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本帖最后由 黑暗王座 于
13:45 编辑
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名称发布下载地址ECF转载下载地址EVE Fitting ToolsPython Fitting AssistantEVEMonEFT-中文版Pyfa-中文版物品中英文对照翻译查询 / 配船工具的使用方法、装备基本知识、基本配置,请看帖子:
扫描结果分析、共享,和其他(PVP现场)一般是小规模冲突时用来查别人在线多少人您居家出行必备的地图信息大全站Dotlan EVEMaps看看最近在线人数个人人物信息公告栏(***账号必备!)任务党的资料库LP计算器EVE Influnce Map EVE数据简单一览API管理界面不错的偏门资料库,有些数据有点老但是很实用很实用物价查询(全宇宙)物价查询(不含0.0)代理人查找-任务党必备!超级全面的查询网站(强烈推荐!)
本帖最后由 黑暗王座 于
12:07 编辑
Other information 其它
& && && && & NPC海盗攻击和防御属性
& && && && & 如何使用EFT模拟针对防御
& && && && & IV级任务安全防效标准
& && && && && &&&①低速船(基本站桩输出的船只):针对伤害防御效率≥500,全抗防御效率≥400;
& && && && && &&&②高速船(使用非微曲能达到500M/S以上的速度):针对伤害及全抗防御效率≥300。
& && && && & I-III级任务安全防效标准
& && && && && &&&3级≥180(战巡级)
& && && && && &&&2级≥80(巡洋级)
& && && && && &&&1级≥20(驱逐级)& && && && &
& && && && & 当前比较常见的防御模块装配方
第一讲 海盗的基本素养
& && & 1、知己与知彼
& && & 2、抓住稍纵即逝的战机和尽可能制造战机
第二讲 天下武功,唯快不破--Stiletto的驾驶技巧
第三讲 重剑无锋--Ishtar伊什塔舰队指南
番外讲 EVE的攻击方式
第四讲 运用之妙,存乎一心
本帖最后由 勇??天罡 于
22:40 编辑
Battlecruisers 战列巡洋舰
Standard battlecruisers 标准战列巡洋舰:
Prophecy 先知
2、【PVP】 (Odyssey 1.0)
3、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
Harbinger 先驱
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Oracle 预言
Ferox 猛鲑
Caldari Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
4% bonus to all Shield resistances& && && && && && && && &
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range& && &
Role Bonus:& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &
Can fit Warfare Link modules
1、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
Drake 幼龙
Caldari Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
4% bonus to all shield resistances
10% bonus to kinetic damage of Heavy Missiles and Heavy Assault Missiles
Role Bonus:
Can fit Warfare Link modules
1、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
Caldari Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
10% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret optimal range
Role Bonus:
95% reduction in the powergrid need of Large Hybrid Turrets
50% reduction in the CPU need of Large Hybrid Turrets
50% reduction in the capacitor need of Large Hybrid Turrets
Brutix 布鲁提克斯
Gallente Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer effectiveness
Role Bonus:
Can fit Warfare Link modules
1、【PVP】 (Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Myrmidon弥洱米顿Gallente Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to drone hitpoints and damage dealt by drones
7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer effectiveness
Role Bonus:
Can fit Warfare Link modules
Talos塔洛斯Gallente Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
7.5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret tracking speed
Role Bonus:
95% reduction in the powergrid need of Large Hybrid Turrets
50% reduction in the CPU need of Large Hybrid Turrets
50% reduction in the capacitor need of Large Hybrid Turrets
Cyclone飓风 Minmatar Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile rate of fire
7.5% bonus to Shield Boost amount
Role Bonus:
Can fit Warfare Link modules
1、【PVP】 (Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
Hurricane暴风Minmatar Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret damage
5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret Rate of Fire
Role Bonus:
Can fit Warfare Link modules
Tornado龙卷风Minmatar Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire.
5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret falloff.
Role Bonus:
95% reduction in the powergrid need of Large Projectile Turrets.
50% reduction in the CPU need of Large Projectile Turrets.
Faction Battlecruisers 势力战列巡洋舰:
Harbinger Navy Issue先驱级海军型国服击杀统计Amarr Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Medium Energy Weapon tracking speed&&
10% bonus to Medium Energy Weapon damage
Role Bonus:
Can fit Warfare Link modules
Drake Navy Issue幼龙级海军型国服击杀统计Caldari Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Velocity
5% bonus to Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile explosion radius per level
Role Bonus:
Can fit Warfare Link modules
Brutix Navy Issue布鲁提克斯级海军型国服击杀统计Gallente Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
7.5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret tracking speed
Role Bonus:
Can fit Warfare Link modules
Hurricane Fleet Issue暴风级舰队型国服击杀统计Minmatar Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret damage
5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret Rate of Fire
Role Bonus:
Can fit Warfare Link module
Advanced Battlecruisers 高级战列巡洋舰:
Damnation永灭国服击杀统计Amarr Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Heavy Assault Missile and Heavy Missile velocity
4% bonus to all armor resistances
Command Ships skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to armor hitpoints
10% bonus to Heavy Assault Missile and Heavy Missile damage
3% bonus to the strength of Armored Warfare and Information Warfare links.
Role Bonus:
Can use 3 Warfare Link modules simultaneously.
