
侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市 全攻略 详尽流程攻略
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侠盗猎车手:罪恶都市 全攻略 详尽流程攻略
都市 全攻略
1) Ken Rosenberg(律师处)的任务*An Old Friend*到达指定地点。*The Party*到换衣点换好衣服到达海边的游艇处参加晚会,驾车送Mercedes到Pole Position Club。报酬:100
*Back Alley Brawl*
到Malibu Club找Kent Paul了解情况后,到绿点标志处找到厨师,击倒他并拿他的***,这时Lance Vance出现,2人被其它厨师追杀,不要恋战,开Lance的车和他一起逃跑到指定地点。报酬:200
*Jury Fury*
2) Juan Garcia Cortez- The Colonel(海边)的任务
*Treacherous Swine*
*Mall Shootout*
*Guardian Angels*
取到***后和Lance一起到指定地点参加交易,先到侧面的楼上持***掩护,待另一伙人引发冲突后,射杀敌人,保护Diaz 和 Lance,杀光敌人后,会出现两个骑摩托的人抢走钱,其中一人逃离时翻车,骑上该车追击另一人,杀死该人后,把钱带回还给Diaz报酬:1000
*Sir, Yes Sir!*
*All Hands On Deck*
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Grand Theft Auto
发行商:DMA design
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Tommy VercettiA 35 year old punk, just out of the slammer, served 15 years and is now back on the streets. Hes connected with the Forelli Family from Liberty City, and has been spotted in Escobar International Airport with Ken Rosenberg.
Lance VanceLance came to Vice City to stack dollars with his brother, wear sharp suits and listen to the latest in Cuban acid jazz. But everything went wrong when his bro was shot down in a messy drug deal. Because his brother was working alongside lead character Tommy Vercetti, Lance trusts Tommy and works with him while trying to avenge his brothers death.
Big Mitch BakerThis surly ex-Nam vet won the Purple Heart for clearing out an entire village of Viet Cong during his time in Vietnam. Now a motorcycle enthusiast, he's also a lawless degenerate bitter about the treatment of war veterans. He likes pinball, pool, hard rock, public urination and fist fights. He also likes hell-raising, which is why he's been in jail 13 times.
Ken RosenbergThough Ken's been working with the mob since 1978, he's always on the outside looking in. A low-rent lawyer who strives to achieve "gangster chic," Ken is high-strung, whiny-voiced and constantly over-excited. He was part of the drug deal gone bad in the opening sequence, and if Vercetti doesn't fix things, Rosenberg knows he'll be sleepin' wit' da fishes.
Steve ScottA film director who is a fan of the finer things in life--namely sharks and mashed potatoes--Steve Scott rubs elbows with anyone involved in Vice City's organized crime ring. His sole purpose in life? To score barrels of cash for his latest film. But with all the buxom babes in Vice City, we figure he has an eye out for a willing, doe-eyed beauty for his next flick.
Auntie PouletOf all the personalities and characters swarming around Vice City looking for their piece of pie, we have it on good authority that you don't want to make the mistake of double-crossing Auntie Poulet. This larger-than-life Haitian matriarch knows a thing or two about a thing or two, and she's a dangerous fang of venom if you get on her bad side.
Sonny ForelliSonny is the head of the Forelli Crime Family in Liberty City. He is believed to have a major influence in racketeering, gambling, union trouble, corruption, and prostitution. Circumstantial evidence shows he ordered several mob killings, but only minor charges have ever stuck. Telephone records reveal calls to Ken Rosenberg.
Ricardo DiazOne of the true snakes in Vice City, Diaz bribed the INS for his Green Card back in '78. The Columbian native now has his hand in every narcotics cookie jar around town. While he's publicly generous and hands out big wads of cash to charities, this sleaze-ball features unpredictable behavior, a Napoleon-complex and a massive gun collection.
Phil CassidyIf you thought Vice City was fixed with as many thugs as Liberty City, you're forgetting one key element: This is the Southeast, folks. That's where arms-dealer/redneck extraordinaire, Phil Cassidy comes in. Although Cassidy claims he served in the U.S. Army, records show he was rejected for service because he was a drunk with a serious mean streak.
Avery CarringtonAt 51, he figures when the Lord's ready to take him to heaven, he'll be ready to go. But that time ain't come just yet. A man of immovable principles and absolute faith (both of which he shared with his beloved "Daddy"), this is one of Vice City's most dangerous men.
Juan Garcia CortezThe retired Colonel, an acquaintance of Ken Rosenberg, helped set up the failed exchange that brought Tommy Vercetti to Vice City. He likes to throw huge parties on his extravagant yacht on the bay. Along with his beautiful daughter, Mercedes, he mingles with other crime bosses.
GonzalezThis all-smiles chunkster works for Colonel Juan Garcia Cortez, and thus has diplomatic immunity. He's part of the cultural affairs division of the San Dominican consulate. He's greedy, he's secretly buddies with Ricardo Diaz, and he spends most of his time in a Vice City penthouse, eating bon-bons and perfecting his comb over.
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