十字军之王2医院升级 1.05怎么升级

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[CK2] 【王国风云2】 2.3.6简体中文汉化包正式第一版(已更新第二版修正补丁)
游戏达人, 积分 2431, 距离下一级还需 *** 积分
游戏达人, 积分 2431, 距离下一级还需 *** 积分
本帖最后由 克鲁泽AGAIN 于
18:41 编辑
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本汉化基于王国风云2 2.36版本制作,完成了除部分历史家族名与部分地名之外的全部汉化。
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common部分:失落的梦境 huang
history部分:xingtian23210 Myca huang 孤高的客人 Gump luoylcn twy_2000 Corascona?王 qoo 我爱拉拉 望月火兔 ykky gantrithor! icesheep 花落花开梦一场 灼眼的西夏
界面与杂项:电脑小龟 huang ykky lzhalzx
地名与国家:璇 药师 紫旌 圣羊 小老鼠 孤高的客人 sdsriver Corascona?王
事件:astkaasa 天仪天易 云之遥 纲子 神的左手 superbios Chillshadow
text2-6:ykky xingtian23210 云之遥 twy_2000
校对:ykky hhyy_best
测试:胡子哥 hhyy_best 电脑小龟 huang Hackxyz
* 1.05g汉化更新人员:
技术:hhyy_best 绝对新手
文本:云之遥 astkaasa ykky
* 1.06b汉化更新人员:
技术:hhyy_best 绝对新手
文本:astkaasa ykky 云之遥& &glwhdx&&深海淡水鱼&&twy2000&&铁臂缪拉&&sdriver 花落花开梦一场& &ren5832705
家族人物:云之遥& && & ren5832705
校正:云之遥 lzhalzx& &ren5832705& &绝对新手
字库:天仪天易& & hhyy_best& &
* 1.07b汉化更新人员:
技术:hhyy_best 绝对新手
文本:云之遥&&astkaasa& & ren5832705&&拜占庭皇帝& &旺月火兔
家族王朝人物:云之遥& && &
* 1.091汉化更新人员:
技术:hhyy_best 绝对新手
文本:云之遥&&astkaasa& &拜占庭皇帝& &旺月火兔&&纲子&&thunder303
家族王朝人物:云之遥& &ren5832705
校正:绝对新手 云之遥 lzhalzx ren5832705
* 2.03汉化更新人员:
文本:云之遥&&亦为犬& &Orange 宇都宫壬纲&&毁灭之锤& &望月火兔 twy_2000&&太阳王&&CCX_CX_D&&Astkaasa& &晴天&&Orange&&MensaIS
家族王朝人物:忘川魂&&云之遥 Lamphare 法兰西岛伯爵&&花落花开梦一场 琉璃苣&&御剑寻仙
校对:云之遥&&私家侦探 Lamphare
* 2.36汉化更新人员:
负责人:云之遥 琉璃苣
文本:璇 琉璃苣 云之遥 丘比酱 千兰喵 abcdgh AyaseYoshino Bassam-Farid 木头 Leo lzhalzx 汉化锁存器 监工 卡斯特璐佳一世 美国留学没啥事 上巳希&&微幽思又闻旎思 我爱拉拉 Silu 紫堂公爵 水都飞狮玛尔谷 纲子 亦为犬 柑皮 法兰西岛煎伯爵 醇厚香甜特仑苏 路西法 VeiusIuvenis HolyYang 麻花骑士 毁灭之锤 Ternennce 猫王子 吃斋的老虎&&蕾?瑷雅芸茜殇 法兰西岛伯爵
地名与国家:监工 花落花开梦一场 昭惠清源妙道兴 abcdgh 奶糯米 紫堂公爵
家族王朝人物:琉璃苣 紫堂公爵&&P&&艺觉大师 akira 亦为犬 black_prince 监工 Lamphare 随机过程买橘子 罄竹难书判官君 死于非命的豌豆 霜雨革命林登万 昭惠清源妙道兴 Bassam-Farid 奶糯米
校对:琉璃苣 监工 璇 abcdgh hhyy_best
测试:hacky 琉璃苣 监工
来自群组: 容克?官?