Absolution救赎国服击杀统计Amarr Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
10% reduction in Medium Energy Turret capacitor use
4% bonus to all armor resistances
Command Ships skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Medium Energy Turret damage
5% bonus to Medium Energy Turret rate of fire
3% bonus to the strength of Armored Warfare and Information Warfare links
Role Bonus:
Can use 3 Warfare Link modules simultaneously.
Vluture兀鹫 国服击杀统计Caldari Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range
4% bonus to all shield resistances
Command Ships skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
3% bonus to the strength of Siege Warfare and Information Warfare links
Role Bonus:
Can use 3 Warfare Link modules simultaneously.
Nighthawk夜鹰国服击杀统计Caldari Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Kinetic damage
4% bonus to all shield resistances
Command Ships skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Heavy Assault Missile Launcher and Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire
5% bonus to Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile explosion radius
3% bonus to the strength of Siege Warfare and Information Warfare links
Role Bonus:
Can use 3 Warfare Link modules simultaneously.
Eos曙光女神国服击杀统计Gallente Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to drone hitpoints and damage dealt by drones
7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer effectiveness per level
Command Ships skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Heavy Drone tracking speed and microwarp velocity
7.5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret tracking speed
3% bonus to the strength of Armored Warfare and Skirmish Warfare links
Role Bonus:
Can use 3 Warfare Link modules simultaneously.
Astarte阿斯塔特国服击杀统计Gallente Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer effectiveness
Command Ships skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret rate of fire
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid turret falloff
3% bonus to the strength of Armored Warfare and Skirmish Warfare links
Role Bonus:
Can use 3 Warfare Link modules simultaneously.
1、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
Claymore月刃国服击杀统计Minmatar Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Heavy Assault Missile Launcher and Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire
7.5% bonus to Shield Booster effectiveness
Command Ships skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Heavy Assault Missile Launcher and Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire
5% bonus to Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile explosion velocity
3% bonus to the strength of Siege Warfare and Skirmish Warfare links
Role Bonus:
Can use 3 Warfare Link modules simultaneously.
1、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
Sleipnir斯雷普尼 国服击杀统计Minmatar Battlecruiser skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret damage
7.5% bonus to Shield Booster effectiveness
Command Ships skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret damage
10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret falloff
3% bonus to the strength of Siege Warfare and Skirmish Warfare links
Role Bonus:
Can use 3 Warfare Link modules simultaneously.
1、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
Other Information 其它:
本帖最后由 黑暗王座 于
23:37 编辑
Mining/Industrials 采矿/工业舰
Mining Barges 采矿驳船:
Novice 先锋
Procurer 猎获
Retriever 回旋者
Covetor 妄想
Skiff 轻舟
Exhumers 采掘者
Mackinaw 麦基诺
Rorqual 长须鲸
Capital Industrial Ships 矿业母舰
Industrials 工业舰:
本帖最后由 黑暗王座 于
01:23 编辑
Battleships 战列舰
Standard Battleships 标准战列舰:
Armageddon末日沙场Amarr Battleship skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Drone damage and Hit Points
10% bonus to Energy Neutralizer and Energy Vampire range
1、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
Apocalypse灾难Amarr Battleship skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Large Energy Turret optimal range
7.5% bonus to Large Energy Turret tracking speed
1、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
3、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.1)
Abaddon地狱天使Amarr Battleship skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Large Energy Turret damage
4% bonus to armor resistances艾玛战列舰技能加成:技能每提升一级
1、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
Scorpion毒蝎Caldari Battleship skill bonus per level:
15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
25% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal and falloff range
25% bonus to ECM Burst range每提升一级加达里战列舰技能
1、【PVP】 (Odyssey 1.0)
Raven乌鸦Caldari Battleship skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Cruise, Torpedo and Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire
10% bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo velocity加达里战列舰技能每升一级: 巡航导弹和鱼雷发射器射速提升5%
1、【PVP】 (Retribution)
2、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
Rokh鹏鲲Caldari Battleship skill bonus per level:
+10% bonus to large Hybrid Turret optimal range
+4% bonus to shield resistances每提升一级加达里战列舰技能
1、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Dominix多米尼克斯Gallente Battleship skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Drone Damage and Drone hitpoints
7.5% bonus to Drone optimal range and Drone tracking speed每提升一级相应技能
02、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
03、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
04、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
05、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
06、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
07、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.1)
08、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
10、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
11、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.1)
12、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.1)
13、【PVE】 (Rubicon 1.0)
14、【PVE】 (Rubicon 1.0)
15、【PVE】(Rubicon 1.0)
16、【PVE】(Rubicon 1.3)
Megathron万王宝座Gallente Battleship skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret rate of fire
7.5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret tracking spee每提升一级相应技能
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
Hyperion亥伯龙神Gallente Battleship skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
7.5% bonus to Armor Repair amount 每提升一级相应技能
2、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
3、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Typhoon台风Minmatar Battleship skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Cruise, Torpedo and Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire.
5% bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo explosion velocity每提升一级相应技能
1、【PVP】 (Retribution)
3、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
Tempest狂暴Minmatar Battleship skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire
5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret damage每提升一级相应技能
Maelstrom死亡漩涡Minmatar Battleship skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire
7.5% bonus to Shield Boost Amount米玛塔尔战列舰技能,每提升一级:
1、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVP】 (Odyeesy 1.1)
3、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
4、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Faction Battleships 势力战列舰:
Armageddon Imperial Issue末日沙场级海军型Amarr Battleship skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Large Energy Turret rate of fire
10% bonus to Large Energy Turret capacitor use每提升一级相应技能
Apocalypse Imperial Issue灾难级海军型Amarr Battleship skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Large Energy Turret optimal range
7.5% bonus to Large Energy Turret tracking speed
Scorpion Navy Issue毒蝎级海军型Caldari Battleship skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Cruise Missile, Torpedo and Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire
4% bonus to shield resistances加达里战列舰技能加成,每提升一级:
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
3、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Raven Navy Issue乌鸦级海军型Caldari Battleship skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Torpedo and Cruise Missile velocity
5% bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo explosion radius特有能力:
1、【PVE】 (Retribution)
2、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
3、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
4、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
5、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
Dominix Navy Issue多米尼克斯级海军型Gallente Battleship skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Drone Damage and Drone hitpoints
5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage盖伦特战列舰技能每升一级:
1、【PVE】 (Retribution)
Megathron Navy Issue万王宝座级海军型Gallente Battleship skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret rate of fire
7.5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret tracking speed特有能力:
Typhoon Fleet Issue台风级舰队型Minmatar Battleship skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Cruise, Torpedo and Heavy Missile damage
7.5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire
Tempest Fleet Issue狂暴级舰队型Minmatar Battleship skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire
5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret damage特有能力:
1、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Machariel马克瑞Special Ability: 25% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire
Minmatar Battleship Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret damage per level
Gallente Battleship Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to Large Projectile Turret falloff per level特有能力:增加大型射弹炮台射击速度25%。
盖伦特战列舰技能等级加成:每升一级,增加大型射弹炮台失准距离10%。1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVE】&&(Odyssey 1.0)
3、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
4、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
5、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
6、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Bhaalgorn巴戈龙Special Ability: 100% bonus to Large Energy Turret damage
Amarr Battleship Skill Bonus: 15% bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer drain amount per level
Minmatar Battleship Skill Bonus: 20% bonus to Stasis Webifier activation range per level特有能力:大型能量炮台伤害增加100%。
1、【PVP】 (Retribution)
2、【PVP】 (Retribution)
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Rattlesnake响尾蛇Special Ability: 50% bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo velocity
Caldari Battleship Skill Bonus: 4% shield resistance per level
Gallente Battleship Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to drone hitpoints and damage per skill level
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
2、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
3、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.1)
4、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Nightmare噩梦Special Ability: 100% bonus to Large Energy Turret damage
Amarr Battleship Skill Bonus: 7.5% bonus to Large Energy Turret tracking per level
Caldari Battleship Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to Large Energy Turret damage per level特殊能力:大型能量炮台伤害增加100%
1、【PVE】 (Retribution)
2、【PVE】 (Retribution)
3、【PVE】 (Retribution)
4、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
5、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.1)
6、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
7、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.1)
8、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Vindicator复仇者Special Ability: 37.5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
Gallente Battleship Skill Bonus: 7.5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret tracking speed per level
Minmatar Battleship Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to the velocity factor of stasis webifiers per level特有技能:增加大型混合炮台的伤害37.5%
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
3、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.1)
4、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
5、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Advanced Battleships高级战列舰:
Paladin帕拉丁Amarr Battleship skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Capacitor capacity
7.5% bonus to Large Energy Turret optimal range
Marauders skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Armor Repair amount
5% bonus to Large Energy Turret damage
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Large Energy Turret damage
100% bonus to range and velocity of Tractor Beams
70% reduction to Micro Jump Drive reactivation delay
Can fit Bastion Modules
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
3、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.1)
4、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
5、【PVE】 (Rubicon 1.0)
6、【PVE】 (Rubicon 1.1)
Golem魔像Caldari Battleship skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo velocity
5% bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo explosion velocity
Marauders skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Shield Boost amount
10% bonus to effectiveness of Target Painters
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Cruise Missile, Heavy Missile and Torpedo damage
100% bonus to range and velocity of Tractor Beams
70% reduction to Micro Jump Drive reactivation delay
Can fit Bastion Modules
01、【PVE】 (Retribution)
02、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
03、【PVE】&&(Odyssey 1.0)
04、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
05、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
06、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
07、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
08、【PVE】 (Rubicon 1.0)
09、【PVE】 (Rubicon 1.0)
10、【PVE】 (Rubicon 1.0)
Kronos克洛诺斯级Gallente Battleship skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
10% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret falloff
Marauders skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Armor Repair amount
7.5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret tracking
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
100% bonus to range and velocity of Tractor Beams
70% reduction to Micro Jump Drive reactivation delay
Can fit Bastion Modules
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVE】&&(Odyssey 1.0)
3、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Vargur恶狼Minmatar Battleship skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire
10% bonus to Large Projectile Turret falloff
Marauders skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Shield Boost amount
7.5% bonus to Large Projectile Turret tracking
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Large Projectile Turret damage
100% bonus to range and velocity of Tractor Beams
70% reduction to Micro Jump Drive reactivation delay
Can fit Bastion Modules
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVE】 (Rubicon 1.0)
3、【PVE】 (Rubicon 1.0)
4、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Redeemer救世Amarr Battleship Skill Bonus: 10% reduction in large energy turret capacitor use and 5% bonus to large energy turret rate of fire per level
Black Ops Skill Bonus: 7.5% bonus to large energy turret tracking and multiplies the cloaked velocity by 125% per level
Note: can fit Covert Cynosural Field Generators and Covert Jump Portal Generators. No targeting delay after decloaking. Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds.
