
> WoW 2.0宏指南
WoW 2.0宏指南
(作者注:WoW 2.0还在Beta阶段,因此以下条件选项随时可能被更改。)In WoW 2.0,
macros and addons will drastically change. Recently, Slouken announced an
exciting new addition to the functionality of macros in WoW 2.0, a set of
conditional options for the /cast, /use, /target, /focus, /assist, /stopmacro,
/cancelaura, /userandom, /castrandom, and /castsequence slash commands. This
post is intended to be a "How-To" guide on using them. NOTE: While most
of the examples given are done using ?/cast?, these options are available to all
the slash commands listed above. 在WoW
UI开发者)宣布了一个令人激动的宏的新特性,一系列条件选项将可以被应用于以下斜杠命令:/cast,/use,/target,/focus,/assist,/stopmacro,/cancelaura,/userandom,/castrandom,以及/castsequence。这个帖子的目的就在于讲解如何应用它们。注:虽然多数例子都使用了"/cast",但事实上这些条件选项对前面提到的所有斜杠命令都有效。Understand that most current macros will be obsolete in 2.0. Just
about anything using CastSpellByName() or TargetUnit() will be non-functional in
combat. In addition, most ?dumb logic? macros will not work either. However, you
can now replicate the functionality of many popular macros with these new Macro
Options. Currently, using ?/cast? is very simple. The command format is
?/cast ? (which casts the highest rank of the listed spell), or
?/cast (Rank &#&)?. Some examples: /cast Greater Heal
/cast Arcane Intellect(Rank 3)
&法术名称&”(施放最高等级的法术)或者“/cast &法术名陈&(Rank &#&)”。比如说:/施放
强效治疗术/施放 奥术智慧(等级 3)In the new system, this format
still works just the same, however you can now add options to give more
flexibility to your /cast statements. The new command format for ?/cast? is:
?/cast [] ; []
; [] ; ... The
way a macro works now is like this: The first set of options is checked. If they
are true, then the first spell is cast. If they are false, the next set of
options is evaluated, and if true, the next spell is cast, and so on. However,
you must keep in mind that only one spell will be cast. As soon as a set of
options evaluates to true, the game will cast the corresponding spell, and that
line of the macro will be done.
[&第一组条件选项&] &第一个法术名称&; [&第二组条件选项&] &第二个法术名称&;
&第三个法术名称&;...”。现在让宏运作起来的方式就像这样:第一组条件选项被检测,如果它们成立,则第一个法术被施放,如果它们不成立,则第二组条件选项被检测,如果这个成立了,下一个法术被施放,如此下去。但是,你必须牢记,只有一个法术会被施放。当一组条件选项被检测到成立时,相应的法术就会被施放,宏也就此结束。The current options available to players are: help -
Evaluates ?true? if target is friendly harm - Evaluates ?true? if target
is hostile combat - Evaluates ?true? if you are in combat.
stance or stance:# - Evaluates ?true? if you are in a stance, or are in
a particular stance (see below) stealth - Evaluates ?true? if you are
stealthed. modifier or modifier:shift|ctrl|alt - Evaluates ?true? if the
selected key is held down when the command is executed. equipped:
- Evaluates ?true? if item is equipped. Item can be any valid inventory slot,
item class or item subclass. target= - Special option. It changes
the target from the default of "target" to any valid unitid. (see below)
actionbar: - Evaluates ?true? if the current actionbar is the
same as the listed one. 当前可用的条件选项有:help -
检测目标是否为友善harm - 检测目标是否为敌对combat - 检测你是否在战斗中stance或stance:# -
检测你是否在姿态中,或是否在某个特定的姿态中(详见下)stealth -
检测你是否潜行modifier或modifier:shift|ctrl|alt -
检测命令被执行时是否某个特定的键被按下equipped: -
检测某个物品是否被装备。可以是任何有效的装备槽,物品分类,或者物品子类target = -
特殊条件选项,它把当前目标改变为任何有效的单位(详见下)actionbar: -
检测当前动作条是否为列出的那个NEW OPTIONS: pet: - Evaluates ?true? if the pet exists. Takes pet type (Owl, Bear, Imp)
or pet name (Fluffy, MrBigglesworth). With no modifier (i.e. just [pet]) it
evaluates ?true? if ANY pet exists. mounted, swimming, flying -
Evaluates ?true? if you are mounted, swimming, or flying, respectively.
