$(aa title is required)

使用 title 属性,可以让鼠标悬停在超链接上的时候,显示该超链接的文字注释。
&a href=&& title = &百度的的中文站点&&百度网站&/a&
如果希望注释多行显示,可以使用 作为换行符。
&a href=&& title = &百度的 中文站点&&百度网站&/a&
【二】如何能让超链接title中的内容回行? 解决:在title(超链接里的)里需要回行的内容前加上& &。  如:测试title中的内容回行  代码:  &a& &href=&#& title=&第一行内容& 第二行内容& 第三行内容& target='_blank'&测试title中的内容回行&/a&
&SCRIPT type=text/javascript&document.write(&&style type='text/css'&#Tag {display:font:12px Tahoma,Vbackground-color:#FFC;border:1px #000padding:3position:z-index:1000;visibility:hidden}&/style&&);document.write(&&tt id='Tag' style='filter:blendtrans(duration=.2) revealTrans(duration=.1,transition=12) alpha(opacity=90,enabled=1);-moz-opacity:0.9'&&/tt&&);var sPop =function ShowTag(e){if(e){o=e.MouseX=e.pageX;MouseY=e.pageY} else{o=event.srcEMouseX=event.x;MouseY=event.y}if(o.alt){o.pop=o.o.alt=&&;} if(o.title){o.pop=o.o.title=&&;} if(o.pop){o.pop=o.pop.replace(//n/g,&&br /&&);}if(o.pop!=sPop){sPop=o.if(sPop){obj=(document.all)? Tag : document.getElementById(&Tag&);obj.innerHTML=o.iebody=document.objWidth=obj.offsetWobjHeight=obj.offsetHpopLeftAdjust=(MouseX+12+objWidth&iebody.clientWidth)?(-objWidth-24):0;popTopAdjust=(MouseY+12+objHeight&iebody.clientHeight)?(-objHeight-24):0;obj.style.left=MouseX+12+iebody.scrollLeft+popLeftAobj.style.top=MouseY+12+iebody.scrollTop+popTopAif(obj.filters && obj.filters.length!=0){obj.filters[1].apply();obj.style.visibility=&visible&;obj.filters[1].play()} else obj.style.visibility=&visible&;}else{if(obj.filters && obj.filters.length!=0){obj.filters[0].apply();obj.style.visibility=&hidden&;obj.filters[0].play()} else obj.style.visibility=&hidden&;}}}document.onmouseover=ShowT&/SCRIPT&
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
排名:千里之外From Guild Wars Wiki
This article is about the displayable achievement. For the skill type, see .
A title is a text string that can be displayed under the name of a player's
in staging areas (i.e. , , and ). Titles represent achievements that you have made in the game. The titles that are available to your character and their progress are shown in the "Titles" tab on the .
There are two types of titles: -based and -based. Character-based titles are tied to one character only, while account-based titles can be seen on the lists of all characters in that account. Each character progresses towards character-based titles separately, but progress on account-based titles are shared amongst all characters.
Initially, a character's list of titles on the Hero Panel consists of only a small number of entries, because the tracks appear only after earning points towards the title. For instance, the
appears after you consume at least one . There are two exceptions: the
track only appears after attaining
after attaining level 5.
The titles shown on the Hero Panel are grouped into three groupings: maxed titles, non-maxed titles that can be displayed (the first two ranks of the hero title are shown here even though they cannot be displayed), and titles that cannot yet be displayed. Each grouping is sorted by rank, then by percentage of completion to the next rank.
Title progress is re the player is not required to manually acknowledge or accept the progress. Progress is accumulated simultaneously for all applicable titles. There is no restriction on how many titles can be worked on at any one time. Title progress is not g that is, newly introduced titles do not take past achievements into consideration.
A title is divided into ranks (although some titles have only a single rank). Each rank represents a milestone and is given a specific name that differs from the rest of the ranks. The actual number or rank of a title's name can be seen in parentheses next to the name of the title on the Hero Panel.
Titles can be displayed by a character once a certain rank is reached. The minimum rank for this differs depending on the title. When a title is eligible for display, a checkbox appears to the left of the title progress bar on the Hero Panel. Checking it will display the name of the title's rank below the name of the character. In a staging area, anyone who hovers the mouse cursor over the character or
the character will see the title. Only one title can be displayed at any one time.
Aside from bragging rights, some titles also confer in-game effects or bonuses, either passively (i.e. the bonus is effective whether or not the title is displayed: , , and ) or
(i.e. it has to be displayed for the bonus to take effect). Some
scale with certain titles.
With the release of , titles can also be displayed at the
monument in a character's . The rank at which a title can be exhibited at the monument is usually greater than the rank required for a character to display it.
1 There is a separate title track for each campaign (, , and ).
2 For Eye of the North, the equivalents of Protector, Guardian, Cartographer and Vanquisher are all merged in this single title.
3 The account must have access to Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall to be able to acquire these titles.
4 Account titles except for 5 can be shown in the monument of
before being maxed.
5 Treasure Hunter and Wisdom title tracks were changed to account-wide titles in the .
6 Progress on this title is no longer possible.
also has an article on .
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This page was last modified on 12 October 2014, at 17:19.