Widow寡妇Caldari Battleship Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to Cruise Missile Launcher, Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher and Torpedo Launcher rate of fire and 10% bonus to cruise missile and torpedo velocity per level
Black Ops Skill Bonus: 30% bonus to ECM target jammer strength and multiplies the cloaked velocity by 125% per level
Note: can fit Covert Cynosural Field Generators and Covert Jump Portal Generators. No targeting delay after decloaking. Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds.
加达里战列舰技能加成: 每升一级,巡航导弹和会战型导弹发射速率加成5%,巡航导弹和鱼雷飞行速度加成10%。
黑隐特勤舰技能加成: 每升一级,ECM目标干扰器强度加成20%,增加隐形状态巡航速度25%。
Sin罪恶Gallente Battleship Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to large hybrid turret damage and 10% bonus to drone hit points and damage per skill level
Black Ops Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to agility and multiplies the cloaked velocity by 125% per level
Note: can fit Covert Cynosural Field Generators and Covert Jump Portal Generators. No targeting delay after decloaking. Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds.
盖伦特战列舰技能加成: 每升一级,大型混合炮台伤害加成5%,无人机伤害以及HP加成10%。
黑隐特勤舰技能加成: 每升一级,船体灵活度增加5%,增加隐形状态巡航速度25%。
Panther黑豹Minmatar Battleship Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to large projectile turret rate of fire and 5% bonus to large projectile turret damage per level
Black Ops Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to velocity and multiplies the cloaked velocity by 125% per level
Note: can fit Covert Cynosural Field Generators and Covert Jump Portal Generators. No targeting delay after decloaking. Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds.
米玛塔尔战列舰技能加成: 每升一级,大型射弹炮台发射速率加成5%,大型射弹炮台伤害加成5%。
黑隐特勤舰技能加成: 每升一级,增加速度5%,增加隐形状态巡航速度25%。
Other Information 其它:
本帖最后由 黑暗王座 于
12:34 编辑
Capital Ships 旗舰
Revelation神示Amarr Dreadnought Skill Bonus:
10% reduction in Capital Energy Turret capacitor use
and 5% bonus to Capital Energy Turret rate of fire per skill level
Phoenix凤凰Caldari Dreadnought Skill Bonus:
5% bonus to kinetic missile damage
and 5% bonus to Capital Launcher rate of fire per skill level
Moros莫洛Gallente Dreadnought Skill Bonus:
5% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret damage per level
5% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret rate of fire per level1、【PVP】
Naglfar纳迦法Minmatar Dreadnought Skill Bonus:
5% bonus to Capital Projectile damage per level
5% bonus to Capital Projectile rate of fire per level1、【PVE】&&(Odyssey 1.0)
Carriers 航空母舰:
Archon执政官Amarr Carrier Skill Bonuses:
50% bonus to Capital Energy and Armor transfer range per level
4% bonus to all Armor resistances per level
Can fit Warfare Link modules
Can fit Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration modules
Can deploy 1 additional Fighter or Drone per level
200% bonus to Fighter control range1、【PVP】
Chimera奇美拉Caldari Carrier Skill Bonuses:
50% bonus to Capital Energy and Shield transfer range per level
4% bonus to all Shield resistances per level
Can fit Warfare Link modules
Can fit Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration modules
Can deploy 1 additional Fighter or Drone per level
200% bonus to Fighter control range
Thanatos绝念Gallente Carrier Skill Bonuses:
50% bonus to Capital Shield and Armor transfer range per level
5% bonus to deployed Fighters' damage per level
Can fit Warfare Link modules
Can fit Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration modules
Can deploy 1 additional Fighter or Drone per level
200% bonus to Fighter control range
2、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.1)
Nidhoggur尼铎格尔Minmatar Carrier Skill Bonuses:
50% bonus to Capital Shield and Armor transfer range per level
7.5% bonus to Capital Shield and Armor transfer amount per level
Can fit Warfare Link modules
Can fit Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration modules
Can deploy 1 additional Fighter or Drone per level
200% bonus to Fighter control range1、【PVP】
Revenant归魂者Special Ability:
100% bonus to fighter, fighter-bomber damage and hitpointsAmarr Carrier Skill Bonuses:
10% bonus to fighter and fighter-bomber max velocity per level
Can fit 1 additional Warfare Link module per levelCaldari Carrier Skill Bonuses:
50% bonus to Capital Energy and Shield transfer range per level
Can deploy 1 additional Fighters or Fighter Bombers per levelRole Bonuses:
Can fit Projected Electronic Counter Measures
200% bonus to Fighter or Fighter Bomber control range
Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare
Aeon万古Note: This ship class is capable of carrying only fighters and fighter bombers in its drone bay.Amarr Carrier Skill Bonuses:
50% bonus to Capital Energy and Armor transfer range per level
4% bonus to all Armor resistances per level
Can fit Projected Electronic Counter Measures
Can deploy 3 additional Fighters or Fighter Bombers per level
Can fit 1 additional Warfare Link module per level
200% bonus to Fighter or Fighter Bomber control range
Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare1、【PVP】
Wyvern飞龙Caldari Carrier Skill Bonuses:
50% bonus to Capital Energy and Shield transfer range per level
4% bonus to all Shield resistances per level
Can fit Projected Electronic Counter Measures
Can deploy 3 additional Fighters or Fighter Bombers per level
Can fit 1 additional Warfare Link module per level
200% bonus to Fighter or Fighter Bomber control range
Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare
Nyx夜神Note: This ship class is capable of carrying only fighters and fighter bombers in its drone bay.Gallente Carrier Skill Bonuses:
50% bonus to Capital Shield and Armor transfer range per level
5% bonus to deployed Fighters or Fighter Bomber damage per level
Can fit Projected Electronic Counter Measures
Can deploy 3 additional Fighters or Fighter Bombers per level
Can fit 1 additional Warfare Link module per level
200% bonus to Fighter and Fighter Bomber control range
Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare 1、【PVP】