indoors, outdoors - Evaluates ?true? if you are indoors or outdoors,
respectively. button:&#& - Evaluates ?true? if the selected button
was used to ?click? the spell, defaults to 1 (see below).
channeling: - Evaluates true if you are channeling the spell
listed. With no spell listed, it evaluates true if any spell is being channeled.
exists and dead - Evaluates true if your target is dead, or actually
exists. 新的条件选项:pet:-
- 检测是否在坐骑上,游泳,或者飞行中indoors,outdoors - 检测是在室内还是室外button:&#& -
检测某个特定的按钮被用来触发法术,默认为1(详见下)exists 和 dead - 检测是否目标已经死亡,或是否真的存在New Macro Command --------------------------- /castsequence
- Casts a predetermines set of spells in sequence (See Below) # show
- Shows macro feedback for the listed spell Some additional
tricks you can do with the options: You can add ?no? to the beginning of any
option (except target) to invert it, i.e. ?nocombat? will only work if you are
NOT in combat. Seperating options with a comma ?,? will act like an ?and?
if both options are true, it executes. Seperating options with a
slash ?/? will act like an ?or? if either option is true, it
executes. Selecting the ??? Icon in the Macro Editor will force the macro to
present the icon of the current spell that spell feedback is being given for.
新的宏命令---------------------------/castsequence -
按顺序施放一组事先设定好的法术(详见下)# show &法术& -
显示所列出法术的宏返回值对于条件选项的一些额外技巧:你可以在任何条件选项前加上“no”来得到反效果,比如,“nocombat”则在脱离战斗的情况下成立。用逗号“,”来分隔条件选项作用和“and”一样,当条件选项同时成立时执行。用斜杠“/”来分隔条件选项作用和“or”一样,当其中一个条件选项成立时执行。在宏编辑器里按“?”图标将强制宏以当前法术的图标显示。举例和姿态Here are some examples to help:
/cast Greater Heal Very simple macro which casts Greater Heal on
your target. /cast [help] Greater Heal One option added. Will cast
Greater Heal IF the target is friendly. /cast [help] Greater H Smite
Second spell added. Since it has no option added to it, it will be cast any
time the first option fails. /cast [help, combat] Flash H [help,
nocombat] Greater H Smite This macro will cast Flash Heal on a friendly
target if you (not the target) are in combat. If you are not in combat and the
target is friendly, it will cast Greater Heal. If neither of these is true (i.e.
the target is not friendly) it will cast Smite. /cast [help] Greater
H [harm, combat] S [harm, nocombat] Mind Flay This will cast
Greater Heal on a friendly target, or Smite if the player is in combat, or Mind
Flay if the player is not in combat. 这里有一些举例说明:/施放
强效治疗术非常简单,向你的目标施放强效治疗术。/施放 [help]
强效治疗术加入一个条件选项,当目标为友善时施放强效治疗术。/施放 [help] 强效治疗术;
惩击加入第二个法术,由于它没有任何条件选项,所以在第一组条件选项不成立时,则施放。/施放 [help, combat] 快速治疗;
[help, nocombat] 强效治疗术;
[help] 强效治疗术; [harm, combat] 惩击; [harm, nocombat]
精神鞭笞这个宏将对友方目标施放强效治疗术,或在战斗中对敌对目标施放惩击,或当你不处于战斗中时,对敌对目标施放精神鞭笞。/cast [stealth] A Backstab This will cast Ambush if the
player is stealthed, Backstab if not. /cast [nostealth] B Ambush
Does the exact same thing as above, just in a different way. /cast
[actionbar:1] Greater H [actionbar:2] Smite Will cast Greater Heal if
the current actionbar is #1, Smite if it is #2, nothing if actionbars 3+ are
selected /cast [harm] Polymorph /stopmacro [noharm] /p Sheeping
%t! DO NOT TOUCH! This macro will cast Polymorph if the target is hostile,
then stop the macro if the target is NOT hostile (i.e. if the polymorph didn?t
go off). Then it tells the party that it?s target has been Sheeped. Note that
because of the ?/stopmacro? command, if the target was not sheeped, the party
would not be sent a tell (thus cutting down on unneccessary spam).
