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All Rights ReservedMubbasir Kapadia
Home Projects Publications Teaching Resume
Open Positions
Postdoc and PhD opportunities in the areas of crowd simulation, character animation, and/or digital storytelling.
Project opportunities for graduate and undegraduate students in computer animation and games.
Spring 2016, CIS 442/675:
Spring 2016, CIS 195:
Fall 2015, CIS 428/523:
Spring 2015, CIS 673:
2/28/16: Our paper
has been accepted at ACM SIGGRAPH I3D 2016. This work has received press coverage including
2/1/16: Our book
has been published!.
1/15/16: Our book
has been published!.
1/1/16: Our paper
is published at 8th Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies (INT), 2015.
1/1/16: Our paper
is published at ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, 2015.
1/1/16: Our paper
is published at ACM SIGGRAPH Motion in Games (MIG), 2015.
1/1/16: Our short paper
is published at ACM SIGGRAPH Motion in Games (MIG), 2015.
1/1/16: Our short paper
is published at ACM SIGGRAPH Motion in Games (MIG), 2015.
1/1/16: Our paper
is published at the International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS), 2015.
Crowd Simulation.
We develop models for simulating realistic, believable crowds.
To this end, we identify and address fundamental limitations in how individuals in a crowd are represented and controlled.
Our research results have widespread application in visual effects, games, urban planning, architecture design, as well as disaster and security simulation.
Crowd Analysis and Optimization. In order to rigorously evaluate and compare crowd models,
we have developed tools for quantifying the coverage, quality, and failure of crowd simulators, and its ability to emulate real crowd data.
Furthermore, we have developed a framework for automatically optimizing the parameters of a crowd simulation algorithm to meet any user-defined criteria.
Our tools can be used to predictively evaluate the optimal crowd behavior in evacuations, and other stressful situations.
Real-Time Multi-Agent Planning. : We develop algorithms for multi-agent motion planning in real-time dynamic environments.
Our research investigates the use of novel discrete representations of the environment,
and the use of anytime dynamic planners that harness multiple domains of representation.
We port these algorithms on the GPU to exploit the benefits of massive parallelization, while preserving the original properties of the approach.
Autonomous Virtual Humans.
Our research aims to develop integrated solutions for full-body character animation, planning based control,
behavior authoring, and statistical analysis of autonomous virtual human simulations.
The far-reaching goal is to provide functional, purposeful embodied virtual humans, that act and interact in meaningful ways to simulate complex,
dynamic, narrative-driven, interactive virtual worlds.
Digital Storytelling. : We develop computational tools to assist end users to create and experience compelling, interactive, digital stories.
To this end, we have revisited standard representations of interactive narratives and proposed new formalisms that scale independent of
story complexity and user interaction. Our computational tools help mitigate the complexity of creating digital stories without sacrificing any authorial precision.
Brief Bio.
Mubbasir Kapadia is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department
at Rutgers University. Previously, he was an Associate Research Scientist at . He
was a postdoctoral researcher and Assistant Director at the
at , under the directorship of Prof. . He was the project lead on the United States Army Research Laboratory (ARL) funded
project Robotics Collaborative Technology Alliance (RCTA). He received his PhD in Computer Science
under the advisement of
Professor .
A full curriculum vitae is available .Welcome, Guest
Hi Sheeky Forums, /mu/ here
Hi Sheeky Forums, /mu/ here. Just wanted to know what movies you call /tv/-core. We have /mu/-core and I wanted to know what movie is the equivalent of an album like In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (by Neutral Milk Hotel) and OK Computer (by Radiohead). Can I have a chart or something?
All urls found in this thread:
Problem Child 2
newfrogs will tell you AOTS is TDKR buts its actually Drive
this should be the sticky tbqh
The Dark Knight Rises is the quintessential /tv/-core film. Only contrarians and newfags think otherwise.
Revenge of the Sith for the signature SHEEV SPIN
The Star Wars prequelsThe PestFreddy Got FingeredProblem Child 2The Dark Knight RisesSwiss Army ManHackersPic related
someone will fall for this
Such a list doesn't exist. Now you've realize why television and film are the worst mediums. And know you know why Sheeky Forums is doomed to mediocrity.
What do you mean? I'd say most of those are essential. Pretty good layout of world cinema from each decade and most hold a place in film history.
