To feign weakness in order to lure the enemy into a trap.(假装失误,去勾引对面上当)Baron- Baron Nashor(大龙)Base- The area where the shop, nexus and inhibitors are located.(基地)BC- The Black Cleaver(黑色切割者)BD or Backdoor- To attack the enemies' towers and base without the support of a minion wave.(在没有小兵的情况下攻击敌方防御塔和基地)BF- B. F. Sword(暴风大剑1650那货)BG- Bad Game(这局真差!)Blind- A Crowd Control effect that causes the recipient's autoattack to miss completely.(团控技能导致的承受者的攻击完全miss)Blind Pick- a type of match where all participants select their champion simultaneously. Both teams are unaware which champions the opposing side has picked until the loading screen appears. (排位 赛,一种类型的游戏方式,所有玩家选择他们的召唤师,同时双方都知道对面的召唤师,直到加载界面的开始)Blink- A type of movement ability, similar to the Flash Summoner Spell.(闪现,一个位移技能)Blitz- Blitzcrank(机器人缩写,布利茨)Blue Buff - Crest of the Ancient Golem(蓝爸爸)Blue Team- the group of players that start out at the lower left side of Summoner's Rift, or on the left side of Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar.(蓝色军团)Bot- Bottom lane(下线,AD与辅助那条线)Bot- A.I. controlled champion(电脑控制的召唤师)Bounty- The amount of gold a target is worth should they be slain.(悬赏!意思是这货值不少钱,应该干掉!)Brb- Be right back (usually indicates a teammate recalling)(正确的撤退)Bruiser- (Obsolete) A champion with high effective health and damage per second.(高生命值和高伤害的召唤师)Brush or Bush- The tall grass in which champions can hide.(草里可能有埋伏!)BT- The Bloodthirster(吸血鬼)Buff- A positive effect applied to a champion.(buff,增益状态)Burst- A large amount of damage being dealt in a short time, pertaining particularly to the damage dealt by a single champion. Nuke is also a commonly used term.(短时间能造成大量伤害的召唤师,nuke也是经常这样用来形容的)BV- Banshee's Veil(亡灵勇士塞恩的缩写)
Cait- Caitlyn(皮城女警的缩写,凯特琳)Cap- Rabadon's Deathcap(帽子的缩写,灭世者的死亡斗篷)Cap- To capture a point in Dominion.(占据重要位子)Care- Be careful, implying a possible or probable gank coming.(小心,可能会有打野爸爸来gank)Carry- A champion that generally starts off weaker than other champions, but becomes more powerful as the game progresses.(carry,带动节奏)Cass- Cassiopeia(蛇女的缩写,卡西奥佩娅)CC- Crowd Control: a category of status effects which limit movement or actions.(团控)CD- Cooldown(技能冷却)CDR- Cooldown Reduction(冷却缩减)Chain CC- To consecutively use multiple Crowd Control spells on an enemy champion.(团控的衔接,连续使用多个团控技能来控制敌人)Champ- Champion, a particular character that the summoner calls on and controls.(召唤师)Char- Another word for champion.(另一个召唤师的简称)Channeling- The casting time required to perform certain spells. These types of spells can be interrupted by &hard& crowd control.(吟唱法术,这类技能可以被强制控制技能打断)Chase- To pursue an enemy champion as they're running away.(追击那个跑路的召唤师!)Cho- Cho'Gath(大虫子的简称,科 加斯)Classic- The classic MOBA game mode in which players focus on laning, pushing minion waves, and destroying the enemy structures.(普通游戏模式,玩家以推塔,推线,摧毁敌人建筑为目的)Commit- To not retreat. To stay in a fight until the battle is over, or until your champion is slain.(别跑,战斗到死,我们没有退路了!)Co-op- Co-op vs. AI: the player versus A.I. controlled champion match mode. Only in this mode player can choose to fight the intermediate A.I., which is otherwise not available to custom game.(人机。。。。。。)Cover- During the laning phase, this statement asks your jungler or another teammate lane to hold the lane while you recall.(当你回家的时候,让你队伍的打野或者其他队友帮你看下线)Cow- Alistar(牛的简称,奶牛?阿利斯塔!奶牛?wtf?)CS- Creeps Slain/Creep Score(妖怪般的杀戮)The Crystal Scar- the map in which Dominion takes place.(水晶之痕)Custom- Custom game: the match mode created by player with the freedom to determine the team size, A.I. controlled champion participation and the password for limited access.(自定义游戏)CV- Clairvoyance(洞察术的简称)