/施放 [stealth] 伏击; 背刺这个宏在玩家处于潜行时施放伏击,否则的话就背刺。/施放
[nostealth] 背刺; 伏击这个宏和上面那个作用完全相同,只不过用了相反的条件选项。/施放 [actionbar:1]
强效治疗术; [actionbar:2]
惩击如果当前动作条为1号时施放强效治疗术,如果是2号则施放惩击,如果为其他动作条则不做任何事情。/施放 [harm]
变形术/stopmacro [noharm]/p
正在把%t变羊!别去碰它!这个宏将在目标为敌对目标时施放变形术,若目标不是敌对,则停止这个宏(例如变形术没有施放出来),当目标被变羊后则通知队友。注意,因为“/stopmacro”命令的存在,如果目标没有被变羊,队友将不会看到喊话(从而减少了不必要的垃圾信息)。/cast [pet] Call P Revive Pet This macro will call your pet
if you do not have one, otherwise it attempts to cast Revive Pet. /cast
[pet:owl] D [pet:cat] D [pet] Growl This macro will cast Dive if you
have an owl, Dash if you have a cat, or Growl if you have anything else.
/cast [pet:Voidwalker] S [pet:succubus] Seduction Will cast
Sacrifice if you have a Voidwalker out, Seduction if you have a Succubus.
/use [nomounted,outdoors] Black War Steed Bridle This will attempt
to mount if you are outside and not mounted. /cast [target=pet,dead]
Revive P [nopet] Call P Mend Pet This will revive your pet if it?s
dead, call your pet if you don?t have him out, or mend your pet.
/施放 [pet] 召唤宠物;
复活宠物这个宏将在你没有带着宠物时召唤一个出来,否则的话将尝试复活你的宠物。/施放 [pet:owl] 俯冲; [pet:cat]
冲锋; [pet] 低吼这个宏将在你带着枭类宠物的时候施放俯冲,带着猫类宠物时施放冲锋,如果是其他宠物则施放低吼。/施放
[pet:虚空行者] 牺牲; [pet:媚魔] 魅惑如果你带着虚空行者则施放牺牲,带着媚魔则施放魅惑。/使用 [nomounted,
outdoors] 黑色战驹缰绳如果你在室外且没有骑着坐骑时召唤坐骑。/施放 [target=pet, dead] 复活宠物;
[nopet] 召唤宠物; 治疗宠物若你的宠物死亡了则复活它,如果没有召唤出来则召唤宠物,或者治疗你的宠物。---------------- Stances: ---------------- Stances
work the same way. If no stance number is given, then it evaluates to ?true? if
the player is in any stance. (Note that for Warriors, you are ALWAYS in some
stance). If a number is given, it checks to see if that form is currently
active. Each class has different numbers for it?s stances. Here is a
list of stances and their numbers: Class: Warrior Priest Druid Rogue
Battle Shadowform Bear
Auras are no longer treated as Stances by the Macro Option system. Keep
in mind that if you skip a stance (like a Warrior who never does the Defensive
Stance quest) then your stance numbers will drop down, i.e. Berserker Stance
would be stance 2. ---------------- 姿态----------------
战斗 2. 防御 3. 狂暴牧师:1. 暗影形态德鲁伊:1. 熊 2. 水栖 3. 猫 4. 旅行 5. 枭兽/树盗贼:1.
潜行圣骑士的光环在宏条件选项系统中将不再被作为姿态处理。请记住,如果你跳过了某个姿态(例如作为战士却没有做防御姿态的任务),你的姿态编号将会递减,比如狂暴姿态的编号会变成2号。Some stance examples. /cast [nostance] Bear Form If you are
not in a form, this will shift you into bear form. /cast [stance:1]
O [stance:2] Sunder A [stance:3] Whirlwind Will cast Overpower
in Battle stance, Sunder Armor in Defensive, and Whirlwind in Berserker stance
/cast [stance:1] G [stance:3] Claw Will cast Growl in Bear
form, or Claw in Cat form. /cast [nostance:3] Cat Form Will put you
into cat form if you are not. If you are currently in Cat form, this will NOT
shift you out. 一些姿态宏的例子:/施放 [nostance]
熊形态如果没有在一个形态下,则变形到熊形态。/施放 [stance:1] 压制; [stance:2] 破甲; [stance:3]
旋风斩在战斗姿态下施放压制,防御姿态下施放破甲,狂暴姿态下施放旋风斩。/施放 [stance:1] 低吼; [stance:3]
爪击在熊形态施放低吼,在猫形态施放爪击。/施放 [nostance:3]
[equipped] option also works the same way, but it?s a bit trickier. The argument
can be either an Inventory Slot (see below), an item type, or an item subtype.