游戏达人, 积分 2431, 距离下一级还需 *** 积分
游戏达人, 积分 2431, 距离下一级还需 *** 积分
本帖最后由 克鲁泽AGAIN 于
18:49 编辑
中级玩家, 积分 226, 距离下一级还需 24 积分
中级玩家, 积分 226, 距离下一级还需 24 积分
克鲁泽AGAIN 发表于
各位需要转载汉化包的朋友们请于3天后也就是9月3日以后9月4日起转载。转载信息请保留以上声明!尊重汉化组 ...
高级玩家, 积分 595, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
高级玩家, 积分 595, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
52论坛注册太难啊 谁发个
超级玩家, 积分 989, 距离下一级还需 11 积分
超级玩家, 积分 989, 距离下一级还需 11 积分
高级玩家, 积分 352, 距离下一级还需 248 积分
高级玩家, 积分 352, 距离下一级还需 248 积分
中级玩家, 积分 144, 距离下一级还需 106 积分
中级玩家, 积分 144, 距离下一级还需 106 积分
高级玩家, 积分 272, 距离下一级还需 328 积分
高级玩家, 积分 272, 距离下一级还需 328 积分
中级玩家, 积分 152, 距离下一级还需 98 积分
中级玩家, 积分 152, 距离下一级还需 98 积分
初级玩家, 积分 87, 距离下一级还需 13 积分
初级玩家, 积分 87, 距离下一级还需 13 积分
初级玩家, 积分 78, 距离下一级还需 22 积分
初级玩家, 积分 78, 距离下一级还需 22 积分
新手玩家, 积分 27, 距离下一级还需 3 积分
新手玩家, 积分 27, 距离下一级还需 3 积分
高级玩家, 积分 591, 距离下一级还需 9 积分
高级玩家, 积分 591, 距离下一级还需 9 积分
中级玩家, 积分 223, 距离下一级还需 27 积分
中级玩家, 积分 223, 距离下一级还需 27 积分
高级玩家, 积分 267, 距离下一级还需 333 积分
高级玩家, 积分 267, 距离下一级还需 333 积分
中级玩家, 积分 201, 距离下一级还需 49 积分
中级玩家, 积分 201, 距离下一级还需 49 积分
高级玩家, 积分 326, 距离下一级还需 274 积分
高级玩家, 积分 326, 距离下一级还需 274 积分
高级玩家, 积分 316, 距离下一级还需 284 积分
高级玩家, 积分 316, 距离下一级还需 284 积分
中级玩家, 积分 114, 距离下一级还需 136 积分
中级玩家, 积分 114, 距离下一级还需 136 积分
中级玩家, 积分 171, 距离下一级还需 79 积分
中级玩家, 积分 171, 距离下一级还需 79 积分
中级玩家, 积分 146, 距离下一级还需 104 积分
中级玩家, 积分 146, 距离下一级还需 104 积分
高级玩家, 积分 281, 距离下一级还需 319 积分
高级玩家, 积分 281, 距离下一级还需 319 积分
中级玩家, 积分 171, 距离下一级还需 79 积分
中级玩家, 积分 171, 距离下一级还需 79 积分
中级玩家, 积分 192, 距离下一级还需 58 积分
中级玩家, 积分 192, 距离下一级还需 58 积分
高级玩家, 积分 326, 距离下一级还需 274 积分
高级玩家, 积分 326, 距离下一级还需 274 积分
中级玩家, 积分 229, 距离下一级还需 21 积分
中级玩家, 积分 229, 距离下一级还需 21 积分
中级玩家, 积分 229, 距离下一级还需 21 积分
中级玩家, 积分 229, 距离下一级还需 21 积分
高级玩家, 积分 362, 距离下一级还需 238 积分
高级玩家, 积分 362, 距离下一级还需 238 积分
高级玩家, 积分 316, 距离下一级还需 284 积分
高级玩家, 积分 316, 距离下一级还需 284 积分
中级玩家, 积分 188, 距离下一级还需 62 积分
中级玩家, 积分 188, 距离下一级还需 62 积分
Powered by求1.05exe,谁知道哪还有的下【十字军之王吧】_百度贴吧
MAJOR(主要更新内容):- You can now ask to join many types of wars
你现在可以加入很多不同类型的战争了。- Participants in wars now get a contribution score which determines how much prestige and piety they get when the war ends
在战争中加入了战争共享,这决定了每个参与战争的人在战争结束的时候可以得到多少声望和虔诚。- Crusades now target entire de jure kingdoms. The Pope declares the war and other rulers can then join the attacking alliance. The one who contributes the most gains the targeted kingdom.- Streamlined marriage interface allowing matrilineal betrothals
十字军的目标现在是整个法理王国。教皇会发起战争,其他的统治者紧随其后可以加入攻方联盟,战争贡献最大的那个家伙可以拿到目标王国。- Loads of new events for regencies, friendships and rivalries
增加了关于摄政、友情和仇敌的新事件。- Plot to revoke the title of a vassal
增加了剥夺一个封臣头衔的密谋- The Kill Plot is now more available and targets a wider selection of logical characters
现在更容易出现刺杀类的密谋了,而且目标被刺杀的角色也会从一个符合逻辑的情况下广泛的被选择。- Portrait clothes are now uncoupled from ethnicity
角色肖像的服装现在和其种族关联更紧密了。- Added Causes of Death
加入了角色的死亡原因- Added some purely naval mercenary units
加入了一些海军佣兵(?)。- Improved military AI
加强了军事的AI。- Armies can now be "attached" to each other, which means they will just follow the lead army
部队可以依附于其他部队,这意味着他们只需要跟随领导部队。- Duchies can now be assimilated into another de jure kingdom (takes 100 years)
公爵领可以被其他法理王国同化了(就是说这个公爵领是该法理王国的法理领土了,这需要100年)。- Now possible to create titular titles at double cost if you hold the scripted capital
