百战天虫mac版是一款能够在苹果mac上运行的策略游戏,卡通风格的游戏画面,绚丽的战斗场景,玩家要做的就是先将你的飞虫装备起来,然后控制飞虫与对手的飞虫进行较量,分出个胜负。【基本介绍】百战天虫中文版游戏有多种设置可以选择逐项选择,最出名的要数绳子模式。或者说只是自定义的一种游戏方式。依赖物品绳索夺取优势。有一些武器所有系列都存在,包括步***,火箭弹,自定起爆时间的手雷和碎片手雷。火箭弹也是游戏特点之一,默认无限使用,风向和发射力度都可以改变其飞行轨迹。 其实说了这么多都不是重点,这个游戏的重点就是:“用各种你能掌握的下流手段,整死对手的那些小虫虫!!!!!”【游戏特点】整体来说,百战天虫经历了2D和3D两个历程。韩国的WIZGATE在获得TEAM17授权后,曾经推出过Online版百战天虫,并在韩国,中国,日本风行一时。虽然Online版已经不再运营,但经典的2D虫子至今还保留着TEAM17组建的欧洲战网,可以让世界各地的虫子爱好者进行切磋,而同样支持联网对战的3D虫子也不乏狂热支持者。其中,《百战天虫3D》提供了几种有趣的单机模式,战役模式就是其中之一。在这个模式中,玩家得通关一系列的地图,但是每个地图不是简单的让玩家消灭敌人,还会给一些任务,通常是获得散布在地图上的特定的箱子。在打通战役模式后,可以开启挑战模式。在挑战模式中,玩家展示特定的技能,比如展示双管猎***的威力、使用喷气机组件的精准度,或者是快速消灭对手的能力。还有一个快速游戏的模式,在这种模式下,使用随机的地图。如果玩家想进行不附带任何条件的游戏,最好就是使用这种模式了。游戏的音乐是以一种可爱、搞笑的声音来即兴的诠释虫子的行动,有几十种不同的主旋律可供玩家选择指派。虫子缓慢移动时发出的吱吱声、手榴弹在表面跳动的那种中空铿锵声、虫子落水的扑通声等等的声音不但让玩家意识到玩一款《百战天虫》游戏,而且加强了游戏本身的精灵古怪。此外,游戏中还有很多小细节,如卡通的粗口等,就需要广大的玩家用心体会了。
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版 本:1.16
大 小:146.8MB
类 别:游戏
支 持:iphone、ipad、ipod iOS5.1.1以上
上 线:上 线:
开发商:开发商:Team17 Software, Limited
《百战天虫3:Worms3》是由 Team17 Software 开发,是经典策略游戏《百战天虫》的续作。
90% - &Gold Award& - &Worms 3 is, quite frankly, one of the most accomplished multiplayer experiences on mobiles&, Games Master8/10 - “Silver Award” - “An entertaining single-player mode and some excellent multiplayer modes make Worms 3 a decent addition to the long-running series”, Pocket Gamer 4/5 - &everything you could really ever want in a mobile Worms release&, Gamezebo4/5 - &the premier invertebrate blasting experience on iOS&, AppSpy4/5 - &A fun twist on the established Worms gameplay, but familiar enough to keep long-time fans happy&, Modojo4/5 - &The classic gameplay still rocks&, 148Apps4/5 - &the complete Worms experience on the go&, Digital Spy** Note ** Worms(TM) 3 is not recommended for iPhone 3GS, iPad 1 or lesser hardware.The follow up to the award-winning, best-selling Worms 2: Armageddon is here! Worms(TM) 3 has been designed and developed exclusively for iOS.DEAL yourself the advantage with a new, game-changing enhancement. Turn on the card mode and alter the start and end of each turn by the playing of strategic cards.COLLECT in-game rewards that allow you to purchase bronze, silver and gold cards. Build your deck from 46 fiendishly designed cards! ENLIST your perfect battle combination as you choose your worms from a new ‘Class’ system - Heavy, Scientist, Scout and classic Soldier. Each has their own unique skill and ability. Which will fit in with your style of play?Show off your skills by earning Achievements! A delightful blend of both the simple and complex, these goals have been deliberately engineered to push you and your wormy skills to the limits!PLAY online with asynchronous multiplayer warfare. Enroll in ranked or friendly matches and show off your prowess. Remember, with asynchronous multiplayer you don’t have to commit to a full session at a time. Take your turn then go beat your friends score in the single-player Bodycount mode!BATTLE in multiplayer Forts or Deathmatch modes and challenge yourself with the increasingly difficult Bodycount single-player game.CONQUER 36 single-player missions across 5 new themes (Beach, Spooky, Farmyard, Sewer and Junkyard).CUSTOMIZE your squad and make them unique with a huge amount of customizable elements new to iOS! Now includes super cool customisation items from the best-selling game Terraria.INCOMING! All your old favourite weapons plus six new ones on iOS, including a couple of returning classics such as the Old Lady and the Homing Pigeon!BE THE BEST and worm your way to the top of the Leaderboards across all major game modes including single player as well as asynchronous online ranked matches.GREATER CO***OL for players who can now choose between an all-new D-Pad control system and the original touch controls.MARVEL at the glorious streamlined menu system. Gamers can now enjoy a much more pleasant and navigable menu system with a quick access player HUB for all updates and information!GO LARGE with the fabulous AirPlay feature. Link up to Apple TV and play on one device with up to four players on the big screen. The active player can plot their move secretly on the iOS device while the waiting gamers can witness the move on the TV screen! Get even more Team17 information, including the latest game updates and more…Facebook: /WormsTeam17Twitter: @Team17Ltd Web: www. DON’T MISS OUR OTHER EXCITING WORMS GAMES! Worms 2: Armageddon, Worms Crazy Golf, Worms, Worms HD, Worms Crazy Golf HD & the FREE Worms Soundboard!** Note ** Worms(TM) 3 is not recommended for iPhone 3GS, iPad 1 or lesser hardware.