For a list of item types and subtypes, check here: /ItemType
A List of Inventory Slots:
物品槽列表:Two-Hand 双手Bag 包Shirt
衬衫Chest 胸部Back 背部Feet 脚Finger 手指Hands 手Head 头部Held
In Off-hand 副手物品Legs 腿部Neck 颈部Ranged 远程Off Hand 副手Shoulder
肩部Tabard 徽章Thrown (ranged slot items like thrown daggers)
投掷(远程槽物品例如投掷匕首)Trinket 饰品Waist 腰部One-Hand 单手Main Hand
主手Wrist 手腕Some equipped examples: /cast
[equipped:Two-Handed Swords] Mortal S Heroic Strike This will cast
Mortal Strike if you are using a 2hand sword. /cast [equipped:Two-Handed
Swords/Two-Handed Maces/Two-Handed Axes/Polearms] Mortal Strike This uses
the ?/? modifier to set up an ?or? condition. This macro will cast Mortal Strike
if ANY of those types are equipped. /cast [equipped:Shields] Shield Bash
This will cast Shield Bash if you have a shield equipped. /cast
[equipped:Shields, equipped:Daggers] Shield Slam This will cast Shield slam
only if you have a dagger AND a shield equipped. /cast
[noequipped:Shields, equipped:Off Hand] Rampage This will cast Rampage if
you do NOT have a shield equipped, AND you have something in the Off Hand slot.
In theory, this macro will only activate if you are dual-wielding.
一些equipped例子:/施放 [equipped:双手剑] 致死打击;
英勇打击当你装备着双手剑时施放致死打击。/施放 [equipped:双手剑/双手锤/双手斧/长柄武器]
致死打击这里使用了分隔符“/”来设置一个“或”条件,这个宏将在你装备以上类型武器时施放致死打击。/施放 [equipped:盾牌]
盾牌猛击在你装备了盾牌的时候施放盾牌猛击。/施放 [equipped:盾牌, equipped:匕首]
盾牌猛击仅在你同时装备了盾牌和匕首时才施放盾牌猛击/施放 [noequipped:盾牌, equipped:副手]
Button和Target目标选项The option [button:] works similarly to the modifier button.
Normally, if you left-click a button, it performs whatever action is in that
spell, in our case a macro. However, if you set the button option, you can
change the behavior of a particular macro. The default button is 1, the
Left Mouse button. Note that when you activate a macro via a keybinding, it
treats it like a Left Mouse button click. The numbered buttons are: 1 or
LeftButton 2 or RightButton 3 or MiddleButton 4 or Button4 5 or
Button5 ... or any of the buttons remapped by the secure state headers. I
don?t know what this last bit means, to be honest, I?m simply quoting slouken.
或 左键2 或 右键3 或 中键4 或 按键45 或
官网UI论坛中有一篇Iriel(论坛MVP)写的SecureStateHeader Example
[button:2,target=player] Flash H [help] Flash Heal This macro would cast
Flash Heal on a friendly target, OR if you clicked it with the right mouse
button, it would cast Flash Heal on you. The [target=unit] is a special
option. Instead of evaluating to ?true? or ?false?, it changes the target of the
following spell AND the target of the other options. "Unit" can be any valid
unit type, i.e. "player", "target", "targettarget", "party1", "party1target",
etc etc. For more on unit types, go here: /UnitId
/施放 [button:2, target=player] 快速治疗; [help]
Keep in mind that every spell
has a default target of "target". So, for example: /cast [help] Greater
Heal is the same as /cast [target=target, help] Greater Heal
Unless you add in a [target=unit] option, the default will be your
current target. Possible examples of [target=unit]: /cast
[target=player] Flash Heal This spell will always cast flash heal on
yourself. Note that your current target will be unchanged. /cast [help]
Flash H [target=targettarget] Flash Heal This will cast Flash heal on
your target if it is friendly, OR it will cast Flash Heal on your target?s
target. /cast [help, combat] Flash H [help, nocombat] Greater H
[target=targettarget, help, combat] Flash H [target=player] Greater Heal
This will either 1) Cast flash heal if the target is friendly and you
are in combat, 2) cast greater heal if the target is friendly and you are NOT in
combat, 3) cast Flash Heal on your target?s target if you are in combat and that
unit is friendly, or if none of those conditions is true, it will cast Greater
Heal on yourself. If you use the unitid "none" it acts as if you had NO
target. For example: /cast [target=none] Dispel Magic This would
cast Dispel Magic and then ask for a target, regardless of whom you have
targetted currently.