Hel冥府Note: This ship class is capable of carrying only fighters and fighter bombers in its drone bay.Minmatar Carrier Skill Bonuses:
50% bonus to Capital Shield and Armor transfer range per level
7.5% bonus to Shield and Armor transfer amount per level
Can fit Projected Electronic Counter Measures
Can deploy 3 additional Fighters or Fighter Bombers per level
Can fit 1 additional Warfare Link module per level
200% bonus to Fighter and Fighter Bomber control range
Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare
Titans 泰坦:
Avatar神使Amarr Titan Skill Bonuses:&&
100% bonus to Capital Energy Turret damage per level
7.5% bonus to fleet members' capacitor recharge rate per level
Can fit Judgement Super Weapon
Can fit Jump Portal Generator
Can fit Clone Vat Bay
Can fit 1 additional Warfare Link module per level
Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare
Turrets fitted to this ship will do reduced damage to small targets
Leviathan勒维亚坦Caldari Titan Skill Bonuses:
125% bonus to Citadel Missile kinetic damage per level
7.5% bonus to fleet members' maximum shield HP per level
Can fit Oblivion Super Weapon
Can fit Jump Portal Generator
Can fit Clone Vat Bay
Can fit 1 additional Warfare Link module per level
Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare
Erebus俄洛巴斯Gallente Titan Skill Bonuses:
100% bonus to Capital Hybrid Turret damage per level
7.5% bonus to fleet members' maximum armor HP per level
Can fit Aurora Ominae Super Weapon
Can fit Jump Portal Generator
Can fit Clone Vat Bay
Can fit 1 additional Warfare Link module per level
Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare
Turrets fitted to this ship will do reduced damage to small targets
Ragnarok拉格纳洛克Minmatar Titan Skill Bonuses:
125% bonus to Capital Projectile Turret damage per level
7.5% reduction in fleet members' signature radius per level
Can fit Gjallarhorn Super Weapon
Can fit Jump Portal Generator
Can fit Clone Vat Bay
Can fit 1 additional Warfare Link module per level
Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare
Turrets fitted to this ship will do reduced damage to small targets
Other Information其它:
本帖最后由 黑暗王座 于
13:37 编辑
Cruisers 巡洋舰
Standard Cruisers 标准巡洋舰:
Augoror奥格诺国服击杀统计Amarr Cruiser skill bonus per level:
12.5% bonus to Remote Armor Repair System repair amount
5% reduction in Remote Armor Repair System capacitor use
Role Bonus:
1000% bonus to Remote Armor Repair System and Energy Transfer Array range
200% bonus to Energy Transfer Array transfer amount
Arbitrator主宰国服击杀统计Amarr Cruiser skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Tracking Disruptor effectiveness
10% bonus to drone hitpoints, damage and mining yield
Omen启示国服击杀统计Amarr Cruiser skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Medium Energy Turret capacitor use
5% bonus to Medium Energy Turret rate of fire1、【PVP】 (Retribution)
Maller暴君国服击杀统计Amarr Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Medium Energy Turret damage
4% bonus to all Armor Resistances
Osprey鱼鹰国服击杀统计Caldari Cruiser skill bonus per level:
12.5% bonus to Shield Transporter boost amount
5% reduction in Shield Transporter capacitor use
Role Bonus:
1000% bonus to Shield Transporter and Energy Transfer Array Range
200% bonus to Energy Transfer Array transfer amoun
Blackbird黑鸟国服击杀统计Caldari Cruiser skill bonus per level:
15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
12.5% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal range and falloff1、【PVP】
Caracal 狞獾国服击杀统计Caldari Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus Rapid Light, Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire
10% bonus to Light, Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Velocity
Moa巨鸟国服击杀统计Caldari Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
4% bonus to shield resistances
Exequror送葬者国服击杀统计Gallente Cruiser skill bonus per level:
12.5% bonus to Remote Armor Repair System repair amount
5% reduction in Remote Armor Repair System capacitor use
Role Bonus:
1000% bonus to Remote Armor Repair System range
100% bonus to Logistic Drone repair amount
Celestis星空国服击杀统计Gallente Cruiser skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness
10% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener optimal range and falloff1、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
Vexor狂怒国服击杀统计Gallente Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
10% bonus to drone hitpoints, damage and mining yiel
1、【PVP】(Odysssy 1.1)
Thorax托勒克斯国服击杀统计Gallente Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
7.5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret tracking speed1、【PVP】 (Retribution)
2、【PVP】 (Retribution)
3、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
Scythe镰刀国服击杀统计Minmatar Cruiser skill bonus per level:
12.5% bonus to Remote Shield Booster boost amount
5% reduction in Remote Shield Booster capacitor use
Role Bonus:
1000% bonus to Remote Shield Booster range
100% bonus to Logistic Drone repair amount
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Bellicose挑战国服击杀统计Minmatar Cruiser skill bonus per level:
7.5% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness
5% bonus to Rapid Light, Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire
Stabber刺客国服击杀统计Minmatar Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret firing speed
10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret falloff
Rupture断崖国服击杀统计Minmatar Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret firing speed
5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret damage
Faction Cruisers 势力巡洋舰:
Augoror Navy Issue奥格诺级海军型国服击杀统计Amarr Cruiser skill bonus per level:
25% bonus to Medium Energy Turret Damage
10% bonus to Armor Hitpoints
Omen Navy Issue启示级海军型国服击杀统计Amarr Cruiser skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Medium Energy Turret damage
10% bonus to Medium Energy Turret optimal range per level1、【PVP】&&(Odyssey 1.0)
Osprey Navy Issue鱼鹰级海军型国服击杀统计Caldari Cruiser skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile velocity
10% bonus to Kinetic missile damage, 5% bonus to EM, Explosive, and Thermal missile damage