如果你有一个既定名义头衔(文本中存在的名义头衔)的话,现在可以以双倍的支出建立挂名头衔了。(感谢zztnamed友情提供翻译支持)- Empires are now allowed to create kingdoms
帝国现在可以创造王国啦!- You can now only create kingdoms if you are already a king or emperor, or hold more than one duchy titles
如果你是个国王或者皇帝或者有一个以上的公爵位,你现在只能建立王国。- Added the kingdoms of Frisia, Lotharingia, Bavaria, Pomerania, Aquitaine and Brittany
增加了弗里西亚、洛林尼亚、巴伐利亚、波美拉尼亚、阿基坦、布列塔尼这几个(法理)王国。- The kingdoms of Galicia and Navarre are now de jure kingdoms
加利西亚和纳瓦拉现在是法理王国了。- The kingdom of Al-Andalus is now called Andalusia and can be created by anyone in the Arabic culture group
安达卢斯王国现在被叫做安达卢西亚王国,并且可以被任何阿拉伯文化族群的人建立了。- Changed "Ducal Claim" wars to "De Jure Claim". De Jure kings and emperors can now take counties in their de jure realm
Ducal Claim类别的战争目前被叫做法理宣称。国王和皇帝们现在可以把法理领土内的伯爵领纳入其法理国度了。- Assassinations are now more expensive depending on the rank of the target
根据刺杀目标的阶级不同,暗杀更贵了。- All factions in civil wars are now hostile to outside attackers
- Cannot end civil wars until the temporarily independent vassal has no holdings occupied by outsiders
除非临时独立的封臣没有领土在任何外来者手中,否则无法结束内战。- Tribal Invasion CB: Now destroys all duchies and kingdoms in the conquered realm
部落的入侵会立即在已征服区域消灭已有的公爵领和王国。- Children now always get the same education type as their guardian
孩子们现在总是能得到他们的导师的教育类型了(军事天赋的导师教育出军事天赋的学生,诸如此类)。- The Holy Order troop size now scales with the moral authority of the church
现在骑士团的部队规模取决于教廷的权威程度。- Republics now get a special CB to seize coastal provinces
共和国们现在得到了一个特殊的CB以夺取沿海省份。- Republics (count or above tier) now get a tax bonus from all cities in their realm
共和国们现在从他们国度的所有城市中得到了一个额外的税收加成。- Republics (count or above tier) now get an extra tax bonus from all coastal cities in their realm
共和国们现在从他们国度的所有海港城市中得到了一个额外的税收加成。- Republics (duke or above tier) now get an extra tax bonus from their capital city
共和国们现在从他们国度的首都得到了一个额外的税收加成。- Women and illegitimate bastards no longer get pressed (inheritable) claims on their parents' titles
女性以及合法的私生子现在得到他们父母的宣称权时,这些宣称权不再是可传承的了。(的确是这个意思,看来之前中文我也没组织好语言……感谢zztnamed友情提供翻译支持)- You can now press the claims of female courtiers and vassals in wars if the target title does not have Agnatic succession
当你的目标国家没有采用仅限男性的继承法的时候,你可以帮女性廷臣和封臣夺取宣称领地。(感谢孟仲玄友情提供翻译支持)- AI: Vassals should now try to defeat peasant rebels on their own
AI封臣现在会试着干掉他们领土上的农民起义了。- AI: Will no longer raise forces in besieged counties
AI现在不会试图从被围困的领土集结部队了。- AI: Nearby religious brethren will now tend to join defenders in Holy Wars
在圣战中,附近的宗教兄弟会(?)会试着加入防守方。- AI: Lowered general vassal revolt risk and DoW aggressiveness
降低了封臣的民众叛乱风险(DOW是什么?)- Cut the Religious Assistance CB
干掉了宗教援助这个CB。- There is now a "Plot" button in the character view, offering a more flexible way of picking plots against characters
现在在人物界面增加了一个“密谋”按钮,意在提供一种更灵活的方式来对目标角色实行密谋。- Fixed an issue with weird (often infinite) build times that could occur after reload
修正了被人入侵以后某个正在建造的东西建造时间变成几千年那个BUG- Vassals will no longer hate you for newly acquired Holdings that take you above the demesne limit. You have two months to get rid of them.
封臣不会在你刚得到一个领土限制以外的领地的时候就开始憎恨你了,会在两个月以后开始。- Heavily revised vassal revolt risk calculations
重算了封臣的民众反叛风险数值曲线。- Made the revolters in independence wars start gaining ticking war score, and do so immediately
- Fixed a crash when switching between tabs in the Plot View