D or Def- Defend: to protect the tower or base without attacking aggressively.(防御)DC- Disconnected(中断,切断)DD- Direct damage, Double damage(真实伤害或者双倍伤害)Debuff- A negative effect a the opposite of a Buff.(debuff,减益buff)Deny- To kill allied minions or pets, preventing the opponent from earning the gold and experience from killing them in other MOBA games. This feature is intentionally absent from League of Legends and replaced with zoning tactics.(让己方小兵或者BB死掉,不让对手获取经验和金钱)Derp- Is a reply when someone says or does something stupid(愚蠢的,指某人干了件蠢事)Disable- A form of Crowd Control that prevents the enemy from taking particular actions.(召唤师技能残废,国服叫虚弱)Dive- To pursue a specific target into a high danger area, particularly beneath an enemy turret.(越T,在危险的地方击杀敌人,尤其是在炮塔的攻击下)Dodge- A deprecated champion stat which determined the possibility to avoid an auto attack.(闪避)DoT- Damage over time(持续伤害)DotA- Defense of the Ancients: a successful mod created from Warcraft 3. It has inspired similar games such as League of Legends. &Dota& is also used to categorize games of this particular sub-genre within the real-time strategy genre.(dota,这个就不译了吧。。。)Double Kill- Slaying two enemy champions within a certain length of time.(双杀)DPS- Damage per second (i.e. attack speed), A champion who specializes in dealing damage consecutively.(DPS。。。。。这个也不译了)Draft- Draft Pick: a type of champion selection where all participants must first go through a champion banning phase and where no champion can be picked by more than one player.(匹配,玩家必须先选择一个英雄,没有禁选阶段的游戏)Drag or Drake- Dragon(小龙)
E- The third champion ability which is bound to the &E& key by default.(E,第三个英雄技能)EC- Executioner's Calling(死刑宣告,装备类)En Route- A french term meaning &Coming& or &On my way!&(来,法语的来的意思)Elo- A mathematical rating system for a player's relative skill level.(一个对玩家技术评价的系统)Eve- Evelynn(寡妇的简称,伊芙琳)Executed- Being slain by a tower or a creep with no enemy champion receiving credit for the kill.(被防御塔击杀,让敌人无法得到收益,可以理解为送塔)Ez- Ezreal(探险家的简称,伊泽瑞尔)
Face Check- A champion going into a brush to see if an enemy champion is hidden in there. This can be a very risky action to do.(脸探草丛)Farm- To seek out and kill minions to obtain experience and gold.(打钱)FB- First Blood: the first kill of the game.(第一滴血,首杀)Fear- A debuff which makes target champion walking around randomly and uncontrollably.(恐惧,一个减益状态,让敌人不受控制)Fed- A champion becoming very powerful after killing multiple enemy champions OR by having a large creep score.(很肥,一个英雄在击杀很多敌人或者很多金钱后变的很强大)Feed- To repeatedly die to the enemy team (through lack of skill or intentionally) giving them gold and experience. A player who does this is a feeder.(送人头。。。。多次的送人头,让敌人获得经验和金钱)Fighter- A hybrid champion between tanking and DPS that combines the survivability of a tank and the damage of a DPS or a caster. They were formerly called Bruisers.FM- Frozen Mallet(半肉半输出的简称)Focus- To assault a specific target, normally one of strategic value (usually not the tank).(标记一个需要集火的目标)Fog or Fog of War- The darkened area in the map which is out of the vision range of allied champions, minions and structures.(战争阴影,地图上黑暗的地区)FoN- Force of Nature(自然之力的简称)Fountain- The spawn/respawn position of the map, where champions regenerate health and mana, and can purchase items.(重生地点,可以恢复法力和生命力,并且可购物的地点)Fid- Fiddle, Fiddlesticks(稻草的简称,费德提克)