请注意,任何一个施法都有默认的target,那就是“target”,例如:/施放 [help]
强效治疗术就和下面的宏等同:/施放 [target=target, help]
[target=player] 快速治疗总是向自己施放快速治疗,并且不会改变你的实际目标/施放 [help] 快速治疗;
[target=targettarget] 快速治疗如果目标是友善的,则向他施放快速治疗,否则向目标的目标施放快速治疗。/施放
[help, combat] 快速治疗; [help, nocombat] 强效治疗术; [target=targettarget, help, combat]
快速治疗; [target=player] 强效治疗术这个宏可以 1) 如果你处于战斗中且目标友善时施放快速治疗,2)
如果你目标友善且没有在战斗中则施放强效治疗术,3) 如果你处于战斗中且你目标的目标为友善,则向他施放快速治疗,4)
CastsequenceNew Command: /castsequence ----------------------
There?s a new command in WoW 2.0, called /castsequence. It allows you to
set up a series of spells to cast one after another, on each subsequent click of
the macro. The format is: /castsequence []
reset=&#&/target/combat , , "Huh? Say
what?" It sets up a list of spells, and the first time you click the
macro, it casts the first spell on the list. The next time you click it, it will
cast the second spell, and so on. When it gets to the end, it goes back to the
beginning. "I?m still not following you."
新的宏命令:/castsequence---------------------- 在WoW
[&条件选项&] reset=&#&/target/combat &法术1&, &法术2&,
当它施放完最后一个时,又回到起始点开始循环。“我还是不太明白耶。”Ok, lets say
you are a mage. Sometimes you need to Frost Nova and Blink away quickly. You
can?t do them both at the same time, so you set up a sequence to do it!
/castsequence Frost Nova, Blink And there you have it. The first
time you click it, you Frost Nova, then you click again and Blink away.
"And what happens if Frost Nova is on cooldown? Does it Blink instead?
Or does it just skip over Frost Nova and do Blink on the next click?"
Neither one. If the spell fails to cast (due to cooldown, out of range,
not enough mana, whatever) then the sequence does NOT go to the next spell. The
next time you click the macro, it?ll try to Frost Nova again. (NOTE: A resist,
dodge, parry, etc does NOT count as a failed cast. The spell/ability
successfully went off, it just missed.)
闪现就这么简单,第一次你按这个宏,你施放冰霜新星,再按一次,闪现。“那如果冰霜新星在冷却中怎么办?它会直接施放闪现么?还是不施放冰霜新星,等第二次按这个宏的时候,再施放闪现?”都不是。如果法术无法施放(冷却,超出距离,法力不足等等情况下),序列就不会走到下一个法术,下一次你再点这个宏的时候,它会再度尝试施放冰霜新星。(抵抗,躲闪,招架等并不会算作无法施放,这些情况下法术/技能确实施放了,只不过没有命中。)"What if I?m not in combat? I don?t want to waste a Frost Nova if
I?m not actually fighting." You can still use all the same macro options
(however, you cannot set options for each individual spell, only for the whole
sequence. Sorry.) /castsequence [combat] Frost Nova, Blink "Eh,
I was just kidding about that combat stuff. Ok, so what happens if I Frost Nova,
and decide not to Blink away? The next time I want to Frost Nova, it?ll be stuck
on the ?Blink? setting?" Not a problem. We?ll use the new "reset"
setting. Since Frost Nova has a cooldown of 24 seconds normally, we?ll set the
sequence to reset after 24 seconds of non-use. /castsequence reset=24
Frost Nova, Blink The first time you click your macro, it will Frost
Nova. If you decide not to Blink, after 24 seconds it will reset back to Frost
Nova. Since Frost Nova?s cooldown also happens to be 24 seconds, it?ll be ready
to use again. Brilliant!
reset=24 冰霜新星,
闪现当你第一次点击这个宏时,它会施放冰霜新星,如果你决定不闪现了,等过了24秒后,它会重置到冰霜新星的状态,因为冰霜新星的冷却时间为24秒,那时候它就可以被重新使用了,真棒!"Ok, that?s great and all, but I?m actually a warlock, dude."
Of course you are. Well, as a warlock, I?m sure you cast the same 3 DoTs
over and over again. Now you can set a sequence for those and save button space.