MINOR:- Embarked armies no longer suffer attrition- Withdrawing a small enough army from combat no longer leads to a general retreat- Rebalanced combat a bit - more morale damage, less kills
重新平衡了一下战斗,更多的士气打击,但更少战斗中死人- Fixed a bug preventing claimants to the Caliphates from ever revolting- Fixed an issue with succession CB holders not using it because they are currently the heir presumptive- The opinion effect of gifts now depend on the State Diplomacy of the giver and the greed of the recipient
送礼有多大效果,取决于送礼者的国家外交观感和收礼者有多贪婪- Gift recipients who are not your vassals (or below) will appreciate gifts more- Landless characters now also get an AI personality from traits- Added more and greater opinion modifiers from characters having the same traits- The console command "debug fow" is now just "fow" and works in Release builds too- The invite to plot selection list of characters now excludes those who would never ever join- Better tooltip for the "not willing to join plot" icon when inviting people to plots- Glowing borders on selected titles in the Title View- More likely to see different unit type models on the map- Added console command "charinfo" to toggle debug information in character portrait tooltip- AI: Honorable and dishonorable (personality from traits) characters should now respond more plausibly to invitations to murder plots- AI: Improved councillor appointment- AI: More careful about trying to pass de jure law changes during wars
在战争时期AI将会更小心的试图修改法理法律- AI: Smarter about revolting during the lieges offensive wars- AI: A bit more reluctant to accept ending a plot
AI更不愿意接受领主要求结束他们的密谋了。- AI: Will now want to raise or hire a more overwhelming force- AI: Smarter about creating and usurping titles
AI在建立和篡夺头衔的时候更聪明了。- AI: Smarter about handing out titles
AI在掌握他们头衔的时候更聪明了。- AI: Will now actually look at the defines MAX_ELECTOR_TITLES_LEGALLY_HELD and MAX_DUCHIES_LEGALLY_HELD when handing out titles- AI: Checks if mercs are an option when evaluating DoW- AI: Fixed an issue with piecemeal raising of ships- AI: Fixed several issues with Mongol Horde DoW logic- AI: Landed spouses will no longer revolt- AI: Fixed some bugs with bishop nomination- AI: Fixed a bug where the AI could ignore some rules when granting titles (could grant contested titles, etc)- Children born to parents in a matrilineal marriage should now end up in the mother's court
入赘而生的娃现在生下来的时候是在他母亲的宫廷。- Fixed a bug with abdication from war in elective monarchies that could result in premature Game Over- Crown authority in titular kingdoms and empires can now also be lowered by lost civil wars
即使是挂名的王国和帝国,现在也会因内战失败而被削弱王权了。(感谢ME提供友情翻译支持)- Fixed a crash when just about to revoke the title of someone, and that person dies
- Added some more loading tips- Fixed a bug with the "prisoner" event effect when releasing characters from someone other than their liege- Unit owners now get a fraction of the prestige and piety gained from battles (and not just commanders)- Increased the piety and prestige gained from battles a lot
通过战争而得到的威望和虔诚多了不少。- Characters can now only pick the Amass Wealth ambition once
角色现在只能得到“攒钱”这个野心一次(不能靠这个刷内政了)- Fathers will now like their children a lot