GA- Guardian Angel(守护天使,春哥甲)Gank- To ambush one or more unsuspecting enemies with one or more champions.(gank!)Gary- Garrison(强化防御塔,貌似这个技能已经被移除,很早以前的版本了)GG- Good Game(GG,一场好的游戏)GJ- Good Job(干的好)GL- Good Luck(好运)GLHF- Good Luck and Have Fun: a combination of GL and HF.(祝你好运,玩的开心,游戏交流用语)Glass Cannon- A champion/build that is high in damage but low in defense. This primarily refers to building a champion purely for offense, sacrificing survivability.(形容词,指那些高伤害但是很脆的玩家)Global- An ability that can strike anywhere on the map (e.g. *Cannon Barrage).(全球流。。。。)Glyph- A type of rune which primarily boosts various magical stats.(增强法术能力的符文)Gold- The in game currency used to buy items.(金钱)GP- Gangplank(船长的简称,刚普朗克)GP10- Items/masteries/runes that generate extra gold over time. Gold generating items are often incorrectly referred to as GP5.(产生10秒金钱的东西,包括符文,装备,天赋的简称)
Harass- To put pressure on an enemy champion, most commonly by causing small amount of damage to them without the risk to be retaliated.(压制对面!骚扰对面)Hard Leash- To draw the aggro of a monster and reduce its HP greatly before allowing an ally to deal the last hit.(最后一刀,意思是攻击最后一下来导致怪物的死亡)Hat- Rabadon's Deathcap(帽子,灭世者的死亡斗篷的简称)Heim or Heimer- Heimerdinger(大头的简称,黑墨丁格)Hero- The equivalent term for &champion& in other MOBA games.(英雄)HF- Have Fun(玩的开心,游戏交流用的)HP- Health Points(生命值)HP5- Health Regeneration per 5 seconds(5秒生命回复)
IE- Infinity Edge(无尽之刃,装备)
Ignite- Ignite: summoner spell which deals true damage over time on one enemy target. Can also refer to casting the spell on a certain enemy champion.(点燃)Imba- Imbalanced, describing something as unfairly powerful.(不平衡,用来形容某格英雄的强大)Inc or Incoming- Used to warn a player that one or more champs are heading their way in an attempt to gank. This is unlike MIA, which does not give a definite indication of the missing enemy champion's direction.(用来提醒玩家的,没有明确指示消失敌方英雄的动向)Inhib- Inhibitor: a structure that prevents the enemy's super minions from being spawned.(水晶,防止产生超级小兵的建筑)Initiate- A champion performing an action which signals allied champions to begin the battle. The Initiator may act as bait and take heavy damage from the enemy in order to protect their allies from taking major damage.(开战,一个发信号然后发起团战,发起者一般作为诱饵或攻击敌人来保护队友)Ire- Irelia(女刀的简称,艾瑞莉娅)
J4- Jarvan IV(皇子的简称,嘉文4世)Jack or JitB- Jack In The Box(小丑的盒子。。。。)JFL- Just For lol's, doing something odd for the fun of it (Like AD Amumu)(JFL的意思是以搞笑为目的,做了一些奇怪的事。。。。。)Juke- The act of tricking the enemy pursuer(s) into chasing the wrong way, which is most often accomplished by utilizing the brush and/or the fog of war to break the enemy's line of sight.(欺骗敌人追击的,导致他们追错的方法,通常采用战阵迷雾来扰乱敌人视线)Jungle- The spaces populated by neutral monsters between the lanes.(野区)Jungler- A champion who forgoes fighting in a lane in order to obtain experience and gold from killing creeps in the jungle.(打野)Jungling- To kill monsters in the jungle.(在野区杀死怪物,意思是打野ing)
Kamikaze- A suicidal attempt to destroy/kill a target under an extremely unfavorable situation, sacrificing yourself for a higher cause such as a needed turret, Inhibitor, or Baron kill.(自杀,通常是送塔送龙)Kass- Kassadin(虚空行者的简称,卡萨丁)Kat- Katarina(不详之刃的简称,卡特琳娜)Kit- A champion's set of abilities.(玩家的能力)Kiter- A champion that is particularly good at kiting (e.g. Ashe).(一种英雄,尤其擅长风筝,例如艾希,就是寒冰射手)Kite or Kiting- Continuously backing away and attacking a pursuing enemy champion in such a way that the enemy is damaged while unable to deal damage back.(风筝战术,不断走位对其造成伤害)Knockback- Pushing the target's position in the opposite direction of the skill user. Target cannot move or act during the knocking motion.(击退)Knockup- Disabling the target by sending them into the air. The airbound target's horizontal position does not change.(击飞)Kog- Kog'Maw(大嘴的简称,克格莫)
