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把压缩包里的文件和Tinderbox1-2.1的插件放在同一个目录里就好了,适用于Tinderbox1-2.1 V1,其他版本没有尝试过。
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739 Bytes, 下载次数: 71, 下载积分: 金钱 -1
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jinghaiyu 发表于
把压缩包里的文件和Tinderbox1-2.1的插件放在同一个目录里就好了,适用于Tinderbox1-2.1 V1,其他版本没有尝 ...
不错不错不错The Foundry Tinderbox 4 v2.1v8 Win for After Effects CS4 (AE 特效插件)-行业软件
The Foundry Tinderbox 4 v2.1v8 Win for After Effects CS4 AE CS4特效插件Foundry出品的Tinderbox系列特效插件包之四。继成功的Tinderbox 1 和 Tinderbox 2,3特效插件包之后,Foundry为After Effects专业用户呈献了T
软件分类:国外软件 / 零售版 / 媒体插件 软件语言:英文 发布时间:  访问数:
The Foundry Tinderbox 4 v2.1v8 Win for After Effects CS4 AE CS4特效插件Foundry出品的Tinderbox系列特效插件包之四。继成功的Tinderbox 1 和 Tinderbox 2,3特效插件包之后,Foundry为After Effects专业用户呈献了Tinderbox 4,一套全新的插件。它继续扩充了Tinderbox插件系列的范围和功能。Tinderbox 3允许After Effects的专业用户用最小的精力来产生高品质的视觉效果。这个插件包分4类21个,Bars(齿龈)、BleachBypass(漂白)、Cartoon(卡通)、Channels(通道);Colourist(着色):Convolve(卷)、Fire(火)、Flow(流程)、InfiniteZoom (无穷空间)、Kaleid (幻觉)、LightWrap(日光束)、LineDrawing(线性描绘)、Median(中间值)、MuzzleFlash(闪光***)、Quantise(全体色);Rain(雨):Security(安全)、Snow(雪)、SoftGlow(柔光)、Water(水)Tinderbox 4Tinderbox is an impressive collection of 2D visual effects plug-ins, delivering unlimited creative possibilities for artists involved in producing digital images for film and video. Opt for instant gratification with hundreds of presets or add your unique touch with a multitude of adjustable parameters. Tinderbox 4 plug-ins include Security for simulating a security camera feed. Reveal the layers in an image by flowing colour through a matte with Flow and give images a hand drawn look with Cartoon and LineDrawing. Achieve limitless zoom with InfiniteZoom. Generate clean and really effective 2D Rain or go for a winter look with Snow. Wrap background light around foreground objects with LightWrap and apply fast elegant glow effects with SoftGlow. Take a look at the complete list of Tinderbox 4 plug-ins.T_BarsGenerates SMPTE, EBU, EIA, 75% and 100% colour bars and other test patterns for use in setting up monitors. T_BleachBypassExactly mimics a film lab bleach bypass process where the silver in the negative is retained giving a very stylized look. T_CartoonFlattens colour and adds lines to edges to give a cartoon feel to images. T_ChannelsA versatile tool for floating point channel and image manipulation. It provides a range of functionality including image based arithmetic, clamping, clipping, channel rewiring and colour space conversion. It replaces and improves upon a number of After Effects filters which are not floating point. T_ColouristUses statistical analysis of the image to provide various forms of automated colour correction. It is designed to replicate the skills of a colourist for normal colour balancing. The software applies controlled statistical corrections and as such does not require the subjective input from the artist or a perfectly balanced computer monitor. T_ConvolveA general purpose spatial filter that uses a weighted average of sampled pixels to determine each new pixel value. A number of pre-defined kernel shapes are supplied together with the ability to use your own kernels. T_FireGenerates animating flames as an alternative to using stock footage. T_FlowEssentially a flood fill along a path defined by a matte. It can be used to write on text and generate animating mattes as transition effects.
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数据加载中..T_BandlimitT_Bandlimit converts an image into Fourier space, removes or keeps user specified frequencies, then converts it back into an image giving very stylised results. T_BlurMaskedT_BlurMasked takes an image and a matte and blurs the image based on values in the matte. In some circumstances it can be used to simulate depth of field. T_ChromaticT_Chromatic blurs and separates the colour components of an image to simulate the colour fringing seen when light is refracted through poor quality lenses. T_ContourT_Contour draws closed lines along pixels with similar luminance. The result can be blended back into the original image. T_GlassT_Glass gives the impression of viewing an image through a layer of distorting glass. T_GlowT_Glow applies a glow effect to the image. Neon and other looks are possible. T_GrainT_Grain adds noise to images to simulate grain. A luminance curve is provided to reduce the amount of grain added in the shadows and highlights. T_LensBlurT_LensBlur simulates the true defocussing characteristics of a camera lens to give realistic focus pulls. It includes controls for the shape of the camera diaphragm, highlight blooming and chromatic aberration. It's fast too. Very fast. T_LensFlareT_LensFlare generates realistic and highly customisable lens flares. There are controls for the bright spot, light rays, polygonal lens inter-reflections and much more.
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