FlickThe Dark Knight RisesMovieDriveFilmThe Tree of LifeKinoPaul Blart: Mall Cop 2TVLost
What's the difference between a flick, a movie, and a film?Also what's a kino?
That fucking /mu/-core chart led to the stagnation and death of /mu/. Why the fuck should Sheeky Forums have one?
TVLostFuck off.
Sheeky Forums was never good
memerap and popshite ruined /mu/
TDKRDriveProblem Child 2Leon the Professional
Whenever one speaks for the entirety of a board, the other large quantity of people come out to denounce that person and it devolves into a political thread, a waifu thread, or a blart/bebe thread. I'm guessing this one is going to be a bebe thread.
yucky desu
The Sopranos. If you havent watched the Sopranos at least once fuck you.
I got you, friend. This is what you're looking for.
Um... is this a joke?
How do you mean?
FlickThe Dark Knight RisesIt's absolute kino you fucking pleb
no madchen en uniform (1931)how disappointing, it's one of my top flicks and not just cause the cute german teens and appeasing headmistresses
Like I didn't come here to watch movies about little girls. I'm not a pedo dudeI'm specifically looking for the best movies of all time, not just movies that focus on little girls.
Only the first scene can be called true and pure kinography
Why would it be? Did /mu/ not tell you about this board or are you really this new to /mu/ too
Is Neutral Milk Hotel a joke? Some in /mu/ will agree and some will disagree. Same for Loveless, although that one is objectively good.
Don't worry, it's on the extended list.
thanks senpai, good looking out.
Wait, are you saying there is something after the Bane crashes the plane?
No but that list specifically felt like a joke. ITAOTS and Loveless aren't jokes btw, they're in the top 100 on RYM charts. There are some silly charts on /mu/ but they feature actual good albums placed in retarded context.I came to /mu/ like in May of this year so I know what I'm talking about.
ITAOTS is much better than that snoozefest
This thread is chock full of credible lists of high patrician kinography, you're just choosing to ignore them.
tvtv is an umbrella term, the correct terms are shows, series and telévision
Here you go ladYou'll be ahead of the neo nu/tv/ cinephiles and with the good old patricians of old Sheeky Forums
This one is handy as well.
TDKRDriveStar Wars Episode III: Revenge of the SithThe Lord of the Rings trilogyThe Thing (1982)Glengarry Glen RossGoodfellas
why do I come back to Sheeky Forums. Fuck this place
out of habit and theres no where else to go
Drive is probably the Sheeky Forums equivalent of ITAOTS. also The Thing is pretty /tv/-core for some reason
Amadeus is /tv/-core.Star Wars III too of course, but also the entire Aidan Gillen cinematic universe.
What's with the whole telévision and cinéma accents? What's with the é?It's the most pretentious thing I've seen. And you guys are fucking memers. Stop using the accent like you're high and mighty and sophisticated.OH LOOK AT ME *SIPS TEA* LE CINéMA LE TELéVISION AREN'T I QUAINT
jesus murphy what a depraved list
The Thing is pretty /tv/-core for some reasonspookytimeless effectsnothing to trigger /pol/
I haven't watched any of those prententious excuses for making money.
why do you consider Amadeus /tv/-core?
Héll? plêbbìtté
TV Meme Core:TDKRRevenge of the SithDriveAmerican PsychoQuentin Tarantino being interviewed
no Rocky in 70s
You faggots can't claim OK Computer. Literally everyone has heard and loves that album
There is no /tv/core anymore because this board belongs to rejects of /v/, /sp/ and r*ddit nowtry /film/ on that other site or even /lit/ if you want more &&&info&&&
I came to /mu/ like in May of this year so I know what I'm talking about.Impressive since it's still January of this year
great chart but barely anyone talks about those movies here
oh fuck me how could i forget American Psychoplease accept these dubs as an apology
This is the official Sheeky Forums core
Stay on [s4s]
Barry Lyndon/thread
No Иди и cмoтpи (1985)DROPPED
/mu/ herememe albumnormie albumKEKEK/mu/ sure is a good place
&&Literally none of the posts you replied to apply to the image you fucking autist. Hang yourself.
