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WiiU 5.3.2系统破解Loadiine 4.0***使用教程
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机情无限, 积分 5409, 距离下一级还需 1591 积分
本帖最后由 zhouzhou1916 于
10:08 编辑
WiiU目前已经支持对5.3.2系统破解,可用破解工具Loadiine运行部分可玩游戏,此前更新了v2.0版本之后,又推出了v3.0版本,比起v2.0版本,v3.0版本可以选择以Mii免引导模式进行加载,要换游戏的话直接进入Mii制作菜单选择就行了,更加方便便捷.4.0支持更多例如马车8,猎天使魔女等游戏。这里给大家带来Loadiine v4.0的***使用教程。
使用前请先下载Loadiine v4.0下载:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请游戏文件结构和dimok Loadiine Mod及Loadiine 2.0、Loadiine 3.0相同SD卡根目录/wiiu/games/XXXX(任意文件夹名,一个游戏一个文件夹)/code/ ---& 存放游戏rpx/rpl文件
SD卡根目录/wiiu/games/XXXX(任意文件夹名,一个游戏一个文件夹)/content/ ---& 存放游戏数据文件例如:Loadiine v3.0***教程:1,下载解压后,运行HFS
2,将kexploit和loadiine2拖入HFS左边窗口(选择virtual folder)
3,点击&You are in Easy mode&切换到专家模式4,依次选择Menu - other options - MIME types5,再依次选择Add rows - 然后在最后一行填入*.elf与application/octet-stream,选择OK确认。到这里***工作就完成了,在处于同一内网中的WiiU上即可通过HFS上显示的IP地址即可访问。Loadiine V4.0加载:0,将放置好游戏的SD卡和对应主机区域版本的正版WiiU大乱斗光盘插入
1,在5.3.2系统WiiU主机浏览器中输入地址访问kexploit(),如上面***过程图中的则应该输入 ,成功加载后会返回到HOME菜单。
5,引导模式下运行大乱斗即可进入游戏为什么要***大乱斗升级补丁?目前某些游戏需要***最新版大乱斗升级补丁才可搭配Loadiine 2.0运行,如:《恶魔三人组》、《FIFA13》等。怎么***大乱斗补丁?请移步这里:如何将Loadiine 1.0的格式包如何转换成4.0的?答:以马里奥3D世界为例如下图所示:
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Powered by5 tips for a better parent-teacher conference – Schools of Thought -
04:20 AM ET
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By Carl Azuz, CNN
(CNN) - For many parents and teachers, it’s the first opportunity of the school year to sit down face to face and discuss everything from curriculum to issues that arise in the classroom.
Here are some tips from both sides of the desk on how to make the most of a parent-teacher conference.
Do your homework
Talking to your child before the conference to find out if he has any questions or concerns of his own can give you ideas of what to address with the teacher.
A good next step:
having a physical list of questions.
says that the “questions you ask during the conference can help you express your hopes for the student’s success in class and for the teacher.”
It’s an idea echoed by Ryan Koczot, an award-winning middle school teacher in North Carolina.
“Parents should come to the conference prepared (note pad, pen, list of questions) - just like teachers should be prepared (information on the child, progress report, questions for the parent).”
This will help get everyone on the same page.
Join forces
Several teachers have told us that the best results follow when parents and teachers work together.
According to Debbie Geiger of , “The goal of both the teacher and the parent should be the success of the student, but sometimes parents have a hard time discussing tough issues.”
Geiger suggests starting off by complimenting the teacher on something that he or she seems to be doing right - a piece of advice echoed by the National PTA.
This can set a positive tone for the meeting and help foster cooperation later on.
If there’s a problem that has developed between your child and a particular subject or teacher, look for ways to address it together.
“Be a team player,” suggests New Jersey middle school teacher Donna Spoto.
“Let the teacher know that you are on his/her side.”
Open lines of communication
Divorce, remarriage, foreclosure, moving, a new baby:
These are just a few of the personal issues that can affect a student’s behavior and work on campus.
A 7th grade social studies teacher in Tennessee said that one area where parents fall short is letting teachers know of problems in a student’s life outside of school.
“When parents don’t tell us what’s happening, we can’t adjust accordingly.”
Spoto agrees that “stress and emotional issues definitely affect a student’s work.”
By informing the teacher of possible causes, you will help the teacher better understand the child and be more equipped to appropriately instruct him.
Aim for action
Coming up with an action plan to address academic or behavioral concerns can benefit the parent, the teacher and the student long after the conference is over.
The National PTA recommends establishing a series of steps that both you and the teacher agree on.
A couple ideas to consider:
what your short- and long-term plans are, and how you’ll measure progress.
One of first actions you can take after the conference is going over key points and discussion topics with your child.
“Depending on his age and maturity level, he may need help understanding what problems - and solutions - were covered.
Most kids also want to have a clear idea of what’s expected of the teacher, the parent(s), and, most importantly, from [them],” writes Kristin Stanberry of .
Keep in touch
Once an action plan is in place, try to determine how you’ll follow up with the teacher in the weeks and months ahead.
Will it be through written notes, a phone call, or another conference?
Koczot says that an email or phone contact at school can help the parent “check in on their child weekly or in a couple of weeks to see how they are doing.”
And it’s not a bad idea to inform your child that you’re keeping in touch with her school.
“When a child knows parents and teachers are regularly working together, the child will see that education is a high priority requiring commitment and effort,” according to the National PTA.
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