Lag- Slow response during the match due to high network connection latency. Severe lag may result in disconnection and will count as a leave if the player does not reconnect before the end of the match.(由于高延迟离开游戏,离开比赛的简称)Lane- The paths that allied and enemy minions follow.(小兵行走的路线,可以理解为上中下3线)Laning- Staying in the minion paths in order to push or farm.(在线上补兵或者推线)Last Hit- Getting the killing blow on a minion, creep, or enemy champion.(最后一下,在敌人,小兵或者怪物的血量很低的情况下一刀致死)LB- LeBlanc(诡术妖姬的简称,乐芙兰)Leash- A tactic used to draw monster aggro, benefiting the jungler. (拉野,在野区拉野,方便打野更加轻松的打野)Leave or Leaver- Exiting the champion selection or the match before each game is finished, whether voluntarily or not. This is regulated by the Leaver Buster system.(在游戏成前退出游戏)Lee- Lee Sin(盲僧的简称,李青)LOL- LoL: League of Legends(LOL,英雄联盟)lol- Laughing out loud(lol,大笑的简称,通常是不可思议的击杀,逃跑之类情况下的语言)LOM- Low On Mana - See also Out of Mana(法力不足的简称)LW- Last Whisper(最后的轻语,装备)
Mana- Resource used by most champions to cast abilities.(法力)Manaless- Champions who do not have the mana stat.(无蓝条,如锐雯之类)Map Awareness- To be conscious of the events occurring around the map by using abilities or items (e.g. *Clairvoyance or wards) which reveal the fog of war at strategic locations, and react appropriately.(地图意识,意识发生在战争迷雾中的事件)Mark- A type of rune which primarily boosts various physical stats.(标记)Martyr- A champion that dies defending a capture point with an extra score reward, depending on how many enemy champions are involved in the kill.(杀死敌人的奖励,这取决于参与击杀的人数。。。。。)Meta or Metagame- The game's current play style, consisting of aspects such as lane setup, jungling, and team composition.(对策,这取决于团队组成)MF- Miss Fortune(好运姐的简称)MIA- Missing In Action: an enemy champion who was laning does not show up in the original lane which may result in recalled to base, preparing to gank the other lane and/or hiding in the brush. &MIA& is more common on the NA server.(在行动中消失,可能隐藏在草丛中,或者不在当前的线上)Mid- Middle lane(中路)The Refinery/Drill- capture points in Dominion.(炼油厂,统战占据点)Minion- The computer-controlled unit spawned from the allied structure (nexus or capture point) to march to the opposing structure along the designated lane.(小兵)Minion wave- A group of minions spawned together once at a time. Multiple groups of minion waves may accumulate to form a bigger group that is harder to be dealt with.(一波小兵!)Miss- Enemy champion missing in action. &Miss& (along with &ss&) is more common than &MIA& on the European servers.(miss,这个就不译了。。。。)MK- Minion Kills(小兵击杀!真是弱爆了。。。。)MOBA- Multiplayer Online Battle Arena: a genre of games which brings many RPG (Role Playing Game) and RTS (Real Time Strategy) elements together.(多人即时对战游戏)MP5- Mana regeneration per 5 seconds(5秒回蓝)MPen- Magic Penetration(法术穿透简称)MR- Magic Resistance(魔法抗性简称)MS- Movement Speed(移动速度简称)
n1 - Nice one(干的好,同well done)Nerf- An official modification to the game mechanics which makes something less powerful, as opposed to a &buff&.(削弱)NJ- Nice Job(干的好)Noc- Nocturne(梦魇的简称,魔腾)Noob- Unskillful player. Similar forms include &nub& and &n00b&.(新手,不熟练的玩家)Normal- Normal game(普通游戏)Nuke- A large amount of damage being dealt in a short time, pertaining particularly to the damage dealt by a single champion. To Burst is also a commonly used term.(核武器,意思是能造成大量伤害的单位)
OMW- On My Way(在路上,意思是正在赶路)OOM- Out Of Mana(我没蓝了!)OP- Overpowered(无法忍受,这东西太变态了!) OTW- On The Way(靠近,接近)
Pant or Panth- Pantheon(战争之王的简称,潘森)Party- A player can invite other players from their friend list to form a team before joining a match. If the amount of participants does not reach the maximum size of the selected match mode (3 or 5), they will be placed with solo players to fill the vacancy/vacancies.(团队)PD- Phantom Dancer(幽梦之灵的简称)Pentakill- Slaying five enemy champions within a certain length of time.(5杀!!)Pet- A non-champion, non-minion ally that may or may not be controllable that is generated by a champion's ability and fights for him on its own.(英雄的召唤物)Ping- To alt/G+left-click on the mini map causing a &ping& noise and a mark on the map that your entire team can see.