Caracal Navy Issue狞獾级海军型国服击杀统计Caldari Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus Rapid Light, Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire
5% bonus to Heavy and Heavy Assault Missile explosion radius per level
Exequror Navy Issue送葬者级海军型国服击杀统计Gallente Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret rate of fire
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Vexor Navy Issue狂怒者级海军型国服击杀统计Gallente Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to drone velocity and tracking
10% bonus to drone hitpoints, damage and mining yield per skill level
1、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
2、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
1、【PVE】(Rubicon 1.3)
Scythe Fleet Issue镰刀级舰队型国服击杀统计Minmatar Cruiser skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret rate of fire
10% bonus to Missile damage1、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
Stabber Fleet Issue刺客级舰队型国服击杀统计Minmatar Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret firing speed
10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret tracking speed1、【PVP】
Cynabal塞纳波国服击杀统计Special Ability: 25% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret rate of fire
Minmatar Cruiser Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret damage per level
Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret falloff per level
Ashimmu阿什姆国服击杀统计Special Ability: 100% bonus to Medium Energy Turret damage
Amarr Cruiser Skill Bonus: 15% bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer drain amount per level
Minmatar Cruiser Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to the velocity factor of stasis webifiers per level
Gila毒蜥国服击杀统计Special Ability: 50% bonus to Assault, Heavy and Light Missile velocity
Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus: 4% shield resistance per level
Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to drone hit points and damage per skill level
1、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
3、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
Phantasm幽灵国服击杀统计Special Ability: 100% bonus to Medium Energy Turret damage
Amarr Cruiser Skill Bonus: 7.5% bonus to Medium Energy Turret tracking per level
Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to Medium Energy Turret damage per level
Vigilant警惕国服击杀统计Special Ability: 75% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret falloff per level
Minmatar Cruiser Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to the velocity factor of stasis webifiers per level
Stratios国服击杀统计Amarr Cruiser skill bonus per level:
4% bonus to armor resistances
Gallente Cruiser skill bonus per level:
10% bonus to drone damage and hitpoints
Role Bonus:
50% bonus to Medium Energy Turret optimal range
37.5% increased strength for scan probes
+10 virus strength for Relic and Data Analyzers
Note: can fit covert ops cloaks and use covert jump portals
Recon Ships 侦查舰:
Pilgrim朝圣国服击杀统计Amarr Cruiser Skill Bonus:&&7.5% bonus to Tracking Disruptor effectiveness and 10% bonus to drone hit points and damage per level.
Recon Ships Skill Bonus:&&20% bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer transfer amount and 20% reduction in CPU need for cloaking devices per level.
Role Bonus:&&80% reduction in liquid ozone consumption for cynosural field generation and 50% reduction in cynosural field duration.
Note: can fit covert ops cloaks and covert cynosural field generators
1、【PVP】 (Retribution)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Curse诅咒国服击杀统计Amarr Cruiser Skill Bonus:&&7.5% bonus to Tracking Disruptor effectiveness and 10% bonus to drone hit points and damage per level.
Recon Ships Skill Bonus:&&40% bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer range and 20% bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer transfer amount per level
1、【PVP】 (Retribution)
Falcon战隼国服击杀统计Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus:&&
5% Bonus to Medium Hybrid Damage Per Level
10% Bonus to ECM Target Jammer capacitor use per level
Recon Ships Skill Bonus:&&
30% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength per level and 20% reduction in CPU need for cloaking devices per level.
Role Bonus:&&80% reduction in liquid ozone consumption for cynosural field generation and 50% reduction in cynosural field duration.
Note: can fit covert ops cloaks and covert cynosural field generators
1、【PVP】 (Retribution)
Rook白嘴鸦国服击杀统计Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus:&&
5% Bonus to Heavy and Heavy Assault Missile Launcher Rate of Fire per level
10% Bonus to ECM Target Jammer capacitor use per level
Recon Ships Skill Bonus:&&
30% Bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength per level
10% Bonus to Heavy Assault & Heavy Missile velocity per level
Arazu埃拉兹国服击杀统计Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonus:
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage per level
7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness per level
Recon Ships Skill Bonus:
20% bonus to Warp Scrambler and Warp Disruptor range per level
20% reduction in CPU need for cloaking devices per level
Role Bonus:
80% reduction in liquid ozone consumption for cynosural field generation
50% reduction in cynosural field duration
Note: can fit covert ops cloaks and covert cynosural
Lachesis拉克希斯国服击杀统计Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonus:
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage per level
7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness per level
Recon Ships Skill Bonus:
20% bonus to Warp Scrambler and Warp Disruptor range per level
5% bonus to Heavy Missile Launcher and Heavy Assault Missile Launcher rate of fire per level
1、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
Rapier长剑国服击杀统计Minmatar Cruiser Skill Bonus:&&5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret rate of fire and 10% bonus to target painter effectiveness per level
Recon Ships Skill Bonus:&&60% bonus to stasis webifier range and 20% reduction in CPU need for cloaking devices per level.
