n. 融合;熔化;熔接;融合物
都是 先知 ( Furion )是DOTA里装备路线最广泛的英雄,但个人认为PotM也不差,没有象某些英雄一样必出什么什么的限制,多是根据场上形势和个人喜好而定.
Furion Stormrage: In the Dream, I felt our land being corrupted, just as if it were my own body. You were right to awaken me.
Furion Stormrage: If the corruption can do this to these simple creatures I dare not imagine what it could do to the beasts who live above!
Furion Stormrage: Oh, no. How could I have forgotten?
玛法里奥。怒风: 哦不,我怎么会忘记?
- 来自原声例句
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英文翻译malfurion&&&&law... &&&&&& inside... &&&&&& difficul ...... &&&&&& furion... &&&&&&farriol... &&&&&&farriols... &&&&&&variogon lens... &&&&&&fariones, pta... &&&&&& mafalda... &&&&&&mirking... &&&&&&romario de sonza faria... &&&&&& fary... &&&&&&carmer's rule... &&&&&&mafalda... &&&&&& mapam yumco... &&&&&&lake manasarovar... &&&&&& riot ...... &&&&&&kallash mansarova... &&&&&&mulpha international trading corpn. bhd... &&&&&&afari... &&&&&&baffari... &&&&&&fari'ah... &&&&&&wolfgang fahrian... &&&&&&fahrion... &&&&&&faribault... &&
例句与用法Eventually she and the blood elves met up with malfurion最后,他们遇到了玛法里奥。 Malfurion ' s love for tyrande was well known and had lasted for thousands of years玛法里奥对泰兰德千百年来的爱人人尽知。 Not too much later , maiev , malfurion , and the blood elves managed to corner illidan不久,玛维,玛法里奥,血精灵围困住伊利丹。 Accordingly , maiev told malfurion that tyrande had been killed by the scourge于是,玛维告诉玛法里奥,泰兰德被天灾军团杀掉了。 Malfurion ' s love for tyrande was well known and had lasted for thousands of years玛法里奥对泰兰德的千百年来的一往情深人人尽知。 To maiev ' s relief , the prospect of revenge sufficed to motivate the grieving malfurion , just as it kept maiev herself going令玛维松了一口气,玛法里奥复仇的期望,就像玛维自身。 In inflicting this punishment , malfurion hoped to prevent illidan from continuing his reckless pursuit of arcane power玛法里奥希望通过这种惩罚能阻止伊芮丹不惜一切代价追寻恶魔力量。 To maiev ' s relief , the prospect of revenge sufficed to motivate the grieving malfurion , just as it kept maiev herself going令玛维欣慰的是,复仇的期望让悲伤的玛法里奥重新振作起来,就像玛维自己一样。 Jarod had given malfurion the responsibility to determine illidan ' s fate , but malfurion was letting the demon go because illidan had saved tyrande ' s life迦洛德让玛法里奥来处置伊利丹,但他却放了他,因为伊利丹救了泰兰德的命。 Shortly after the great sundering , malfurion stormrage sentenced his brother illidan to imprisonment for having created a second well of eternity大分裂结束后,玛法里奥-怒风以创造了第二座永恒之井为罪名宣判他的兄弟伊芮丹入狱。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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