孩子现在看起来更像他爹多一些。- Fixed a bug with the inheritance of Claims- Fixed some errors with the tooltips in event 301 ("A Bastard is Born")- Tweaked the succession situation between Flandres and Hainaut in 1066 to avoid Flandres becoming part of the HRE- The members of the House of Vermandois are now members of House Karling- Vassals now only like succession laws in secondary kingdoms if they are de facto below it- Gavelkind law in secondary kingdoms has no opinion effects unless the ruler has more than one holding there- Added early kings of England to the history files- Temple type holders will no longer desire their liege's titles for de jure reasons- Temple type holders will no longer be upset with their liege for having the wrong government type- Fixed a bug with protected inheritance not working correctly between two realms, both with protected inheritance- Nerfed the Pagan warrior cult building by 33%- The text for the assassination action now mentions the cost- Can now only repeat the same plot type, not ambitions- Improved DoW warning texts- Changed the initial succession laws of the Spanish kingdoms to Gavelkind- Gave the Victual Brothers their ships back- Bohemund of Taranto is no longer a bastard- Fixed a bug where a dead husband of a newly pregnant wife would not count as a husband- The conduct diplomacy button is now hidden for dead characters- Fixed some issues with the "elector titles held" penalty in empires- The Hordes lose the Tribal invasion CB if they go Christian- Fixed a bug with the 'is_mercenary' trigger- Gave Pisa some starting buildings in 1066- Tweaked the Holy Order levy composition- Adjusted the map so that the Duchy of Tyrol is no longer split in two- The Kingdom of Byzantium can no longer be created
再也不能创建拜占庭王国了。- Vassal mercs now cost half maintenance- The Kill Spouse plot decisions are now less likely to actually succeed
杀老公/老婆没那么容易成功了(密谋刷子再见)。- Open succession law (the Muslim default) now makes succession crisis revolts much more likely
开放继承制(穆斯林默认)现在更容易引发继承危机了。- You are now allowed to usurp titles from other vassals within the same realm if you have a claim on the title- Fixed a bug with the tooltip for the 'has_objective' trigger- Fixed some issues with some male hair styles being invalidated when they should not be- Mercenary captains should now wear helmets again
- You no longer get Piety from handing out the same title to the Church multiple times- You no longer get Piety from handing out duchies and above to clergy- The Piety from giving a county to the Church is now 50 (down from 100)
给教堂一个伯爵领现在只能拿到50虔诚了(之前是100)- Boosted the arrival strength of the Timurids- Uncles and aunts are now also valid successors in elective monarchies
在选举继承制中,叔伯姑们也是有效的继承人了- Removed the warning text and special AI acceptance rulers when marrying a member of the _same_ dynasty matrilineally- Fixed a bug with Fertility set from modifiers- Holdings under construction should now also correctly benefit from councillor jobs- Fixed an issue with historical settlements not being cleared entirely correctly on save game load- Fixed a bug with certain event target trigger tooltips- Added a tooltip to the "character" trigger- Corrected some title adjectives- Fixed a bug with the 'claimed_by' trigger tooltip- Fixed a mismatch between potential revolters