Role Bonus:&&80% reduction in liquid ozone consumption for cynosural field generation and 50% reduction in cynosural field duration.
Note: can fit covert ops cloaks and covert cynosural field generators
Huginn休津国服击杀统计Minmatar Cruiser Skill Bonus:&&5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret rate of fire and 10% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness per level.
Recon Ships Skill Bonus:&&60% bonus to Stasis Webifier range and 5% bonus to Heavy Missile Launcher, Heavy Assault Missile Launcher and Rapid Light Missile Launcher rate of fire per level.
1、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
2、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
Heavy Assault Ships 重型突击舰:
Zealot狂热国服击杀统计Amarr Cruiser skill bonus per level:
10% Medium Energy Turret capacitor use
5% Medium Energy Turret rate of fire
Heavy Assault Cruisers skill bonus per level:
10% Medium Energy Turret optimal range
5% Medium Energy Turret damage
Role Bonus:
50% reduction in MicroWarpdrive signature radius penalty
1、 【PVP】 (Retribution)
2、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
Sacrilege渎圣国服击杀统计Amarr Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile damage
4% Armor resistances
Heavy Assault Cruisers skill bonus per level:
10% Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile velocity
5% Missile Launcher rate of fire
Role Bonus:
50% reduction in MicroWarpdrive signature radius penalty
Cerberus希尔博拉斯国服击杀统计Caldari Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% Kinetic Missile damage
10% Missile velocity
Heavy Assault Cruisers skill bonus per level:
10% Heavy Assault Missile, Heavy Missile and Light Missile flight time
5% Heavy Assault Missile Launcher, Heavy Missile Launcher and Rapid Light Missile Launcher rate of fire
Role Bonus:
50% reduction in MicroWarpdrive signature radius penalty
1、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
3、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Eagle银鹰国服击杀统计Caldari Cruiser skill bonus per level:
10% Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range
4% Shield resistances
Heavy Assault Cruisers skill bonus per level:
10% Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range
5% Medium Hybrid Turret damage
Role Bonus:
50% reduction in MicroWarpdrive signature radius penalty
1、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
国服击杀统计Gallente Cruiser skill bonus per level:
7.5% Heavy Drone max velocity and tracking speed
10% Drone hitpoints and damage
Heavy Assault Cruisers skill bonus per level:
5km Drone operation range
7.5% Sentry Drone optimal range and tracking speed
Role Bonus:
50% reduction in MicroWarpdrive signature radius penalty
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.0)
1、【PVP】 (Retribution)
2、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
3、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
4、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Deimos戴默斯国服击杀统计Gallente Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% Medium Hybrid Turret damage
7.5% Armor Repair amount
Heavy Assault Cruisers skill bonus per level:
10% Medium Hybrid Turret falloff
5% Medium Hybrid Turret damage
Role Bonus:
50% reduction in MicroWarpdrive signature radius penalty
1、【PVP】 (Retribution)
2、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
3、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Vagabond流浪国服击杀统计Minmatar Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% Medium Projectile Turret rate of fire
7.5% Shield Boost Amount
Heavy Assault Cruisers skill bonus per level:
10% Medium Projectile Turret falloff
5% Medium Projectile Turret damage
Role Bonus:
50% reduction in MicroWarpdrive signature radius penalty
1、【PVP】(Odysssy 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
3、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Muninn缪宁国服击杀统计Minmatar Cruiser skill bonus per level:
5% Medium Projectile Turret rate of fire
5% Medium Projectile Turret damage
Heavy Assault Cruisers skill bonus per level:
10% Medium Projectile Turret optimal range
7.5% Medium Projectile Turret tracking
Role Bonus:
50% reduction in MicroWarpdrive signature radius penalty
Heavy Interdictors 重型拦截舰:
Devoter奉献国服击杀统计Amarr Cruiser Skill Bonus: 10% reduction in medium energy turret capacitor use and 4% bonus to armor resistances per level
Heavy Interdiction Cruisers Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to medium energy turret rate of fire and 5% bonus to range of warp disruption fields per level
Note: can fit warp disruption field generators
Onyx奥尼克斯国服击杀统计Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to kinetic missile damage and 4% bonus to shield resistances per level
Heavy Interdiction Cruisers Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to assault missile and heavy missile velocity and 5% bonus to range of warp disruption fields per level
Note: can fit warp disruption field generators
Phobos福波斯国服击杀统计Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to medium hybrid turret damage and 4% bonus to armor resistances per level
Heavy Interdiction Cruisers Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to medium hybrid turret falloff per level and 5% bonus to range of warp disruption fields per level
Note: can fit warp disruption field generators
Broadsword阔刀国服击杀统计Minmatar Cruiser Skill Bonus: 5% bonus to medium projectile turret rate of fire and 4% bonus to shield resistances per level
Heavy Interdiction Cruisers Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to medium projectile turret falloff and 5% bonus to range of warp disruption fields per level
Note: can fit warp disruption field generators
Logistics 后勤舰:
Guardian守卫国服击杀统计Amarr Cruiser Skill Bonus: 150% bonus to Energy Transfer Array and Remote Armor Repair System range and 20% bonus to Armor Maintenance Bot transfer amount per level
Logistics Skill Bonus: 15% reduction in Energy Transfer Array and Remote Armor Repair System capacitor use per level
Role Bonus: -65% power need for Remote Armor Repair Systems and -50% power need for Energy Transfer Arrays
1、【PVP】 (Retribution)
2、【PVP】 (Retribution)
