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中文翻译不过也还好拉工郴调车场清纯些邮电通信行业标…邮电通信行业标准目录&&&&立方码&&&&基什恩&&&&平方码&&&&超院,码; 堆场; 码(英制长度单位)&&&&精密点胶机&&&&浮吊&&&&yc waveform&&&&义二中政治教研组&&&&基督教青工协进会&&&&***二硝基苯基天冬氨酸&&&&小型飞机运输船&&&&伊达利尔&&&&歪酷博客
例句与用法Improvement of yd - 1003 loop steam seal cutting machine1003型汽封环线切割机改进Yd place debug information in object fileYd将调试信息放在对象文件中c A quarter circle with a radius of 1 m ( 1 yd ) from each corner flagpost is drawn inside the field of play在比赛场地内,以距每个角旗杆1米( 1码)为半径画一个四分之一圆。 Jiefu communication speaker yd series of own accord was appraised as jiangsu high - tech product state major new product in 20012000年公司自行研发的jiefu通讯扬声器yd系列产品,更被评为2001年度“江苏省高新技术产品” , “国家重点新产品” 。 At present , its main products include y , y2 series motor , yd series multi - speed motor , yb2 explosion - proof motor , fractional horsepower motor , vibrator and pump目前主要有y 、 y2系列电机、 yd系列多速电机、 yb2防爆电机、分马力电机、振动器及水泵等产品。 Spellsteal - rank 1 requires level 70 474 mana30 yd range instant cast steals a beneficial magic effect from the target . this effect lasts a maximum of 2 min魔法偷取?等级1要求70级消耗法力47430码施法距离瞬发法术偷取对方身上的有益魔法效果,这个效果持续最大2分钟。 The parametric drawing module includes parametric programmes of lp , lc , lf , yc , yd and ye type of bursting disc devices . it has 37 programmes which can finish parametric drawing of all of these six types of bursting disc devices参数化绘图模块包括lp 、 lc 、 lf 、 yc 、 yd 、 ye等六种型式爆破片装置所有设计图纸的参数化绘图程序,共计37个。 The next part analyzes yd color printing company ' s situation by swot model , the gaps model of service quality , and provides some methods to solve the problems cited in the first part通过swot分析找出了yd彩色印务公司的主要目标市场,对公司在提供产品和服务过程中存在的问题运用服务市场营销中的服务质量差距模型进行了探讨,给出了解决问题的思路和方法。 This paper consists of two parts . the first part introduces yd color printing company by the following points : the development history , the catalog of products , the market status , and lists some existed questions for the following discussion论文由两个部分组成,第一部分为案例,介绍了yd彩色印务公司的发展历程、产品结构、市场状况、提出了企业在服务过程中存在的问题。 ( 2 ) establishment of maize transformation system material r18 transformation system were established and transgentic plants of bar gene were obtained uing gene gun . statistical analysis showed that r18 performent well with yd culture medium in the process of conservation , screening and regeneration( 2 )玉米遗传转化体系的建立及抗除草剂转基因植株的获得于2000年选用r18为受体材料,用基因***法导入bar基因(抗除草剂草丁膦) ,建立起了遗传转化体系。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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