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Brice Taylor 1 – Chapter 33 Bill Clinton and Hillary希拉里与比尔·克林顿的那些不为人知的性癖龙腾网
The revelations surrounding Pizzagate, of a ruling section of society that indulges in occult rituals, and sex with children (child rape) are not new. What is new that is that these revelations have managed to get to a wider audience than before and that some of the disturbing facts can be checked in the wikileaks leaked emails, the authenticity of which is not seriously disputed.龙腾网
Although the establishment has tried a propaganda psyop to label pizzagate as “fake news” this has not stuck. It has not succeeded
partly as the alternative media have fought back showing the plethora of fake news from the establishment corporate mediapartly as the Hillary campaign, which the vast majority of&&corporate media supported , has used the “fake news” label for political purposes against Trump and so Trump supporters have fought back against itpartly the deep state itself is fracturing deeper than before with various parts of the establishment on opposing sides on&&the Trump/Hillary FBI/CIA divideThis is leaving some confused battlelines as the new political landscape unfoldsThe right wing now are not blaming the Russians somewhat opposite to their traditional stanceElitist Trump was seen as the place for some anti establishment, anti globalist votesRight wing Trump is against the right wing CIA虽然披萨门是不久前的事情,但其中的内容,比如统治阶级沉湎于邪教仪式,恋童(强奸儿童)等等却是早有风声,这次只是头一次进入大众视野。其中许多内容可与维基解密泄露的邮件相印证,其内容的真实性恐怕没有太大争议。
1 右翼一反常态,并没有责怪俄国人2 精英川普站到了反对建制派,反对全球化的一边3 右翼川普反对右翼CIA
The greatest impediment to the truth about child sexual abuse getting to a greater audience is still resistance of ordinary people. They may think that they do not want to know about peoples horrible deviancies, they may think they can no-one could be so depraved, they may have cognitive dissonance for other reasons.
However it happens, its real and these people do it.
Anyhow enough analysis and for those new to pizzagate, ritual abuse, child sexual abuse and mind control please suspend your disbelief..
Brice Taylor was a mind controlled sex slave presidential model as was her daughter. Brice was forced&&to have sex with several presidents and she was also used to take messages in her mind control files.
First as a general introduction is a video of Brice Taylor naming some names而阻止恋童事件真正进入大众视野的,正是普通人的态度。他们或许觉得人们并不想知道这些丑行,或许认为人的堕落到不了这个份儿上,又或者是有别的原因,使他们产生了认知偏差。
This is Chapter 33 on Bill and Hillary Clinton
Brice was born in about 1947 and so is about the same age as Bill but her daughter Kelly was born in February 1978
Brice Taylor Thanks for the Memories
Over the years Bill Clinton surfaced in higher level politicalcircles. At one of Bob’s [Bob Hope] parties Bill was all made up in a Statue ofLiberty costume, decorated in red, white and blue, complete withblinking lights. He was holding a torch and he acted feminine. I hadto have sex with him later on and it felt confusing to me because itwas like having sex with a girl in a man’s body. That was strange tome even under mind control, even compared with all the otherstrange and perverted experiences to which my controllerssubjected me.In 1992, before he was inaugurated, Kelly [aged about 13/14] and I wereprostituted to Bill Clinton in Klamath Falls, Oregon. On the ride tomeet him, we were told, “Remember Chappaquiddick – that sametype of accident could befall you.”布莱斯·泰勒《感谢记忆》(Thanks for the Memories)布莱斯生于1947年,与比尔同龄。但她的女儿凯莉生于1978年2月。
多年来,比尔·克林顿已经攀上了政坛高位。在一次鲍勃·霍普(Bob Hope)的派对上,比尔·克林顿打扮得仿佛自由女神雕像,身上装点着红白蓝三色,闪闪发光。他举着个火炬,做出女人的姿态来,而我下面则要与他***。这让我感觉有些奇怪,就好像和我***的是个居住在男人身体里的女孩。这种感觉是如此古怪,哪怕是在精神控制之下,经历过各种奇怪扭曲的事情,我也能感觉到。
When we met Clinton, he said, “Did you know that I am nowyour boss, and you will do exactly as I say. You are under mycommand.” With a robotical tone of voice he told me to give himoral sex and to get down on the floor where I belonged. Then Kellyrobotically sexually serviced him after which I gave him a messagebefore we were let out of his room.Later on, I delivered messages to Clinton from the Council,from Kauai, before he was President. I was delivered aboard a verylarge ship, put into a stateroom and told to stay on the bed and waitfor him. I did. He slipped into the room without knocking andlocked the door behind him. He said, smiling coyly, “I believe youhave something for me?” He had sex with me, with my dress andhis pants still on. It was a quickie and then I gave him themessage. It required a simple answer that I was to deliver back tothe Council. His answer was agreeable.Bill liked to be sung to and have his forehead rubbed. He likedto play mommy and baby baby Bill. He was often very strange.
