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Pauline M. Doran*DOI:&10.1002/bit.22280
Biotechnology and Bioengineering pages 60&76, Author InformationSchool of Biological Sciences and Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University, VIC 3800, A telephone: 61-3-; fax: 61-3-Email: Pauline M. Doran (*School of Biological Sciences and Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University, VIC 3800, A telephone: 61-3-; fax: 61-3-.Publication HistoryIssue online: 23 MAR 2009Version of Record online: 6 FEB 2009Accepted manuscript online: 6 FEB AM ESTManuscript Accepted: 27 JAN 2009Manuscript Revised: 18 JAN 2009Manuscript Received: 6 OCT 2008
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