(延迟)Poke- A form of harass which uses long ranged attacks to cause small to moderate damage in order to weaken an enemy, while keeping a safe position.(poke,一种战术,远程骚扰来削弱敌人的战术)Position or Positioning- A champion's location during a fight. Good positioning is determined by the player knowing the optimal location their champion should be at.(位置或者定位,例如上单,AP这类)Pot- Potion(s), usually Health Potion.(点数,通常是生命值)Purple- Purple Team: The group of players that start out at the upper-right side of Summoner's Rift, or right side of Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar.(紫色军团的简称)Push- To continue advancing forward in a lane, clearing it of minions and towers.(推进)PvP- Player versus Player: game modes that do not include bots.(PVP,玩家对玩家)
Q- First champion ability which is bound to the &Q& key by default.(英雄第一个技能Q)QQ- Depicts a pair of crying eyes, implying that the other player is complaining.(美服常用表情,意思是一对流泪的双眼)QSS- Quicksilver Sash(水银饰带的简称)Quadrakill- Slaying four enemy champions within a certain length of time.(4杀)Quint- Quintessence, the most expensive/powerful type of rune.(精华,最强大最贵的符文)
R- Fourth champion ability (usually the ultimate ability) which is bound to the &R& key by default.(英雄的第四个技能R)Ragequit- An incident where a player quits (leaves) the game due to in-game frustrations.(由于游戏中发生的事件受到影响而退出游戏。。。。。)Rank or Ranked- Ranked game(排位积分)Razors- Madred's Razors or *Madred's Bloodrazor(绿爪的简称)Rdy- Ready(准备的简称)re- Short for reappear, meaning an enemy champion is no longer MIA.(又出现了,表示敌人不再MISS)Recall- A universal ability to teleport back to base after an 8 second channel.(回城的技能)Red/Red Buff- Blessing of the Lizard Elder(红爸爸。。。)Rene- Renekton(荒漠屠夫鳄鱼的简称,雷克顿)Root- A debuff which prevents any movement by an enemy champion. Can also be refered to as &snare& and &immobilize&.(禁锢)RP- Riot Points(riot的点券。。。)
Seal- A type of rune which primarily boosts defensive or utility stats.(一种符文,主要是增强防御)Silence- A debuff which prevents any activated abilities from being used by the target champion.(沉默)Skill Shot- An ability that requires aiming a projectile that could miss its target.(致盲)Slow- A debuff which reduces the target's movement speed.(缓速)Smart cast- An entry scheme of action command that allows 1-click on the keyboard (or combined with the shift key) to perform the action without clicking the mouse button on the target.(智能施法)Smurf- An experienced player that is pretending to be a newbie. (smurf意思是扮猪吃虎的意思。。。。)Snare- A debuff which prevents target champions movement. Can also be refered to as &root& and &immobilize&.(陷阱)Snowball- Situation that occurs when a champion or team gains an advantage, and continues to use the advantage to win the game.(雪球,滚雪球的意思)Solo- A champion (usually the top and mid laners) that guards an entire lane on their own.(单人对线)SotO- Sword of the Occult(杀人剑。。。。)SR- Summoner's Rift(召唤师峡谷)SS- Enemy champion missing, shortened form of &miss&. &SS& (along with &miss&) is more common than &MIA& on the European servers.(敌人英雄的miss,通常是单人的miss)Stealth- An ability to conceal the user from being seen or detected by the enemies, invisible(隐身)Stun- A debuff which prevents the target champions from moving, attacking or casting abilities.(眩晕)Summoner- The role given to the player as they call a champion to the field and directs them in battle.(召唤师)Super- Super Minion: a stronger minion that is spawned by destroying enemy inhibitor in classic game mode. In Dominion mode, each minion wave already contains one super minion.(超级小兵)Support - A category of champions whose forte is to support his/her allies' performance.(辅助)Suppress or Suppression- A stronger version of the debuff stun which cannot be alleviated or actively broken out of by most methods except *Quicksilver Sash.(压制)Surrender or Surrendering- To start a vote between teammates to end the game earlier before the Nexus is destroyed by the opponent team and admit defeat.(投降)SV- Spirit Visage(振奋盔甲的简称)