/castsequence Corruption, Immolate, Curse of Agony There you go,
now you can just push that button three times and cast all three DoTs.
"But what if it dies before I finish casting all three? I?m stuck at the
end of the sequence again, and I don?t wanna set no timer!" That?s ok,
we can use the other options. If you set ?reset=target? then any time you change
targets, it will reset the sequence back to the beginning. You can also set
?reset=combat?, and the game will reset your sequence any time you leave combat.
If you use the ?/? operator (remember it, from earlier?) you can combine reset
options! /castsequence reset=combat/target Corruption, Immolate, Curse
of Agony There, now any time you change targets (like, if the old target
is almost dead and you want to start on a new one), or any time you leave combat
(perhaps the critter died before you finished casting all the dots), it resets
your sequence for you, leaving you ready to start over.
腐蚀, 献祭,
reset=combat/target 腐蚀, 献祭,
痛苦诅咒就这全了,这下子每当你改变目标(比如原来的目标快死了,你选中的新的目标)或脱离了战斗(可能目标在你施放完所有DoT前就死了),它将会把整个序列重置,让你可以从头开始。"Ok, great, I think I got it now! Gimme a sec to set my new
macros..... done!" Excellent, I?m glad I could help. "So...
wanna duel?" Um, no thanks, I don?t duel warlocks. "Bah, you
举例说明Some Example Macros: General Macros: ---------------
/use [target=self] Heavy Netherweave Bandages This macro will always use
Heavy Netherweave Bandages on yourself, regardless of target.
一些宏的例子:通用宏:---------------/use [target=self]
厚虚空布绷带无论当前目标是什么,这个宏只会对自己使用厚虚空布绷带。Warrior Macros:
--------------- Intercept/Charge: It either charges/intercepts, or puts
you into the correct stance. /cast [nocombat,stance:1] C
[combat,nostance:3] Berserker S [nocombat,nostance:1] Battle S
[combat,stance:3] Intercept Generic Stance Macro: Replace &* Stance
Ability& with whatever you want. /cast [stance:1] ; [stance:2] ; [stance:3] Overpower: A very simple Overpower macro /cast [stance:1]
O Battle Stance 战士宏---------------
拦截/冲锋:拦截或者冲锋,或者切换到相应的姿态。/施放 [nocombat, stance:1] 冲锋; [combat,
nostance:3] 狂暴姿态; [nocombat, nostance:1] 战斗姿态; [combat, stance:3]
拦截一般姿态宏:把&* Stance Ability&替换为任何你想要的技能/施放 [stance:1] ; [stance:2] ; [stance:3] 压制:一个很简单的压制宏/施放 [stance:1] 压制; 战斗姿态Mage Macros --------------- Pyro/Fireball: Casts Pyro if
you?re not in combat (as an opener), Fireball otherwise. /cast [nocombat]
P Fireball Polymorph Focus: Will always polymorph your focus
target. /cast [target=focus] Polymorph 法师宏---------------
炎爆/火球:如果没有处于战斗则施放炎爆术(作为起手),否则就施放火球术/施放 [nocombat] 炎爆术;
火球术锁定变羊:总是将你锁定的目标变形/施放 [target=focus] 变形术Priest Macros --------------- Greater Heal on current boss
target, or on current target. /cast [target=targettarget, help] Greater
H [help] Greater Heal 牧师宏---------------
向当前目标的目标施放强效治疗术,否则向当前目标施放/施放 [target=targettarget, help] 强效治疗术; [help]
强效治疗术Hunter Macros --------------- Feed/Mend
Pet based on combat status. /cast [combat] Mend P [nocombat] Feed Pet
/use [nocombat] 猎人宏---------------
根据是否在战斗中喂养或治疗宠物/施放 [combat] 治疗宠物; [nocombat] 喂养宠物/使用 [nocombat]
-------------------------- I?d like to take this time to give thanks to
the following people: Cogwheel, for helping collect and promote the
suggestions of the UI community. Iriel, for always helping clarify and
collate information posted on the forum. Cairenn for pushing so hard to
get Mod writers into the BC Beta, and supporting them 100% with feedback and
webspace. To all the Mod Authors and Mod Websites for their wonderful
and thankless work to improve the life of the other 99% of the playerbase.
And most importantly, SLOUKEN, the best dev a modding community could
ever ask for. Without you, we?d be reduced to the standard interface for all
eternity. 感谢--------------------------