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Basilisk皇冠蜥国服击杀统计Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus: 150% bonus to Shield Transport and Energy Transfer Array range and 20% bonus to Shield Maintenance Bot transfer amount per level
Logistics Skill Bonus: 15% reduction in Shield Transport and Energy Transfer Array capacitor use per level
Role Bonus: -50% CPU need for Shield Transporters and -50% power need for Energy Transfer Arrays
1、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
Oneiros奥内罗斯国服击杀统计Gallente Cruiser Skill Bonus: 150% bonus to Remote Armor Repair System and Tracking Link range 20% bonus to Armor Maintenance Bot transfer amount per level
Logistics Skill Bonus: 15% reduction in Remote Armor Repair System capacitor use and 10% bonus to Tracking Link efficiency per level
Role Bonus: -65% power need for Remote Armor Repair Systems
1、【PVE】 (Odyssey 1.1)
Scimitar曲剑国服击杀统计Minmatar Cruiser Skill Bonus: 150% bonus to Tracking Link and Shield Transport range and 20% bonus to Shield Maintenance Bot transport amount per level
Logistics Skill Bonus: 10% bonus to Tracking Link efficiency and 15% reduction in Shield Transport capacitor use per level
1、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
Strategic Cruisers 战略巡洋舰:
Legion 圣卒
1、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
3、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.1)
Tengu 金鹏
1、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
Proteus海神国服击杀统计Gallente Strategic Cruiser Skill Bonus: 5% Reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules per level.
1、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVE】(Odyssey 1.0)
Other Information其它:
本帖最后由 黑暗王座 于
00:27 编辑
Rookie Ships新手船:
Impairor 帝国号
1、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
Ibis 伊毕斯号
Velator 维斯托尔号
Reaper 死神号
Standard Frigates 标准护卫舰:
Tormentor 巨神兵
1、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
3、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Executioner 刽子手
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Magnate 富豪
Crucifier 磨难
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Inquisitor 检察官
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Punisher 惩罚者
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Silver Magnate 白银富豪
Gold Magnate 黄金富豪
Bantam 矮脚鸡
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Condor 秃鹫
1、【PVP】(Odysssy 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
3、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Heron 苍鹭
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Griffin 狮鹫
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
3、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Kestrel 茶隼
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Merlin 小鹰
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Navitas 纳维达斯
Atron 阿特龙
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Imicus 伊米卡斯
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Maulus 毛鲁斯
1、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
3、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Incursus 因卡萨斯
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
3、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Tristan 特里斯坦
1、【PVP】(Odysssy 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.1)
3、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
4、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
5、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVE】 (Rubicon 1.0)
Burst 爆发
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Probe 探索
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Vigil 伐木者
1、【PVP】(Odysssy 1.0)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Slasher 守夜者
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
3、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Breacher 分裂者
1、【PVP】(Odysssy 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
3、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Rifter 裂谷
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Faction Frigates 势力护卫舰:
Amarr Navy Slicer 艾玛海军切割机
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Caldari Navy Hookbill 加达里海军霍克比尔
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Gallente Navy Comet 盖伦特海军彗星
Republic Fleet Firetail 共和舰队火尾鸡
Dramiel 德拉米尔
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Cruor 凝血
Succubus 魔女
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Daredevil 夜魔侠
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Covert Ops 隐秘侦察舰:
Anathema 咒逐
Buzzard 秃鹰
Helios 太阳神
Cheetah 猎豹
Purifier 净化
Stealth Bombers 隐形轰炸:
Manticore 蝎尾怪
2、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
3、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.0)
Nemesis 纳美西斯
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.0)
Hound 猎犬
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.0)
Malediction 咒灭
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.0)
Interceptors 截击舰:
Crusader 十字军
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Raptor 猛禽
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Ares 阿瑞斯
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Taranis 塔纳尼斯
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Stiletto 短剑
1、【PVP】 (Rubicon 1.0)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Electronic Attack Ships 电子攻击舰:
Sentinel 哨兵
Kitsune 斯芬尼克斯
Keres 凯勒斯
Hyena 土狼
Assault Ships 突击舰:
Vengeance 复仇
1、【PVP】(Odyssey 1.0)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Retribution 审判者
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Harpy 女妖
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Ishkur 伊斯库尔
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVP】(Odysssy 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Jaguar 美洲虎
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Destroyers 驱逐舰:
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
2、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVE】 (Rubicon 1.0)
Thrasher 长尾鲛
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Interdictors 拦截舰:
Heretic 异端
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Flycatcher 飞燕
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Eris 厄里斯
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Sabre 剑齿虎
1、【PVP】(Rubicon 1.1)
Other Information其它:
本帖最后由 黑暗王座 于
14:03 编辑