DriveTDKRAny Malick FilmAnything with 'Classic' Paul Dano
Someone post the list with Un chien andalou written in binary.
the only two Sheeky Forums will universally agree on are drive and tdkr
CIN?MA:1: ? (1990, Kurosawa)2: This Night (1965, Fassbinder)3: La morte d'Isotta (1968, Schr?ter)4: Reassemblage (1982, Minh Hà)5: Кpaдeцът нa пpacкoви (1964, Radev)6: ????????? (1957, Pestonji)7: ????? ??????? (2001, Abdelhamid)8:
3/4 ??? (1984, Zhuangzhuang)9: Oc??e?è ?y?è (1975, Radev)10: Three Kings (1999, Russell)FILMS:1. ?ècü?a ?,p??o?o ÷e?o?eêa (1986, Lopushansky)2. Un condamné à mort s'est échappé (1956, Bresson)3. Guns of The Trees (1961, Mekas)4. Love Streams (1984, Cassavetes)5. ê??X 1/2 ????ê?????? 1/4
(1991, Yang)6. Duelle (1976, Rivette)7. Alice in den St?dten (1974, Wenders)8. Le Rayon Vert (1986, Rohmer)9. ?????-???? (1968, Parajanov)10. Mauvais Sang (1986, Carax)MOVIES:1. Barry Lyndon(1975, Kubrick)2. “V?‘,?’n?- (1963, Kurosawa)3. Blue (1993, Jarman)4. Fanny och Alexander (1982, Bergman)5. The Long Day Closes (1992, Davies)6. “V?‘,?’n?- (1963, Kurosawa)7. Le Révélateur (2002, Philippe Garrel)8. Providence (1977, Resnais)9. ??§?u???? (2006, Weerasethakul)10. Punishment Park (1971, Watkins)OVERALL:Sommaren med Monika (1953, Bergman)ê??X 1/2 ????ê?????? 1/4
(1991, --?)??????? (1964, ????)Ordet (1955, Dreyer)Les Moissons du Ciell (1978, Malick)Oê???pü <> (1987, ?????±)Fear and Desire (1953, Kubrick)?epêa?o (1975, Tapê??cêèé)00 1 0
01(1928, Luis Bu?uel)???A±?,è (1936, oe???)Le Révélateur (2002, Philippe Garrel)
We at Sheeky Forums aren't obsessed with making charts for EVERYTHING like the autists on /mu/. Instead we post images and make jokes based on a scene in a superhero movie from 2012.
no mauvais garconsnot l'ascension du chevalier noirshit list
i legitimately want to make a 75% serious version of one of those lists but im too lazy to go figure out how to do character translations as a shitty phone poster
Only sensible comment so far, Sheeky Forums is exclusively for baneposting.
no lost riverJesus Christ! Really?
/tv/-core actors:Paul DanoWalton GogginsBrendan FrasierChristian BaleKyle MaclachlanRooney MaraAidan GillenMary Elizabeth Winstead
I was wondering if this faggot would show up.
forgetting Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson
No Le Res Determinante (1960, Lelivre)No Star (1995, Jackson)No Bee Movie (2007, Smith)Shit list.
no Tom Hardyno Aidan Gillenno Hershlaghey reddit
Did you even read the post you replied to
Are you retarded?
readingThis isn't /lit/ faggot
you fucking idiots cant even decide on what Sheeky Forums core iswhat a shit boardbut you losers sure as fuck have a chart for best feet on tv
Maybe we do fuckboy
theres really no point, as much as i can't stand her, there is no one even close to being in the same league as kstew
This is genuinely the worst board on Sheeky Forums.
a bunch of people don't have the exact same views and don't fall in line with majority opinions immediatelyworst boardDid you ever consider that maybe all the other art boards are shit and full of fags?
i love Sheeky Forums
not getting the jokeyour life is a flick, pleb.
Official niggercore
Wait.. Sheeky Forums prefers dark knight rises to dark knight? Lol why?
it's a /mu/ visits Sheeky Forums in a shoddy attempt to misappropriate our memes episode
oscar isaac
Great list actually, and I agree that it should be sticky, althought it's kind of weird that the didn't include Drive in the ;s section.
s-so it's just a meme then?
it is objectively the better film
The opening scene is kinography at its maximum expression.
*nods respectfully in your direction*
Thx for this
Pure fucking SHIT
was waiting for this one
The Thing is a movie with an entire cast of kinda gross hairy dudes. Not a woman in site. No hope of survival. No one trusts anyone or can tell who is truly who.The Thing is literally Sheeky Forums in an antarctic setting.
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