When it came to Bill Clinton, Henry would stoop low. He evensent up bags of cocaine with me to use when I was with Bill or& && &&&Hillary in order to get them off guard. Bill and Hillary both did thecocaine. I placed it on a small mirror for them and they had glassnose straws they snorted it through. Bill could do the whole littlewhite pile with one snort. Hillary took two or three sniffs to get allof hers. Then we usually had sex.
When I said certain things, they thought I was a gift from BobHope, the entertainer. Bob and Henry’s real relationship was keptquiet. The Clintons didn’t seem to know that Henry and Bob wereworking so closely together, one getting me into the White Housewhile the “Expert” Henry Kissinger delivered the goods in order tofind ways to hang the Clintons. Henry said, “I want them so badly.”After I was through, two men in black uniforms with yellow-braided stripes on their shoulders came to get me and one stoodon each side as they escorted me back to the helicopter that wason one end of the ship. It was a white helicopter. They put me inwith the pilot and I was flown back to the small airport on Maui,near the Coconut Inn, where I was staying, as I worked on thewriting of my first book, Starshine.
Before he was President, there was an occasion in a largehotel in Los Angeles. The Clintons were already heavily guardedwith a whole group of Secret Service agents.
For my use as a sexual slave, I was trained to make love tomarried couples by always bringing the focus back to them. “Isn’tyour wife beautiful! Isn’t your husband strong,” or, whateverstatements would strengthen their bond and love for each other, if they were to bekept together. When I got through with couples they were totallyenamoured with each other and hardly noticed when I dressed andleft the room. I was used in this way with the Clintons. There wasusually cocaine, often a gift from someone they knew, routedthrough me.After the Clintons went to sleep I left. A man stepped towardme as I exited the room and escorted me down a red carpeted hall,to the elevator, and down to the lobby, as he held my elbow andlower forearm. At this point, another man took over, making a verysmooth transition. I was pushed down into a waiting limo (I think itwas a black Mercedes), as the man hurried and slammed the door.I was taken to the airport and the driver radioed ahead, and a manmet us at the curb and hurried me onto my plane.我们见到比尔·克林顿时他说道:“你们也知道我是你们的老板,下面我说什么就做什么,你们全听我的调遣。”接下来他用机械冰冷的语调让我跪下来给他做了个口交。凯莉也自觉地给他进行了***务,随后我给他递了个消息,他就让我们出了他的房间。
当我说到某件具体的事时,他们会以为我是鲍勃·霍普(Bob Hope),那个喜剧演员送来的人。但克林顿夫妇不知道的事,鲍勃和亨利的关系十分密切,只是无人知道罢了。他们中的一个把我送进了白宫,而另一位,“专家”亨利·基辛格则送来各种东西,以便捏住这一对夫妇。就像亨利本人说过的,“我太想要他们了。”
在我完事儿后,两个身穿黑色制服,肩上打着黄穗带的人把我带出来,一边一个送我上了停在船尾的白色直升机。我上了直升机,随后就被送到毛伊岛(Maui)上椰子酒店(Coconut Inn)旁的一个小机场。然后我就待在那里,那时我正在写我的第一部书,《星光》。
Now Clinton is President []
Kelly had a school function or a friend’s party at the BeverlyHilton. I hadn’t seen her in awhile as she was living in Californiaand I was living on Kauai, but I was brought in to help her with“The Prez,” who was then newly-elected Bill Clinton. He had agroup of girls and women there and that night he wanted only oralsex, along with chocolate and fruit slices. Afterwards, it was my jobto redirect the girls back into their social function so there would beno mix-ups.