Tank- A champion designed to take high amounts of damage.(坦克,承受伤害的角色,也作肉)Taunt- A disable which forces the target to attack the taunter.(嘲讽)Team Fight- When multiple champions, from each opposing side, gather in one area to do battle.(团战)Tenacity- A champion stat which determines the reduction of effect duration of most Crowd Control debuffs.(韧性)TF- Twisted Fate(卡牌的简称,崔斯特)Top- Top/upper lane(上路)Tower- A stationary defense structure that guards the lanes and the base. It is also commonly referred to as the Turret.(防御塔)Tower Hugging- To stay near the tower to deter enemy champions from attacking them.(在防御塔附近击杀敌人)TP- Teleport or *Gate(传送)Tree- Maokai(扭曲树精,茂凯简称)Triple Kill- Slaying three enemy champions within a certain length of time.(3杀)Tribrush- The triangular brushes near each of the top and bottom jungle entries.(三角草丛。。。。)TT- Twisted Treeline(扭曲森林,地图名)Tryn or Trynd- Tryndamere(蛮子的简称,泰达米尔)
Ult or Ulti- Ultimate Ability / To tell a player to use their champion's ultimate ability.(大招!)Unique- An aura or ability that does not stack, common to item effects.(光环类道具)UP- Underpowered(能量不足)
Voli- Volibear(大白熊的简称,沃利贝尔)
W - Second champion ability which is bound to the &W& key by default.(英雄的第二个技能,W)Ward- Items that reveal the Fog of War once placed.(守卫,能揭开战争迷雾)WP- Well Played(干的好)WW- Warwick(狼人的简称,沃里克)
Xin- Xin Zhao(赵信简称)
Yi- Master Yi(易大师的简称)Yor- Yorick(掘墓者的简称,尤里克)
Zil- Zilean(时光守护者的简称,基兰)
Aura是光环不是被动技能 Blind就直接翻译成致盲就可以了。。 Blind Pick很明显是匹配不是排位 Brb是我会马上回来的意思,一般是对线期间补充装备回城时说,或者团战双方摆开阵势但队友要补充装备时 Bruiser就是半肉 Bloodthirster是饮血剑 Banshee's Veil是女妖面纱 CS是补兵数 Disable不一定就是指虚弱,还有其他控制技 Draft Pick就是排位了 FM冰锤的意思没有翻出来。。 Glyph就是蓝色符文 Ha ...
你的贴子很不错。推荐一下! O(∩_∩)O.
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我咧个去&&我是爱国的 !!
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灰姑娘的童话 发表于
我咧个去&&我是爱国的 !!
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限80积分11711精华0UID帖子金钱37095 威望0
Lv.8, 积分 11711, 距离下一级还需 8289 积分
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压力山大、艾 发表于
我支持你了解外语 这样他们说我们坏话 你可以告密~~~~
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限105积分122904精华0UID帖子金钱525476 威望32
Lv.12, 积分 122904, 距离下一级还需 12096 积分
UID帖子威望32 多玩草5232 草
灰姑娘的童话 发表于
我支持你了解外语 这样他们说我们坏话 你可以告密~~~~
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限80积分11711精华0UID帖子金钱37095 威望0
Lv.8, 积分 11711, 距离下一级还需 8289 积分
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压力山大、艾 发表于
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限105积分122904精华0UID帖子金钱525476 威望32
Lv.12, 积分 122904, 距离下一级还需 12096 积分
UID帖子威望32 多玩草5232 草
灰姑娘的童话 发表于
快点大看看我 我很厉害的
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限80积分11711精华0UID帖子金钱37095 威望0
Lv.8, 积分 11711, 距离下一级还需 8289 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草
压力山大、艾 发表于
快点大看看我 我很厉害的
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限105积分122904精华0UID帖子金钱525476 威望32
Lv.12, 积分 122904, 距离下一级还需 12096 积分
UID帖子威望32 多玩草5232 草
灰姑娘的童话 发表于
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限80积分11711精华0UID帖子金钱37095 威望0
Lv.8, 积分 11711, 距离下一级还需 8289 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草
压力山大、艾 发表于
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限105积分122904精华0UID帖子金钱525476 威望32
Lv.12, 积分 122904, 距离下一级还需 12096 积分
UID帖子威望32 多玩草5232 草
灰姑娘的童话 发表于
新人欢迎积分1 阅读权限80积分11711精华0UID帖子金钱37095 威望0
Lv.8, 积分 11711, 距离下一级还需 8289 积分
UID帖子威望0 多玩草0 草
压力山大、艾 发表于
请注意 。。我说的是我只会。。。
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