in the alert and in the Intrigue View- Mercs of the same culture group as you can now always be hired, no matter the distance to your capital- Lieges of dead characters are now saved and shown- The decision to repent (getting your excommunication lifted) now gives the correct opinion modifier, making the character immune to a new excommunication for 10 years- Fixed a bug where successors could be temporarily disinherited when Temple holdings were assigned a new holder- Fixed multiple issues with the law change plotsFOR MODDERS:- The line "nudge_allowed=yes" in "settings.txt" will turn on the in-game map positioning editor (there is a button called "Nudge" in the starting screen.)- The de jure liege of titles can now be changed through events and scripted history ("de_jure_liege")- You now see all plots in "observe" mode- Exported MAX_GENERATED_TRAITS_FOR_HISTORICAL to defines (controls the maximum number of random traits that are generated for historical scripted characters)- Added a 'destroy_landed_title' event effect- Added a 'give_minor_title' effect- Added trigger 'holding_type'- Exported some merc and holy order hire cost factors to defines- Mercenary companies can now be scripted with a "strength_growth_per_century" value (in landed_titles.txt)- The Legalism effects on demesne size is exported to "defines.lua"- Added plot type 'realm_titles'- Added trigger 'held_title_rating = [num/target]'- Event modifiers are now read from multiple files- Cut the non-functional trigger 'num_of_ports'- The trigger 'monthly_income' now actually works- Timed opinion modifiers with value 0 are now added, but not listed in tooltips (useful as a kind of flag in events.)- Added 'creation_effect' to character objectives- Exported DOW_AGGRESSION_FACTOR and REVOLT_AGGRESSION_FACTOR to defines- Added even 'custom_tooltip'
illegitimate bastards是不合法的私生子
You can now press the claims of female courtiers and vassals in wars if the target title does not have Agnatic succession 当你的目标国家没有采用仅限男性的继承法的时候,你可以帮女性廷臣和封臣夺取宣称领地。(感谢孟仲玄友情提供翻译支持)这句话其实应该这么翻译:如果目标国家没有男性继承人的话,你可以帮女性廷臣或封臣宣称该领地。
Vassal mercs now cost half maintenance附庸的雇佣军现在只需要一半的维护费了
Pfft......原本翻译是正确的ಠ_ಠ你这是所谓的“毁”人不倦么-_-|||我只有笑而不语. 英文党即是唯一的王道.
Fathers will now like their children a lot 孩子现在看起来更像他爹多一些...ಠ_ಠ意思是会喜欢孩子多一点...这难道就是传说中的机译?AI: Smarter about handing out titles AI在"分发"他们头衔的时候更聪明了哎,英文才是唯一的王道."- Changed "Ducal Claim" wars to "De Jure Claim". De Jure kings and emperors can now take counties in their de jure realm Ducal Claim类别的战争目前被叫做法理宣称。国王和皇帝们现在可以把法理领土内的伯爵领纳入其法理国度了- Portrait clothes are now uncoupled from ethnicity 角色肖像的服装现在和其种族关联更紧密了" - I do not even care to point out how wrong this is...just...no.
Vassals now only like succession laws in secondary kingdoms if they are de facto below it当从属关系叠加时,封臣现在只喜欢第二顺位上司的继承法~是不是这个意思?Gavelkind law in secondary kingdoms has no opinion effects unless the ruler has more than one holding there第一个词不认识~在第二顺位王国的XX法律不会有舆论影响除非这种法律在那里有超过一个的实行~啥意思?
Can now only repeat the same plot type, not ambitions可以重复同样的密谋,但不是野心形式~有点儿意思
You are now allowed to usurp titles from other vassals within the same realm if you have a claim on the title如果在相同的XX下你拥有某头衔的宣称权,你可以夺走别的继承人的头衔~啥叫“相同的领域”?而且继承人这里怎么是“头衔”?
好吧,确实。。没想到Agnatic succession 居然是男性继承法的意思。。。。想当然了。