Sex slaves were used to sexually service both male and femalemembers of the White House when our controllers called for it, andI was not to be exempt. Once when I was flown to the White Housefrom Hawaii, Hillary played what she called “the tease game.” Shetied me up so she could be safe, she said. When she was throughwith me she looked at her gold watch, said she had to go, put onher dress and left. I put on my clothes and headed out to thewaiting limo to Henry.Henry always wanted to know exactly what Hillary’s verbalresponses were to things I said to her and he listened very carefullyfor speech patterning. They were trying to create a phrase of wordsthat would stop her dead in her tracks when she went to court forthe Whitewater incident. They had been planning this one evenbefore Clinton took office. Henry knew and so did his people. Theywere trying to destabilize the government by ousting the President.Their plan was that “A cornerstone will fall, and further destabilizethe American people. First Nixon, now Clinton, thus the people willlose faith in their leaders and the democratic way of life. So theywill want to change it and will lean toward World Order.” I knew in1993, long before the Monica Lewinsky affair, that if Clinton wasousted, they had succeeded again in their plan and movementtoward the New World Order.
The programs I had for the White House were pretty well-worn and grooved. Henry often rode with me in the limo to theWhite House if he hadn’t had time to load me up beforehand.Sometimes, he wanted to sharpen me up or check my systems.He often went to have a cup of coffee or a cigar while I was doingthe job. When I came out of the White House, flanked by SecretService agents, I’d get into the limo and he would ask me to repeatverbatim what was said. I’d tell him exactly what they said and howthey enunciated it. I could record not only what they said, but Icould repeat it back just like they said it – tone, inflection, and all.And from that, Henry and his boys cou then,using it, they developed a way to control people through their ownlanguage patterns.
Henry put his cigar to his mouth before saying,“If you can get their patterns, you can control their minds.” Theyput me close to the Clintons so they could obtain speech patterns,information about weaknesses they had and ammunition to getClinton thrown out of office. They would stop at nothing intheir effort to chip away at the Constitution and democracy.Henry Kissinger hated Bill Clinton, but he especially hatedHillary. He wanted to publicly humiliate and disgrace her byshowing that she had illegal investments and that she lied. Henrysaid, “People (the public) will be manageable after this is exposedAl Gore was easy for the Council because I believe he is arobot like me. Al Gore had me perform oral sex on him. He didn’tdo cocaine, though. He adamantly refused. Henry said, “He’s arobot of choice.”现在比尔·克林顿是总统了【】
凯莉在希尔顿洛杉矶比佛利酒店参加了一个学校还是朋友聚会什么的。我已经许久没有见过她了——她住在加利福尼亚,而我在考艾岛。但有一次我被带来帮她服侍“The Prez”,也就是刚刚当选总统的比尔·克林顿。他现在有一群女人服侍他,但那天他只想要别人给他口活服务,再来点巧克力和水果切片。后来,引导这些女孩们重拾社会职能,别闹出什么乱子就成了我的工作。
I also had memories of experiences where I was at the WhiteHouse with Hillary, Chelsea and a famous female vocalist, involvedin a sex ritual.
My personal belief, based on my experiences, is that overthe years, more leaders were under mind control. I believe it to bevitally important to dismantle the system that has created this, aswell as gain aid for the victims, but not to further punish orhumiliate the victims who are in need of professional help toheal. I know there has been corruption at the highest levels in theWhite House, and whether compromised through blackmail, lackof spiritual integrity, or mind control, I believe the Clintons arecaught in a “Catch-22.”In a society where mind control is insidious, the whole ofsociety is responsible in some way, whether through ignorance,denial, spiritual disintegration or greed. To the extent that some ofus are not free, none of us are free. I believe it is God’s perfect planfor those able persons to come to the aid of those who are in need.我也记得,我曾经在白宫和希拉里、切尔西还有一位著名女歌手参加一场性爱仪式。
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